=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3089/ttc21_paper_labflow_Jouault_solution |storemode=property |title=(Ab)using incremental ATL on the TTC 2021 incremental laboratory workflow benchmark |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3089/ttc21_paper10_labflow_Jouault_solution.pdf |volume=Vol-3089 |authors=Frédéric Jouault,Théo Le Calvar |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ttc/JouaultC21 }} ==(Ab)using incremental ATL on the TTC 2021 incremental laboratory workflow benchmark== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3089/ttc21_paper10_labflow_Jouault_solution.pdf
(Ab)using incremental ATL on the TTC 2021 incremental
laboratory workflow benchmark
Frédéric Jouault1 , Théo Le Calvar2
    ERIS, ESEO-TECH, Angers, France
    IMT Atlantique, LS2N (UMR CNRS 6004), Nantes, France

                                             The TTC 2021 Incremental Laboratory Workflow benchmark presents a challenging incremental transformation problem.
                                             This paper presents our ATOL-based partial solution, and discusses the reasons why the kind of incrementality supported
                                             by ATOL does not match the kind of incrementality required to solve the problem.

                                             ATL, Incremental Model transformation, Incremental Recompilation

1. Introduction                                              the problem to solve is given in Section 3. Section 4
                                                             presents our ATOL-based solution to this problem. Ex-
Incrementality is a mechanism by which a computation perimental results are briefly presented in Section 5, and
result can be updated after input changes, without hav- finally Section 6 concludes.
ing to perform all the computations required to produce
the initial result again. This results in a significant per-
formance advantage, because much fewer computations 2. Incremental ATL with ATOL
typically need to be performed after each input change
than were initially necessary. Some model transforma- The declarative nature of ATL makes it easily amenable to
tions can be executed incrementally, depending on the different execution modes. The original execution mode
language they are specified in, and the execution engine is called batch mode, and simply creates a1 (set of) target
that is used. For instance, some ATL transformations model(s) from a (set of) source model(s) . Incremental-
can be quite efficiently executed incrementally with the ity is a different execution mode supported by more re-
ATOL [1] engine, but other approaches exist for ATL [2], cent ATL execution engines, which are able to propagate
or other languages [3, 4, 5]                                 source model changes into corresponding target model
   However, not all incremental problems have the same changes. ATOL [1] is an incremental ATL execution en-
properties, and it is not clear which incremental trans- gine, which leverages composable active operations [7]
formation engine can be used for each incremental prob- in order to achieve model transformation incrementality.
lem. The TTC 2021 Incremental Laboratory Workflow              The definition of incrementality supported by ATOL
benchmark [6] was specified in order to provide means is that change propagation should be equivalent to full
to compare incremental engines on a very specific incre- re-execution. In this paper, we will call this commutative
mental problem. This paper presents a partial solution to incrementality. This is illustrated by the commutative
this problem written in ATL, and executed with ATOL. diagram represented in Figure 1, in which:
Because the required kind of incrementality does not                                                                        • 𝑡 is a model transformation, which can be viewed
match what ATOL provides, the whole problem could                                                                             as a function.
not be solved without abusing ATOL.                                                                                         • 𝐴, 𝐴′ , 𝐵, and 𝐵 ′ are models. 𝐵 is the result of
  The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.                                                                        applying 𝑡 to 𝐴, which can be written: 𝐵 = 𝑡(𝐴).
Section 2 reminds the reader about what kind of incre-                                                                        𝐵 ′ is the result of applying 𝑡 to 𝐴′ , which can be
mentality can be achieved with ATOL. An overview of                                                                           written: 𝐵 ′ = 𝑡(𝐴′ ). 𝐵 and 𝐵 ′ are target models
                                                                                                                              of 𝑡, whereas 𝐴 and 𝐴′ are source models of 𝑡.
TTC’21: Transformation Tool Contest, Part of the Software
                                                                                                                            • 𝛿𝐴 and 𝛿𝐵 are changes, viewed as functions, re-
Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF) federated
conferences, Eds. A. Boronat, A. García-Domínguez, and G. Hinkel,                                                             spectively performed on 𝐴, and 𝐵, turning them
25 June 2021, Bergen, Norway (online).                                                                                        into 𝐴′ , and 𝐵 ′ . This can be written: 𝐴′ =
" frederic.jouault@eseo.fr (F. Jouault);                                                                                      𝛿𝐴 (𝐴), which is a source change wrt. 𝑡, and
theo.le-calvar@imt-atlantique.fr (T. Le Calvar)                                                                               𝐵 ′ = 𝛿𝐵 (𝐵), which is a target change wrt. 𝑡.
 0000-0002-2395-9623 (F. Jouault); 0000-0003-2273-2053
(T. Le Calvar)                                                                                                               Although ATL is capable of handling multiple source and tar-
                                       © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
                                       Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).                     get models, the remainder of the paper will generally refer to a sin-
                  ISSN 1613-0073
                                       CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)                                        gle source, and a single target model to simplify explanations.
                                                                       and it makes a difference whether a model is up-
                             t                                         dated in-place or not. This is the case, for instance,
            A                                B                         when target model elements are linked to non-
                                                                       model elements, such as Graphical User Interface
                                                                       (GUI) elements. Updating the existing model will
                                                                       not break its link with the GUI elements, whereas
                                                                       recreating it will result in a new model that does
           δA                               δB                         not have any link with the GUI elements.
                                                                       Now that the definition of commutative incremental-
                                                                    ity on which ATOL is based has been given, the role
                                                                    of active operations can be explained briefly. An active
                                                                    operation is a basic transformation operation, such as
                                 t                                  an OCL collect (called map in other languages), or
              A'                                   B'
                                                                    select (called filter in other languages), equipped
                                                                    with a propagation algorithm respecting commutative
Figure 1: Commutative incrementality diagram for transfor- incrementality. Model transformations can be specified
mation 𝑡 creating 𝐵 from 𝐴
                                                                    by composing these operations, and change propagation
                                                                    is obtained by composing their change propagation algo-
      • 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝 is a change propagation higher-order func-
         tion, which can translate changes on 𝐴 into
         changes on 𝐵. 𝛿𝐵 can thus be obtained from 𝛿𝐴 3. Problem overview
         by applying 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝, which can be written: 𝛿𝐵 =
                                                                    The full specification of the TTC 2021 Incremental Lab-
         𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝(𝛿𝐴 )
                                                                    oratory Workflow benchmark is presented in [6]. This
This diagram commutes because 𝐵 ′ = 𝑡(𝛿𝐴 (𝐴)) = section gives a brief overview of the problem definition.
𝛿𝐵 (𝑡(𝐴)). This can be rewritten without referring to Solving this problem basically requires developing a com-
𝛿𝐵 in the following way: 𝐵 ′ = 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝(𝛿𝐴 )(𝑡(𝐴)). Trans- piler for laboratory workflow jobs given to robotic liquid
formation re-execution corresponds to 𝐵 ′ = 𝑡(𝛿𝐴 (𝐴)), handlers. These robots can perform many tasks required
whereas change propagation corresponds to: 𝐵 ′ = to, for instance, analyze biological samples. However,
𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝(𝛿𝐴 )(𝑡(𝐴)).                                                    they must be given very detailed descriptions of what
   ATOL automatically derives 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝 from 𝑡, making it low-level tasks, such as transferring tube contents, in-
relatively easy for transformation developers to execute cubating samples, or washing containers, to perform on
classical ATL transformations incrementally. Although which samples. An abstract syntax for these low-level
the same 𝐵 ′ can be theoretically obtained from 𝐴, 𝛿𝐴 , job descriptions is provided as part of the benchmark in
and 𝑡 by following either path, each one has specific the form of a metamodel called JobCollection.
practical properties:                                                  Because this metamodel operates at a very low level
                                                                    of abstraction, a second, higher-level metamodel is in-
      • Change propagation is generally faster. troduced: LaboratoryWorkflow. At this level, it is only
         Transformation re-execution requires about the necessary to specify a collection of tasks to be applied
         same amount of computation for most simple to every specified sample. The job of the compiler to
         source changes2 . Change propagation is typically develop is first to create a model conforming to JobCol-
         much faster for simple changes, because it does lection for every model conforming to LaboratoryWork-
         not need to process the whole source model again. flow it is given. This requires assigning samples to tube
      • Change propagation performs in-place up- runners that may only contain a maximum of 16 samples,
         dates. Very often, only the actual structure of and then replicating jobs as necessary to transfer all sam-
         a model matters, and models duplicated by re- ples onto microplates that may only contain a maximum
         executing a whole transformation are equivalent of 96 samples. Moreover, all transfer operations must be
         to in-place updated ones for all purposes. How- performed on microplate columns that may only contain
         ever, in some situations, object identity matters, a maximum of 8 samples.
                                                                       Then, the compiler must be able to support addition
    2                                                               of new samples at any time, and to incorporate feedback
      A precise definition of what a simple change is is beyond the
scope of this paper. The intuition is that a simple change modifies from the robot in the form of information about partially
a number of model elements which is small compared to the total failed jobs. When new samples are added after older sam-
number of elements in the model.                                    ples have already been partially processed, they must
be processed up to the same point by adding new jobs.           as in microplate column-sized chunks. The latter are then
When some samples fail to be properly processed by a            distributed into microplate-sized chunks (i.e., 96/8 = 12
job, they must be marked as failed so that all future jobs      rows). This results in model M2 conforming to the Labo-
can skip them. However, already executed jobs must not          ratoryWorkflow’ metamodel, which extends the Labora-
be changed. Compilers that support applying these mod-          toryWorkflow metamodel to include information about
ifications incrementally are expected to be more efficient      chunks. This extension is basically the same as in the
than those that must recompile the full process.                NMF solution, and is implemented by leveraging the ca-
                                                                pability of ATOL to consider metaclasses that are not
                                                                specified in Ecore. It is defined in the LaboratoryWork-
4. Solution presentation                                        flow.xtend source file. This first transformation is rela-
                                                                tively simple, but required implementing a new chunking
The previous section has briefly presented the problem
                                                                active operation. Because appending samples is the only
to solve, and this section continues by presenting our
                                                                required change, we have not implemented propagation
ATOL-based solution. The solution presented here was
                                                                of other changes, such as removal, or insertion. More-
partially inspired by the NMF [4] solution provided in the
                                                                over, because this transformation targets a superset of
solutions/Reference folder of the case repository3 .
                                                                its source metamodel, it was implemented using ATL’s
                                                                refining mode, which supports in-place model modifica-
4.1. Problem incrementality vs. ATOL                            tion. This means that only the new elements must be
     incrementality                                             created, and the already existing elements can be kept as
                                                                is. This is relatively efficient when compared to a regular
Firstly, change propagation must be able to proceed after       non-refining transformation, which would have to copy
either source modifications (adding samples), or target         all the existing elements.
modifications (marking jobs as partially failed). This re-         In a second step, model M2 is then transformed by
quires some level of bidirectional propagation, which           Lab2Job.atl, which performs the actual translation to the
active operations can achieve, but for which ATL is ill-        JobCollection metamodel. Most of this transformation is
equipped. Its OCL-based syntax does not support speci-          relatively simple standard ATL code. The tricky part is
fying enough information for reverse change propagation         related to noncommutative incrementality, and is detailed
to work in all cases. For instance, an OCL collect oper-        in the next section.
ation can only take one lambda expression as argument
to process elements in the forward direction, whereas
bidirectionality additionally requires a lambda expression      4.3. Abusing ATOL incrementality
to process elements in the reverse direction. ATOL can,         Because the problem calls for change propagation that is
however, be used for this purpose because it enables users      not equivalent to full transformation re-execution (i.e.,
to specify some helper functions in xtend4 , rather than        noncommutative incrementality), solving it with ATOL is
in ATL, while still keeping most of the transformation as       not an easy task. We have not yet been able to fully solve
declarative ATL code.                                           the problem with ATOL. Nonetheless, we have managed
   Secondly, the solution must be able to perform some          to abuse it into performing noncommutative change prop-
changes while taking into account the fact that part            agations. To achieve this, the main mechanism is change
of the process has already been executed by the robot.          filtering, which takes place for reverse propagation of tip
This means that change propagation should not result in         state to sample state. This is performed using an ad hoc
the same model as what would be obtained by fully re-           noncommutative active operation. It is implemented in
executing the transformation. The kind of incremental-          method mapState of Lab2Job.xtend.
ity required here is therefore noncommutative, whereas              However, even with this hack, our solution is not able
ATOL was designed to make sure it performs commuta-             to perform the required incremental propagations cor-
tive incrementality.                                            rectly in all cases. The remaining problems with our
                                                                solution could possibly be solved by similarly abusing
4.2. Transformations                                            ATOL, but we decided not to do so until we better under-
                                                                stand what having noncommutative active operations
The overall process we implemented is represented on            entails. Here is the list of remaining problems in our
Figure 2. The source model (called M1) conforming to            solution that we have identified:
the LaboratoryWorkflow metamodel is first processed by
the LaboratoryChunking.atl transformation, which dis-                • Problem 1. Failed samples reappear in failed
tributes samples into tube runner-sized chunks, as well                jobs, which is a change filtering issue. This may
                                                                       not be an actual problem in practice because these
       https://github.com/tecan/ttc21incrementalLabWorkflows/          jobs will not be re-executed anyway.
  LaboratoryWorkflow                                  LaboratoryWorkflow'                     JobCollection

                         LaboratoryChunking.atl                               Lab2Job.atl
               M1                                                   M2                             M3

Figure 2: Overview of the transformation process of our ATOL-based solution

     • Problem 2. Newly added samples require ad-           on optimization, which could still be performed. How-
       ditional jobs to perform jobs already completed      ever, since our solution does not completely solve the
       on existing samples. This is again a case of non-    problem, comparing its performance to other solutions
       commutative incrementality, which we have not        may not be that meaningful.
       attempted to solve.

                                                            6. Conclusion
4.4. Non-ATL supporting code
In addition to ATL code, and the previously described    This paper has presented our partial ATOL-based solu-
xtend helpers, some xtend code was also required for     tion to the TTC 2021 Incremental Laboratory Workflow
the following aspects (identified with comments in the   benchmark. Although this benchmark requires some
LaboratoryChunking.xtend and Lab2Job.xtend files):       kind of incrementality, it is not exactly the same kind
                                                         of incrementality supported by ATOL, unless a better
     • Accessing tuple properties. This is necessary way to encode the problem as model transformation has
       on account of a current ATOL compiler limitation, eluded our investigations. We have shown that ATOL
       but this code could be automatically generated. can be abused to at least partially solve the problem, but
     • Enumeration literal comparison helpers. we have no theory with which to reason about our so-
       This could be implemented in ATL, although lution. It may therefore be the case that it could fail in
       string comparison would have to be used because unexpected ways beyond the already identified ones.
       ATOL translates enumeration literals to and from     This benchmark is definitely not the one to showcase
       strings.                                          ATOL   on, but it presents an intriguing problem. A new
     • Number zero-padding. This is necessary to expanded theory of incrementality would be necessary
       generate tube runner and microplate names that to understand it precisely wrt. the active operation ap-
       conform to what is used in the benchmark’s proach. However, it is not clear whether such a new
       change specification files (although [6] does not theory would be general enough to support other rel-
       specify padding). This could be implemented in evant noncommutative incrementality problems, or if
       ATL, but would be cumbersome because of lim- each new problem would require extending the theory.
       ited OCL support for string operations.
Finally, the transformation driver, and the change appli-   References
cation code are also written in xtend.
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ratory Workflow benchmark is available on GitHub5 . It        transformation with ATL, Science of Computer Pro-
reuses driver code from previous TTC contests.                gramming 136 (2017) 1–16. doi:10.1016/j.scico.
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    erations of the VIATRA framework, Software &
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[4] G. Hinkel, NMF: A multi-platform modeling frame-                                          Reference
    work, in: Theory and Practice of Model Transfor-                          800
    mation, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp.

                                                              Time [ms]
    184–194. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-93317-7_10.                                600
[5] A. Boronat, Incremental execution of rule-based
    model transformation, International Journal on Soft-                      400

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[6] G. Hinkel, Incremental recompilation of laboratory                                0
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[7] O. Beaudoux, A. Blouin, O. Barais, J. Jézéquel, Active                                                       (a) Initial
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    ture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2010, pp.                       220
    91–105. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16145-2_7.                                  210
                                                                 Time [ms]

                                                                              200                                                        ATL_Incremental
                                                                              190                                                        Reference



                                                                                          1       2       4        8           16   32       64     128

                                                                                                              (b) Initialization



                                                                 Time [ms]

                                                                                 60                                                      ATL_Incremental


                                                                                          1       2       4        8           16   32       64     128

                                                                                                                  (c) Load


                                                                                      6          Tool
                                                                          Time [ms]



                                                                                          1       2       4        8           16   32       64     128

                                                                                                                 (d) Update

                                                             Figure 3: Benchmark results for new_samples scenario
                              Tool                                                                                    Tool
             2000          ATL_Incremental                                                        17500            ATL_Incremental
                           NMF                                                                                     NMF
                           Reference                                                              15000            Reference
 Time [ms]

                                                                                      Time [ms]

                  0                                                                                       0
                       1          2           4             8       16          32                             1    2     4     8    16    32 64      128 256 512 1024
                                                    Model                                                                                 Model

                                             (a) Initial                                                                             (a) Initial

                220                                                                                     230

                                                                       Tool                                                                                  Tool
    Time [ms]

                                                                                            Time [ms]

                                                                    ATL_Incremental                     200                                               ATL_Incremental
                190                                                 NMF                                                                                   NMF
                                                                    Reference                           190                                               Reference
                170                                                                                     170

                160                                                                                     160
                       1          2           4             8       16          32                             1    2     4     8    16    32 64      128 256 512 1024
                                                    Model                                                                                 Model

                                         (b) Initialization                                                                      (b) Initialization

                120           Tool                                                                                    Tool
                           ATL_Incremental                                                              120        ATL_Incremental
                           NMF                                                                                     NMF
                100        Reference                                                                               Reference
    Time [ms]

                                                                                            Time [ms]

                 60                                                                                      60

                 40                                                                                      40

                 20                                                                                      20

                       1          2           4             8       16          32                             1    2     4     8    16    32 64      128 256 512 1024
                                                    Model                                                                                 Model

                                              (c) Load                                                                                (c) Load

                                                     Tool                                                             Tool
                                                  ATL_Incremental                                        4.0       ATL_Incremental
                 2.5                              NMF                                                              NMF
                                                  Reference                                              3.5       Reference

                 2.0                                                                                     3.0
     Time [ms]

                                                                                             Time [ms]

                 1.5                                                                                     2.0
                 0.5                                                                                     0.5
                       1          2           4             8       16          32                             1    2     4     8    16    32 64      128 256 512 1024
                                                    Model                                                                                 Model

                                             (d) Update                                                                              (d) Update

Figure 4: Benchmark results for scale_assay scenario                                  Figure 5: Benchmark results for scale_samples scenario