=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3070/paper06 |storemode=property |title=Development of an Instrument to Measure Emotional Responses |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3070/paper06.pdf |volume=Vol-3070 |authors=Alexander Rozo-Torres,Elizabeth Garzón-Morales,Wilson J. Sarmiento }} ==Development of an Instrument to Measure Emotional Responses== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3070/paper06.pdf
       Development of an instrument to measure emotional
                responses. Work in progress.

                         Alexander Rozo-Torres[0000−0001−9343−2264], Elizabeth
                         Garzón-Morales [0000−0003−2127−5575] and Wilson J.
                                  Sarmiento [0000−0001−7903−8316]

          Abstract. This work shows preliminary results of the design process of a
          questionnaire that provides an instrument to evaluate the emotional reaction by
          users’ self-report. The proposal involves 13 pairs of verbal concepts and their
          non-verbal representation, including hedonic and pragmatic valuations and
          affective responses in the three-emotional dimensional model. i.e., pleasure,
          arousal, and dominance. The preliminary proposal results from conceptual
          validation of a selected set of instruments in state-of-the-art and users validation
          of non-verbal representation.

          Keywords: Emotional response, Emotional evaluation, Emotional Design

1 Introduction

Interactive objects and systems aim to provide a service, a functionality, that must be
communicated through the components that define it. However, more than being a
product with which you can interact, users look for experiences to satisfy their
necessities. In this way, users’ experiences and emotions had been consolidated as an
essential part of interactive technologies’ design and assessment process in last years
involved fields of study within psychology and human social aspect [14, 4].
   Emotional design is a field of design focused on this topic; according to Donald
Norman, thus, the emotional design seeks to generate appropriate responses to the
stimuli of a product [14]. Recognizing that the design of an object can evoke emotions
includes determining the emotional response that a person experiences when interacting
with them. Therefore, several authors have developed a series of emotional
measurement instruments to assess the emotional responses caused by an object, most
of which users self-report. However, these instruments have a limitation, some caused
by emotional model assumed, languages dependence of concepts interpretation, and
extension of the questionnaire. This paper, looking for a contribution of this problem,
shows a work in progress that seeks to propose an instrument that involves both verbal
and graphic representation of concepts; this is results from validation and integration
of well-known instruments.
   The rest of this paper is organized as follows; the section 2 presents selected works
that support the development of the proposed questionnaire. Section 3 describes the
proposal for the construction of the ideal instrument as an emotional measuring

Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors.
Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
instrument that provides an evaluation of interfaces that generate an emotional
connection with people directly related to the information presented and with those who
interact. Emphasis is placed on measuring emotions to generate a social impact through
the emotional connection that an interface generates, engaging the senses of the human
being. Section 3.3 presents the evaluation process with users to obtain the visual
perception of a series of images on a term and detect which are the most appropriate
images for the construction of the instrument. Finally, in section 4 the possible
applications of evaluation as a measurement instrument and future work are discussed.

2 Related Work

Emotional experiences with objects arise from a sensory action (seeing, hearing,
feeling, tasting, or smelling) [14]. Emotional design comprehends the sensory
experience and the reactions caused by an object, creating a connection with the person.
Donald Norman describes emotional design on three levels. The first is the visceral
level, a natural reaction elicited by the appearances of an object. The second is the
behavioral level, based on the use and experience of interacting with the object. The
third is the reflective level, a rational and intellectual phase that includes the
interpretation of meanings, memories, and experiences [14].
   Other authors such as Patrick Jordan [9] and Aarron Walter [20] describe the
emotional design as a scale of needs according to the user and the object, where the
highest level is a pleasure. In a previous work of the authors (in review), a convergence
between the concept of Norman, Jordan, and Walter was interpreted into four elements
that revolve around emotional design focused on generating emotions evoked by an
object. The first element is the object’s information, according to its context and the
reason it was created. The second is the appeal, object appearance, and interest. At the
same time, the third is related to the interpretation that a person is based on previous
experience with the same object or similarities. Finally, the last element is the emotions
related to the object and the memories of a person.
   The latter being the most used (about 84% of the studies) according to the authors
Camila Loiola and Elizabeth Sucupira in their studies on user experience evaluation
instruments [13]. Most of the instruments mentioned in the study focus on the use of
the product and not on the user experience, which generates the needed to propose tools
that allow the evaluation of the user experience in real-time, gathering relevant
information of the experience without long-term loss.
   The evaluation of the emotional reaction of a user may carry out according to the
subjective perception of uses or an observer, or objective-based in physiological user’s
responses [19, 7]. Various emotional evaluations can be categorized by measuring
emotions in discrete, dimensional emotional models or physiological signals. The
discrete model proposed by Ekman defining universal emotions (happiness, sadness,
surprise, fear, anger, and disgust) [7], and some instruments built to measure this set of
emotions represented on Likert scales, graphics, or animated characters. An example is
Product Emotional (PrEmo), a non-verbal method to identify emotional responses with
a graphic representation of an animated character that expresses 7 negative and 7
positive emotions caused by stimulation [5, 12].
   On the other hand, the dimensional model proposes a classification of emotions by
characteristics such as valence or pleasure, activation or arousal, and dominance. It is a
model that welcomes various emotions without labeling them as in Ekman’s model.
One of the instruments that evaluate emotions verbally in this model is the Standardized
Emotional Profile (SEP) [11], which implies emotional three-dimensionality in 27
elements grouped in 9 indices: faith, affection, gratitude, interest, activation,
emergence, sadness, fear and skepticism, using a semantic differential that goes from
“very” to “not at all” for each element [11]. Another example is the Mehrabian and
Russell semantic differential, with a set of 18 pairs of bipolar adjectives graded along
a 9-point Likert scale to measure three-dimensionality.
   There are other non-verbal approaches to measuring emotions, such as the Affect
Grid, being a self-report scale designed to measure pleasure and arousal according to
the distribution on a grid [15]. Another example is the Emotional Cards (EmoCards),
representing 16 faces in cartoons with 8 different emotional expressions (8 male and
eight female faces) depending on the dimensions of liking and arousal [6]. The Self-
Assessment Manikin (SAM) is also found as an instrument that measures pleasure
(happy-unhappy), arousal (excited-calm) and dominance (controlled-in control) of a
person through a graphic scale for each dimension [2]. Similar to the Affective Slider,
being a digital instrument composed of two sliders that measure arousal and pleasure,
replacing the graphics with emojis that represents an emotional state for each dimension
as an alternative to SAM [1]. Other measurement instruments use discrete emotion
families aligned in a two-dimensional circle, such as the Geneva Emotion Wheel
(GEW), measuring the control and pleasure of emotional reaction [18].
   Another instrument is the Anticipated eXperience Evaluation (AXE), which
proposes a method of experiential evaluation of the first concepts of products with users
[8]. AXE is a qualitative verbal and non-verbal method that assesses the initial
perception of future users regarding the experience of the concept of a product through
pairs of images separated by a scale [8]. The terms that can be measured, in addition to
perception, are the function, emotional activation, the evocation of meanings, and the
aesthetics of an object through an interview that has questions related to different
   The User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) is a verbal tool for the quick and direct
measurement of user experiences of an interactive product. It is a semantic differential
composed of 26 pairs of items (positive and negative) grouped into 6 scales:
attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, and novelty, rated by
a 7-point Likert scale. However, this questionnaire using the scale of attractiveness, a
pure term valence dimension, to capture the general impression of a user [16]. A short
version of the UEQ questionnaire (UEQ-S) is built to adapt to environments that require
rapid measurement. This version reduces the 26 item pairs in 8 pairs, making the user
response time faster, focusing on the measurement of pragmatic and hedonic quality as
an overall value of the user experience [17]. Similarly, Chin et al. [3] proposed
Questionnaire for User Interfaces Satisfaction (QUIS), a semantic differential
questionnaire of 27 rating scales with a scale of points from 0 to 9, grouped into 5
categories: general reactions to the system, screen, terminology and system
information, learning and system capabilities [3].
3 Questionnaire design process

3.1 Defining verbal concepts

In order to define a suitable set of concepts that allow a complete evaluation of the
emotional responses of users, we conduct a process of comparison, reduction and match
of the concepts involved in instruments of state of the art. The first step was a
comparison of 10 emotional measurement instruments (QUIS [3], UEQ [16], UEQ-S
[17], SEP [11], AttrakDiff [10], AXE [8], Emo-Cards [6], GEW [18], AffectGrid [15],
SAM [2]). This set was compiled using a literature review that included self-report
instruments, excluding those based on a discrete set emotional model to basic emotions.
All theoretical assessment concepts from the instruments were paired into similar
concepts and synonym reduction; the result is a set of eight categories, i.e., 1)
perception, 2) functionality 3) pleasure, 4) arousal, 5) mastery, 6) meaning, 7) curiosity,
and 8) aesthetics. The first term is a person’s perception and impression of the general
characteristics of an object. The second is the object’s functionality to tell stories, over
and above being artistic, collectible or other similar objects, is a tool to convey
messages. The next terms are the three main dimensions of emotion in the PAD model:
pleasure, refreshment, and mastery. The sixth term is the meaning that a person can
understand based on the given context of the object. The seventh is the curiosity a
person has when exploring or immersing themselves in the object’s content. The last
term, aesthetic, is when an object is understood as attractive based on its appearance.

Fig. 1. Conceptual cross-comparison between the set of the 8 terms found and the four elements
of the emotional design and three levels of emotional.

   Afterward, the process required a conceptual cross-comparison between the set of
the 8 terms and the four elements of the emotional design and three levels of emotional
design. Figure 1 shows this conceptual cross-comparison; in the columns are the 8 terms
found, and gray circles highlight conceptual matches.
Fig. 2. Conceptual cross-comparison of emotional measuring instruments. This procedure has
the assumption that Figure 1 is an ideal template.

   A similar comparison was performed involving the main measuring instruments
identified in the state-of-the-art review. This comparison of the instruments is presented
in Figure 2, which shows in the rows the four elements of the emotional design and
three levels of emotional design in rows. Each instrument is represented as a set of 8
columns (set of the terms found), where the colored region shows compliance. It is
necessary clearly that this procedure has the assumption that Figure 1 is an ideal

Table 1. Proposed concepts pair terms.

                                 Obstructive    – Supportive
                               Complicated      – Easy
                                  Inefficient   – Efficient
                                  Confusing     – Clear
                                      Boring    – Exciting
                              Not Interesting   – Interesting
                               Conventional     – Inventive
                                       Usual    – Leading edge
                                    Pleasure    – Unpleasure
                                    Exciting    – Calm
                                  Controlled    – Uncontrolled
                                    Relevant    – Inopportune
                                Sympathetic     – Unfriendly

   The conceptual cross-comparison process allowed identify a subset of ideal
measuring instruments composed by UEQ-S, SAM and AXE. UEQ-S is a short 8-item
questionnaire with a 7-point scale for environments that require rapid user experience
measurement by measuring hedonic and pragmatic quality based on functionality,
satisfaction, curiosity, and aesthetics. SAM compiles graphically the representation of
the three emotional dimensions evaluating pleasure, arousal and dominance. AXE
evaluates user experience from a graphic and verbal representation through pairs of
images according to their categories, such as perception and meanings. Subsequently
was necessary to mix and reduce the concepts that these instruments consider, which
got a final set of 13 pairs of concepts proposed, which are presented in the table 1.

Fig. 3. Results of the questionnaire allowed identifying the better image that represents the verbal
concept. From top to bottom is the most voted option. The circled in gray represent the group of
images with the least amount of selection by subjects.

3.2 Seeking no-verbal representations

Once defined the set of verbal concepts, it was necessary, searching for images that
represent them. Then, a search of 8 images for each concept was performed on the
Creative Commons and iStock open-access search engine.As inclusion criteria for this
choice were made from the first images out, using as exclusion criteria those that were
not related to the definition or were linked to medical concepts, state or political
institutions. In order to evaluate image interpretation with meaning correspondence, we
planed a two-level validation. In the first level, a questionnaire was constructed where
subjects must mark the image that better represents the meaning according to which
Royal Spanish Academy. A summary of the results of the questionnaire is presented in
Figure 3 with 19 subjects’ responses that selected the image that best matches the term.
Most respondents opted for an image, causing 21 of the terms to be represented by one
of the images. However, the percentage difference for some images is very similar. The
percentages with the least amount of selection were circled in gray.
   The second level of validation was an assessment to identify the degree of agreement
and disagreement of the previous image choices using a 5 -point Likert scale. In this
way, a second questionnaire allowed verifying that the image corresponds satisfactorily
and represents the meaning of each concept.

Fig. 4. Results of the questionnaire validate the degree of approval of previously image choice,
where 1 is strongly disagreed, and 5 is strongly agreed.

  The figure 4 shows the results at correspond to the responses obtained for each
concept after applying the questionnaire to a new group of 21 subjects. It is possible to
assert that most concepts observed a desirable level of approval, which is an approval
between 3 and 5. However, some concepts had answered with approach levels less than
3 but up 2. Only a concept, “relevant”, had an approval less of 2.

3.3 Preliminar questionary approach

The end-stage of the process was to create a graphical representation of a pair of
concepts with two images, one by the opposed concept. The graphical representation
was inspired by the images chosen and validated.

Fig. 5. Preview of our proposal instrument that involves both verbal and graphic representation
of concepts to evaluate. It is possible see two of the pairs of concepts of our proposal, i.e.,
“complicated” - “easy” and “conventional” - “inventive”.

   Remember that this is a work in progress, Figure 5 presents the graphical form of
two of the pairs of concepts of our proposal, i.e., “complicated” - “easy” and
“conventional” - “inventive”. It is possible to see a preview of our proposal: an
instrument that involves both verbal and graphic representation of concepts to evaluate,
that takes main characteristics of the emotional design and is a result of comparison and
match of the concepts involved in instruments of state of the art.

4 Conclusions and future work

This paper presents a work in progress that aims to proposes an instrument to evaluate
the emotional users’ responses. The preliminary results are a set of 13 pairs of concepts
to evaluate and a draft of the instrument to include only two evaluation concepts.
   This paper describes the process, which starts with a state of rhe art review and a
conceptual cross-comparison with three levels of emotional design and four elements
of the emotional design defined by authors in previous work (in review). The process
also includes searching images to represent the pairs of and validate these images by
two level subjective questionnaires.
   A preview of our proposal was presented, including the graphical representation of
two pairs of concepts, which showed both verbal and graphic representation in a further
evaluation instrument.
   Although the proposed instrument is a mixed combination of other instruments, it
can be applied and adapted to a wide range of physical and digital interfaces to perform
an emotional and experiential evaluation. The results of this evaluation process will
help make data-driven instrument design and construction decisions. Future work
includes a final version of the instrument with user expert validation and its application
in a case study in various areas involving users.

Acknowledgments. This work is a result of the research project INV-ING-3192 funded
by the Office of the Dean of Research of Militar Nueva Granada University and
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá (execution period 2020).


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