=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3075/paper9 |storemode=property |title=Experimental Index Evaluation for Partial Indexes in Horizontally Partitioned In-Memory Databases |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3075/paper9.pdf |volume=Vol-3075 |authors=Marcel Weisgut |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/gvd/Weisgut21 }} ==Experimental Index Evaluation for Partial Indexes in Horizontally Partitioned In-Memory Databases== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3075/paper9.pdf
         Experimental Index Evaluation for Partial Indexes in
           Horizontally Partitioned In-Memory Databases

                                                                Marcel Weisgut
                                      Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany

ABSTRACT                                                                            TPC-H                             Number of tuples
                                                                                                 Join predicate
                                                                                   Query ID                           Indexed   Probe
A horizontally partitioned storage layout for column-
                                                                                                                       table    table
oriented relational in-memory databases is a popular design
choice. One of the reasons for horizontal table partitioning is                       17      l partkey = p partkey   ∼60 M     1 986
the increased degree of flexibility in data placement, multi-                         19      l partkey = p partkey   ∼60 M     4 757
processing, and physical design decisions. For example, auxi-
liary data structures such as indexes or filters can be created             Table 1: Example index (semi) joins generated in Hyrise with
partition-wise with varying implementations.                                the TPC-H queries 17 and 19 using scale factor 10.
   However, creating indexes per partition can result in a                  the index probing compared to query 17. With the aforemen-
significant computational overhead for index lookup opera-                  tioned partition size, the indexed table consists of 916 parti-
tions. In this work, we present a partial indexing idea to                  tions. Since indexes are created partition-wise, one equality
overcome this overhead. Our proposed approach creates in-                   lookup for each of the 916 created indexes must be execu-
dexes table-wise, but only tuples of frequently accessed par-               ted for each tuple of the probe table to retrieve matching
titions are indexed. Our research is still in progress. For the             tuples of the indexed table. In total, this results in 1 819 176
realization of our partial index, the maintenance efficiency                equality lookups in query 17 and 4 357 412 in query 19.
of the underlying index structure is particularly relevant.                    Consequently, the index joins’ performance depends on
Thus, in this work, we evaluate different index implementa-                 the partition count of the indexed data table and scales in-
tions in their lookup speed, maintenance cost, and memory                   versely proportional with it: As the number of partitions
consumption to identify suitable implementations to realize                 increases, so does the number of indexes and the number of
partial indexes. The hash maps Robin Hood (RH) Flat Map                     lookup operations required.
and Tessil’s (TSL) Sparse Map achieve overall the best eva-                    Our ongoing research focuses on the design and exemplary
luation results. Whereas the former is comparatively faster,                implementation of a partial indexing strategy to overcome
the latter has a lower memory footprint.                                    this computational index probing overhead. The contributi-
                                                                            ons of this work are as follows:
                                                                                 • Partial Indexes. We introduce an idea of partial inde-
   Horizontal partitioning allows to create indexes partition-
                                                                                   xes to reduce the shown computational index probing
wise with varying implementations [15, 16]. However, when
                                                                                   overhead. Our partial indexes are to be created table-
those indexes are utilized to find qualifying tuples for a given
                                                                                   wise instead of partition-wise, but they store only in-
search condition, one lookup operation for each partition’s
                                                                                   dex entries for frequently accessed partitions.
index of the corresponding table has to be performed.
   Table 1 shows two exemplary joins that we executed with                       • Index Benchmark Framework. We developed an open-
our research database Hyrise1 . Tables in Hyrise are hori-                         source C++ benchmark framework, which allows rese-
zontally partitioned into partitions of 65 535 tuples. The de-                     archers to measure the performance of read and wri-
picted joins utilize indexes which are created partition-wise.                     te operations of secondary indexes. The evaluation
Both joins have the same predicate, the same indexed base                          aspects are the latency of insert, delete, lookup and
table as left input, and a filtered table as the right input.                      bulk operations and the index memory consumption.
The right, non-indexed table is referred to as probe table.                      • Evaluation of In-Memory Secondary Indexes. We pre-
   In query 19, the number of tuples in the probe table is                         sent an experimental performance evaluation of dif-
2 771 higher than in query 17. Although this number is small                       ferent index implementations, including trees, radix
compared to the number of tuples in the indexed table of al-                       trees, and hash maps. We evaluated their read and
most 60 million, it results in a crucial additional effort for                     write efficiency and identified index candidates that
                                                                                   suite specifically well for our partial index.
    Source code at https://github.com/hyrise/hyrise
                                                                            2.    PARTIAL INDEXES
                                                                              An advantage of partition indexes is the high flexibility:
32nd GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Daten-         For each partition, it can be decided individually whether
banken), September 01-03, 2021, Munich, Germany.
Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Crea-   an index is to be created. This makes it possible to create
tive Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).             indexes only for partitions whose data is accessed frequently.
Such flexibility is not provided with a traditional full table       TLX B+ Tree. This B+ tree, which is part of the TLX
index since it must always be updated when a tuple is inser-      collection [14, 11], is an improved version of the STX B+
ted into or deleted from the indexed table, or the search-key     Tree [13]. According to the description of the predecessor,
value of an already indexed tuple is updated. Thus, partition     this data structure is an in-memory B+ tree that packs mul-
indexes are more efficient in terms of memory consumption         tiple value pairs into each node of the tree and thus reduces
as they can selectively index data of a table whereas a full      heap fragmentation and utilizes cache-line effects [13].
table index contains index entries for all tuples of a table.        Abseil B-Tree. This B-tree, which is part of Google’s open-
   Our proposed partial index is a secondary index that           source collection of C++ libraries called Abseil [17, 18], is a
breaks the full table index’s requirement of indexing a table     cache-friendly and space-efficient B-tree implementation.
entirely and can index one or more partitions. Thus, an ar-          BB-Tree. The BB-Tree [2] is an “almost-balanced k-ary
bitrary subset of partitions can be indexed. In contrast to       search tree, where inner nodes recursively split the data
tuple-wise indexing of traditional indexes, our partial index’s   space into k partitions according to a delimiter dimension
maintenance operations are executed partition-wise. Conse-        and k −1 delimiter values. Data objects are stored in leaf no-
quently, index entries are inserted into or deleted from the      des (buckets). When too many data points are inserted (or
partial index for the entire data of a given partition. In-       deleted) and buckets overflow (or underflow), the structure
place updates are not considered in this work since our par-      is rebuilt to achieve a balance that is beneficial regarding
tial index is specifically designed for insert-only in-memory     the depths of leaves.” [30].
DBMSs that use multiversion concurrency control.                     RH Flat Map. The Robin Hood (RH) Flat Map [5] is a fast
   The Need for Maintenance Efficiency. Our partial index         and memory efficient hash map. For collision resolution, it is
only indexes partitions whose data is accessed frequently to      based on robin hood hashing. The hash map stores its data
reduce the memory footprint. As the workload of a DBMS            in a flat array, which results in very fast access operations.
can change over time [24], so does the frequency with which          RH Node Map. Similar to the Robin Hood Flat Map, the
data is accessed. With a changing set of partitions who-          Robin Hood Node Map [5] is a fast and memory efficient hash
se data is accessed frequently, existing partial indexes must     map, based on robin hood hashing. Unlike the RH Flat Map,
continuously be adjusted.                                         the RH Node Map stores its data with node indirection.
   Consequently, the indexing algorithm required for our par-        PG Skip List. A skip list is a linked list extended by ad-
tial index is adaptive. Depending on the workload, the algo-      ditional pointers to skip nodes when searching for certain
rithm must continuously insert index entries partition-wise       stored elements [27]. The skip list included in the bench-
into or delete them from partial indexes. The index main-         mark framework is an implementation of P. Goodliffe [7].
tenance effort of a partial index depends on factors such            TSL Robin Map. Similar to the above listed RH Maps,
as the size of the indexed table, the details of the indexing     Tesssil’s (TSL) Robin Map [6] is a fast hash map based on
algorithm (e.g., the access classification of data as frequent-   robin hood hashing.
ly or rarely accessed), the executed database workload, and          TSL Sparse Map. Tessil’s (TSL) Sparse Map [9] is a me-
the underlying data structure of the partial index. In this       mory efficient hash map that uses sparse quadratic probing.
work, we focus on the latter aspect and identify an index         The design goal of this map is to be the most memory effi-
implementation suitable for realizing our partial index.          cient possible while keeping reasonable performance.
                                                                     STD Hash Map. This map is provided by the C++ standard
3.     INDEX BENCHMARK                                            library as unordered_map. It “is an associative container that
   We developed an open-source benchmark framework2 to            contains key-value pairs with unique keys” [10].
evaluate single-attribute in-memory secondary indexes in
their lookup speed, maintenance and memory performance.           3.2    Index Operations
It allows to run certain benchmark cases with different index
                                                                     Insert (I). The Insert operation creates a new key-value
implementations on different datasets. The benchmark cases
                                                                  entry in the index. Therefore, the key and the value have
measure the required execution times of the index operati-
                                                                  to be provided as the operation’s input parameters. If an
ons. In selected benchmark cases, the index’s memory con-
                                                                  entry with the given key exists in the index, the entry is not
sumption is additionally measured. The index implementa-
                                                                  added. An exception is the PG Skip List, which overwrites
tions included in the framework as well as the framework
                                                                  the existing entry.
itself are written in C++.
                                                                     Delete (D). The Delete operation removes the stored entry
3.1     Index Implementations                                     that contains a given key from the index.
   Unsync ART. The Unsync ART [1, 23] is an implementa-              Equality Lookup (EL). The Equality Lookup expects a key
tion of the ART (Adaptive Radix Tree), which is “a fast and       as an input parameter and returns the associated value if
space-efficient in-memory indexing structure specifically tu-     the index contains a key-value entry with the given key.
ned for modern hardware” [22]. The ART is a specialized ra-          Range Lookup (RL). The Range Lookup operation expects
dix tree that adaptively and dynamically chooses a compact        two keys as input parameters, representing a key range, and
data structure for each individual internal node, depending       returns the values of all the stored entries whose key is within
on the number of child nodes.                                     the given key range.
   MP Judy. Similar to the ART, the Judy Array is an ad-             Bulk Insert (BI). Inserting a large number of entries is re-
aptive radix tree [12]. It is a variant of a 256-way radix tree   ferred to as bulk loading. Since the TLX B+ Tree provides
that is designed to reduce the number of cache misses by          two different functionalities in this regard, we distinguish
using over 20 different compression techniques. We use the        between a bulk insert and a bulk load. The Bulk Insert ope-
Judy Array implementation of M. Pictor in this work [4].          ration inserts multiple key-value entries into the index wi-
                                                                  thout the requirement of the index being empty before.
    Source code at https://github.com/mweisgut/IMIB                  Bulk Load (BL). Similar to the Bulk Insert, the Bulk Load
inserts multiple key-value entries into the index. Unlike the      domly picked, unique unsigned integer values. This sequence
Bulk Insert, the index must be empty before. For example, a        is sorted in ascending order for the sorted sparse data.
bulk load of the TLX B+ Tree means that for a given sorted            Additionally, search-key values and ranges of search-key
sequence of index entries, the leaves are created first, and the   values are required as input data for the Equality Lookup
overlying levels of the B+ tree are constructed afterward.         and the Range Lookup experiments, respectively. From a se-
                                                                   quence of entry keys, a number of keys is randomly selected
       Index Implementation    I   D   EL    RL   BI   BL          as equality lookups data sequence. For the range lookup key
      Unsync ART               3   3   3      7   7     7          ranges, a number of key ranges is selected from a given se-
      TLX B+ Tree              3   3   3     3    3    3*          quence of entry keys. For each of the selected ranges, the
      Abseil B-Tree            3   3   3     3    3     7          number of qualifying keys is the same.
      BB-Tree                  3   3   3     3    7    3
                                                                      For our evaluation, we use five different sizes per combi-
      MP Judy                  3   3   3      7   7     7
      RH Flat/Node Map         3   3   3      7   3     7
                                                                   nation of dense/sparse and ascending/random entry keys.
      PG Skip List             3   3   3     3    3     7          The datasets have the sizes of two, four, six, eight, and ten
      TSL Robin/Sparse Map     3   3   3      7   3     7          million entry keys. Furthermore, we use one million lookup
      STD Hash Map             3   3   3      7   3     7          operations in the respective benchmark cases. For the range
                                                                   lookups, we used a selectivity of 0.01%.
Table 2: Index operations supported by the evaluated index
implementations. * The entries to be inserted must be sorted.      4.    EVALUATION
                                                                      Since all of the index implementations listed in Section 3.1
3.3    Benchmark Cases                                             support unique keys but not non-unique keys, we only use
   The benchmark framework contains the benchmark cases            datasets with unique entry keys in our evaluation. For a
Insert, Delete, Equality Lookup, Range Lookup, Bulk Insert         given dataset, we ran the benchmark cases using 64-bit un-
and Bulk Load. These are designed to evaluate the index            signed integers as search-keys and TIDs. The measurements
operations listed in Section 3.2. Due to space limitations,        reported are the median of 12 runs.
we only present the Equality Lookup, Delete, and Bulk Insert          Join operations between foreign and primary keys are an
cases. The descriptions of all benchmark cases can be found        exemplary database use case in which an index for a column
in the code repository of our benchmark [3].                       with unique unsigned integer values can be utilized. Primary
   Equality Lookup. The time required to execute a given           keys are often IDs, which are often represented as unsigned
sequence of equality lookups is measured. Before executing         integer values. This applies, for example, when primary keys
and measuring the equality lookups, the index is initialized       are surrogate keys.
and a given sequence of index entries is inserted using the           The index benchmark cases were executed on a machi-
insert operation.                                                  ne with four Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-4880 v2 CPUs on
   Delete. The execution time required to delete a given se-       which each socket serves as a non-uniform memory ac-
quence of index entries using the delete operation is measu-       cess (NUMA) node. Each NUMA node has 512 GB of
red. Before the delete operations are executed and measured,       DDR3-1600 memory. Benchmarks were bound to a single
the index is initialized and the entire sequence of index ent-     NUMA node using numactl -N 2 -m 2. The index bench-
ries to be deleted is inserted using the insert operation. The     mark was compiled with clang 9.0.1-12 and the options
order in which the entries are deleted corresponds to the          -O3 -march=native. We used the C++ standard library ver-
insertion order.                                                   sion libstdc++.so.6.0.28.
   Bulk Insert. The execution time required to insert a given
sequence of index entries using the bulk insert operation is       4.1    Results
measured. Before the execution and measurement, the in-               Due to space limitations, we only show the benchmark re-
dex is initialized. Besides, the index’s memory footprint is       sults for the Equality Lookup, Delete, and Bulk Insert bench-
measured. Therefore, the allocated memory is measured be-          mark cases. The remaining benchmark results can be found
fore the index’s initialization and after inserting the index      in our code repository [3].
entries. The difference of the allocated memory values is con-        Equality Lookups. Figure 1 shows the cumulative executi-
sidered the index’s memory consumption.                            on time of one million equality lookups performed with va-
                                                                   rious entry key distributions, entry key orderings, and num-
3.4    Datasets                                                    bers of entries stored in the index. In each quadrant, the
   To execute the different benchmark cases for the index          measurements of one data distribution and ordering combi-
implementations, different data is needed. For all the bench-      nation is shown for different numbers of stored index entries.
mark cases, a sequence of keys is required as input for the           As a reference, we included the lookup duration of the
benchmark. This input represents a sequence of index ent-          Sorted Vector, which is a dynamic array (std::vector) that
ries, where a single key represents the search-key value and       stores its values in sorted order. To keep the dynamic array
the position of the key, starting at one, represents the tuple     sorted all the time, new values are inserted into the pro-
identifier (TID). We refer to this input data as entry keys.       per position. To find the position of certain values during a
   We use dense and sparse unsigned integer values as the          lookup operation, a binary search is performed.
entry keys to evaluate the index implementations. Addi-               Delete. Figure 2 shows the cumulative execution time of
tionally, we consider both ascending sorted and unsorted           deleting various numbers of index entries using the delete
keys. The sorted dense dataset contains sequentially incre-        operation. The data characteristics of the entry keys vary in
asing, consecutive integer values, starting at one. For the        the four different quadrants.
unsorted dense dataset, the sorted dense keys are randomly            Bulk Insert. Figure 3 shows the execution time required to
shuffled. The unsorted sparse data sequence contains ran-          insert various numbers of index entries using the bulk insert
operation. The data characteristics of the entry keys vary in                                                                                   Dense data in ascending order                                         Dense data in random order
the four different quadrants.
  Simple Vector and Sorted Vector are included as refe-                                                                                 7
rence. The bulk insert of the Simple Vector consecutively                                                                               6
inserts the sequence of given entries to a dynamic array                                                                                5
(std::vector). The Sorted Vector additionally sorts the dy-                                                                             4
namic array after finishing the insertion.                                                                                              3
                                Dense data in ascending order           Dense data in random order                                   0.61

                                                                                                               Duration in seconds
                      0.7                                                                                                               0
                      0.6                                                                                                                       Sparse data in ascending order                                        Sparse data in random order
                      0.4                                                                                                               6
                      0.3                                                                                                               5
                      0.2                                                                                                               4
Duration in seconds

                                Sparse data in ascending order          Sparse data in random order                                     1
                      0.7                                                                                                               0
                      0.6                                                                                                                0.02          4        0.2 6           8 0.4 10 2 0.6 4                6 0.8 8         101.0
                                                                                                                                                                             Number of index entries in million
                      0.5                                                                                                                        Abseil B-Tree               RH Flat Map          STD Hash Map       TSL Robin Map
                                                                                                                                                 MP Judy                     RH Node Map          TLX B+ Tree        TSL Sparse Map
                      0.3                                                                                      Figure 2: Cumulative duration of the Delete operation for
                                                                                                               different sized sets of index entries.
                      0.1                                                                                                             Aspect                              Data                                Index implementation
                         0.02          4   0.2 6       8 0.4 10 2 0.6 4                 6 0.8 8        101.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TSL Sparse Map
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TSL Robin Map
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   STD Hash Map
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     RH Node Map
                                                    Number of index entries in million

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TLX B+ Tree
                                                                                                                                                                                            Abseil B-Tree

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       RH Flat Map

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unsync ART
                                Abseil B-Tree      RH Node Map            TLX B+ Tree        TSL Sparse Map                                                Distribution
                                MP Judy            STD Hash Map           TSL Robin Map      Unsync ART

                                                                                                                                                                                                            MP Judy
                                RH Flat Map        Sorted Vector

Figure 1: Cumulative duration of one million equality lookups
for different numbers of stored index entries.
                                                                                                                                              dense ascending H M                                             L M M H L L M
                                                                                                                                     Equality dense random H M                                                L M M H L L M
   Based on the evaluation measurements, we subjectively                                                                             Lookup sparse ascending M M                                              L M M H L L M
categorized these measurements into the categories low (L),                                                                          duration sparse random M M                                               L M M H L L M
moderate (M) and high (H) as shown in Table 3. Since the                                                                                      dense ascending                               L               M M H L M M L M
measurements are execution times and memory consump-                                                                                  Insert dense random                                   H               M L M M H M M L
tions, respectively, lower categories are better. We did not                                                                         duration sparse ascending                              L               L M M H M M M M
categorize the execution times of range lookups and bulk                                                                                      sparse random                                 H               M L M H H M M M
loads since the former is supported only by the B-tree im-                                                                                    dense ascending                               L               H L M L M L L -
plementations and the latter only by the TLX B+ Tree.                                                                                 Delete dense random                                   H               M L M M H L M -
   Non-Competitive Implementations. Executions of different                                                                          duration sparse ascending                              L               H L M H M L M -
benchmark cases showed that the index operations could not                                                                                    sparse random                                 H               H L M H H L M -
be executed in a reasonable time for the BB-Tree and the                                                                                      dense ascending                               L               - M H L M L L -
                                                                                                                                       Bulk   dense random                                  H               - L M L H L M -
PG Skip List. Therefore, we excluded these implementations                                                                            Insert sparse ascending                               L               - M H H M M M -
from further evaluation experiments.                                                                                                 duration sparse random                                 H               - L M M H L L -
   Key Findings. As can be seen in Table 3, the RH Flat Map,                                                                                  dense ascending                               L               L M M M M H L L
TSL Sparse Map, and Unsync ART are the only implemen-                                                                                Memory
                                                                                                                                              dense random                                  L               L M M M M H L L
tations that achieved good or moderate performance on all                                                                              foot-
                                                                                                                                              sparse ascending                              L               M M M M M H L M
datasets in the evaluated aspects. Whereas the RH Flat Map                                                                                    sparse random                                 L               M M M M M H L M
shows overall lower operation execution times compared to
the TSL Sparse Map, the latter has a lower memory foot-                                                        Table 3: Categorization of the measured values into low (L),
print. The Unsync ART achieves an overall moderate perfor-                                                     moderate (M) and high (H) (lower is better).
mance in the evaluated aspects. Unfortunately, it does not
support bulk inserts and provides a faulty delete operation.                                                     Furthermore, the B-trees, which are the only implemen-
Apart from the high memory consumption of the TSL Ro-                                                          tations supporting range queries, generally perform better
bin Map on all datasets, this hash map achieves overall low                                                    on sorted data as shown in Table 3. The Abseil B-Tree per-
operation execution times. In fact, it mostly requires lower                                                   forms generally better than the TLX B+ Tree. However,
equality lookup, delete and bulk insert execution times com-                                                   even on sorted data, both implementations achieved the hig-
pared to the RH Flat Map and TSL Sparse Map.                                                                   hest equality lookup execution time.
                                Dense data in ascending order          Dense data in random order              effect of query processing. Thus, a priori workload knowledge
                                                                                                               is not required. Based on access frequencies, the algorithm
                                                                                                               decides individually for each partition whether and which
                        5                                                                                      in-memory partition index is to be created. Thus, instead of
                      0.84                                                                                     indexing the entire dataset, indexes exist only for subset of
                        3                                                                                      frequently accessed partitions.
                                                                                                                  Olma et al.’s algorithm shares similarities with our partial
                                                                                                               index approach: Both approaches refine the set of existing
                      0.61                                                                                     indexes automatically and dynamically based on data access
Duration in seconds

                         0                                                                                     frequencies. In addition, both approaches choose the set of
                                Sparse data in ascending order         Sparse data in random order             data to be indexed on partition granularity. However, while
                        7                                                                                      their algorithm creates indexes partition-wise, our approach
                      0.46                                                                                     creates indexes table-wise across selected partitions. Addi-
                        5                                                                                      tionally, whereas Olma et al.’s work refers to in situ query
                                                                                                               processing systems, our approach is designed for in-memory
                                                                                                               DBMS. Thus, their indexes are created for partitions of raw
                      0.23                                                                                     data files whereas our indexes are to be created for table
                         2                                                                                     data stored in main memory.
                        1                                                                                         Index Evaluations and Benchmarks. Xie et al. conducted
                                                                                                               an experimental performance evaluation of five modern in-
                      0.0                                                                                      memory database indexes [32]. Their aspects of investigation
                         0.02         4    0.2 6      8 0.4 10 2 0.6 4                  6 0.8 8        101.0
                                                   Number of index entries in million                          were the throughput, latency, scalability, memory consump-
                                Abseil B-Tree      STD Hash Map           Sorted Vector      TSL Robin Map     tion and cache miss rate. They executed equality lookups,
                                RH Flat Map        Simple Vector          TLX B+ Tree        TSL Sparse Map    inserts and updates with varying experiment configurations
                                RH Node Map
                                                                                                               in different dimensions. These dimensions are the size of the
Figure 3: Duration of the Bulk Insert operation for different                                                  dataset, the number of execution threads, the ratios of equa-
sized sets of index entries.                                                                                   lity lookup, insert, and update operations, and the skewness
                                                                                                               in the workload and dataset.
5.                           RELATED WORK                                                                         Alvarez and his fellow researchers presented an experimen-
                                                                                                               tal performance evaluation between the ART and the Judy
    Partial Indexes. Stonebraker presented the first concept of
                                                                                                               Array and different hash table variants [12]. Their evaluati-
partial indexes and how they can be used in a DBMS [31].
                                                                                                               on aspects are the insertion and equality lookup throughput
According to his specification, a single partial index is crea-
                                                                                                               and the memory footprint.
ted for a subset of a table’s data depending on a given qua-
                                                                                                                  Kipf, Marcus and their co-authors developed an open-
lification condition. Index entries are only created for those
                                                                                                               source index benchmark framework called Search On Sorted
tuples that satisfy the given condition.
                                                                                                               Data Benchmark (SOSD) [8] that allows researchers to com-
    Seshadri and Swami extended Stonebraker’s idea and pro-
                                                                                                               pare in-memory search algorithms, including (learned) inde-
posed a generalized partial indexing concept, which includes
                                                                                                               xes, on equality lookup performance over sorted data [20].
six different strategies that can be used to create partial in-
                                                                                                               According to the SOSD authors, their framework contains
dexes [29]. These strategies use various statistical informa-
                                                                                                               diverse synthetic and real-world datasets, optimized baseli-
tion such as the distribution of column accesses by queries,
                                                                                                               ne implementations, and the “first performant and publicly
query predicate values, and data values to decide which in-
                                                                                                               available implementation of the [learned] Recursive Model
dexes to be created.
                                                                                                               Index (RMI)” [20], which is proposed by Kraska et al. [21].
    Database Cracking [19] is an adaptive indexing technique
                                                                                                               Marcus, Kipf et al. extended their initial work about the
that partially indexes columns. Using this technique, indexes
                                                                                                               SOSD in a follow-up work [25]. In this work, they presented
are created “adaptively and incrementally as a side-product
                                                                                                               their framework in more detail and conducted a performance
of query processing” [28]. The core cracking algorithm crea-
                                                                                                               analysis of three recent learned index structures.
tes a copy of a column – a so-called cracker column – and
incrementally sorts it during the execution of range que-
ries [19]. The incremental sorting is realized by splitting the                                                6.   CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
cracker column into multiple partitions – so-called column                                                        In this work, we presented the idea of a partial index that
slices – with certain value ranges. During the execution of a                                                  is created table-wise but only indexes data of frequently ac-
range query, the cracker column or already existing column                                                     cessed partitions. Using our index benchmark framework, we
slices, respectively, are split based on the range predicate’s                                                 evaluated the lookup speed, maintenance cost and memory
boundaries. The partially sorted cracker column is utilized                                                    consumption of various index implementations to identify a
by database operations to speed up the execution time.                                                         suitable implementation for partial indexes.
    Olma et al. recently proposed an online adaptive parti-                                                       Since our partial indexes are designed to execute mainte-
tioning and indexing algorithm for in situ query processing                                                    nance operations on a partition level, the efficiency of bulk
engines [26], which they integrated into their query proces-                                                   operations is particularly relevant. Regarding the equality
sing system Slalom. Their approach reduces data access costs                                                   lookup, delete and bulk insert performance, the TSL Robin
by partitioning a raw dataset into partitions and applying                                                     Map achieved the best overall results.
indexing strategies for each partition individually. Based on                                                     As a next step, we plan to implement the proposed partial
continuously collected statistics, their algorithm performs                                                    index in our research database Hyrise so that we can perform
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