=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3072/paper17 |storemode=property |title=Reducing the Local Alphabet Size in Tiling Systems for Picture Languages |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3072/paper17.pdf |volume=Vol-3072 |authors=Stefano Crespi Reghizzi,Antonio Restivo,Pierluigi San Pietro |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ictcs/Crespi-Reghizzi21 }} ==Reducing the Local Alphabet Size in Tiling Systems for Picture Languages== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3072/paper17.pdf
                  Reducing the Local Alphabet Size
              in Tiling Systems for Picture Languages ?

          Stefano Crespi Reghizzi1 , Antonio Restivo2 , and Pierluigi San Pietro1
                                    Politecnico di Milano - DEIB
                   Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Palermo

         Abstract. The family of recognizable picture (or 2D) languages is defined as
         the projection of a local picture language defined by a set of two-by-two tiles,
         i.e., by a 2-strictly-locally-testable (2-SLT) 2D language, formalized in terms of
         a tiling system. A basic complexity measure of such 2D languages is the size of
         the 2-SLT alphabet, more precisely the so-called alphabetic ratio of sizes: 2-SLT-
         alphabet / picture-alphabet. Such 2D language family can also be defined by the
         projection of larger k-by-k tiles, k > 2, i.e., by a k-SLT 2D language. Studying
         how the alphabetic ratio changes moving from k = 2 to larger values, we obtain
         the following: any recognizable picture language over an alphabet of size n is
         the projection of an SLT language over an alphabet of size 2n. Moreover, two is
         the minimal alphabetic ratio possible in general. It is suggestive to rephrase the
         result in the case of black-and-white pictures: any such picture is the projection
         of an SLT picture that uses just four colors. This result lifts into 2D a known sim-
         ilar property (called Extended Medvedev Theorem) of regular word languages,
         concerning the minimal alphabetic ratio needed to define a language by means
         of a projection of an SLT word language. The proof uses 2D comma-free codes,
         which have the property of synchronizability.

1     Introduction and preliminaries

Formal language families can be defined by different approaches: automata, generative
rules, logical formulas, and by mapping one language family into another one. Thus, the
original definition of the regular language family by means of finite automata and regu-
lar expressions was later supplemented with other definitions, in particular by means of
the homomorphic image of the simpler language family known as local languages. The
latter definition is also known as Medvedev’s theorem [10, 11], for short MT. Each local
language is characterized by the local testability property, stating that a word is valid
iff its 2-factors, i.e., its substrings of length two, are included in a given set. Then, MT
says that for each regular language R over an alphabet Σ there exists a local language
L over a local alphabet Λ and a letter-to-letter morphism h : Λ∗ → Σ ∗ s.t. R = h(L).
     The present work deals with languages whose elements, called pictures, are not
words but rectangular arrays of cells each one containing a letter. Clearly, a word (or 1D)
    Copyright c 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). The full version of this extended abstract is
    in [3].
2       S. Crespi Reghizzi, A. Restivo, P. San Pietro

language is also a picture (or 2D) language that only comprises rectangles with unitary
(say) height. The well-known family of 2D languages, named tiling recognizable REC
[7], has its primary natural definition through the analog in 2D of MT. The definition
relies on a tiling system (TS), consisting of a local picture language and of a morphism
from the local alphabet Λ to the picture alphabet Σ. More precisely, the local language
is specified by a set of tiles that are pictures of size two-by-two and play the role of the
2-factors of the local word languages. Notice other definitions of the REC family by
means of automata and logical formulas [7], are less convenient than the corresponding
definitions for 1D languages.
     We recall the MT definition of regular 1D languages. The letters of the local alpha-
bet Λ correspond to the elements of the product Q × Σ, where Q is the state set of a
finite automaton (FA) recognizing the regular language. Hence, the ratio |Λ|/|Σ| of the
alphabet sizes is a meaningful measure of the complexity of the FA, inducing an infinite
hierarchy under set inclusion for certain series of regular languages. For REC the situ-
ation is similar, but less investigated. We mention that any limitation of the alphabetic
ratio of tiling systems may restrict the language family.
    Local 1D languages are located at the lowest level of an infinite language hierarchy
(under set inclusion) called k-strictly locally testable (SLT) [9], each level k ≥ 2 being
characterized by the use of a sliding window of width k, used to scan the input. A similar
hierarchy exists also for 2D languages, see [6], using k-tiles instead of k-factors. The
corresponding 2D language family is here called k-strictly locally testable (k-SLT); or
simply SLT when the (finite) value of parameter k is left unspecified.
    The first basic question one can address is: if in the tiling system definition of REC
we allow k-SLT languages with k > 2, do we obtain a language family larger than
REC? The answer is known to be negative [6, 8]. Then, the next question is interesting:
using k-tiles with k > 2, can we reduce the alphabetic ratio, and how much?
    The answer to the latter question is known for 1D languages [4], and we refer to it
as the Extended Medvedev’s Theorem (EMT): the minimal alphabetic ratio is 2, and is
obtained by assigning to the SLT parameter k a value logarithmic in the FA recognizer
size. We hint to its proof, which is the starting point of the present development for
pictures. Given an FA, the construction in the proof samples in each computation the
sub-sequences made by k state-transitions. Then the construction encodes all such sub-
sequences by means of a binary code of length k. To prevent mistakes, the proof resorts
to codes that can be decoded without synchronization, using a 2k-SLT DFA as decoder.
The family of comma-free codes [2] has such a property, and is the one we use also
here, but in 2D.
     Moving from words to pictures often complicates matters, and we had to examine
and discard several possible ways of encoding the tiling process operated by the TS,
before founding a successful one. The result extends EMT from regular 1D languages to
REC and says that any picture language is the projection, by means of a letter-to-letter
morphism, of an SLT 2D language over an alphabet with size double of the original
alphabet size; the alphabetic ratio 2 is the minimal possible. It is suggestive to rephrase
the result in the case of black and white pictures: any such picture is the projection of a
strictly locally testable picture that uses just four colors.
           Reducing the Local Alphabet Size in Tiling Systems for Picture Languages       3

    All the alphabets to be considered are finite. The following concepts and notations
for picture languages follow mostly [7]. A picture is a rectangular array of letters over an
alphabet. Given a picture p, |p|row and |p|col denote the number of rows and columns,
respectively; |p| = (|p|row , |p|col ) denotes the picture size. Pictures of identical size
are called isometric. The set of all pictures over Σ of size (m, n) is denoted by Σ m,n .
The set of all non-empty pictures over Σ is denoted by Σ ++ . This notation is naturally
extended from an alphabet to a finite set X of isometric pictures, by writing X ++ . A
2D (or picture) language over Σ is a subset of Σ ++ . For brevity, the term “language”
will always denote a 2D language.
Let p, q ∈ Σ ++ . The horizontal (or column) concatenation p : q is defined when
|p|row = |q|row as: p q . The vertical (or row) concatenation p q is defined when
|p|col = |q|col as:     . Concatenations are extended to languages in the obvious way.
Since the pixels on the boundary of a picture play often a special role for recognition,
it is convenient to surround a picture p by a frame of width one comprising only the
special symbol # 6∈ Σ. Such bordered picture is denoted by pb and has size (|p|row +
2, |p|col + 2) and domain {0, 1, · · · , |p|row + 1} × {0, 1, · · · , |p|col + 1}.
We denote by Bk,k (p), k ≥ 2, the set of all subpictures, named k-tiles, of picture p
             S k). If one or both dimensions of p are smaller than k, let Bk,k (p) = ∅.
having size (k,
Bk,k (L) = p∈L Bk,k (b   p) is the set of subpictures of size (k, k) of a language L.

Definition 1 (picture morphism). Given two alphabets  Γ, Λ, a (picture) morphism is
                                                      i) ϕ(p : q) = ϕ(p) : ϕ(q)
a mapping ϕ : Γ ++ → Λ++ s.t., for all p, q ∈ Γ ++ :
                                                      ii) ϕ(p q) = ϕ(p) ϕ(q)

Since : is a partial operation, to satisfy i) we need that for all p, q ∈ Γ ++ , p : q is
satisfied iff ϕ(p) : ϕ(q); and similarly for to satisfy ii). This implies that the images
by ϕ of the elements of alphabet Γ are isometric, i.e., for any x, y ∈ Γ , |ϕ(x)|row =
|ϕ(y)|row and |ϕ(x)|col = |ϕ(y)|col .

2   Strictly locally testable 2D languages and tiling recognition

Definition 2. Given k ≥ 2, a language L ⊆ Σ ++ is k-strictly-locally-testable (k-SLT)
if there exists a finite set Tk of (allowed) k-tiles in (Σ ∪ {#})k,k s.t. L = {p ∈ Σ ++ |
Bk,k (bp) ⊆ Tk }; we also write L = L(Tk ). A language L is called strictly-locally-
testable (SLT) if it is k-SLT for some k ≥ 2.

In other words, a k-SLT picture language can be recognized by looking at its subpic-
tures of size (k, k) and checking their inclusion in a given finite set. Local languages
correspond to the special case k = 2. This definition ignores of with size less than
(k, k), which anyway amount to a finite language. In the following, when comparing
picture languages defined in terms of k-SLT languages, we ignore those finite sets.
Tiling recognition. Let Γ and Σ be alphabets; given a mapping π : Γ → Σ, to be termed
projection, we extend π to isometric pictures p0 ∈ Γ ++ , p ∈ Σ ++ by: p = π(p0 ) s.t.
pi,j = π(p0i,j ) for all (i, j) ∈ dom(p0 ). Then, p0 is called the pre-image of p.
4       S. Crespi Reghizzi, A. Restivo, P. San Pietro

Definition 3 (tiling system). A tiling system (TS) is a quadruple T = (Σ, Γ, T, π)
where Σ and Γ are alphabets, T is a 2-tile set over Γ ∪ {#}, and π : Γ → Σ is a
projection. A language L ⊆ Σ ++ is recognized by such a TS if L = π(L(T )). We also
write L = L(T). The family of all tiling recognizable languages is denoted by REC.
Since k-SLT picture languages include as a special case k-SLT 1D languages, the fol-
lowing proposition derives immediately from known properties.
Proposition 1. The family of k-SLT languages for k ≥ 2 is strictly included in the
family of (k + 1)-SLT languages, when ignoring pictures of size less than (k + 1, k + 1).
If we apply a projection to k-SLT languages, the hierarchy of Proposition 1 collapses
(see [6, 8]). We state it to prepare the concepts needed in later developments.
Theorem 1. Given a k-SLT language L ⊆ Σ ++ defined by a set of k-tiles Tk (i,e,
L = L(Tk )), there exists an alphabet Γ , a local language L0 ⊆ Γ ++ and a projection
π : Γ → Σ s.t. L = π(L0 ).
It easily follows that the use of larger tiles in a TS does not enlarge the language family.
Corollary 1. The family of SLT languages is strictly included in REC [7]. The family
of languages obtained by projections of SLT languages coincides with the family REC
of tiling recognizable languages.
Thus any REC language over Σ can be obtained both as projection of a local language
over the alphabet Γ2 , and as a projection of a k-SLT language (with k > 2) over an
alphabet Γk . However, if we use 2-tiles instead of k-tiles, we need an alphabet Γ2 which
                                                                  |Γ2 |
can be larger than Γk . The trade-off is represented by the ratio |Γ k|
                                                                        . As shown in [6, 8],
                                                           |Γ2 |
this ratio is proportional to the area k 2 of the k-tiles: |Γk|
                                                                 = Θ(k 2 ).
Next, we state the unsurprising fact that the family REC constitutes an infinite hierarchy
with respect to the size of the local alphabet.
Proposition 2. For every ` ≥ 1, let REC` be the family of languages recognized by
tiling systems with a local alphabet of cardinality at most `. Then, REC` ( REC`+1 .
Example 1. The language R ⊆ {a}++ s.t. for any p ∈ R, |p|col = 2 · |p|row − 1, is
defined by the TS consisting of the 2-tiles T2 ⊆ Γ3 2,2 with Γ3 = {b, &, %} which are
in the pre-image–see column 1 in the figure below, where the obvious projection is: for
all c ∈ Γ3 , π(c) = a.
      Pre-image with 3 symbols     Pre-image with 2 symbols   Pre-image of illegal picture
        &b b b b b %                →b b b b b →                  →bbbb bbb→
        b &b b b %b                 b →b b b →b                   b bbbb bbbb
        b b &b %b b                 b b →b →b b                   b bbb→bbbb
        b b b &b b b                b b b →b b b                  b bbbb bbbb

Merging the letters & and % by reducing the local alphabet to Γ2 = {b, →}, the corre-
sponding pre-image is shown in column 2; let T20 be its tiles. Now, illegal pictures, e.g.,
the one having column 3 as pre-image, can still be tiled using T20 , hence π(L(T20 )) ⊃ R.
Yet, alphabet Γ2 suffices to eliminate the illegal picture in column 3 if, instead of a
2-TS, we use a 3-TS having the 3-tiles occurring in column 2.
           Reducing the Local Alphabet Size in Tiling Systems for Picture Languages            5

Comma-free codes in 2D. Our proofs are based on 2D comma-free (cf) codes composed
of isometric square pictures (called code-pictures), defined analogously to 1D cf codes.
A cf code is s.t. if a picture is paved with code-pictures then it is impossible to overlay
a code-picture in a position where it overlaps other code-pictures. We introduce the
notion of 2D code by means of a picture morphism, then we define the c.f. codes, we
state a known result on the cardinality of non-overlapping codes, and we finish with the
statement that the set of pictures paved with a cf code is an SLT language.
Definition 4 (code picture). Given alphabets Γ, Λ and a one-to-one morphism ϕ :
Γ ++ → Λ++ , the set X = ϕ(Γ ) ⊆ Λ++ is called a (uniform) picture code and its
elements are called code-pictures. The morphism “ϕ” is denoted as J−KX : Γ ++ →
Λ++ . For all γ ∈ Γ ++ , the unique picture JγKX in X ++ is called the encoding of γ.
    Let p be a picture of size (r, c); an internal factor of p is a subpicture p(i,j; n,m) , s.t.
1 < i ≤ j < r and 1 < n ≤ m < c. Given a set X ⊆ Λk,k , consider X 2,2 , i.e., the set
of all pictures p of size (2k, 2k) of the form (p : q) (r : s), p, q, r, s ∈ X.
Definition 5 (comma-free code). Let Λ be an alphabet and let k ≥ 2. A (finite) set
X ⊆ Λk,k is a comma-free picture code (“cf code” for short) if, for all pictures p ∈
X 2,2 , there is no internal factor q ∈ Λk,k of p s.t. q ∈ X.
Although the exact cardinality of a cf code X ⊆ Λ++ is unknown, the following result
from [1] states a lower bound for a family of binary codes that are non-overlapping,
hence they are also cf codes. This bound is essential for the proof of the main result.
Theorem 2. For all k ≥ 4 there exist cf codes X ⊆ {0, 1}k,k of cardinality |X| ≥
         k−2 k−3
 2k−2 − 1    ·2     .
     Next, we consider a local language defined by a set of 2-tiles, and we encode each
letter using a cf code, obtaining a language with the SLT property. As it is the case for
Theorem 2, this is a fundamental step for the proof of the main result.
Lemma 1. Let T ⊆ Γ 2,2 be a set of 2-tiles defining a local language L(T ) and let
X ⊆ Λk,k be a cf code s.t. |X| = |Γ |. The language JL(T )KX is 2k-SLT.

3    Extended Medvedev’s theorem for picture languages
Before presenting the main result, we notice that for some language in REC an alpha-
betic ratio < 2 does not suffice.
Theorem 3. There exists a tiling recognizable language R over an alphabet Σ s.t.
for every alphabet Γ and SLT language L ⊆ Γ ++ , if R is the image of L under a
                                         |Γ |
projection, then the alphabetic ratio is |Σ|  ≥ 2.
The proof is based on language R defined as follows. For a letter a, let Ra be the
language composed of all square pictures over {a}, of size at least (2, 2). Ra can only
be recognized by TSs having a local alphabet Γ of cardinality at least 2, otherwise, if
|Γ | = 1, a non-square (rectangular) picture and a square picture can be covered by the
same set of 2-tiles. Let Σ = {b, c}; the language R is Rb ∪ Rc .
The next theorem states the alphabetic ratio two is sufficient for all REC languages.
6        S. Crespi Reghizzi, A. Restivo, P. San Pietro

Theorem 4. For any R ⊆ Σ ++ in REC, there exist a SLT language L over an alphabet
Λ with |Λ| = 2|Σ|, and a projection ρ : Λ → Σ s.t. R = ρ(L).
The statement is first proved, using Th. 2 and Lm. 1, for a padding language R(k) ⊆
(Σ ∪ {$})++ , where $ ∈   / Σ, k ≥ 2, instead of R, and it is then extended to R by a
suitable deletion of padding symbols from the tile set. R(k) is obtained by padding the
east and the south sides of each picture p ∈ R with two strips of letters $ of thickness
from 0 to k − 1, in such a way that the minimal picture of size (m, n) is obtained, where
m and n are multiple of k.

Conclusions and future work. Our main result (Th. 4) can be placed next to the sim-
ilar ones pertaining to regular 1D languages ([4] discussed in the Introduction) and to
tree languages [5]; the latter says that every regular tree language is the letter-to-letter
homomorphic image of an SLT tree language, with alphabetic ratio 2. This gives ev-
idence that, for a quite significant sample of formal language families, an Extended
Medvedev’s theorem, holds: the alphabetic ratio 2 is sufficient and necessary to char-
acterize a language as a morphic image a SLT language. What is common among the
three cases considered, is the prerequisite that a (non-extended) Medvedev’s theorem
exists, which is based on a notion of locality, respectively, for words, for rectangular
arrays, and for tree graphs. In the future, it would be interesting to see if any family
endowed with the basic Medvedev’s theorem necessarily possesses the extended form
of the theorem with alphabetic ratio two.

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