Rank-1 Similarity Matrix Decomposition For Modeling Changes in Antivirus Consensus Through Time Robert J. Joyce∗1,2 , Edward Raff†1,2 , and Charles Nicholas‡2 1 Booz Allen Hamilton 2 University of Maryland, Baltimore County Abstract Although groups of strongly correlated antivirus engines are known to exist, at present there is limited understanding of how or why these correlations came to be. Using a cor- pus of 25 million VirusTotal reports representing over a decade of antivirus scan data, we challenge prevailing wisdom that these correlations primarily originate from "first-order" interactions such as antivirus vendors copying the labels of leading vendors. We introduce the Temporal Rank-1 Similarity Matrix decomposition (R1SM-T) in order to investigate the origins of these correlations and to model how consensus amongst antivirus engines changes over time. We reveal that first-order interactions do not explain as much behavior in an- tivirus correlation as previously thought, and that the relationships between antivirus en- gines are highly volatile. We make recommendations on items in need of future study and consideration based on our findings. 1 Introduction Our work is motivated by two chronic problems in the study of malware, namely malware detection (deciding whether a file is benign or malicious) and malware family classification (determining which of many existing families a malware sample might belong to). These tasks both require labeled data, but new malware samples number in the millions each month [19] and obtaining ground truth labels via manual analysis can take hours of effort per sample [24]. For this reason, the vast majority of works use the aggregated results from a collection of antivirus engines as a source of scalable labeling [26]. For example, a common approach to malware detection is antivirus thresholding, in which some minimum number of antivirus engines in a collection must detect a file as malicious in order for it to be considered malware [5, 8]. Likewise, plurality and majority voting amongst antivirus engines are popular strategies for performing malware family classification [17, 2]. A significant issue with these aggregation approaches is that all antivirus engines are treated as independent voters, yet prior work shows that some groups of antivirus engines make highly correlated labeling decisions [9, 26, 17]. As is well attested within the ML literature, the use of highly correlated models provides little benefit [7, 25, 3]. The presence of strong correlations between some antivirus engines likely results in degraded accuracy when these voting methods are used. Although the existence of correlations between antivirus engines is well-documented, there has been minimal study of why they exist. Present explanations include different engines created by the same company, products “copying” the results of leading vendors, and vendors sub- licensing their technology to others [17, 12]. All of the above explanations can be considered ∗ joyce_robert2@bah.com † raff_edward@bah.com ‡ nicholas@umbc.edu Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas “first-order” interactions, since they create a direct link between the labeling decisions of two antivirus engines. To our knowledge, no existing work has empirically confirmed whether first- order interactions are the sole cause of the correlations between antivirus engines, or whether more complex, unknown factors are also (at least in part) responsible. An additional consideration overlooked by prior work is the volatile and adversarial nature of the malware ecosystem. Malware authors are constantly attempting to evade detection while antivirus engines are continually forced to develop new detection methods [13]. We hypothesize that the groups of antivirus engines which are highly correlated may themselves change as a function of time. However, we are aware of no prior work which has studied this possibility [14]. Our work does not attempt to explain how correlations between antivirus engines came to exist, but instead seeks to answer questions about the nature of these correlations and how they change over time. In Section 2 we discuss the current state of research on antivirus engine dy- namics. In Section 3 we explore consensus amongst antivirus engines and how it has changed over the course of a decade. In Section 4 we introduce the Rank-1 Similarity Matrix decom- position (R1SM), which reveals first-order interactions between the constituents of a similarity matrix. The section also discusses an extension to R1SM that uses a neural network over po- sitional embeddings to concurrently decompose a time-series of similarity matrices, which we term R1SM-T. In Section 5 we apply R1SM and R1SM-T to over 25 million antivirus scan reports spanning a decade in order to identify first-order interactions between the constituent antivirus engines. Our results indicate that relationships between antivirus engines are more mercurial than previously thought. Finally, in Section 6 we discuss the impacts of our findings and conclude that future antivirus aggregation strategies should consider approaches similar to a weighted ensemble, where the weights of each antivirus engine are a function of time. 2 Related Work Mohaisen and Alrawi [12] is the earliest work we are aware of which systematically evaluates the performance of antivirus engines. The authors observed that the detection results of many antivirus engines follow those of a leading product and hypothesize that this correlation is due to copying or sharing of information. Hurier et al. [6] introduced several metrics for quantify- ing the level of consensus between a set of antivirus engines. In Section 3.3 we explore how one of these metrics, synchronicity, changes over a ten year period. Kantchelian et al. [9] observed that antivirus labels take time to stabilize and that vendors may change their detections to cor- rect errors, especially false negatives. In a study of 734,000 executables first seen on VirusTotal (an online malware analysis service that scans files with a collection of antivirus engines) be- tween Jan. 2012 and Jun. 2014, the authors measured correlation amongst the detections of a group of approximately 80 antivirus engines. They found that although some groups are highly correlated, antivirus engines lack an overall consensus. Martín et al. [11] surveyed a dataset of 82,866 suspicious Android applications and showed that some antivirus engines also make cor- related decisions when labeling malware as a particular category or family. The closest work to ours is Zhu et al. [26], who re-scanned a collection of 14,000 malware samples daily for over a year in order to investigate the dynamics of antivirus detection changes. By observing which antivirus engines changed their detections with similar timing, the authors identified five groups of highly correlated antivirus engines. Furthermore, Zhu et al. [26] used influence modeling to identify antivirus engines which actively change their detections to match other vendors. They determined that label copying is a widespread practice in the antivirus industry. All of these works generally lead to first-order conclusions about correlation, but do not study the correla- tions on the same quantity of data (25 million scan reports) or length of time (ten years) that we consider in this study. Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas 3 Studying Changes in Antivirus Engine Consensus Through Time For the purposes of investigating antivirus label consensus and how antivirus dynamics have changed through time, we were provided with a dataset of 25,100,286 VirusTotal scan reports [18]. This dataset, which we call VirusShare-VT, was collected by querying the VirusTotal API for all files in chunks 0 through 233 of the publicly-available VirusShare malware corpus [1]. VirusTotal API queries for the VirusShare-VT dataset were made over the course of six months, from Dec. 2015 to May 2016 [18]. Each report in the VirusShare-VT dataset is a JSON object containing information about a particular VirusTotal scan. Of note is the scan_date field, which contains the date and time that a file was scanned with the collection of antivirus engines. The scan date is often older than the query date, because VT does not re-scan files for simple queries. The distribution of scan dates is shown in Figure 1, ranging from May 2006 to May 2016. Figure 1: Distribution of scan dates in VirusShare-VT. Given the sizeable number of malware samples in chunks 0 - 233 of VirusShare, scanning these samples daily as Zhu et al. [26] did was infeasible. The VirusShare-VT dataset only contains one scan report per sample, and antivirus detections for files first seen shortly before the scan date have likely not stabilized. However, we do not consider these factors to be drawbacks, as they would be typical of most datasets used for antivirus aggregation. The massive size and timescale of the VirusShare-VT dataset makes it ideal for answering our research questions. 3.1 Measuring Pairwise Antivirus Consensus Throughout this paper we attempt to follow the terminology introduced by Hurier et al. [6] for measuring consensus amongst antivirus engines. Given a set of n antivirus engines A = {a1 , a2 , ..., an } and a set of m files P = {p1 , p2 , ..., pm }, the detections and family classifications of the antivirus engines for this set of malware samples can be arranged into two matrices B and C:     b1,1 b1,2 . . . b1,n c1,1 c1,2 . . . c1,n  b2,1 b2,2 . . . b2,n   c2,1 c2,2 . . . c2,n  B= . . .. . C =  .. .. .. ..       .. .. . ..   . . . .   bm,1 bm,2 . . . bm,n cm,1 cm,2 . . . cm,n An element Bi,j in B is 1 if file pi is detected as malware by engine aj and 0 if it is not detected. An element Ci,j in C is given by the malware family assigned to file pi by engine aj . Di,j and Ci,j are ∅ (null) if engine aj did not scan pi . For constructing the matrix C we employed a portion of the AVClass labeler’s architecture, which can extract family information from antivirus signatures [17]. When AVClass ingests a scan report, it normalizes and tokenizes each antivirus signature, removes any tokens that do not contain family information, and performs family alias Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas resolution. The processed token(s) from the antivirus signature produced by engine aj for file pi are used as the family for element Ci,j . Hurier et al. [6] proposed a metric called overlap for computing pairwise detection consensus for a pair of antivirus engines. However, overlap does not consider that some antivirus engines may be missing from a scan report. Instead, we define a similar metric, which we call agreement, that corrects this issue. |Bi == S Bj | Definition 1. Agreement(Bi , Bj ) = |Bi Bj | s. t. Bi , Bj ̸= ∅ Agreement(Bi , Bj ) divides the number of scans in B in which ai and aj agree upon a file’s detection by the total number of scans in which both ai and aj are present. Classification agreement can be defined in the same way by substituting the matrix B for C. Since it is possible for AVClass to convert a single antivirus signature into multiple family tokens, we consider two elements in C to be equal if they share any AVClass tokens, or if AVClass produced zero tokens for both signatures. 3.2 Antivirus Agreement in VirusShare-VT The VirusShare-VT dataset contains 93 antivirus engines that appear in at least 1,000 different scan reports. The set of antivirus engines used by VirusTotal changes gradually over time. In May 2006 only 26 of the 93 engines were observed; this number gradually increases to 57 by May 2016. The sets of antivirus engines in VirusTotal are relatively consistent month-to-month, with an average of 1.033 engines added or removed per month. Several antivirus engines only appear in VirusShare-VT during a short window of time. Many of these are alternative or beta versions of existing engines (e.g. PandaBeta from Feb. 2007 to Feb. 2009, McAfee+Artemis from Nov. 2008 to Jan. 2011, and Avast5 from Mar. 2010 to Sep. 2011). The name, numeric index used in all appropriate figures, and total number of occurrences of each of the 93 antivirus engines in the VirusShare-VT dataset is shown in Table 1 in Appendix A. (a) Detection Matrix (b) Classification Matrix Figure 2: Similarity matrices displaying pairwise detection and classification agreement for 93 antivirus engines in VirusShare-VT. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show the pairwise detection and classification agreement for each of these 93 antivirus engines. Consistent with prior work, there are observable instances of high detection consensus among some vendors, and a small subset of vendors have very little agree- ment with others [9]. The classification agreement matrix appears highly similar in structure to the detection matrix but with smaller values on average. One possible explanation for this phenomenon is that classification agreement depends upon both antivirus engines detecting the sample as malware. Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas 3.3 Measuring Changes in Antivirus Synchronicity Over Time Next, we explore how overall consensus amongst antivirus engines has changed over time. Con- sider a similarity matrix D constructed P by applying some similarity function sim(Bi , Bj ) to each pair of antivirus engines in A. Let D denote the sum of all elements in D. Because values below the main diagonal of a similarity matrix are redundant, we define the triu(X, i) function to return X where all elements at or below the ith diagonal are replaced with zero. In future references to similarity matrices in this paper it is implicit that redundant information has al- ready been removed, i.e. D has been replaced with triu(D, 1). To measure overall consensus amongst a set of antivirus engines, we use synchronicity, defined as [6]: P triu(D,1) Definition 2. Synchronicity(B) = n(n−1)/2 Synchronicity is equivalent to the average value of the entries above the main diagonal of D. We define synchronicity using different notation than Hurier et al. [6] to to be consistent with terminology we use later in this paper. When computing the similarity matrix D, sim(Bi , Bj ) can be any pairwise similarity function; we elect to use agreement as this similarity function in all of our experiments. Although Hurier et al. [6] define synchronicity only for measuring the level of consensus amongst antivirus detections, it can also measure classification consensus by computing a similarity matrix for C instead of B. 3.4 Monthly Synchronicity in VirusShare-VT Figure 3 displays how the synchronic- ity of the antivirus engines in the VirusShare-VT dataset changes over time. This data was collected by group- ing the scans in VirusShare-VT by month and computing detection and classifi- cation synchronicity for each group of scans. It is evident that synchronicity amongst antivirus engines varies consid- erably over short spans of time. Although they have different magnitudes, detection and classification synchronicity seem to be loosely correlated. Again, a possible explanation for this is because classifica- Figure 3: Monthly detection and classification synchronic- tion must follow detection. ity amongst antivirus engines in VirusShare-VT. At first, we believed that one factor which contributed to the volatility shown in Figure 3 was engines joining and leaving the Virus- Total platform. As we mentioned in Section 3.1, changes in the set of antivirus engines used by VirusTotal tend to be very gradual. However, we identified three events in which four or more antivirus engines were added or removed in the span of a month. One of these represents the most significant population shift in our dataset by far; the removal of fourteen engines between Jan. and Feb. 2009. This corresponds to an increase in detection synchronicity from 0.577 to 0.679 during this period, though change in classification synchronicity is negligible. The other two events are the additions of four antivirus engines between Aug. and Sep. 2008 and five en- gines between Aug. and Sep. 2013. However, synchronicity does not change significantly during either of these intervals. It would be difficult for changes in synchronicity to occur due to popu- lation changes unless a significant number of engines join or leave. In addition, we observe other significant increases and decreases in synchronicity during which the population of antivirus en- gines does not change. We conclude that changes in synchronicity amongst antivirus engines Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas are likely caused by a complex assortment of factors, including changes in both the malware ecosystem and antivirus community. 4 Temporal Rank-1 Decomposition of Similarity Matrices All current explanations for consensus between antivirus engines can be classified as first-order interactions, i.e. a single interaction between a pair of features. In order to test these widely- held assumptions we introduce the Rank-1 Similarity Matrix (R1SM) decomposition. We later describe an extension to R1SM that reveals changes in first-order interactions within time-series data, which we call the Temporal Rank-1 Similarity Matrix Decomposition (R1SM-T). It was necessary to create this decomposition as, to our knowledge, no existing algorithm possesses this capability. 4.1 The R1SM Decomposition Suppose we have a similarity matrix D that represents agreement between each pair of antivirus engines in A. The R1SM decomposition exposes first-order interactions between the antivirus engines in the upper triangular of D as the sum of rank-1 outer products with shared, non- negative weights. Definition 3. D = ki=1 triu(r i r ⊤ P i , 1) In Definition 3, each vector r 1 , r 2 , ...r k has length n and is non-negative. First-order inter- actions between objects in D manifest in these vectors, which we call the components of the decomposition. This behavior occurs due to the nature of the decomposition, in which the outer product of each vector ri and its transpose forms a rank-1 matrix (a matrix containing only first-order interactions by definition). The R1SM decomposition is comparable to the existing CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) decomposition, which also decomposes a tensor into a sum of rank-one outer products [10]. However, additional restrictions (e.g. the decomposition can only be applied to the upper triangular of a square, non-negative matrix and the rank-one outer prod- ucts have shared weights) distinguish the R1SM decomposition from the CP decomposition. 4.2 Solving the R1SM Decomposition Next, we discuss how the R1SM decomposi- Algorithm 1 R1SM Greedy Decomposition tion is computed. A trivial solution of the R1SM decomposition exists for all similarity Require: Similarity matrix D, early stopping matrices in which each component determines threshold δ 1: function R1SM-Greedy(D, δ) a single value in one of the n(n−1)/2 elements in the upper triangular. However, this solu- 2: Y1 ← D, i ← 0 tion does not provide any useful insights about 3: do first-order interactions in the decomposed ma- 4: i←i+1 trix. Recall that one of our research goals is 5: Find ri which maximally explains Yi to determine what portion of the correlations 6: Ri ← triu(r i r ⊤ i , 1) can be explained by first-order interactions. 7: Yi+1P← Yi − Ri while P Ri ≥ δ In order to obtain this information, we solve 8: D for the components of the R1SM decomposi- 9: return r 1 , r 2 , ...r i−1 tion using an iterative, greedy strategy. Algorithm 1 approximates the R1SM decomposition of a similarity matrix D. At the begin- ning of the ith iteration of the algorithm, Yi is the residual of triu(D, 1), representing the portion of the similarity matrix that has not yet contributed to the decomposition. At each step of the decomposition, a component ri is found such that ri maximally explains Yi , i.e. the maximum value of Ri for which Yi − Ri is non-negative, where Ri = triu(r i r ⊤ i , 1) (line 5). In Section P Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas 4.4 we describe our implementation for finding components that maximally explain Yi . After solving for ri , the updated residual Yi+1 is computed by subtracting Ri from Yi (line 7). Each Pcomponent of the R1SM decomposition explains a portion of the similarity matrix, given by PRDi . Due to the greedy nature of Algorithm 1, the percentage of the similarity matrix explained by subsequent components tends to decrease monotonically. Once a component fails to explain a meaningful percentage of the similarity matrix, it is unlikely that any subsequent component will. Once the algorithm reaches this point, we assert that most if not all significant first-order interactions have been captured by the decomposition, and all further information left to be explained is better represented by a morePcomplex model. Therefore, iteration of Algorithm 1 halts if a component is found for which PRDi is less than δ, which defaults to 0.1% (line 8). If a significant portion of D can be decomposed before the early stopping condition is reached, we conclude that most of the interactions between the antivirus engines represented by D are first-order. A complete decomposition of D can be obtained by setting δ to zero, in which Algorithm 1 will iterate until triu(Yi , 1) stores the zero matrix. 4.3 R1SM Cluster Extraction Each component r i of the R1SM composition represents first-order interactions between objects in a similarity matrix. As such, each component can be interpreted as a cluster, where large val- ues in a component indicate a strong first-order relationship between the corresponding objects. Unlike traditional methods for clustering objects in a similarity matrix (e.g. agglomerative hi- erarchical clustering), which group objects by their overall similarity, the clusters produced by the R1SM decomposition indicate groups with prominent first-order interactions. We stress that clustering is not the primary motivation of the R1SM decomposition, but we explore the idea due to its usefulness. Because the r i are not sparse, they may contain small, even spurious values that are not indicative of significant first-order interactions between objects. Thus a parameter ϵ influences which members of a component are considered “clustered” (i.e., a non-trivial first-order correlate). For a component r i , the j’th object is a member of cluster i iff r ij ≥ ϵ. A large ϵ results in smaller clusters, where all objects within a cluster have strong first-order interactions between each other. Conversely, a small ϵ yields larger clusters, but objects within a cluster may have weaker first-order interactions. An object may be a member of multiple clusters or none at all, and it is possible for a cluster to contain zero objects. The early stopping term δ also controls the resulting clustering, as it determines the maximum number of clusters. In Section 5.1 we take advantage of the clustering property of the R1SM decomposition to identify groups of antivirus engines that share strong first-order interactions. 4.4 RISM-T: Applying the R1SM Decomposition to Time-Series Data One of our primary research goals is to study how first-order interactions amongst antivirus engines have changed over time. In order to do so, we introduce an extension to the R1SM decomposition which can decompose a time-series of similarity matrices D = [D1 , D2 , ...DT ] rather than a single matrix. We call this extension the Temporal Rank-1 Similarity Decomposi- tion (R1SM-T). Again, it is implicit that all similarity matrices in the time-series have had the redundant information at or below their main diagonals replaced with zero. Algorithm 2 describes the concurrent R1SM decomposition of multiple similarity matrices while sharing information across all matrices as a function of their spatial relationships in time. During the ith iteration, Y i = [Yi,1 , Yi,2 , ...Yi,T ] stores the residual of each similarity matrix in D. Like Algorithm 1, components ri = [r i,1 , r i,2 , ...r i,T ] are found such that they each maximally explain their respective matrices in Y i (lines 6 - 13). Our implementation for finding these components is described momentarily. A penalty term discourages any values in triu(r i,t r ⊤ i,t , 1) from exceeding their corresponding values in Yi,t , but minute errors are still possible. Therefore, Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas for each time t, triu(r i,t r ⊤ i,t , 1) is corrected using Yi,t and the result is stored in Ri,t (line 16). Yi+1,t , the new residual of triu(D, 1), is computed by subtracting R Pi,t from Yi,t (line 17). Like Ri Algorithm 1, iteration stops once components are found such that D < δ (line 18). P Our implementation uses a deep neural network F (·) over positional embeddings to concur- rently solve the next component in the R1SM decomposition for each similarity matrix in the time-series. This model design was selected so that non-linear changes in consensus over time can be learned. Furthermore, positional embeddings allow the model to leverage temporal rela- tionships between the target similarity matrices as the primary factor of changes in consensus. F (·) is trained on a batch of input vectors X = [X1 , X2 , ..., XT ], where each vector Xt is the positional embedding of timestep t in the time-series. To obtain the positional embedding of t, we define d2 distinct frequencies f1 , f2 , ...fd/2 , where d is the size of the neural network’s input layer and the j th frequency is given by fj = t 2j . Xt is constructed by alternately applying 10000 d the sin() and cos() functions to each frequency as shown below [20]. h    i⊤ Definition 4. Xt = sin (f1 ) , cos (f1 ) , . . . , sin f d , cos f d 2 2 The use of a single network Algorithm 2 R1SM-T Decomposition that predicts a component for each similarity matrix based on posi- Require: Time-series of similarity matrices D = tional embeddings permits informa- [D1 , D2 , ...DT ], early stopping threshold δ, and tion sharing across time while simul- penalty term λ taneously allowing the model to ad- 1: function R1SM-T(D, δ, λ) just the results over time. In doing 2: Y 1 ← D, i ← 0 so, the model gains the ability to 3: do learn meaningful results during pe- 4: i←i+1 riods in which less data is available, 5: Initialize network F (·) adapting to the rate of change that 6: while F has not converged do is present in the data. That is to 7: ℓ ← 0 say, if time is not relevant at all the 8: r i,1 , r i,2 , ...r i,T ← F (X) model can learn to ignore the input 9: for t ← 1 to T do embedding Xt entirely. If time is rel- 10: U t ← min(triu(r i,t r ⊤ i,t , 1) - Yi,t , 0) evant, the embeddings Xt and Xt+∆ 11: O t ← max(Y i,t - triu(r i,t r i,t , 1), 0) ⊤ have a relationship that can be ex- 12: ℓ ← ℓ + ∥λU t + O t ∥2 tracted by a single layer of a neural 13: Back-propagate ℓ and run optimizer step. network [20], allowing for informa- 14: r i,1 , r i,2 , ...r i,T ← F (X) tion sharing over time. This infor- 15: for t ← 1 to T do mation sharing is important as we 16: Ri,t ← min(triu(r i,t r ⊤ i,t , 1), Y i,t ) observe different rates of change over 17: Y ← Y − R P i+1,t i,t i,t time, and the amount of samples per 18: while PRDi ≥ δ month varies by up to three orders 19: return r 1 , r 2 , ...r i−1 of magnitude (as shown in Figure 1). During each iteration i a new neural network F (·) optimizes the values in components ri = [r i,1 , r i,2 , ...r i,T ] such that they each maximally explain their respective matrices in Y i (lines 6 - 13). The loss ℓ of F (X) is computed using two matrices Ut and Ot , which represent element-wise differences between triu(r i,t r ⊤ i,t , 1) and Yi,t per timestep. Ut stores under-predictions in triu(r i,t r i,t , 1) (line 10) and Ot stores over- ⊤ predictions in triu(r i,t r ⊤ i,t , 1) (line 11). F (·) is strongly discouraged from over-predicting Yi by the λ hyper-parameter, which has a value in the range (0, 1], and is set to 0.01 by default. λ acts as a scaling factor between U and O, causing values in O to contribute more heavily to the loss (line 12). Due to this term, over-prediction of the values in the components is rare. Once the batch loss has been computed, the model performs back-propagation and the opti- Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas mizer step (line 13). Training continues until the model converges, at which point r i holds an optimal solution. Algorithm 2 can solve the R1SM decomposition of a single similarity matrix by defining it as a time-series with only one timestep. Our implementation of the neural net- work F (·) uses ten hidden layers with five residual connections. The default hidden layer size is 1,024 neurons, and the network includes multiple bottleneck layers whose sizes are a function of the input and output layer sizes. The exp() function is applied to all weights in the output layer of F (·), constraining the predicted components to be non-negative as required by the definition of the R1SM decomposition. An important design factor is the use of a very small learning rate, which allows precise adjustments to the values in the component during the learning process. By default, R1SM-T uses a learning rate of 1e-7. We note that in extended tests a wide array of layer depths, residual and/or simple feed-forward connections, and numbers of neurons per layer, produced qualitatively and quantitatively the same results, as the networks are learning to predict population level statistics without explicit features about the populations, forcing the network to learn consistent population behaviors. 5 First-Order Interactions in Detection Percent Agreement Decomposition r , r , ... r 0 1.0 Antivirus Scan Data 5 10 15 0 20 40 60 80 Now that we have introduced the R1SM de- 0 0 0.8 composition and R1SM-T, we use them to study first-order interactions amongst the an- 20 20 0.6 tivirus engines in the VirusTotal-VT dataset. First, we investigate the validity of the indus- 40 40 r , r , ... r try assumption that consensus between an- 0.4 tivirus engines is caused by first-order inter- 60 60 actions, such as sharing of threat intelligence 0.2 and copying from leading vendors. We iden- tify clusters of antivirus engines with strong 80 80 first-order interactions. Finally, we research 0 10 0 20 40 60 80 0.0 triu(r r + r r + ... + r r , 1) how first-order interactions between antivirus engines have changed over a decade. Figure 4: R1SM decomposition of the detection agreement similarity matrix for VirusShare-VT. The leftmost subplot contains the sixteen components 5.1 Applying R1SM to Antivirus and the topmost subplot contains their transposes. Similarity Matrices The large central subplot contains the portion of the similarity matrix explained by the components. Figure 4 displays the R1SM decomposition of the similarity matrix shown in Figure 2(a), Component 1 which measures pairwise detection agree- AVG Emsisoft K7AntiVirus Sophos ment amongst the antivirus engines in the AhnLab-V3 F-Prot Kaspersky Symantec Avast F-Secure McAfee TrendMicro VirusShare-VT dataset. This decomposition BitDefender Fortinet McAfee-GW-Edition TrendMicro-HouseCall was obtained by applying Algorithm 2 to the CAT-QuickHeal GData Microsoft VBA32 similarity matrix, represented as a time-series Comodo Ikarus Panda nProtect DrWeb Jiangmin Rising with a single timestep. Using an early stop- ping threshold of δ = 0.1%, the decomposi- Component 2 Component 4 Component 5 tion yielded k = 16 components which explain Authentium McAfee+Artemis ALYac Arcabit PandaB3 PandaBeta 60.596% of the matrix. That approximately a-sqared 40% of the matrix went unexplained implies Figure 5: Clusters extracted from the R1SM decom- that significant amounts of the consensus be- position of the detection percent agreement matrix tween antivirus engines cannot be explained (δ = 0.1%, ϵ = 0.85). by first-order interactions alone, which runs Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas counter to current belief. Determining the Classification Percent Agreement Decomposition r , r , ... r nature of such interactions is a subject for fu- 0 1.0 ture research. 5 10 Figure 5 displays clusters extracted from 15 20 the R1SM decomposition in Figure 4 using ϵ = 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 0.8 0.85. Components with less than two antivirus engines exceeding ϵ are not shown. The clus- 20 20 0.6 tering illustrates a common trait of the R1SM decomposition, namely that the first compo- 40 40 nent tends to subsume a large quantity of the r , r , ... r 0.4 similarity matrix, resulting in a large cluster for the first component. The cluster extracted 60 60 from the first component indicates that a sig- 0.2 nificant number of first-order interactions ex- 80 80 ist between a large group of antivirus engines. 0.0 0 10 20 0 20 40 60 80 Inspection of the clustering shows pairs of an- triu(r r + r r + ... + r r , 1) tivirus engines with a shared vendor, such as Figure 6: R1SM decomposition of the antivirus clas- TrendMicro and TrendMicro-Housecall as well sification agreement similarity matrix. as PandaB3 and PandaBeta. Other antivirus engines in the clusters have been previously Component 1 Component 2 Component 5 reported to have similarities, such as Bit- ClamAV Avast5 ALYac Defender, Emsisoft, and GData; McAfee, Comodo K7AntiVirus Ad-Aware nProtect MicroWorld-eScan McAfee-GW-Edition, and Microsoft; and Avast, AVG, and Fortinet [26, 16]. Further Component 7 Component 9 Component 10 investigation is needed to identify the causes Authentium McAfee Ewido of the first-order interactions between the re- Command McAfee+Artemis NOD32v2 maining antivirus engines. F-Prot SAVMail UNA Figure 6 shows the R1SM decomposi- Component 11 Component 13 tion of the similarity matrix shown in Fig- K7AntiVirus FortinetBeta ure 2(b), which contains pairwise classification K7GW McAfeeBeta agreement scores for the antivirus engines in VirusShare-VT. This decomposition has k = Figure 7: Clusters extracted from the R1SM decom- 21 components which explain 58.394% of the position of the classification percent agreement ma- matrix. As with the prior decomposition, trix (δ = 0.1%, ϵ = 0.7). a significant portion of the similarity matrix cannot be explained using first-order interactions alone, and further work is necessary to identify and model the complex relationships between this set of antivirus engines. Comparing the cen- tral subplots of figures 4 and 6 shows that both decompositions are structurally alike, indicating that many of the same first-order interactions exist between the antivirus engines whether mea- suring detection or classification agreement. We revisit this observation in Section 5.2, where we show that the time-series for the two similarity metrics also have R1SM-T decompositions with notable similarities. Figure 7 shows the clusters extracted from the classification percent agreement R1SM de- composition in Figure 6 using ϵ = 0.7. Again, components with less than two antivirus engines exceeding ϵ are not displayed. Shared vendor relationships between Authentium and Command, McAfee and McAfee+Artemis, and K7AntiVirus and K7GW are identified by the clusters for components 7, 9, and 11 respectively. Zhu et al. [26] identify similarities between ClamAV and Comodo (component 1) as well as Ad-Aware and MicroWorld-eScan (component 5). Sebastián et al. [16] also report that the Ad-Aware and MicroWorld-eScan engines frequently have iden- tical labels. No prior work has identified similarities between any antivirus engines developed by Fortinet and McAfee, but in 2019 the two vendors released a joint endpoint security solution Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas [4]. A partnership between Fortinet and McAfee likely accounts for the first-order interactions between their two beta engines in component 13. We have not found any publicly known con- nections between the remaining clustered antivirus engines. 5.2 Applying R1SM-T to Time-Series of Antivirus Similarity Matrices Next, we investigate the changes in first-order interactions between antivirus engines in the VirusShare-VT dataset over the course of a decade. To do this, we separated VirusShare-VT into groups of antivirus scans by month, and computed detection and classification agreement similarity matrices for each group. The similarity matrices were then arranged into two time- series representing monthly change in classification and detection agreement respectively. Fi- nally, we applied R1SM-T to both time-series. The R1SM-T models for the detection and classification agreement time-series converged after 5,200,000 and 5,440,000 training itera- tions respectively. They each identified k = 26 sets of components using the early stopping value δ = 0.1%. The R1SM-T decomposi- tion for the detection percent agreement time- series explains an average of 73.709% of the matrices and the decomposition for the clas- sification percent agreement time-series ex- plains an average of 67.196% of the matri- ces. Interestingly, the percent explained by the R1SM-T decomposition varies monthly, as shown in Figure 8. In this figure, the upper red line of each plot indicates monthly changes in synchronicity, originally shown in Figure 3. Each region shaded in blue represents how much a component of the decomposition con- tributes P to the monthly synchronicity, given Ri,t by n(n−1)/2 . Synchronicity that cannot be ex- Figure 8: Monthly detection and classification syn- plained by first-order interactions captured in chronicity explained by R1SM-T. Synchronicity con- tributed by each component is shown in a shade of the decomposition are represented by the area blue, with component 1 at the bottom. The total shaded in red. In both plots, the proportion of monthly synchronicity is indicated by the topmost synchronicity explained by first-order interac- red line. The red shaded region indicates how much tions slowly increases. Although the cause of synchronicity is not explained by first-order interac- this trend is unknown, a possible explanation tions contained within R1SM-T components. is an increase in sharing of threat intelligence throughout the industry over time. In both plots, the first component steadily becomes the dom- inant contributor to the explained synchronicity over time. Before 2009, the other components supplied approximately half of the explained synchronicity, but they became negligible by 2014. This seems to indicate that sharing of threat intelligence used to be limited to disparate groups of antivirus engines, but over time information sharing has become ubiquitous. This also corre- lates with usage of VirusTotal itself within industry, as it provides extensive threat intelligence tooling and a community-based platform for sharing information about malware samples. Next, we investigate the first R1SM-T component of both time-series due to its intriguing behavior in Figure 8. In doing so, we observe how the behaviors of individual antivirus engines as well as overall trends in the antivirus community change over time. Figures 9 and 10 display the first component of the R1SM decomposition for each of the 121 similarity matrices in the two time-series. Each column represents the component for a particular month, and each row Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas indicates how the contributions of a specific antivirus engine to the first component have changed over time. The overall magnitude of the components within Figure 10 is lower than their counter- Detection Time-Series Component 1 parts in Figure 9, and month-to-month com- 0 1.0 ponent values have more variability. How- ever, the similarity in structure between the 20 0.8 two decompositions is striking. As with our earlier findings for the two R1SM decompo- 0.6 sitions, a possible explanation for this struc- Antivirus Engine 40 tural similarity is that classification depends upon detection. These results could also indi- 60 0.4 cate that the same types of first-order interac- tions tend to exist between antivirus engines 0.2 regardless of whether detection or classifica- 80 tion agreement is measured. Next, we discuss 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 notable types of features visible in the decom- Time Step position that indicate changes in first-order in- Population wide changes in Product entry Sudden drops in Slow change in correlation never previously correlation correlations teractions between antivirus engines. identified Trivial Patterns: Insights into alter- Figure 9: The first components for the time-series of ations in antivirus behavior can be observed similarity matrices measuring monthly antivirus de- when corresponding values in the decomposi- tection percent agreement in VirusShare-VT. Each tion change radically within a short time pe- column is the component for a particular month, riod. Both decompositions clearly display the starting in May 2006 and ending in May 2016. months during which antivirus engines were added to the VirusTotal platform, such as Classification Time-Series Component 1 Alyac in Nov. 2014 (row 0) [22]. The Jun. 0 1.0 2015 retirement of the Norman antivirus en- gine from VirusTotal is also visible in both de- 0.8 20 compositions (row 56) [23]. Abnormal Structural Changes: Ver- 0.6 tical "bands" in the R1SM-T decompositions Antivirus Engine 40 indicate periods of change within the entire antivirus community that have never been 60 0.4 previously noted or identified, to the best of our knowledge. A band evident in both figures 0.2 9 and 10 takes place during Apr. and May 80 2011 (columns 59 and 60), in which values for 0.0 a number of antivirus engines, including Avast 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time Step (row 13), Emsisoft (row 30), F-Prot (row 32), Correlation change over time not present from just detection plots. Sudden drops in Global structure change correlation only for classification GData (row 38), Ikarus (row 39), Rising (row 65), Sophos (row 69), TheHacker (row 74), Figure 10: The first components for the time-series VIPRE (row 80) drop sharply. A second band measuring antivirus classification percent agreement beginning in Jul. 2014, which lasts until Feb. in VirusShare-VT. 2015 in Figure 9 and until May 2015 in Figure 10, indicates a turbulent period where the relationships between antivirus engines were in flux. The components in Figure 10 immediately following this band change drastically, with many an- tivirus engines gaining an increased share of the component in comparison to the prior months. To understand the cause of these community-wide disturbances in correlation requires further research, but should immediately impact how industry design their label aggregation pipelines. We would recommend any training data labeled during these time periods be regarded as po- Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas tentially suspect, and such data should undergo further analysis to confirm label quality. Sudden Variations: Individual changes to an antivirus within a short period of time also indicate notable events. In Figure 9 a large gap occurs for K7Antivirus (row 41) from Feb. 2010 to Jul. 2010, which corresponds with the release of K7 TotalSecurity version 10.0 on Feb. 23, 2010 [15]. Aegislab (row 4) fluctuates significantly for unknown reasons, dropping from 0.575 when it was first introduced to VirusTotal in Feb. 2014 [21] to 0.146 and rising back to a peak of 0.716 in Aug. 2014. Aegislab’s contributions to the first component are nearly identical to those of Alibaba (row 7) throughout all of 2015, possibly indicating a common information source. Differences Between Decompositions: Since the first components of both R1SM-T decompositions are structurally very similar, differences between the two may indicate first-order correlations caused by factors related to either benign/malicious detection or family classification alone. These factors could include increased or reduced use of heuristic antivirus signatures or changes in malware family naming conventions. External events, such as the emergence of new malware families, could also explain these discrepancies. The R1SM-T decompositions in Figures 9 and 10 reveal that correlations between antivirus engines can change significantly within a short time period. Furthermore, they illustrate periods of industry-wide change that have never been previously identified. Although we explain many of the features in the decompositions, the factors that cause consensus between antivirus engines to change are still largely unknown, and identifying the sources that cause periods of population- wide volatility is especially important. 6 Discussion We lack complete understanding of the factors that cause correlations between antivirus engines; first-order interactions alone are not sufficient for modeling the complex interconnections between antivirus engines. In studying how consensus amongst antivirus engines change over time, we found that the relationships between antivirus engines are even more intricate and volatile than previously thought. The overall level of consensus amongst antivirus engines can change quickly in short periods of time for reasons which are still not fully understood. Using R1SM-T we found that first-order interactions have become increasingly responsible for consensus between antivirus engines over time, although they are still insufficient for modeling some of the sources of antivirus correlations. Furthermore, we found that first-order interactions now seem to be nearly ubiquitous across the entire antivirus industry, whereas disparate segments of the industry previously existed where first-order interactions could not be identified. Finally, we showed that components of R1SM-T could be utilized to identify individual and population-wide changes in antivirus behavior. Current understanding of antivirus dynamics is clearly insufficient and more research about the causes of antivirus correlation is needed. It is difficult to trust antivirus results when the factors that cause them to be correlated are still poorly understood. On account of this, and be- cause relationships between antivirus engines can change significantly in a short period of time, existing methods for aggregating antivirus signatures for the purposes of malware detection and classification are flawed. Future aggregation approaches should consider weighted ensembles where the weights of the voting members are also a function of time. We also hope that ele- ments of this work, such as the ability to quantify first-order relationships and assess changes in these relationships over time, may themselves contribute towards improvements in antivirus aggregation. Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Machine Learning for Information Security, 2021 R1SM Decomposition For Modeling Antivirus Consensus R. Joyce, E. Raff, and C. Nicholas Appendix A Index Antivirus Engine Scan Count Index Antivirus Engine Scan Count 0 ALYac 4,679,821 47 McAfee+Artemis 995,699 1 AVG 24,982,795 48 McAfee-GW-Edition 24,607,621 2 AVware 5,664,526 49 McAfeeBeta 95,784 3 Ad-Aware 12,649,803 50 MicroWorld-eScan 19,382,987 4 AegisLab 10,636,692 51 Microsoft 24,984,940 5 Agnitum 19,009,698 52 NANO-Antivirus 18,763,016 6 AhnLab-V3 23,792,676 53 NOD32 4,738,012 7 Alibaba 4,657,472 54 NOD32Beta 343,198 8 AntiVir 19,225,387 55 NOD32v2 245,233 9 Antivir7 8,710 56 Norman 21,187,821 10 Antiy-AVL 24,559,174 57 PCTools 11,426,342 11 Arcabit 3,770,802 58 Panda 24,713,903 12 Authentium 1,778,326 59 PandaB3 2,695 13 Avast 24,945,279 60 PandaBeta 288,403 14 Avast5 2,405,851 61 PandaBeta2 3,371 15 Avira 5,432,038 62 Prevx 3,826,154 16 Baidu 752,127 63 Prevx1 438,718 17 Baidu-International 13,770,014 64 Qihoo-360 11,703,897 18 BitDefender 25,037,371 65 Rising 24,233,086 19 Bkav 13,155,628 66 SAVMail 149,834 20 ByteHero 20,476,926 67 SUPERAntiSpyware 23,567,247 21 CAT-QuickHeal 25,048,885 68 SecureWeb-Gateway 101,352 22 CMC 11,819,328 69 Sophos 24,540,725 23 ClamAV 25,007,198 70 Sunbelt 1,741,218 24 Command 250,234 71 Symantec 24,732,139 25 Commtouch 17,141,359 72 T3 18,561 26 Comodo 24,666,456 73 Tencent 8,606,167 27 Cyren 5,885,738 74 TheHacker 25,083,441 28 DrWeb 24,599,303 75 TotalDefense 20,294,251 29 ESET-NOD32 19,964,248 76 TrendMicro 24,752,548 30 Emsisoft 22,526,376 77 TrendMicro-HouseCall 23,560,584 31 Ewido 292,281 78 UNA 44,282 32 F-Prot 25,036,409 79 VBA32 24,870,783 33 F-Prot4 26,895 80 VIPRE 23,181,524 34 F-Secure 24,060,788 81 ViRobot 24,843,379 35 FileAdvisor 129,111 82 VirusBuster 5,365,970 36 Fortinet 25,045,656 83 Webwasher-Gateway 202,898 37 FortinetBeta 89,667 84 Yandex 564,996 38 GData 24,831,415 85 Zillya 8,444,657 39 Ikarus 25,087,466 86 Zoner 7,351,648 40 Jiangmin 24,011,547 87 a-squared 1,135,672 41 K7AntiVirus 24,510,017 88 eSafe 9,936,896 42 K7GW 16,303,096 89 eScan 37,174 43 Kaspersky 24,721,716 90 eTrust-InoculateIT 35,112 44 Kingsoft 17,919,699 91 eTrust-Vet 4,731,780 45 Malwarebytes 18,710,973 92 nProtect 24,252,689 46 McAfee 24,949,683 Table 1: Antivirus engines present in at least 1,000 scan reports in VirusTotal-VT. 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