Co-rating Attacks on Recommendation Algorithms Manfred Moosleitner Günther Specht Eva Zangerle Department of Computer Department of Computer Department of Computer Science Science Science Universität Innsbruck, Universität Innsbruck, Universität Innsbruck, Austria Austria Austria ABSTRACT rative filtering recommender algorithms, rating predictions Online shops, streaming services, and booking systems use are frequently computed based on user similarity, which is algorithms to recommend items from their stock to users. captured by co-rated items of a pair of users. This opens These recommendations are often calculated based on the a possibility for manipulations of the computed recommen- interactions of other users with the items, e.g., buying a dations, as the ratings stem from the user base and their product or watching a movie. This creates an attack point interactions with the system. One type of possible manipu- where the outcome of recommendation algorithms can be lations is shilling attacks [11], where additional interactions purposefully manipulated by manually or automatically cre- are injected into the system to alter the recommendations ated user interactions, aimed to raise or lower the relevance computed by the system. One famous example of such a of specific items. We study the attackability of recommender shilling attack at Amazon was reported on December 7th in algorithms by simulating a series of attacks on six recom- 2002 by the British online news service “The Register”1 . On mendation algorithms, using three attack strategies, and two Amazon, users are provided with recommendations in the opposing attack objectives. We run these experiments with form of “Customers who viewed this article, also viewed ...”. varying numbers of co-ratings per attack and evaluate the To manipulate these recommendations, a group of attackers overall item ranking and an average change in average rank. interacted with two different books multiple times, aiming Our results show that the effort required of and the efficiency to make the second book appear in the recommendation sec- reached by the attacks greatly depends on the strategy, ob- tion of the first book, although it diverged in content and jective, and recommendation algorithm. Additionally, the genre. It is unknown how many people were involved exactly calculated average change in average rank provides an indi- and how often the two books were co-viewed, but this exam- cator about the attackability of recommendation algorithms. ple shows vulnerabilities that can be abused to manipulate We find that neighborhood- and cluster-based algorithms the outcome of recommender systems. show a higher vulnerability against attacks compared to al- For this paper, we focus on co-rating attacks, a specific gorithms based on matrix factorization. form of shilling attacks. A co-rating attack means that a single attack in an attack series consists of two ratings, e.g., one rating of user B for item X and one rating of user B Keywords for item Y, to influence the rating behavior of the targeted Recommender Systems, Co-Rating Attacks, Attack Mea- system, possibly for one specific user A. We call user A the surements, Manipulation, Bias target user and user B the auxiliary user. Similarly, we call item X the target item and item Y the auxiliary item, and the 1. INTRODUCTION attack aims to raise the predicted ratings for the target item X. The contribution of this work is two-fold: (i) we provide Recommender systems are ubiquitous in today’s online a systematic evaluation of the vulnerability of recommen- world as they provide users of, for instance, online shops, dation algorithms against co-rating attacks and the effort video, and music streaming services with recommendations required for such attacks to be successful, and (ii) we pro- of items that might be interesting to them [21, 23]. Such rec- pose a new metric to measure the attackability and hence, ommendations are computed based on interactions of users the vulnerability (respective resilience) of recommendation with items. An interaction can be, e.g., a user who rates an algorithms against different co-rating attack strategies. item with five stars, often called collaborative filtering [22]. Based on interactions between users and items, in collabo- 2. RELATED WORK In the following, we discuss work related to attacks on recommender systems and measures that aim to quantify these attacks. Lam et al. [12] classified three different areas where at- tacks on recommender systems can happen. Firstly expo- 32nd GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Daten- sure, where systems get breached, and private data from banken), September 01-03, 2021, Munich, Germany. 1 Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Cre- ative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). sodomites_overrun_amazon_com/ users is leaked. Secondly, the authors describe sabotage as to be successful if the targeted item reaches the top-10 rec- an attack to hinder the service of the targeted system at ommendations, as this increases the visibility of the item and all and give denial of service as an example. Thirdly, they previous research has shown that a list of ten recommenda- mention the area of bias, where the attacks focus on pur- tions can be a sensible choice in regards to set attractiveness posefully changing the ratings of the recommender system. and choice difficulty [2]. For pull attacks, we consider an The former two types, exposure, and sabotage are out of the attack to be successful if the rank of the target item, after scope of this work, as they are more in the area of classic se- the attack, is at least ten ranks lower than before the attack. curity topics. We focus on the manipulation of bias instead. This would pull the targeted item out of the top-10 and de- Bias in our context can be, e.g., that a popular item is given creases its visibility. We define the impact of an attack as a higher relevance when calculating the recommendations, the change in rank of the target item in the average item purely due to its popularity. This is in contrast with the ranking. main purpose of recommender systems, namely, to suggest For our experiments, we rely on the MovieLens 100K items to users that fit their personal taste. dataset [8]2 as the basis, which is an established dataset Jannach et al. [9] categorize attacks into three attack di- widely used in the recommender systems research commu- mensions. They termed the first category push attacks; their nity [18, 6, 13, 19, 16, 20, 14, 1]. purpose is to increase the predicted ratings for a specific Our experiments are organized in individual steps. A step item. The attacks in the second category are nuke attacks, can be viewed as the current state of the experiment, includ- which aim to lower the predicted ratings for a specific item. ing the dataset, the training of the algorithm, and the pre- Please note that we refer to these attacks as pull attacks. dicted ratings. For each recommender algorithm, we start The last category described serves the purpose of rendering with zero co-ratings, train the algorithm on the unmodified the recommender system ineffective and unpredictable. One dataset, and calculate the rankings per item for each user additional dimension for attacks lies in the strategy when se- and the average rank per item over all users. We refer to lecting the auxiliary user and item. Mobasher et al. [15] give this as step 0, and subsequently, add a single co-rating to a detailed overview of different strategies, which focuses on the dataset (and hence, run an attack); we refer to this as the selection of the auxiliary items by using statistics about step 1 and repeat this procedure. In each step, we compute the data. Some of the strategies described choose auxiliary the change in the rank and the average rank for the tar- items from the same category and genre as the target item, get item. We hypothesize that a noticeable effect should be other strategies use the popularity of the item or choose reached within 100 iterations, therefore using this number them randomly. In contrast, we focus on the selection of the as the maximum number of steps in our experiments. auxiliary user. We analyze the experiments along the four dimensions Early works [11, 18, 16, 19] and more recent publications recommendation algorithm, attack strategy, attack purpose, [4, 1] feature attacks only on variations of the K-Nearest- and the number of steps, where the attack purpose is defined Neighborhood (KNN) algorithms. In this work, we addi- as whether the goal of the attack is to lower or raise the rank tionally consider algorithms based on matrix factorization of the target item, whereas the attack strategy describes how (MF) [14], singular value decomposition (SVD) [10], co- the auxiliary user and the auxiliary item are selected. clustering [6], and “popularity differential” [13]. The configurations for single experiments have been com- Burke et al. [3] state that a popular way to measure the posed such that they cover a broad spectrum of the full robustness of a recommendation algorithm against attacks experiment space. We describe these dimensions in the fol- is the average prediction shift, which measures the average lowing. shift of the ratings predicted by the algorithm across all users. The prediction shift reflects whether an attack has 3.1 Recommendation Algorithms the intended effect, but not how large the impact is. As As the main focus of this work lies in examining how a solution, they propose using the average hit ratio, which different recommendation algorithms behave when exposed counts the number of target items that appear in the list of to co-rating attacks, we evaluate six recommendation algo- recommendations of the target user. rithms3 . We selected two k-Nearest Neighbor [17] variations, O’Mahony et al. [20] analyze the performance of attacks KNNBasic and KNNWithMeans 4 , where the neighborhood using HitRatio and prediction shift, but only on a KNN- is built using the k-most similar users with respect to the based recommender. Lam et al. [12] provide an overview user ratings. In our case, mean squared difference [17] was of different possibilities to attack a recommender system, used to calculate the similarity. The kNN-based algorithms but they do not present a quantitative analysis. We use a were chosen because they are fairly simple, are commonly similar approach as O’Mahony et al. [19], but evaluate the used as a baseline, and it should be easy to find a working attacks for multiple recommendation algorithms and multi- attack strategy for them. ple attack strategies, and measure the effect of the intensity SlopeOne [13] is also a simple algorithm, where the ratings of an attack. for a user A are computed using the ratings of other users who share rated items with A. E.g., user A rated item X 3. METHODOLOGY and Y, and user B only rated item X. The rating difference The general idea of our work is to capture the effort re- of user B is added to the rating of user A’s rating for item quired for an attack to be successful and the impact of co- X to predict the rating of user A for item Y. rating attacks on the predicted ratings. The required effort 2 can be measured by the number of co-ratings used in an at- 3 For the implementation, we relied on the Python Surprise tack, i.e., the number of interactions of the auxiliary user library with the target item and the auxiliary item in the form of 4 Here the predicted rating is added to the mean rating across two rating entries in the dataset. We consider a push attack all users. CoClustering [6] was selected because it does not only use 2 shows some statistics about the data before co-ratings are user- and item-clusters, but also the co-clusters which should added and the chosen user and movies. The data collected make it harder to find a working attack strategy compared shows that the target-user is quite active, with more than to KNN-based approaches. double the number of ratings than the average user and more Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) [10] aims to recon- than four times the number of ratings than the median over struct the rating matrix (user × items) from a matrix repre- all users. We can also see that the mean ratings and the senting the user’s latent factors and a second matrix, repre- standard deviation for the target user are higher than the senting the latent factors of the items. Non-Negative Matrix mean rating for all users. The data for the auxiliary movie Factorization (NMF) [14] also relies on matrix factorization, shows that the movie is rated more often, but only a little which is used by Netflix [7] and Youtube [5]. lower, than the average movie. The target movie has only a To assess the difference in the performance of the cho- single rating in the original data, which should be beneficial sen algorithms, the algorithms were evaluated using five-fold for our attacks. cross-validation using the MovieLens dataset and the con- An attack is now realized by the auxiliary user awarding figuration parameters as they were used in our experiments. high ratings for both movies (and hence, co-rating these) The resulting Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean until the target item appears in a prominent position in the Squared Error (RMSE) of the predicted ratings in Table 1 target user’s list of recommended movies. show that the performances of the algorithms are similar. For running the experiments, in the first step, the raw dataset is used to train the recommender algorithms to be RMSE MAE evaluated. These trained models are then used to predict mean std mean std the ratings for all items for all users, from which we infer a KNNBasic 0.9785 0.0053 0.7105 0.0036 ranking of all items for each user. These per-user rankings KNNWithMeans 0.9507 0.0032 0.7491 0.0023 are then used to compute the average rank for each item SVD 0.9369 0.0044 0.7386 0.0040 over all users. In the next step, one co-rating is added to NMF 0.9628 0.0038 0.7569 0.0030 SlopeOne 0.9447 0.0024 0.7423 0.0025 the dataset. Subsequently, the extended dataset is used for CoClustering 0.9655 0.0050 0.7561 0.0059 computing updated rankings for all items for all users and the average rank over all users. This procedure is repeated Table 1: Five-fold cross-validation of the evaluated algorithms. 100 times for each algorithm, providing the rank of the tar- get item for the target user and the average rank over all users, and also the change in rank between the individual 3.2 Attack Strategies steps, to show the effect of the attack from one step to the next. In the following, we investigate three different co-rating attack strategies. Our first attack strategy is the baseline approach (BASIC), where the auxiliary user is created as a 3.3 Attack Purposes fresh new user, i.e., a user that has not provided any rat- We evaluate the three attack strategies for both pull at- ings so far. The second attack strategy is the user activity tacks (aiming to lower the predicted rating of the target approach (ACT), where the auxiliary user is selected based item) and push attacks (aiming to raise the predicted rating on the rating activity of the user—the dataset is analyzed of the target item). For push attacks, it is sufficient to pick at runtime, and the most active user is determined and mis- an item that has not been rated by the target user, as the used as the auxiliary user, based on the data in step 0. The target item. For pull attacks, in contrast, we computed the third attack strategy is the user similarity approach (SIM), recommendation lists, based on the data in step 0, and chose where the user most similar to the target user is selected as the top-ranked item as target item. the auxiliary user. The core idea here is that user similarity metrics are also used in collaborative filtering recommender 3.4 Quantifying Attackability algorithms [22] and hence, similarly choosing the auxiliary Here we introduce our novel attackability metric, which user seems promising. As for the user similarity compu- takes into account the effort and the effect of an attack. We tation, we rely on the cosine similarity of the user rating apply this metric to the data collected during our experi- vectors. For all three attack strategies, the same auxiliary ments and present the results in Section 4.3. user is used in all steps. It is important to note that we Besides investigating the manipulation of the rank of an examine the effect of co-rating attacks on recommendation item for a single user, we are also interested in the impact algorithms alone and not whole recommender systems, thus of the co-rating attacks on the average ratings of each item using the full knowledge about the dataset in the attack across all users. Thus, we compute an average ranking for all strategies. items (cf. Section 3.2), which is used to determine the aver- In all approaches, an arbitrary user was chosen as target age rank of the target item over all users. Furthermore, we user—i.e., we aim to measure the impact of the co-rating aim to quantify the attackability of recommendation algo- attacks on the movie rankings for this user. For our experi- rithms. Hence, we propose to consider the absolute average ments, the user with user-id 1 was picked as the target user. change in the average rank of the target item. Consider the The movie “The Truth About Cats & Dogs (1996)” (movie target item being ranked at position 1000 at step 0, and in id 111) was randomly selected as the auxiliary item from step 1 ranked at 100, then the change in ranks is 900. We the set of movies the target user rated with five stars. The compute this change across all steps and compute the aver- movie “Scream of Stone (Schrei aus Stein) (1991)” (movie age change in rank for the target item. Formally, we define id 1682) was selected as the target item, because it was the Ri as the average item rank for step i, i.e., R0 for step 0, newest movie in the dataset (highest movie id) and because etc. We further define ranki as the rank of the chosen tar- the movie has not been rated by the target user yet. Table get item in the corresponding average item ranking Ri . The Ratings Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Mean Std Count Full Dataset 1 3 4 4 5 3.53 1.13 100,000 Target User 1 3 4 5 5 3.61 1.26 272 Aux. Movie 1 3 4 4 5 3.49 0.96 272 Target Movie 3 3 3 3 3 3.00 0.00 1 (a) Statistics about the ratings in the data. Number of Ratings Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Mean Std Count Per User 20 33 65 148 737 106.05 100.93 943 Per Movie 1 6 27 80 583 59.45 80.38 1,682 (b) Statistics about the number of ratings in the full dataset. Table 2: Statistics about the data and the chosen user and movies for different aggregations. Shown are the five-number summary, mean, and standard deviation of the rating values in Table 2a and of the number of ratings in Table 2b. The column Count shows the number of rows for each aggregation, and the ratings for the auxiliary movie are from 272 individual users. change in rank is then defined as the difference between two KNNWithMeans quickly arrive at the top ranks. NMF and steps: ∆ranki,i+1 = ranki+1 − ranki . The average change SVD show some erratic behavior and SlopeOne converges in rank is computed based on the sum of all ∆ranki,i+1 of shortly after reaching rank 200. CoClustering was attacked the available steps, as shown in Equation 1, where n is the successfully again since a rank in the top ten was clearly number of steps to be used. reached. The attacks on KNNBasic and KNNWithMeans also reach a high rank but did not reach the top-10. NMF, n−1 X ∆rank SVD, and SlopeOne could not be attacked successfully. Gen- i,i+1 ∆rank = (1) erally, we observe that the activity-based attack strategy n i=0 reaches a higher attack effect than the basic attack approach. The third set of experiments used the similarity between 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the users to select the target user; the results are shown in Figure 1c. We observe a tendency towards higher ranks for In our experiments, we run multiple attacks, using mul- NMF and SVD, but the erratic behavior starts to dominate tiple dimensions, adding up to a total of 1,800 individual early on. In addition to CoClustering, KNNBasic, and KN- trained prediction models, which were used in 3,600 exper- NWithMeans, also SlopeOne changes to a high rank quickly. iments. In the following, we present the results of these Using the similarity to select the target user leads to the evaluations. highest ranks for the majority of algorithms. All algorithms 4.1 Push Attack Evaluation except for NMF and SVD were attacked successfully. For this evaluation, we analyze the rank of items in the recommendation list for each step. Here, the best achiev- 4.2 Pull Attack Evaluation able rank in the ranking is zero. As stated in Section 3, we In the following, we evaluate pull attacks, where an at- consider a push attack successful if the attack changes the tack is considered successful if the rank of the target item is rank prediction of the target item to be in the top-10 of the consistently lowered by 10 or more ranks after an attack. average item ranking. For the BASIC attack approach, a fresh user is used as the The first set of experiments investigate the BASIC attack auxiliary user. As the target item, the movie with the high- strategy, where a new user is created as the auxiliary user est id from the set of movies the target user has not rated was and the auxiliary item was randomly selected from the set selected. Figure 2a shows the obtained results. SlopeOne of movies that have not been rated by the target user. is mostly unaffected by the pull attack. The effect on SVD Figure 1a shows that the average rank for CoClustering is was rather small and shows minor fluctuations. The average influenced most as the curve races directly to the top ranks rank for KNNWithMeans moves slowly and converges early within the first few steps. The results for NMF and SVD around 110. CoClustering, KNNBasic, and NMF show high show capricious behavior within a confined area, but do not vulnerability against the attacks. Most interesting is the be- reach a high rank. The ranks for KNNBasic and KNNWith- havior of NMF showing a clear tendency towards the lower Means show that they are only influenced at the start but ranks when compared to SVD, the other MF-based algo- converge quickly. SlopeOne is unaffected by the attack with rithm, whose behavior showed to be stable and unaffected no changes in the rank. For NMF and SVD, the attacks can by the attacks. be regarded as failed, but the ranking values have a high The next set of experiments analyzes the activity-based variance, which goes in the direction of sabotage, as intro- approach with pull attacks. Figure 2b shows that NMF duced in Section 2. Only the attack on CoClustering was and SVD are only marginally affected as both algorithms successful, showing a high attackability of the basic attack show only minor fluctuations. CoClustering, KNNBasic, strategy. KNNWithMeans, and SlopeOne show a clear tendency to- The second set of experiments aims at investigating the wards the lower ranks. user activity attack strategy; Figure 1b shows the obtained The last set of experiments used the similarity-based ap- results. We can see that the values for all algorithms rush proach to launch pull attacks on the algorithms. In Fig- towards the top at the start. CoClustering, KNNBasic, and ure 2c, we observe that the results are quite similar to the Basic User Activity User Similarity Rank-Step-Graph Push Attack Rank-Step-Graph Push Attack Rank-Step-Graph Push Attack CoClustering CoClustering CoClustering 1000 KNNBasic KNNBasic KNNBasic KNNWithMeans KNNWithMeans KNNWithMeans NMF 1000 NMF 1000 NMF SVD SVD SVD Average Rank of target-item Average Rank of target-item Average Rank of target-item 800 SlopeOne SlopeOne SlopeOne 800 800 600 600 600 400 400 400 200 200 200 00 20 40 60 80 100 00 20 40 60 80 100 00 20 40 60 80 100 Steps Steps Steps (a) Basic attack approach. (b) User activity approach. (c) User similarity approach. Figure 1: Push attacks: average rank for the different co-rating attack strategies. Basic User Activity User Similarity Rank-Step-Graph Pull Attack Rank-Step-Graph Pull Attack Rank-Step-Graph Pull Attack 1200 1400 1400 1200 1000 1200 Average Rank of target-item Average Rank of target-item Average Rank of target-item 1000 800 CoClustering 1000 CoClustering CoClustering KNNBasic KNNBasic KNNBasic KNNWithMeans 800 KNNWithMeans 800 KNNWithMeans 600 NMF NMF NMF SVD SVD SVD SlopeOne 600 SlopeOne 600 SlopeOne 400 400 400 200 200 200 00 20 40 60 80 100 00 20 40 60 80 100 00 20 40 60 80 100 Steps Steps Steps (a) Basic attack strategy. (b) User activity strategy. (c) User similarity approach. Figure 2: Pull attacks: ranks in the average ranking for the different co-rating attack strategies. outcome of the experiment with the activity-based approach. attack strategy and attack purpose, hence describing the at- SVD and NMF only show single spikes in the change of the tackability of the algorithm against co-rating attacks. average rank. For the remaining algorithms, the average rank of the target item changes rapidly to a lower rank. Push attacks Pull attacks Algorithm BASIC ACT SIM BASIC ACT SIM 4.3 Attackability Evaluation CoClustering 7.14 7.14 7.14 10.43 10.51 10.52 Table 3 shows the attackability evaluation measured by KNNBasic 2.78 9.57 9.69 4.29 15.24 14.95 the ∆rank measure (cf. Section 3.4) for the data from our KNNWithMeans 1.15 9.45 9.45 1.11 15.42 10.78 experiments for push and pull attacks, and each of the three NMF 4.09 7.40 10.50 11.79 0.01 0.01 attack strategies used. SVD 3.50 5.91 6.13 0.23 0.03 0.02 For push attacks, we observe a relation between the at- SlopeOne 0.06 7.74 9.27 0.00 11.48 7.92 tackability, i.e., if an algorithm could be attacked success- Table 3: Attackability for push and pull attacks, where brighter fully, and the average change in average rank for the cor- colors represent a lower change in average ∆ rank and darker colors responding algorithms. The relation also holds for a lower signal a higher change in average ∆ rank. observed attackability, i.e., whether an algorithm could not be attacked successfully, and lower values for the average change in average rank. For pull attacks, we also see the same relation between our observed attackability and the 5. CONCLUSION calculated average change in average rank. Even though the We investigated the attackability of recommendation algo- push attacks on SVD and NMF were mostly considered un- rithms against co-rating attacks. We ran experiments with successful, the average change in average rank is still higher a varying number of co-ratings, approaches, and types of due to the erratic behavior the algorithms showed. attack for the chosen algorithms. This added up to a total From this, we can state that our newly proposed metric, of 1,800 prediction models, which were used in 3,600 ex- the average change in average rank, is an intuitive and feasi- periments. 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