=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3070/paper05 |storemode=property |title=Emotion Recognition Through Physiological Sensors Uing Supervised Learning Reinforced with Facial Expressions |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3070/paper05.pdf |volume=Vol-3070 |authors=Sebastián González,Matias Alonso,Fernando Elkfury,Jorge Ierache }} ==Emotion Recognition Through Physiological Sensors Uing Supervised Learning Reinforced with Facial Expressions== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3070/paper05.pdf
       Emotion recognition through physiological sensors using
        supervised learning reinforced with facial expressions

            Sebastián González 12, Matias Alonso12, Fernando Elkfury12, Jorge Ierache123
                 1Instituto de Sistemas Inteligentes y Enseñanza Experimental de la Robótica.
                             ESIICA Universidad de Morón (1708) Morón Argentina.
      3Laboratorio de Sistemas Información Avanzados Universidad de Buenos Aires(C1063) Ciudad

                                    Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
                                 {sebastianlgonzalez, matialonso,

               Abstract. A great deal of information is transmitted through facial expressions,
               skin conductance and heart rate. One of the most interesting characteristics of
               these physiological values is that they contribute to the determination of
               emotions. This work objective is to predict the emotional state of a subject
               through heart rate, galvanic response and face capturing. The different steps of
               the development are described, the experimental results with several classifiers,
               the management and registration through a multimodal framework and the
               storage of the stimulus information (images and videos), face and physiological
               sensor data (skin conductance and heart rate) in a unified database, to be
               processed by supervised learning models, which will seek to predict arousal
               values. Ending with a predicted emotional profile for the test subject,
               representable in the arousal/valence plane for a given time.

               Keywords: Affective computing, heart rate, skin conductance, facial
               expressions, supervised learning.

      1        Introduction

      Not so many years ago, the inclusion of emotional processes in software and hardware
      design was purely utopian and, for some, certainly absurd. However, for some people
      like Rosalind Picard, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
      this field of research held the potential to be a great, hence the term affective computing
      arose in 1997 with the publication of her book “Affective Computing”. [1]. Picard [2]
      states that in order to design a device that can process information imitating the human
      mind, it must be endowed with both the ability to think and to feel. And for a machine
      to acquire these skills, it must have the ability to perceive a large set of stimuli that can
      come from the environment as well as from the subject with whom it interacts. A feature
      that today is not found in many everyday devices. Unimodal and multimodal solutions
      for eliciting emotions and their representation are presented considering dimensional
      and categorical approaches [3]. We are working with different combinations of

Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors.
Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
physiological parameters: EEG [4] [5], Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) [6] [7], HR [8],
Temperature, blood pressure or combinations of these [9] [10]. Skin conductance along
with parameters associated with heart rate prove to be indicators of tension or arousal.
While facial expressions are more effective valence values calculations. This work
objective is to predict the emotional state of a subject through heart rate, galvanic
response and face capturing. The developed model will receive, as input signal, data
from the selected biosignals from which the excitation/relaxation state will be inferred.
The performance of multiple supervised machine learning algorithms will be evaluated:
Support Vector Machines (SVM), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), Adaboost, Random
Forest (RF), and Random Forest (RF).Section two presents a dimensional approach and
introduces the stimulus dataset, section three presents a categorical approach for
emotion representation, section four presents the sensors used and the associated
emotions, section five presents the experimental design, section six details the face
capturing post processing and supervised learning, presenting results obtained using
several classifiers. Section seven presents the conclusions and future lines of research.

2      Dimensional approach - Image and videos database

The dimensional approach implies that affective states are distributed in a continuous
space which dimensional axes indicate the quantification of a feature [11]. One of the
most widely accepted models is James Russell's circumplex model [12], also known as
the Arousal-Valence model. This model is a two-dimensional one, with the axes being
Excitement, or Arousal, (relaxed vs. excited) and Valence, or Valence, (pleasure vs.
displeasure). In this model, emotions are located in a continuous space defined by two
axes: arousal and valence (see Fig. 1). From now on, we will refer to this model as the
Arousal-Valence model. The arousal axis measures the degree of activation (i.e., the
level of excitement or relaxation), while the valence axis measures the pleasantness
toward emotional experiences (from unpleasant to pleasant). Subsequently, a third axis
known as dominance, which indicates the control a person has over an emotion, was
also considered. For this work, the IAPS image set [13] was used, which is a collection
of more than 1000 photographs depicting objects, people, landscapes, and situations of
everyday human life. Each of these images has been evaluated by more than a hundred
people -men and women- in the affective dimensions of valence (level of liking/dislike
of the image), arousal or activation (level of activation/calmness provoked by the
image) and dominance (level of control of the subject over the image), using a
pictographic scale.
Fig. 1. A graphical representation of the circumplex model of affect with the horizontal axis
representing the valence dimension and the vertical axis representing the arousal or activation

   This classification by quadrant can be achieved thanks to the dataset that comes
included with the IAPS which, among other data, provides us with the arousal and
valence values linked to the images.
   Therefore, from our approach, we selected N of the most representative images from
each quadrant, to do this we rely on the arousal mean and valence mean values provided
by the IAPS dataset itself. Another source stimuli used was the Database of Emotional
Videos from Ottawa or DEVO [14] (Database of Emotional Videos from Ottawa). This
collection of emotional video clips can be used in a similar way to the IAPS images.
The Ottawa Emotional Video Database (DEVO) includes 291 short video clips drawn
from unfamiliar sources to reduce familiarity and avoid influencing participants'
emotional responses. The quadrant classification can be achieved thanks to the dataset
included with the DEVO which, among other data, provides us with the arousal and
valence values linked to the image. Video (DEVO) and image (IAPS) stimuli were
selected, following a similar pattern, so that the stimuli shown per phase try to lead the
subject to the same emotional quadrant. In this way, their biometric values can be
measured on the same emotional set. This selection was made according to the arousal
and valence values of the stimuli, so we can evaluate the received stimulus by
comparing it with a Self-Assessment Manikin survey (see fig. 2. SAM) completed by
the subject after receiving the stimulus.
    Fig. 2. SAM                                                                survey (Self-
    Assessment                                                                   Manikin)

3      Categorical approach - Microsoft Face Cognitive

As explained in [15] the categorical approach was initially developed by psychologist
Paul Ekman, who claimed that there was a set of six basic and universal emotions that
are not determined by cultures. This set is composed of joy, fear, sadness, anger,
disgust, and surprise. For face emotion recognition we will use the "Face" service
offered by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services. [16] This service is capable of infer the
following emotions: anger/anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and
surprise from a static image provided. The Face service can perform emotion detection
on a facial expression. However, it worth noting that facial expressions alone do not
necessarily represent the internal states of people. Therefore, it will be added to the
conductance and heart rate measurements as another factor in the interpretation of
emotional state. The interface to communicate with this service (Face) will have the
following structure:
   Example response in JSON format of a Microsoft "Face" API request for photo Fig.

       Fig. 3. Image sent to Face for emotional recognition and its associated response.

   In which, each of the emotions will have a decimal value associated with the
weighting of that emotion according to the image provided. Being the emotion with the
highest value the dominant one.
4      Sensors and associated emotions

In this study, two types of biometric parameters will be taken into account. On the one
hand, parameters associated with heart rate and on the other hand, skin conductance
will be considered. The information concerning heart rate makes it possible to evaluate
the changes that take place between cardiac cycles. Heart rate variability (HRV)
measures how close or spaced one heartbeat is to the other. A large HRV implies that
the beats are closely spaced, which is interpreted as a low heart rate or low arousal
(activation of the parasympathetic nervous system). In contrary, a low HRV implies
that the beats are close together, which is interpreted as a high heart rate or high arousal
(sympathetic nervous system activation). During episodes of stress or emergency
situations, the sympathetic system is activated resulting in fight or escape responses,
including increased heart rate, causing heart rate variability. [17]. On the other hand,
skin conductance depends on the activity of the skin sweat glands and reacts to the
slightest, almost imperceptible changes in hand sweating. The stronger the activity of
the sweat glands, the moister the skin becomes and the better the current is conducted.
As a result, capillary conductance increases. The conductance is measured in
microsiemens. The activity of the sweat glands in the skin is determined by the
vegetative nervous system, which consists, in part, of the sympathetic and
parasympathetic systems. The skin sweat glands are activated by the sympathetic, so it
is a good indicator of internal tension. The sympathetic nervous system is activated
after exposure to stress, mental activity, emotional arousal or a fright and prepares the
body to act in borderline situations increasing conductance, pulse, blood pressure and
blood glucose level to have an instant source of energy and a boost in attention. [18]

5      Experiments design and results

The objective of this work is to predict the emotional state of a subject from a set of
parameters obtained from various sources, including heart rate, galvanic response, and
face capturing. To achieve this goal, we rely on a multimodal framework [19], a series
of tests were designed in order to generate the necessary data to build a model as
accurate as possible. These tests consist of inducing in the subject the different
emotional states associated with each of the four quadrants of the arousal-valence plane,
using Image (IAPS) and Video (DEVO) stimuli. While the subject is exposed to several
stimuli, the data obtained from the various sources are persisted through the framework
for further analysis and processing. Finally, a percentage of the data obtained will be
used as test data for the system. This data set will be used to induce the emotional state
and will not be used as training data. Six test subjects participated in the
experimentation with an extension between six and nine minutes each, initially totaling
nine sessions, with an average of 495 records per test. As can be seen in Fig. 4a, these
stimuli are presented to the test subject in a planned and organized manner,
simultaneously recording data from the heart rate sensor (eSense Pulse) [20] , and from
the sensor conductance sensor (eSense Skin) [21] , in addition to the constant capture
of the face image, to then send a set of particular images to the Cognitive Services
service of Microsoft (Face), also capturing the image of the screen with which the test
subject interacts, the latter has the stimulus that the person is perceiving at that moment.
These data will be dumped into a centralized database in order to later be able to exploit
and analyze them. The test is made up of a total of five steps from the time the test
subject gets ready with all the sensors, up to the session results presentation in a set of
dynamic graphs. These tests consist of:
First step – Connectivity: This consists of connecting the sensors to the test subject and
verifying the connection of the sensors. In addition, a general introduction to the test is
Step Two – Initial SAM: In order to observe and consider the test subject's current
emotional state, prior to the activity, the test subject fills a SAM (neutral without
stimuli) survey where he/she can indicate on a scale of 1 to 9 his/her state of arousal
and valence.
Step three - Stimulus(s) (per quadrant): A set of ten IAPS images and 5 DEVO videos
were selected for each of the four quadrants of the arousal/valence plane. In the
selection of images and videos from each set, the density of the arousal-valence values
associated with them was taken into account, thus forming each set of images and
videos with the most recurrent excitation-valence values for each one. The person is
subjected to the image’s projection for a period of 3 seconds per image and
approximately 5 seconds per video.
Step four - SAM (per quadrant): At the end of each projection, the subject will be asked
to answer a SAM survey. The objective of this phase is to verify that the intended
emotional state has been successfully inferred. Fig 4b represents graphically what was
explained during phase 3 and 4.

                   Fig. 4a. Conceptual system model. Fig.4b Test process.

Step 5 - Data Consolidation and Synchronization: As seen in Fig. 5, once the test is
completed, the data in the open text format, comma separated values (CSV) from both
sensors are taken and placed in a predetermined location within the project path. To
then extract the data from each file and persist them in the unified database in order to
have a single, integrated data source with the values of the different sensors. Each set
of data obtained from the sensors (heart rate and conductance) comes with a set of
standardized data, both of which contain the TIMESTAMP value, that indicates the
time when the pulse or conductance measurement was obtained. In addition, each
stimulus, SAM survey and other events are recorded with a time stamp from the
computer's system schedule, so that all data (both event and sensor data) can be dumped
into the same timeline and related.
   Once finished, the data post-processing phase begins. As seen in Figure 5, this stage
can be divided in two: generation of the dataset and its exploitation. the generation of
the dataset includes the processing of face captures and the generation of dataset for
data mining.

                    Fig. 5. Graph representing the last phases of the test.

   Once the subject's test is finished, we will try to obtain the face’s emotional features
obtained during the test. The captures are sent to Microsoft's "Face" service. This
service uses a categorical emotional model for classification, thus obtaining "discrete"
emotions. In order to analyze the emotions of the face, the categorical values provided
by the service must be converted to dimensional values. To perform this conversion,
the study carried by FaceReader [22] was taken as a reference, in which, from the
analysis of a face image, a valence value is inferred by subtracting the predominant
negative emotion from the measured value of happiness, resulting in a value belonging
to the interval [-1; 1]. The FaceReader calculation does not provide arousal values for
static figures (images), therefore, only the valence value will be considered and
associated to the arousal value provided by the supervised learning model based on
heart rate and skin conductance values.
   Unlike FaceReader, where each of the emotions has independent values, i.e., the sum
of them can exceed the value of 100%, the "Face" service implemented in the current
work provides percentage values for each of the emotions, making the sum of all of
them 100%. As the service does not provide independent values for each negative
emotion, each of them must be considered, replacing the predominant negative emotion
(value used by FaceReader) by the sum of all negative emotions obtained.

                        Joy - Σ (negative emotions) = valence                          (1)

Considering as "negative emotions": sadness, anger, fear and disgust.

   Once the sensor data is stored in the database, a process begins immediately to
generate a new CSV text file that links the heart rate sensor, skin conductance sensor
and recorded events (face and stimulus image capture) records via the timeline, this file
will then be used for the supervised learning functionality. Such file will consist of a
table with the following columns; TimeStamp, HR (heart rate), RR (time between
beats), HRV (heart rate variability), MicroSiemens (conductance), SCR (conductance
responses), SCR_MIN (conductance responses per minute), ArousalMean (average
arousal), ValenceMean (average valence), ArousalSD (excitation standard deviation),
ValenceSD (valence standard deviation), PhaseName (phase name), MatchesSam
(Value indicating whether the SAM survey matches the presenting quadrant).
   The arousal/valence value, from that table, will be taken from the average value
published in the dataset corresponding to the stimulus ID that was displayed at that
time. Once this process is completed, before the data is exploited by the supervised
learning process, we checked if the SAM responses provided by the test subject are
consistent (quadrant relevance) with the values provided by the stimuli, for example if
the resulting quadrant was HA_PV (High Arousal - Positive Valence) it corresponds to
the values completed in the SAM survey. If it does not match the expected one, the
MatchesSam column is marked with the value false, so that it is not considered in the
supervised learning process. Once this process is finished, these data will be analyzed
by the supervised learning model, which is detailed below. In the supervised learingn
process we applied different algorithms KNN, Random Forest, SVM (RBF) , SVM
(POLY) were applied in order to classify the test subject’s arousal level by using
supervised learning in order to obtain the arousal value of the subject during the test,
more specifically, if it had a high or low arousal. The high arousal value will be assigned
the value 1 and the low arousal the value 0, we consider a high arousal if it is higher
than 5, on a scale of values ranging from 1 to 9 (9 being the maximum arousal). The
supervised learning process, which takes place after the CSV of the previous point has
been generated, consists of three well marked.
Step 1 - Construction of the training dataset: the first, in which the CSV data is
subjected to a standardization process, which rescales the data (all measurements are
now in the same interval and with the same standard deviation) in order to better detect
variations and help the classifier algorithm not to lose accuracy due to the diversity of
the numerical values of each record of the generated dataset.
   The "Aroused" column is added to the already known columns, whose purpose is to
identify for each given measurement whether the subject was aroused (1) or not (0),
thus facilitating the training of the classifier model. The value (1) is assigned to a
measurement if the average arousal value belonging to the stimulus that was being
presented at that moment is greater than or equal to 5 and the value (0) if it is less. In
order for the model to consider the variations of values as temporal slopes in its training,
the values of the HR, HRV and Microsiemens measurements of the four measurements
immediately preceding in time (t-1, t-2, t-3 and t-4) are added to each of the records in
Table 3. Giving the training dataset the final format represented in Table 1. Finally, this
dataset will be persisted in a CSV file "1_standarized_biometrics.csv".

                          Table 1. standardized data consolidation
Step 2 - Model creation: the second step consists of iterating the dataset obtained in the
previous step through all the classification algorithms that apply to the use case of the
dataset and have a model created for each selected classifier, this process is carried out
in the file. Each model will give us its respective performance values at the time of
being created, in table 4 we can see the summation of these metrics for each classifier.
   Looking at Table 2, the models with the best Accuracy / F1-Score / Cross Validation
Avg Accuracy ratio are: KNN Default, Random Forest - Grid Search and Adaboost.
These models score an average Accuracy in cross validation higher than 65%. KNN
and Random Forest had an average F1-Score higher than 50%, which is acceptable, but
indicates that the model still has opportunities for improvement in terms of false
positive and false negative detection. In the case of Adaboost, the scores were about a
45%, which means that this algorithm was discarded from the evaluation, Random
Forest produced better results with the test data and KNN for train data. However, KNN
proved to be more efficient when making predictions with test datasets, which is why
it was the model selected to continue the research.
                                                            F1-Score          CV (Avg)
                                                       0                1     Accuracy

                              Train      0,87        0,85              0,89     0,61
                              Test       0,57        0,47              0,64     0,66
                              Train      0,83        0,79              0,85     0,61
                              Test       0,56        0,46              0,63     0,67

                              Train      1,00          1                1       0,59
                              Test       0,56        0,44              0,63     0,65
                              Train      0,70        0,64              0,75     0,60
                              Test       0,64        0,53              0,71     0,65

                              Train      0,57          0               0,73     0,54
                              Test       0,61          0               0,76     0,66
                              Train      0,99        0,99               1       0,56
                              Test       0,55        0,43              0,63     0,62

                              Train      0,62         0,3              0,74     0,55
                              Test       0,58        0,09              0,73     0,66
  SVM (Poly)
                              Train      0,82         0,8              0,8      0,54
                              Test       0,47        0,43              0,63     0,57

                              Train      0,76        0,71              0,79     0,57
   Adaboost      Default
                              Test       0,58        0,45              0,45     0,69

                                 Table 2. Main metrics summary.

Step 3 - Prediction: In the last step of supervised learning, we proceed to perform the
prediction of the arousal level of a subject. We take the selected model (in our case,
KNN) and feed it with the data of the test session on which we want to perform the
prediction. As output of this procedure, a CSV file is obtained, as shown in Table 5,
which contains each measurement belonging to the test session associated to the
expected (Arousal column) and predicted (Arousal predicted column) arousal level.
   Once the test and the supervised learning process have been completed, it will be
possible to visualize all the data that composed the test. A graph summarizing the
prediction results is presented. Fig. 6 shows how the prediction output can be easily
assigned to a timeline. In the first graph (top) we can see the training values, i.e., what
the system is expected to predict, in the second (middle) the values predicted by the
system and finally, in the third graph (bottom) we can see both graphs superposed
(predicted vs. expected). The “y” variable of this graph refers to the predicted arousal
level (0 / 1) and the “x” variable to each time instant associated to the measurements
performed in the test session. Thanks to the superposition we can easily identify when
the prediction matches with the expected value.

            Fig. 6. Prediction of subject arousal in a test session (accuracy=75%).

   Once the prediction of arousal through the supervised learning model and of valence
from the Face service with selected images (according to their emotional state variation)
has been performed, it will be possible to compose a visualization that presents the data
of both predictions associated to the same timeline (Fig. 7), thus providing, for some
time intervals, a complete prediction of the emotional profile applicable to the
dimensional approach (arousal-valence plane).

      Fig. 7. Excitation Prediction (by classifier) and Valencia Prediction (by API Face)

Of the two graphs shown in Fig. 7, the first (top) shows the arousal value predicted by
the algorithm (0 / 1); this is the same graph that can be seen in Fig. 6. The second graph
(bottom) refers to the valence predicted by the Microsoft Face service based on the
captures of the test subject's face. This valence level is represented in the interval [-
1;1]. Each bar is associated with a photograph taken at the time instant associated with
the X-axis at the point where the center of the bar is located, and its height indicates the
predicted valence value belonging to the face capture taken at that instant. One more
point to take into consideration is that although the face captures are taken continuously
at one-second intervals, only some of them are sent to the emotional prediction service
when the subject shows a non-neutral expression on his face.

   Fig. 8 shows, in the form of diamonds, the excitation and valence values of the
stimuli presented at the times of the predictions. That is, what the system is expected to
predict. As a circle, the three complete predictions (i.e., both excitation and valence
values) given by the system. In the form of a square (colored orange) the SAM survey
corresponding to the stimulus phase and at the bottom a table with all the traceability
of the data obtained. This table shows for each prediction: the time stamp, the Stimulus
Phase that was being presented at that moment, the meta-data of the stimulus presented
(id and associated values), the predicted values and the prediction values are re-scaled
to a scale of 1 to 9, the physiological values measured at that instant, the face capture
taken at that instant and a value indicating whether the prediction was correct or not.

               Fig. 8. Excitation and predicted valence in dimensional model.

   As seen in the graph there are three pairs of diamonds (stimuli) and circles grouped
by color (predictions), in the three cases both are located in the same quadrant, so we
can say that the prediction of the emotional quadrant is consistent with the expected
values (based on the stimuli presented), as well as the answer to the SAM survey of the
test subject (represented by a square).
6       Conclusions and future lines of work

For this research, an emotional recognition framework [19] has been used as a basis,
features have been added to provide greater multimodal recognition capabilities. By
adding sensors that allow obtaining physiological information from people, it has been
possible to include in the framework, information regarding heart rate, skin
conductance and emotion recognition through facial expressions. Through multiple
experiences with different participants, a basal data set was obtained in order to train
the supervised machine learning model, with the ability to infer the state and arousal
value of the test subject. As first approach to supervised learning, classifiers generated
by algorithms such as adaboost, KNN, random-forest and SVM have been trained,
obtaining results with accuracies between 65% and 80% regarding a binary
classification of the arousal level of a person, being KNN the classifier with the best
results. On the other hand, valence values were added at arbitrary time instants,
measured from captures of the participants' faces through Microsoft's "Face" service,
complementing the prediction and obtaining a result increasingly aligned to Russel's
circumflex model, being able to represent both dimensions of the arousal/valence plane
proposed in that model. Regarding future lines of work, it is contemplated to explore
other algorithms for the supervised learning engine, with a larger number of samples in
order to be able to use a Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) classifier, which
specializes in datasets larger than one hundred thousand samples. Improve the selection
process of face images based on the emotional variation, inferred by a proprietary
classifier that uses logistic regression [23]. This will allow to have a continuous valence
value, to associate each prediction of arousal to a valence level, achieving a completely
two-dimensional result, where each time instant has a continuous representable value
in the arousal/valence plane. Future lines of research are oriented to the multimodal
integration with classifier models of other Excitation and Valence data associated to
EEG, and Voice.


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