=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3113/paper8 |storemode=property |title=Preserving Data Consistency in Process Choreographies by Design (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3113/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-3113 |authors=Tom Lichtenstein |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/zeus/Lichtenstein22 }} ==Preserving Data Consistency in Process Choreographies by Design (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3113/paper8.pdf
           Preserving Data Consistency in Process
                 Choreographies by Design

                                      Tom Lichtenstein

            Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany

          Abstract. Data is essential for the execution of business processes. As
          today’s organizations increasingly collaborate in process choreographies,
          data relevant to process execution is typically shared among partici-
          pants. To avoid conflicts in the execution of process choreographies, the
          preservation of data consistency must be considered in the design of a
          choreography. However, current choreography modeling languages provide
          limited data modeling capabilities, thus potential conflicts arising from
          data inconsistencies at runtime may remain undetected during design
          time. Therefore, this paper motivates a framework allowing the design of
          data consistency-aware process choreographies.

          Keywords: Process Choreography · Data Consistency · Design Time

   1    Introduction and Motivating Example
   In the current age of information, business processes and their outcomes rely on
   data and its manipulation during process execution [16]. As today’s organizations
   increasingly collaborate in process choreographies [18], data relevant to business
   process execution is typically shared across choreography participants. To ensure
   the correct execution of the individual business processes involved in a process
   choreography, data consistency, i.e., a uniform view of data shared across multiple
   nodes [15], is a desirable property to be maintained among participants [12]. As
   the participants can only exchange data in the form of messages, maintaining
   data consistency is particularly challenging in process choreographies. Local
   changes to data shared with other participants can result in inconsistent views
   of the data, which may lead to conflicts such as unexpected interactions or data
   constraint violations on the receiving end. Since any deviation from the agreed
   interaction behavior can affect operations and incur costs, process choreographies
   require careful coordination [18]. Therefore, interaction behavior arising from
   data inconsistencies needs to be considered during process choreography design.
   The consideration of data consistency during design time is particularly relevant
   for process choreographies since in process orchestrations consistency can usually
   be enforced via central database management systems.
       To support the design of process choreographies, graphical modeling lan-
   guages such as Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) [1] can be used.
   However, most contemporary choreography modeling languages provide only

      J. Manner, D. Lübke, S. Haarmann, S. Kolb, N. Herzberg, O. Kopp (Eds.): 14th ZEUS
 Workshop, ZEUS 2022, Bamberg, held virtually due to Covid-19 pandemic, Germany, 24–25
                       February 2022, published at http://ceur-ws.org
Copyright © 2022 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
                          Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
52       Tom Lichtenstein

limited data modeling capabilities. Therefore, potentially erroneous behavior
resulting from data inconsistencies may remain undetected during design time.
To illustrate the relevance of data management in choreography design, we con-
sider a simple online ticket reservation choreography depicted in Figure 1. The
choreography starts with a customer querying and selecting available seats for
an event. Then, depending on the price offer, the customer decides whether
to cancel the reservation or book the tickets. In the latter case, the ticket
store confirms the reservation. While the interaction behavior is locally en-
forceable [19], data inconsistencies may arise with concurrent executions. As-
suming that the ticket shop can sell only one ticket for each seat, if two cus-
tomers select overlapping seats and the reservation of the first customer is
confirmed, the second customer has an inconsistent view of the available seats.
Furthermore, since the confirmation of
the second reservation would lead to a
constraint violation on the part of the
ticket shop, compensation behavior is         Customer
                                                          Customer    Customer   Ticket Shop
                                                            Select      Book      Confirm
required to restore the consistency be-       available     seats      tickets
                                                seats                             booking
                                             Ticket Shop Ticket Shop Ticket Shop  Customer
tween the participants. Still, the need
for compensation and the compensa-                       Ticket Shop              Customer
                                                            Offer                  Cancel
tion behavior itself are both not ev-                       price                 booking
ident from the given model. In the                        Customer               Ticket Shop

following, related work in the area of
data consistency preservation is dis- Fig. 1. Ticket reservation choreography be-
cussed and a framework for designing tween a customer and an online ticket shop
consistency-aware process choreogra-
phies is motivated.

2    Related Work

Maintaining consistency in distributed environments is extensively studied in
literature [3,6,10]. In particular, the preservation of data consistency is addressed
by consensus protocols [11] which allow distributed nodes to agree on specific
data values required for further computation, thus providing a consistent view
of the data. The application of consensus protocols to process choreographies
is discussed by Weber et al. [17]. The authors propose the use of blockchain
technology [14] as an execution environment for process choreographies. To model
and execute blockchain-driven choreographies, Ladleif et al. [9] refine BPMN
2.0 choreography diagrams [1] with blockchain-specific extensions. However,
maintaining consensus in process choreographies may introduce synchronization
overhead as not every change needs to be propagated to all participants. Moreover,
in scenarios where inconsistencies rarely lead to conflicts, sustaining consensus
among all participants may limit concurrent behavior and thus affect throughput.
Incorporating data consistency management into the interaction design instead
allows the choreography to be flexibly tailored to the use case.
Preserving Data Consistency in Process Choreographies by Design                   53

    Despite the existence of approaches that enrich choreography models with
data management-specific information [5,13], the preservation of data consistency
in process choreographies with concurrent instances has received little attention
in research. Hahn et al. [5] introduce an approach that decouples the data flow
between participants from the message flow by introducing a middleware that
coordinates cross-partner data objects among corresponding participants. Yet, the
handling of concurrent accesses to data shared by multiple instances is not further
specified in their approach. Haarmann et al. [4] introduce a framework to analyze
the use of shared data in process models by defining data access semantics. While
the framework includes concepts for data consistency preservation, it does not
address data exchange between individual participants. Finally, Kopp et al. [8]
propose choreography spheres ensuring transactional behavior for all included
activities that may belong to different processes. Still, deciding on an adequate
scope of the spheres might prove challenging without data-related information,
as overly large transactions could create avoidable overhead.

3    Towards Data Consistency in Process Choreographies

Since the integration of existing data consistency-preserving concepts into the de-
sign of process choreographies poses various challenges as outlined in the previous
section, this paper proposes the concept of a framework supporting the collab-
orative design of data consistency-aware process choreographies based on the
BPMN modeling language. The framework is supposed to enable the detection of
potential data inconsistencies between participants at design time that may lead
to conflicts at runtime. To achieve this, the framework will include functionality
to specify and verify data consistency-related information in process choreography
diagrams. Thus, participants should be enabled to define data consistency con-
straints at the interaction level (i.e., in the public process) that must be followed
in the individual data management of each participant’s local behavior (i.e., in
the private process). The specifications will also allow participants to identify
activities or data objects that may be affected by inconsistent data and therefore
require careful attention in their design. In addition, data consistency criteria
are introduced to formally verify the preservation of consistency throughout the
choreography with regard to the specifications. The criteria should allow the
detection of interaction behaviors that potentially lead to conflicts considering
data inconsistencies that are not resolved in subsequent interactions. To design
the criteria, existing formal definitions of consistency models [15] and data-aware
choreographies [2,7] will be considered. Formal verification based on choreography
models may also require extending the BPMN modeling language to include
information about the individual management of the exchanged data. Eventually,
the framework can be used to automatically derive enhanced process designs
when potential conflicts are identified.
    Based on this framework, a methodology will be developed to enable business
engineers to iteratively redesign interaction behaviors prone to inconsistencies.
The redesigned behavior is supposed to either ensure data consistency until
54       Tom Lichtenstein

the interactions affected by the data are completed or include appropriate com-
pensation behavior to restore consistency. To realize the proposed concept, the
following research questions need to be answered:
 – Which information is required to reason about data consistency across multi-
   ple interactions while also considering concurrent behavior?
 – How can data consistency-related information be integrated into the design
   of process choreographies?
 – How can the behavior of process choreographies be enhanced to avoid conflicts
   caused by data inconsistencies?

4    Conclusion
This position paper discusses the need for considering the preservation of data
consistency when designing process choreographies. Since current choreography
modeling languages provide limited support for data modeling, potential conflicts
due to data inconsistencies between participants may go undetected during
design time. By integrating data consistency-related information into the design
of process choreographies, corresponding conflicts can be detected and addressed
to ensure a more reliable interaction behavior.

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