=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3070/short03 |storemode=property |title=Research Proposal: Integration of EEG and Oculometry Methods for External Cognitive Load Assessment in Graphical User Interfaces |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3070/short03.pdf |volume=Vol-3070 |authors=Paula Andrea Cesarino Vargas,Luis Eduardo Bautista Rojas,María Fernanda Maradei García }} ==Research Proposal: Integration of EEG and Oculometry Methods for External Cognitive Load Assessment in Graphical User Interfaces== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3070/short03.pdf
                  Research proposal: integration of EEG and oculometry
            methods for external cognitive load assessment in graphical
                                                           user interfaces

     Paula Andrea Cesarino Vargas1, Luis Eduardo Bautista Rojas2, María Fernanda Maradei García3
         Industrial University of Santander
         Industrial University of Santander
         Industrial University of Santander
    Summary.Within the framework of the master's degree project in innovation and design, a
 research proposal is proposed that presents the integration of objective techniques to evaluate the
 cognitive load generated by the graphical user interface in an augmented reality environment, based
 on an experimental design unifactorial, cross-sectional, retrospective, at an explanatory level. This
 proposal is relevant as it will provide empirical evidence for the graphical user interface design
 process. It is expected, at the end of this project, to have a procedure manual for the evaluation of
 graphical user interfaces based on the level of external cognitive load.

 Keywords: GUI, Graphical user interface, External cognitive load, EEG, eye tracking, Augmente

     1. Introduction
 With the fourth industrial revolution, technologies such as augmented reality (AR) have been
 making headway in areas such as learning and skills training, given their ability to merge real and
 virtual objects in practice environments and the ability to provide information in time. real to
 apprentice (Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017). Several studies have shown that cognitive overload can be
 an important aspect of usability(Adams, 2007) and augmented environments are likely to be
 particularly sensitive to its effects.

 When a person is making use of an augmented environment, a series of cognitive processes are
 triggered directly linked to that activity. The level of cognitive load is an indicator that could be used
 to evaluate increased user-environment interaction. In the nineties, Sweller(Sweller, 1994)proposed
 the cognitive load theory (CLT), an instructional theory based on the knowledge of human cognitive
 architecture and focused directly on the limitations of working memory and the automation of long-
 term memory schemas. However, despite the fact that CLT is widely known from its scientific
 theory, its measurement for instructional materials (especially in multimedia teaching) is mainly
 based on indirect, subjective or both methods.(Brunken et al., 2010).
   This proposal focuses on the process of designing graphical user interfaces for augmented reality
 environments, specifically in the evaluation phase of design alternatives. Focused on defining a
 framework that allows the designer to objectively evaluate his interface from the level of extrinsic
 cognitive load generated by the visual stimulus. The foregoing, through a cross-technique approach
 of electroencephalography (EEG) and eye tracking, providing the designer with pertinent
 information for the redefinition of the interfaces.

     1.1 Formulation of the problem

     The Cognitive Load (CC) can be defined as the total amount of mental activity processed,
 consciously, at the moment in which the subject completes a task (Paas et al., 2003). However, not
 all CC is the same type; There are three classes: a) intrinsic, b) extrinsic, and c) Germanic. Intrinsic
 QC is related to the complexity of the task itself, depending on the conceptual difficulty of the
 material and the skill of the learner to develop it; the extrinsic CC is responsible for contaminating

Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors.
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       or saturating the information that is presented, thus affecting working memory; generally it relates
       to multimedia materials or interfaces. Finally, Germanic CC is directly related to learning and the
       processes of abstraction and information processing towards long-term memory.(Sweller, 1994).
          The measurement of external cognitive load continues to be a challenge, since this construct
       cannot be measured directly, but rather requires the evaluation of dimensions related to it, which
       are: mental load, mental effort and performance(Andrade-Lotero, 2012). Many augmented reality
       applications involve tasks that require the use of a large amount of cognitive resources and since
       users have limited them, if an evaluation is not carried out to verify that the graphical interface
       design does not impose an external cognitive load on the user high, technology could add more
       complexity and influence the learning process. However, conducting this assessment during
       augmented reality experiences is especially complex, since learners are exposed to a large amount
       of interaction.(Akçayir et al., 2016). An essential question in this study is whether there are valid,
       reliable and practical methods that can measure external cognitive load in augmented reality
          In the literature, two different approaches are generally found for such evaluation: a) requesting
       users to subjectively rate their perceived cognitive load or b) using objective measures, commonly
       physiological measures. In this proposal, an objective magnitude that is robust, continuously
       measurable and sensitive enough to solve the bad signal-to-noise ratio is sought.

           1.2 Justification

       As human-computer interaction (HCI) systems are becoming ubiquitous and used to perform critical
       tasks in different domains, the need to measure the cognitive load caused by a purpose-designed
       HCI system is becoming increasingly common. increasingly important in stages prior to
       implementation (Neville et al., 2005). Although HCI evaluation methods have also advanced with
       the evolution of systems and techniques, such as verbal reports, observations of task fulfillment,
       concurrent verbalization, questionnaires, etc., they are being used to evaluate interactive systems for
       their effectiveness and efficiency, however, there is still a shortage of methods that can directly
       measure the cognitive load caused by the system.
           Current tools have allowed us to measure cognitive load from a weighted analysis; An interesting
       observation is that although researchers are continually trying to find or develop secondary task and
       physiological measures, the internal consistency of these measures requires further study. Especially
       to determine the extrinsic cognitive load, referring to when the learner is interacting with a material
       or interface whose design or execution has irrelevant elements that hinder the processes of both
       construction and automation of schemes, which will allow the learning of complex concepts.

           2 Methodological framework
       To carry out the development of the project, a methodology based on the methodological approach
       of(Blessing & Chakrabarti, 2009)one of the popular models for design research; This method
       belongs to the field of research in design engineering and consists of 4 stages: definition of criteria,
       descriptive study I, prescriptive study and descriptive study II. Each of the objectives of the Design
       Throught Research (DTR) phase

       Table 1. Methodology for the fulfillment of the objectives related to the DTR methodology

Target                        Research level        Activities                  Method             Subject
Identify the variables that   Typical descriptive   Theoretical         project Context analysis   Cognitive load in
determine the level of                              framework                                      augmented reality
cognitive          activity                                                       Experimental     EEG
through      EEG       and                          Evaluation metrics analysis                    Oculometry
oculometry analysis
Assess cognitive load         Descriptive             Determine the level of Experimental          EEG
variables with respect to     correlational           reliability of the objective                 Oculometry
brain waves and eye                                   cognitive               load                 External cognitive
movement                                              measurement with respect                     load scale
                                                      to the subjective one
Evaluate the integration      Explanatory             To determine the level of Experimental       EEG
of the two techniques as      Descriptive        and reliability of the cognitive                  Oculometry
a tool for the objective      inferential statistical load measurement with a                      Cross technique
measurement of external       analysis from the multimodal               approach
cognitive load.               comparison of means. compared to the unimodal

   It is expected, at the end of the development of this research work, to have a procedure manual
that describes the activities related to the evaluation of external cognitive load of graphical user
interfaces applying crossed techniques; This manual will have a chronological narrative that
systematically requires data capture, a guide for the treatment of electroencephalographic signals
and a list of metrics that differentiate the levels of external cognitive load resulting from its interface,
in this way, the designer will be able to evaluate objectively its design alternatives for augmented
reality environments and obtain the necessary information for its redefinition, if required.
   The above, based on the case study for the evaluation of external cognitive load of a prototype
for learning and training activities in an augmented environment, which allows to demonstrate the
significant improvement of the evaluation of cognitive load of each of the techniques separately.
compared to the application of integrated techniques.

   2.1 Research design

This work is framed as an investigation through design, experimental, retrospective and cross-
sectional at an explanatory level. The hypothesis proposed by the researcher affirms that multimodal
approaches that combine data from different sensors improve the specific evaluation of external
cognitive load caused by the stimulus in graphical user interfaces.
   To confirm the previous hypothesis, the development of an experiment with a unifactorial design
is proposed, in order to verify the values for the estimation of cognitive load from the frequency,
voltage and amplitude of the waves. This information will be acquired with the EMOTIV EPOC +
device, which allows us to recognize the report of performance metrics of stress, commitment and
concentration. On the other hand, for the analysis of the percentage of pupil dilation, the SMI eye
tracking device (SMI Eye Tracking Glasses SMI ETG) will be used; with the aim of verifying the
information obtained in the literature and determining the level of reliability of the evaluation
methods with respect to a subjective scale.

Table 2. Scheme of the experiment

           Independent variable            Dependent variable              Controlled variables
        Augmented interface design      Extrinsic cognitive load       Training activity

         Number of treatments: 2        Range O1 - Related to EEG illumination
                                        Frequency, voltage and
         Treatment 1 (T1)               amplitude of brain waves
         Low level of interactivity
                                        O2 Range - Related to eye
         Treatment 2 (T2)               tracking
         High level of interactivity    Number of blinks
                                        Percentage of pupil dilation

   The test will be carried out in person in a closed room with controlled lighting. The protocol
begins with the explanation of the experiment, and the signing of the informed consent. The user is
directed to a hair washing area in order to meet biosafety parameters and at the same time to control
the humidity of the scalp that will facilitate subsequent data collection. Once the washing is done,
the subject is positioned in front of the guide marks to start with the calibration of the SMI glasses,
the user must follow the marks presented; Afterwards, the EPOC + electroencephalograph will be
positioned and through the EMOTIV APP application, a quality of contact of the electrodes will be
established not lower than 95%, to finalize the assembly of equipment, the Hololens augmented
reality glasses will be positioned.
   For the analysis of results, the ordinal categorical variables will comply with a statistical analysis
based on contingency tables and frequency diagrams. Likewise, a comparison of samples will be
carried out to determine the significant differences between them, using the Chi-square test statistic
with a p-value <0.05 to reject the null hypothesis of equality.
   In the case of continuous data, once the data has been obtained and filtered, it will be analyzed
descriptively through the SPSS statistical software where the internal behavior of the data is
analyzed from measures of central tendency and position, such as box plots and whiskers to establish
consistency in the data.

   Finally, the inferential analysis will be carried out, in this case, if the data are parametric, a mean
comparison study will be carried out using ANOVA as a test statistic and it will be considered that
there are significant differences for p-value <0.05. For non-parametric data: The Kruskal-Wallis test
would be used initially to determine if there are differences between the groups and later a Wilcoxon
signed rank test to compare the two related samples.
   With the analysis of the data, it is expected to accept the established hypothesis that it supposes
an improvement in the specific evaluation of external cognitive load caused by the stimulus in
graphical user interfaces from the use of multimodal approaches.

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