=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3074/paper12 |storemode=property |title=A fuzzy rule base minimization perspective in XAI |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3074/paper12.pdf |volume=Vol-3074 |authors=Francesco Camastra, Angelo Ciaramella, Salvatore Sposato,Antonino Staiano |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/wilf/CamastraCSS21 }} ==A fuzzy rule base minimization perspective in XAI== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3074/paper12.pdf
A Fuzzy Rule Base Minimization Perspective in XAI
F. Camastra1 , A. Ciaramella1 , S. Sposato1 and A. Staiano1
 Department of Science and Technology, University of Naples Parthenope, Centro Direzionale Isola C4, I-80143, Napoli,

                                         Fuzzy rule-based systems are raising great interest in the last years in eXpalianable Artificial Intelligence.
                                         These systems represents knowledge easily understood by humans but they are not interpretable per
                                         se. They, in fact, must remain simple and understandable, and the rule base must be compactness. In
                                         this work a fuzzy rule base minimization approach based on rough sets theory and a greedy algorithm
                                         is proposed. The reduction of the fuzzy rules makes the rule base simpler, and thus easier to produce
                                         explainable inference systems (e.g., decision support systems and recommenders). Encouraging results
                                         are obtained validating and comparing the methodology on data of UCI benchmark.

                                         Fuzzy rule base, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Rough sets, Greedy algorithms.

1. Introduction
In recent years, Computational Intelligence methodologies are experiencing considerable interest
in eXplainable Artificial Iintelligent (XAI) [1, 2]. Techniques for XAI can be model agnostic
(i.e. they can be applied to any AI algorithm), or model specific (i.e. they can be only applied
to a specific AI algorithm). Moreover, they can be ante-hoc (transparent or “white box/glass
box” approaches explainable by design or inherently explainable) or post-hoc (divided into
global explanations or local explanations) explainability methods [3]. Ante-hoc methods are
explainable by design or inherently explainable methods and are also referred to as transparent
approaches, which are model specific, include linear and logistic regression, decision trees,
k-nearest neighbors, fuzzy inference systems, rule-based learners, general additive models, and
Bayesian models. Fuzzy Rule-based Systems (FRSs), are raising great interest in XAI in the
last years as ante-hoc methodologies [3]. The main components of any FRS are the knowledge
base (KB) and the inference engine module. The KB comprises all the fuzzy rules within a
rule base (RB), and the definition of the fuzzy sets in the data base. The inference engine
includes a fuzzification interface, an inference system, and a defuzzification interface [4, 5].
However, it must be emphasized that FRSs must remain simple and understandable, since they
are not interpretable per se [6, 2]. It is important to take account of different issues in order to
The 13th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications (WILF 2021)
" francesco.camastra@uniparthenope.it (F. Camastra); angelo.ciaramella@uniparthenope.it (A. Ciaramella);
salvatore.sposato@studenti.uniparthenope.it (S. Sposato); antonino.staiano@uniparthenope.it (A. Staiano)
~ https://sites.google.com/view/francesco-camastra/home (F. Camastra);
https://sites.google.com/view/ciss-angelociaramella/home (A. Ciaramella);
https://sites.google.com/site/antoninosta/ (A. Staiano)
 0000-0003-4439-7583 (F. Camastra); 0000-0001-5592-7995 (A. Ciaramella); 0000-0002-4708-5860 (A. Staiano)
                                       © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                  ISSN 1613-0073       CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
obtain FRBSs that represent knowledge easily understood by humans. Among others, the rule
base compactness or the semantic comprehensibility of the fuzzy partitions must be stressed
[7, 6]. Moreover, the EFSs must be properly designed to obtain the desired trade-off between
accuracy and explainability for the problem at hand. In this work we introduce a fuzzy rule
base minimization approach based on rough sets theory and a greedy based approach.
   The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the proposed methodology and
the used methods. Furthermore, in Section 3 the results of experiments on benchmark data are
presented. Finally, the authors draw conclusions in Section 4.

2. Reducing Rules Approach
The problem of finding the useless attributes for the correct classification is intractable when
the number of attributes is large and algorithms that provide suboptimal approximated solu-
tions must be explored. The Reducing Rules and Conditions (RRC) algorithm provides a greedy
approximated solution to the problem of identifying and deleting in a set of fuzzy rules the
attributes that are irrelevant for the correct classification. RRC approach is composed by five
steps as described in Figure 1. In order to evaluate a rule pattern in the algorithm search, a
property, i.e., efficiency, is associated to each rule pattern (see [8] for details). In particular, the
efficiency definition reflects the main goal of RRC algorithm, i.e., searching for each consequent
the rule patterns with the smallest antecedent length that cover the largest number of rules,
having, at the same time, the minimal overlap with the other consequents.

2.1. Building decision tables from fuzzy rules
In this stage each rule of the a fuzzy knowledge base, ℱ is represented into a decision system
model, labeling antecedents and consequents of the fuzzy rule as the condition and decision
attributes, respectively. Firstly, a label is associated to each pair (Linguistic Variable, Value) and
then, each pair in fuzzy rules is replaced with the respective labels (e.g., High → H).

2.2. Sorting attributes by their significance
In this phase, the relevance for each attribute (i.e., for each fuzzy relation) is computed. To this
purpose the attributes relevance is measured by its significance by using rough sets theory [9].
Given two sets of attributes 𝑃 and 𝑅, the significance of an attribute 𝑥 [10], denoted by 𝜎𝑥𝑅 , is
defined as follows:
                                 𝑠𝑅𝑥 (𝑃 ) = 𝛾𝑅 (𝑃 ) − 𝛾𝑅−{𝑥} (𝑃 )                                (1)
where the parameter 𝛾𝑅 (𝑃 ), that always takes values between 0 and 1, represents the fraction
of the objects that can be classified correctly [9]. It is worthwhile to remark that the so-defined
significance is relative since it depends both on 𝑃 and 𝑅 sets.

2.3. Building prefix tree
The construction of the prefix tree takes processing one rule at a time. In particular, for each
attribute, a node is generated, which becomes the child of the node of the previous attribute
Figure 1: Main steps of the fuzzy rule minimization approach.

and the parent of the node of the next attribute. The first attribute, becomes the child node of
the root tree, which, not having any attribute, is an empty node. The tree has the property that
all the descendants of a node shares the prefix associated with the node. This implies that two
rules with the same initial condition share the same node associated with that condition.

2.4. Rule pattern searching
The search algorithm uses the prefix tree, constructed in the previous stage, as a decision tree
and carries out a left-to-right depth-first search (DFS) visit of the tree for each decision [11]. For
each iteration, a reduction of the complete tree is computed and then, the search algorithm is
performed. The number of iterations is fixed by a parameter. The reduction of the complete tree
is obtained simply by randomly discarding some attributes from decision table and constructing,
consequently pruned prefix tree.

2.5. Sorting rule patterns and building the minimum set of rules
The final result of rule pattern searching is a list of candidate rule patterns which is usually
oversized compared with the initial knowledge base. Therefore, in these stage it is extracted
only a subset of candidate rule patterns, that can cover all the decisions produced by the initial
knowledge base and, at the same time, minimize the number of rules and conditions. The set of
first rule patterns that cover all the decisions produced by the initial knowledge base.
3. Experimental Results
The proposed algorithm has been validated on two UCI benchmarks, i.e., mushroom [12], breast-
cancer [13] 1 , and was compared with Ripper [14], Part [15], Lem2 [16] algorithms. Benchmark
characteristics are summarized in Table 1. The performance of the algorithms have been
measured in terms of number of rules extracted, Coverage, Accuracy 2 . In Tables 2 and 3 we
describe the results obtained on mushroom and breast cancer benchmarks, respectively. We
observe that the proposed methodology permits to obtain a low number of rules and attributes
maintaining high accuracy and coverage.

                          benchmark         number of rules      number of attributes
                          Mushroom              8214                  178728
                         Breast-Cancer          286                     2574

Table 1
Benchmark characteristics.

              benchmark          number of rules      number of attributes      Accuracy      Coverage
                Ripper                8                       12                  100%         100%
                 Part                 13                      20                  100%         100%
                 Lem2                 8                       78                  100%         100%
           Genetic Algorithm         2769                    4325                 100%         98.7%
                 RRC                  10                      29                  100%         100%

Table 2
Results on mushroom benchmark.

              benchmark          number of rules      number of attributes      Accuracy      Coverage
                Ripper                17                      56                 90.2%         100%
                 Part                 54                      149                91.9%         100%
                 Lem2                124                      574                98.5%         100%
           Genetic Algorithm         1042                    3325                98.6%         98.7%
                 RRC                  53                      238                 100%         100%

Table 3
Results on breast cancer benchmark.

        informations   about      the     other     benchmarks        can     be      found      on     http:∖∖
    Coverage: percentage of the rules of initial knowledge base that are covered by the set of rules generated by
compressing algorithm; Accuracy: percentage of the correct classification of the set of the rules generated by the
compressing algorithm.
4. Conclusion
In this work a fuzzy rule base minimization approach based on rough sets theory and a greedy
algorithm has been introduced. Rough sets theory has been used for ordering significance of
the attributes and greedy approach for building a prefix tree used as a decision tree carrying
out left-to-right depth-first search visit. The proposed approach is validated and compared
on UCI benchmarks resulting encouraging results. In the next future the authors will focus
on the theoretic background of the methodology (e.g., efficiency measures and optimal path
demonstration). Further experiments and comparisons will be conducted on different data and
for addressing the explainability of the obtained fuzzy rules.

Part of work was developed by Salvatore Sposato during M. Sc. in Applied Computer Science at
University of Naples Parthenope.

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