=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3094/paper_1 |storemode=property |title=Implementation of Behavioral Indicators in Threat Detection and User Behavior Analysis |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3094/paper_1.pdf |volume=Vol-3094 |authors=Yegor Anashkin,Marina Zhukova }} ==Implementation of Behavioral Indicators in Threat Detection and User Behavior Analysis== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3094/paper_1.pdf
Implementation of Behavioral Indicators in Threat Detection and
User Behavior Analysis
Yegor Anashkin 1 and Marina Zhukova 1
 Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, 31 Krasnoyarskii rabochii prospekt,
Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russia

                This paper considers the evolutionary path of indicator development in the tasks of monitoring
                and threat detection. The work aims to form a unified descriptive structure for behavioral
                indicators. The resulting description standard is designed to create an open database of
                behavior indicators. The base of behavior indicators shall be the basis for the user action
                profiling system that's developing by the authors. Prospects of application of the obtained
                results are also seen by the authors in the field of Threat Hunting, Threat Intelligence, and
                automation of correlation rules for SIEM systems.
                In addition, the possibilities, benefits, and methods of implementation of behavior indicators
                in the process of user actions profiling are considered.

                Keywords 1
                Indicators, IoC, IoA, IoB, Threat Hunting, UBA, user behavior analytics

1. Introduction
    The opposition to security threats is a permanent task of information security. It is a continuously
and difficult process, that’s consists of the next subprocesses:
        identification and analysis threats
        development protection system against cyber threats
        monitoring attempts to implement threats
        response against attempts to implement threats
        analysis and conclusions based on results of response
        implementation of corrective/improvement measures
    We focused on the monitoring process because it is the key process required to detect successful
attacks or attempts to implement cyber threats.
    A classic and widespread approach to monitoring is a triggered approach (alert-driven). With this
approach, detection and response against attempts to implement threats occur after the information
protection means are triggered [1]. This approach cannot be called sufficient against modern cyber
threats. Attackers are actively modernizing their techniques and tools to bypass existing information
security systems.
    Another more mature approach to monitoring cyber threats is Threat Hunting. This term should be
understood as the process of cyclical analysis of telemetry collected from the infrastructure in order to
identify successfully implemented threats that were not noticed by preventive information security
systems deployed in the infrastructure [1]. The use of Threat Hunting can reduce the time from the
moment an attacker penetrates the victim's infrastructure to the moment he is detected [2].
    Today, in both approaches to monitoring cyber threats, you can find the use of indicators. Let us
define the concept of an indicator in information security as a sign that signals the presence of realized

AISMA-2021: International Workshop on Advanced in Information Security Management and Applications, October 1, 2021, Stavropol,
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
EMAIL: a.yegoriy@gmail.com (Yegor Anashkin); zhukova@sibsau.ru (Marina Zhukova)
ORCID: 0000-0003-1696-0965 (Yegor Anashkin); 0000-0003-3441-3041 (Marina Zhukova)
             ©️ 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
             Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

threats or attempts to implement threats. When classifying indicators in information security, three types
of indicators can be distinguished:
        indicator of compromise (IoC)
        indicator of attack (IoA)
        indicator of behavior (IoB)

2. Indicators of Compromise
    Today, indicators of compromise (IoCs) are the most widely used. An Indicator of Compromise
(IoC) is an object observed on a network or an endpoint, that is highly likely to indicate unauthorized
access to the system (that is, its compromise) [3]. These indicators are used to detect malicious activity
at an early stage, as well as to prevent known threats. Popular types of IoC are IP addresses, DNS
names, and file hashes.
    However, IoCs have not become a complete and sufficient solution for detecting all attempts to
implement threats. The major shortcomings of compromise indicators are highlighted [4]:
        Professional attackers who conduct targeted attacks either develop new tools or modify known
    hacker tool signatures, such as mimikatz. Due to their uniqueness, such tools are not detected by
        Possibility of flooding databases with indicator noise. Attackers send a lot of false indicators,
    due to which professionals need to filter indicators. It also leads to a decrease in the informativeness
    of the indicators. It also leads to a decrease in confidence in the indicators.
        Professional attackers use the «fileless» malware technique [12]. In this technique, the
    malicious file is not delivered to the victim's device but is built on the end-device by downloading
    the malicious code through standard OS features, such as PowerShell.
        Generally, IoCs are used in reactive mode. It means a successful attack is discovered when IoCs
    are found out in forensic artifacts. Thus, IoCs are instruments to identify compromising, but not to
    provide proactive protection.
    In summary, the use of IoCs can help detect attacks in which attackers use already known objects
(files, DNS, IP, etc.). However, IoCs remain powerless against modern targeted attacks. This led to the
emergence and application of a new type of indicators – Indicator of Attack (IoA) and Indicator of
Behavior (IoB).

3. Indicators of Attack
    An Indicator of Attack is a rule (chain of actions) containing a description of suspicious behavior in
the system, which may be a sign of a targeted attack [5]. To understand the IoA, refer to the Lockheed
Martin Kill Chain Model [6] and the ATT&CK [7]. The Kill Chain model clearly shows a clear
breakdown of an attacker's actions into a sequence of stages to achieve a set goal. The MITRE
Knowledge Base is the structured and most comprehensive knowledge base of the tactics, techniques,
and procedures of professional attackers.
    Thus, an indicator of an attack can be a separate technique/procedure (for example T1562.002 Impair
Defenses: Disable Windows Event Logging), or a sequence of techniques used within the framework
of related tactics. As an example, consider running the command line (T1059 Windows Command and
Scripting Interpreter) followed by modification of the registry keys responsible for autostart to
persistence into the system (T1547.001 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys /
Startup Folder).
    The use of attack indicators (IoAs) to detect attempts to implement cyberthreats is more effective
than IoCs because changing TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures) is the most difficult thing for
an attacker to do [8].

4. Indicators of Behavior
   An Indicator of Behavior is a digital behavior monitored to understand risks within an organization
[9]. A set of behavioral indicators (IoBs) includes a subset of actions from the attack indicators. The
main difference between IoAs and IoBs is:
       IoAs are more related to TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures) of professional attackers
   (APTs). In turn, IoBs are signs of potentially dangerous behavior.
       IoBs can be used to detect an internal intruder, an insider or a user who disregards established
   security policies.
   The following are examples of behavioral indicators:
       use of external media
       work on multiple hosts
       remote login
       work with system utilities
       use of RATs (Remote Admin Tools)
   Indicators of behavior, therefore, have a broader scope of coverage. Behavioral indicators are
applicable in the detection of internal intruders, insiders, breaches or non-compliance with established
information security policies, leaks of confidential information, and others.

5. Integration of indicators
   Specialized solutions called the Threat Intelligence Platform are used to integrate IoCs into the threat
detection process [18]. Threat Intelligence Platform is able to collect the information about possible
threats from different sources (commercial and free, closed and open, public and private) in real-time,
classify it, and perform various operations with it, including uploading it to the information security
tools. A typical diagram of such a solution is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: IoCs integration scheme

    In turn, the attack indicators and behavior indicators currently come as paid rule sets when you
purchase the product [5][10]. Open databases, as in the case of IoCs, are not developed. In addition, full
implementation of IoBs requires specific tools for profiling user actions. A user profile should be built,
including the user's IoBs, and each user action should be recorded and compared with the database of
IoBs. Therefore, if IoBs and IoAs are integrated, the diagram shown in Figure 1 will change to look
like Figure 2.

Figure 2: IoBs and IoAs integration scheme

    Due to the lack of open IoBs databases, a general structure for describing behavioral indicators is
being developed as part of the work in order to create and populate the IoBs database. In the future, it
is planned to use this database of indicators in our own system for profiling user actions, which is being
developed [11].
     An example XML description of a behavior indicator is given in Listing 1.

         Using the Windows command line 
        Command line usage may indicate an attempt to execute a system command to
run scripts, change system configuration, retrieve system information, etc. Not all users need
to interact with the command line when performing their work tasks.
        Policy Violation, Improper Use
                       Windows Security Log

Listing 1: Example description of a behavior indicator

   Semantically, the structure of the IoB description can be divided into two components: a block with
the necessary descriptive characteristics of the indicator and a block with information to detect the
indicator. The description and purpose of the fields are shown in the Table 1.

Table 1
Description of the IoB fields
 Field name                      Description
 Id                              Unique identifier of the behaviour indicator
 Name                            Name of behaviour indicator
 Description                     Brief description of behaviour indicator
 Priority                        Priority of behaviour indicator
 Category                        Category of behaviour indicator
 MITRE_TACT                      Display of the behaviour indicator in MITRE base tactics
 MITRE_TECH                      Display of the behaviour indicator in the MITRE base technique
 Standalone_IOA                  Field shows if the behaviour indicator can be considered as a
                                 separate attack indicator
 BehaviorOn                      This field shows where the behavior indicator can be observed: on the
                                 Windows host, on a network or on a Linux host.
 Detection                       The field includes detectors that can be used to detect an IoB
 Detector                        The field includes the necessary data to detect IoB: in which source
                                 to watch, which field and which value.
 LogSourceName                   Event source name
 EventID                         Identifier of the event in the event source system
 Parameter                       Parameter of the event to analyze
 Condition                       Condition that must be met by the parameter
 Value                           Value for condition

   The resulting behavior indicator description structure includes not only descriptive fields but also
typical event sources, fields, and their values required for indicator detection. This feature allows the
use of the IoBs database to automate the writing of correlation rules of SIEM systems.

6. Implementing behavioral indicators in user behavior analysis (User
   Behavior Analytics)
    User Behavior and Entity Analytics is a class of information security tools for detecting threats to
information systems, based on the analysis of user, device, application, and other behavior [13].
    In today's User Behavior Analytics/User Behavior and Entity Analytics solutions, the Scoring
method or Scoring models (counting the value, in information security, this is counting the value of the
risk) are mostly found [14, 15].
    This approach is combined with the time decay method. This means that when a user stops taking
actions that add negative points to their risk score, the risk score will gradually decrease, e.g. every 5
minutes by 10 points. Thus, this approach is not sensitive to time-distributed attacks. This approach
also lacks retrospective analysis.
    Behavioral indicators can be used to build both retrospective graphs of potential actions that
preceded the current behavior and predict graphs of future actions. Therefore, their use allows for
decoupling from the time frame. Detection should not depend on the frequency of potentially dangerous
actions but on the sequence of such actions.
    Also, the quality of UEBA class solutions is highly dependent on the number of data sources used
to enrich actions with context [16]. Data enrichment allows finding deeper connections. For example,
if integrated correctly with the helpdesk, UEBA can eliminate false positives related to the execution
of applications by administrators on users' hosts. Thus, the number and quality of sources connected
and processed directly affect the accuracy figure (false positive rate).
    Hence, a direct way of improving UEBA class solutions is to work on parsing all sorts of existing
data sources, natural language text processing, etc.
    The authors have chosen a different direction – increasing the number of models used.
    In order to reduce false positives and increase the number of scenarios for the use of user action
profiling, a multi-model approach was previously proposed. The multi-model approach, as originally
conceived, consisted of the following models
     a user behavior model
        a working behavior model
        a security behavior model
        a model of a potential attacker
    Previously, the multi-model approach was based on analyzing the sequence of all user actions.
However, the main purpose of this class of solutions is to detect malicious intent in the user's actions.
To detect malicious intent, behavior indicators and attack indicators are sufficient. Therefore, let us now
consider the transformation of each model with the implementation of the behavior indicators.

6.1.    The user behavior model
    The user behavior model consists of a set of characteristics of the infrastructure with which the user
interacts (e.g. IP address and work hostname) and a set of behavior indicators. The set of behavior
indicators generated by user action profiling is primarily designed to avoid false positives.
    Let's look at a specific example. Let's take an internal attacker as the subject. It is assumed that the
internal attacker already has initial access to the system as opposed to the external attacker. However,
an internal attacker may use his/her colleague's account to elevate his/her rights or hide his/her actions.
To detect such attempts, let's introduce an appropriate behavior indicator - logging in under someone
else's account. The entered indicator will work based on the work host specified in the user's profile.
When a user logs in to a host they have never logged in to before - the system considers this behavior a
possible indicator of logging in under someone else's account.

   Reflecting on this behavioral indicator, it is possible to conclude that there are scenarios with false
positives. For example, a system administrator or helpdesk employee may log on to users' hosts to
resolve technical problems. Therefore, to avoid false positives, these user roles need to have another
behavioral indicator in their profile - operating on multiple hosts.

6.2.    The potential attacker model
   The potential attacker model is the most significant in terms of the threat posed. This model is
therefore subject to particularly stringent false positives. A solution to this requirement could potentially
be to set it to trigger only when a specific sequential chain of behavior indicators is detected. The
fixation of behavior indicators relating to different stages of an attack is a tell-tale sign of malicious
behavior on the part of the user. This concept can be represented as an IoB matrix:

                                            𝑏11     ⋯ 𝑏1𝑛                                              (1)
                                     𝐼𝑜𝐵 = [ ⋮      ⋱  ⋮ ],
                                            𝑏𝑛1     ⋯ 𝑏𝑛𝑛
where bij=1 if it is possible to move from stage IoB(i) to stage IoB(j).

    Then, for example, putting L = 3 as the chain length required to trigger an alert, consider a case
study. Introduce a behavior indicator, "use of external media", which corresponds to the Initial Access
tactic of the MITRE matrix. The current chain length is 1. Next, we notice the "launching a program
from removable media" indicator, which correlates with the Execution tactic. From the 'use of external
media' indicator, it is possible to move to the "launching a program from removable media" indicator,
so the chain length becomes 2. The next indicator observed is 'change in registry values associated with
autorun'. This indicator is related to the Persistence tactic. The observed indicator can be associated
with the previous one, the chain length becomes 3. Chain length reaches a threshold value - an alert is
    In addition, with this matrix, it is possible not only to detect current events but also to predict
expected indicators of behavior in the future. An example of such a predictive chain is shown in Figure

Figure 3: An example of a predictive chain of behavior indicators

6.3.    The working behavior model
    The working behavior model aims to reduce false positives associated with specific infrastructure
and corporate policies.
    For example, in some organizations the use of remote administration tools is legitimate, in others, it
is not. Therefore, if the activity is legitimate, appropriate behavioral indicators should be added to the
working model.
    Examples of corporate behavioral indicators are:

        use of remote administration tools (RAT)
        use of telnet
        use of public file repositories
    What is the underlying assumption for the effectiveness of this behavioral indicator approach? Three
popular models related to attacker behavior are considered:
        The Kill Chain model by Lockheed Martin [6]
        MITRE ATT&CK matrix [7]
        DIAMOND model [17]
    The Kill Chain model does a good job of showing the sequence of actions in an attacker's actions to
achieve their goals.
    The MITRE database is rich in techniques that are indeed capable of being indicators of malicious
intent, as they are highlighted by analyzing the actions of multiple professional groupings (APTs).
    The Diamond model shows that infrastructure features and capabilities (analogous to techniques)
can identify a specific attacker (attacker attribution).
    Thus, the multi-model approach combines the best practices of the three models for analyzing user
behavior. The potential attacker model is based on the consistency principle of the Kill Chain model.
To cover the behavior of professional attackers, the behavior indicators incorporate MITRE matrix
techniques. The user behavior model adopts the Diamond model's experience of identifying a subject
by infrastructure attributes and user capabilities (behavioral indicators).
    Despite the perceived benefits of using best practices, the disadvantages cannot be overlooked:
    1. The listed models (Kill Chain, MITRE, DIAMOND) target external attackers. To fully cover
    the sources of cyber threats, models need to be expanded and adapted to also target the internal
    attacker. As an example, Initial Access tactics from the MITRE base may be completely redundant
    for an internal attacker because the internal user has a priori certain access rights.
    2. More relevant and precise points of contact between the behavioral indicators are needed.
    Building attack chains (transitions between indicators) on the basis of the attack tactics stage alone
    will potentially have errors of the first kind. It means detecting an attack attempt based on potentially
    consistent behavioral indicators, which actually come from different sources and are not related to
    each other. The presence of false-positive verdicts creates the need for additional manual analysis.

7. Conclusions
    The next stage in the development of cyber threat monitoring and detection is the integration of
behavioral indicators and attack indicators into this process. This requires not only the availability of
specific tools but also the emergence of open and accessible indicator databases. To this end, attempts
have been made to develop a descriptive framework of behavioral indicators to further build and
populate the primary indicator base. This database will be used in its own system for profiling user
actions. In addition, it is planned to place the database of indicators in the public domain, which will
allow the community to use this database, for example, for the automated creation of correlation rules
for SIEM systems.
    In order to improve the quality of UEBA class solutions, the idea of implementing behavioral
indicators in the behavior analysis is proposed. The advantage of using behavioral indicators is their
focus on malicious intent. Behavioral indicator sequence analysis is able to detect time-distributed
attacks, unlike the popular Scoring method.
    Taking into account the implementation of behavior indicators and the basic ideas of the Kill Chain,
MITRE, and DIAMOND models, an early multi-model approach to user action profiling has been
redesigned. Further work will focus on developing algorithms for modeling and detecting behavioral
indicators from different log events.

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