Design and implementation of accessible open-source augmented reality learning authoring tool Deogratias Shidendea,b a University of Hohenheim, Schloss Hohenheim 1, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany b Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Heidenheim, Marienstraße 20, 89518 Heidenheim, Germany Abstract The emerging learning technologies have brought new dimensions to the learning process. Particularly in this era, where due to health reasons, online learning is preferred, augmenting reality with digital information is paramount. Unfortunately, most of the existing augmented reality learning applications were not designed for different abilities, apart from having substantial annual licenses. Further, they require advanced digital competence such as programming, which many non-technical educational practitioners lack. This research attempts to fill this gap by designing and implementing an accessible open-source augmented reality learning authoring tool that will empower non-technical educational practitioners of different abilities to develop and use augmented reality applications for teaching and learning purposes. Keywords 1 Learning Technologies, Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Learning, Accessibility, Open-source 1. Introduction communicating through interdependent collaborative exercises [4–6]. Other studies by Akçayır et al. [7] and Mylonas et al. [8] Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology revealed that AR improves university students' that superimposes real-world objects with laboratory skills and helps them build positive virtual generated information in the same space, attitudes. A variety of research projects thus providing a more useful composite view. examined the initial suitability of AR for While AR is widely used with the sense of different learning scenarios, e.g. flipped sight, it also applies to smell, touch, and hearing learning or experiential learning, and in various senses [1]. disciplines [9–12] as well as its integration in Since its inception, AR has been used in a teaching and learning processes [13]. wide range of applications, including However, studies show that most AR entertainment, mapping, transportation, health, applications have been developed using and education sectors. At first, AR was proprietary Software Development Kit (SDK) introduced as a training tool for airline and Air such as Vuforia, Kudan AR, Adobe Aero, and Force pilots during the 1960s [2]. Due to the Wikitude [5]. These are potent tools for advancement in information technology, AR is handling all three AR system stages, namely currently implemented in computer and mobile recognition, tracking, and mixing, allowing devices without requiring expensive ease of development for the developers [14], technology such as head-mounted displays [3]. [15]. However, these AR tools are not open- For learning purposes, AR creates immersive source, and they carry heavy, substantial annual hybrid learning environments that facilitate license fees. This represents an obstacle for critical thinking, problem-solving, and Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium of Sixteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, September 20–21, 2021, Bolzano, Italy (online). EMAIL: (Deogratias Shidende) ORCID: 0000-0002-2181-958X (Deogratias Shidende) © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( many small to mid-sized companies as well as the auditory ability [29], low vision [30] and institutions of higher education alike. cognitive support [31]. Unfortunately, research In fact, open-source software does not only shows that many proprietary and open-source refer to the availability of source code. AR applications are not designed for users with Moreover, it designates a broader sense of different abilities [32–34] and exclude many values that embraces and celebrates open people who would benefit from these exchange principles, collaborative applications. participation, rapid prototyping, transparency, This research, therefore, aims to use existing meritocracy, and community-oriented open-source libraries and approaches to design development [16, 17]. By developing an open- and implement an inclusive and accessible AR source tool, programmers and software users tool based on an open-source learning benefit from the control over the tool, training environment, such as Moodle. It can be used to from the communities behind it, security, and author AR learning in different disciplines by stability. Thus, an open-source AR tool will users with varying levels of accessibility and in benefit from using existing parts of an open- different learning settings, from university source learning tool and enhance it for AR classrooms and for on-the-job training. authoring. Therefore, it provides an authoring tool available with an open-source license for 2. Research objectives and use and opens for further future development by business partners and other stakeholders. questions Research further reveals that few AR applications have been developed by using an The main objective is to develop an open-source library such as ARToolkit, AR.js accessible augmented reality learning authoring and DroidAR. With these libraries, tool. Specifically, the research aims the programmers are using traditional languages following such as c#, c/c++, python, Java and JavaScript 1. To identify the requirements for developing to develop AR applications [5, 14]. This means, an open-source AR learning authoring tool developing AR applications requires technical 2. To develop an open-source tool for knowledge in these programming languages or authoring AR learning, building on an hiring computer programmers. Unfortunately, existing OS learning platform. many non-technical instructors lack this digital 3. To validate the AR authoring tool through competence [18–20]. Also, it is costly to hire a authoring a pilot AR learning application programmer for mid-sized companies and educational institutions [21]. Furthermore, This thesis intends to answer the following most of these applications are challenged with main question: How can you design and usability problems, inadequate technology implement an augmented reality learning experience, interface design errors, and authoring tool for a broad audience? The technical difficulties [3, 22–24]. secondary research questions are as follows: - World Health Organisation estimates about 1. What are the requirements for developing 15% of the world's population have at least one an accessible open-source AR learning particular form of disability. This number authoring tool? increases due to increased chronic diseases, 2. How can we develop an accessible open- ageing, and technology discovery to identify source augmented reality learning various disabilities [25]. The various forms of authoring tool? disabilities include auditory, cognitive, learning 3. What kind of AR learning applications can and neurological, physical, speech and visual be authored with the tool? disabilities. These forms require different approaches and strategies to reduce the 3. Theoretical framework obstacles in accessing the AR applications [26]. Most existing AR Learning applications, The combination of real-world with however, target one form of disability. For multimedia elements is one of the promising example, a multi-sensory AR map targets blind technologies in the field of education. This and low vision students [27], whereas follows from the cognitive theory of MoviLetrando targets Autism Spectrum multimedia learning, which states that people Disorder students [28]. Other authors dealt with learn better when the instruction is given using Accessibility is more than technical standards, both words and pictures than words alone [35]. it is also a moral obligation and legal Further, Buchem et al. [36] argue that AR is requirement. For instance, European Union characterised by various affordances such as directives 2016/2102 directs websites and embodied, collaborative, and augmentative mobile applications of the public sector to be affordances. These affordances make AR accessible [54]. indispensable in a learning environment as it Despite its significance, many AR forages helpful information for learners and applications do not consider accessibility in the constructs more profound knowledge. early design stage, or they are dealing with one Though Garzón noted that the effectiveness form of ability. Examples of AR studies with a of AR in learning is medium [33], numerous particular ability are numerous. Mentioning a studies have reported the interaction between few are Albouys-Perrois et al. [27] learner and AR artefacts is potent in learning. implemented a Multi-sensory AR map for blind For instance, AR learning has resulted in and low vision students by using text-to-speech, learning gain and motivation [3, 32, 37, 38], tactile tools, and visual calibrated projector. content understanding and retention [32, 39– Antão et al [28] improved the performance and 41], increased interaction and attention [42, 43], reaction time skills of Autism Spectrum learning efficiency and performance [44, 45] Disorder students using the AR computer game and enhances problem-solving abilities and MoviLetrando. In auditory ability, Al-Megren influence decision making [3, 5]. & Almutairi [55] developed a mobile Various other examples have proved that application that uses AR to support literacy AR is beneficial in teaching and learning. For among hard of hearing children. Another study instance, Mylonas et al. [8] used AR as a visual employed AR to give cognitive support during aid to teach students how electrical devices assembly tasks [31]. Further, a systematic consume energy. Fidan and Tuncel [46] review by Garzón [33] of 61 selected AR in integrated AR application with problem-based education settings articles from 2012-2018 learning activities to help students understood revealed that only one paper dealt with the physics concepts and improve their attitudes accessibility of AR learning. This finding towards physics. agreed with previous studies by [32] and [34], Like any other technology, AR is not whose results showed very few systems without challenges and limitations. Alalwan et designed for users with diverse needs. al. [47] conducted a semi-structured interview However, designing for accessibility is more with 29 science teachers in a developing than considering a particular form of disability; country. They found that teachers' competency, it is adhering to accessibility guidelines and proper instructional design and resources were standards such as Web Content Accessibility common limitations in AR utilisation. Also, Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) [56] and IEEE Pellas et al. [48] pointed out that teachers could Standard for Augmented Reality Learning not modify or add content to AR applications. Experience Model [57]. In addition, consider These teachers' incapability might be because XR Accessibility User Requirements [58] and most non-technical teachers are at the basic- follow developers' guidelines such as the XR level of digital competence [49, 50]. Dirin & Association Developer guide [59], helpful in Laine [51] found usability problems, when making an XR application accessible. Thus, the evaluated two mobile AR applications. The development of an accessible AR authoring usability problems in AR are also reported by tool intends to comply with the mentioned other researchers [3, 23, 24]. While the usability standards, guidelines, and use cases, problems can be solved through following good particularly level AA of WCAG 2.1. design principles, Buchem et al [36] proposes Open-source is both a legal term and a interdisciplinary training to alleviate digital development model [60]. Legally, it is illiteracy among educational practioners. governed by an open-source license, a license Accessibility is a concept that ensures a that is approved by Open Source Initiative product or service is usable by people with (OSI). This license gives the software users the different abilities. Designing for accessibility legal power of using, inspecting, modifying and widens a pool of users, opens equal opportunity distributing the software source code. These for various user types and increases the rights are outlined in the ten characteristics of compatibilities with other devices [52, 53]. the Open-Source Definition (OSD) [60, 61]. Whether the open-source software will be free research [70, 71]. Thus, we anticipate that AMS of charge or not will depend on the adopted and designed research to develop an business model and the open-source license intervention can complement each other. Some used [62]. studies that have hybridised the DBR with As a development model, Open-source can agility include Cochrane [72], Cooney [73] and be developed in a distributed manner with Dass [74]. developers scattered geographically and The research will be carried out in higher organisationally [63]. This peer-reviewed learning institutions and partner companies manner of development can foster different located in Germany and Tanzania. The partner organisations, such as Universities and universities and companies will provide both companies, to cooperate in producing reliable, educational practitioners and customers. Like cheaper, and faster-delivery software [64]. other DBR approaches, we will follow a AlMarzouq et al. [60] argued that the quality of pragmatic paradigm by using appropriate open-source software depends on license, qualitative and quantitative methods [67, 75] community, and development process. The such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and license, for instance, decides which document reviews. components to use and encourages or Further, we will follow the DBR processes discourages community participation. While as outlined by Plomp [70]. Plomp examined the motivated community is essential, the various researches conducted by using DBR development process determines feedback and concluded the following three phases. The speed and the review process. Thus, this study first phase is preliminary research comprising intends to adopt an Open-Source license that practical problem analysis, literature review will enable partner universities and companies and conceptual or theoretical framework to participate in the development of accessible development. The second is the development AR learning tool. phase, in which the prototype is iteratively developed as a micro-cycle of the research with 4. Research methods formative evaluations. And the last is the assessment phase consisting of summative evaluation to check if the intervention meets the This research aims to design and implement agreed specifications [70, 76]. These three an accessible open-source augmented reality phases are conducted iteratively [71, 77]. learning authoring tool for non-technical The AMS consists of roles, processes and instructors with different levels of abilities. The artefacts. The roles are scrum master and scrum guiding research methods will be Design-based team. The activities in the process include Research (DBR) blended with Agile kickoff, the meeting to plan the sprint, sprint Methodology in Scrumban (AMS). While execution, the daily Scrum and the sprint various researchers have successfully used review meeting. The iteration, also known as a DBR to develop learning interventions [65–67], sprint, should be planned such that it is AMS is an effective project management completed in a short time. The last component methodology in information systems of AMS is scrum artefacts: these are product development [65]. Both DBR and AMS are backlog, sprint backlog, and burnout charts iterative and involve practitioners from the [65]. Thus, since AMS focus on sprints with early stages of problem analysis to product small deliverables and direct communication acceptance. 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