=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3125/paper10 |storemode=property |title=Memory Efficient Federated Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3125/paper7.pdf |volume=Vol-3125 |authors=Idris Zakariyya,Harsha Kalutarage,M. Omar Al-Kadri |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sgai/ZakariyyaKA21 }} ==Memory Efficient Federated Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3125/paper7.pdf
Memory Efficient Federated Deep Learning for
Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks
Idris Zakariyyaa , Harsha Kalutaragea and M. Omar Al-Kadrib
    School of Computing, Robert Gordon University, UK
    School of Computing and Digital Technology, Birmingham City University, UK

                                         Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) methods are widely proposed for cyber security monitoring. However,
                                         training DNNs requires a lot of computational resources. This restricts direct deployment of DNNs to
                                         resource-constrained environments like the Internet of Things (IoT), especially in federated learning
                                         settings that train an algorithm across multiple decentralized edge devices. Therefore, this paper
                                         proposes a memory efficient method of training a Fully Connected Neural Network (FCNN) for IoT
                                         security monitoring in federated learning settings. The modelโ€˜s performance was evaluated against
                                         eleven realistic IoT benchmark datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed method can reduce
                                         memory requirement by up to 99.46 percentage points when compared to its benchmark counterpart,
                                         while maintaining the state-of-the-art accuracy and F1 score.

                                         Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), Internet of Things (IoT), Fully Connected Neural Network (FCNN),
                                         Memory, Federated Learning, Intrusion Detection

1. Introduction
The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of network-enabled intelligent devices that use embedded
systems, such as processors, sensors and communication hardware to collect and exchange
data. IoT is an ecosystem use in smart-home, smart-cities, and many intelligent automation
systems [1]. However, these devices are increasingly becoming a potential target for various
cyber attacks. The Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack on Dyn domain name servers
in 2016, which used a network of 100,000 odd IoT devices, powered by a virus called Mirai
(Linux. Gafgyt), testifies to this [2]. Most IoT devices are made up of limited processors and
memory, so security solutions designed for mainstream computing devices cannot be deployed
on resource constrained IoT devices. Therefore, security challenges in the IoT must be addressed
with resource-efficient and effective mechanisms, ideally in a federated learning manner that
supports to overcome data sharing and privacy issues.
   Recent intrusion detection research has shown the capabilities of AI techniques, especially
Deep Neural Network (DNN), in cyber security monitoring [3]. However, building DNN based
detection technique requires a lot of resources during the model training. As IoT devices are

AI-CyberSec 2021: Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security, December 14, 2021, Cambridge, UK
$ i.zakariyya@rgu.ac.uk (I. Zakariyya); h.kalutarage@rgu.ac.uk (H. Kalutarage); omar.alkadri@bcu.ac.uk
(M. O. Al-Kadri)
 0000-0002-7983-1848 (I. Zakariyya); 0000-0001-6430-9558 (H. Kalutarage); 0000-0002-1146-1860 (M. O. Al-Kadri)
                                       ยฉ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                  ISSN 1613-0073
                                       CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
resource-constrained and distributed in nature, DNN-based cyber security techniques cannot be
directly deployed for intrusion detection in IoT networks. In that context, Federated Learning
(FL) [4] approach that supports for data privacy may not scale through IoT devices due to their
lack of computational resources. To respond to this challenge, we propose an efficient training
method for Fully Connected Neural Network (FCNN) for IoT security monitoring, in particular
to reduce the memory footprint during the training while maintaining the same or higher level
of accuracy than its benchmark counterpart.
   For our experiments, we utilize a FCNN along with eleven IoT benchmark datasets to build
a memory-efficient DNN (MEDNN) model. The experimental results are encouraging as the
resulting MEDNN shows lower memory consumption with better classification performance
in both centralized and federated settings against each data set used in our experiments. The
federated integration of the model also helps to preserve the privacy of IoT device data during
on-device model training.
   The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the related work. Section 3
describes the proposed method and the utilized FL technique, while Section 4 describes the
evaluation process. Results and discussion can be found in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 concludes
the paper with future research directions.

2. Related Work
This section presents related studies concerning deep learning for IoT intrusion detection
followed by recent FL techniques applied to IoT security monitoring.
   Significant research has been conducted on IoT security monitoring using AI techniques.
Most of these methods utilized DNN. Mohammad et al. [5] described the potentiality of DNN
for IoT data analysis and classification tasks. Kodali et al. [6] employed DNN, especially FCNN,
for classification tasks on resource-limited devices. Shen et al. [7] proposed compact structure-
based learning with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for an IoT resource-constrained
environment. Most of the optimization approach considered the quantization of weights and
bias parameters. However, our proposed approach in this paper aims to reduce memory require-
ments. The method exploits pruning, simulated micro-batching and parameter regularization to
optimise the resulting model in terms of memory requirements and accuracy performance. This
is useful, especially for the task of distributed learning in a resource-constrained environment.
   Recently, researchers from several disciplines explored FL methods from different perspectives.
In the field of IoT security monitoring, FL is gaining popularity. Preuveneers et al. [8] explored
FL applications for intrusion detection in IoT networks. Lim et al. [9] and Imteaj et al. [10]
describes open research problems on FL for resource-constrained IoT devices. Thein et al.
[11] utilized FL to detect attacks on industrial IoT devices. Liu et al. [12] conduct a similar
investigation by considering sensor reading data. Jiang et al. [13] utilized model pruning for
efficient FL training on edge devices. Bonawitz et al. [14] proposed a scalable FL framework for
mobile devices to reduce communication overhead. However, none of these proposals considers
optimizing FL training to reduce memory consumption on IoT networks using pruning and
micro-batching. We address this challenge by optimizing the federated training procedure using
raw network traffic datasets from various IoT devices. Then, we proposed a MEDNN FL method
with minimal resource consumption. This method maintains state-of-the-art accuracy while
reducing memory consumption.

3. Research Methodology
We propose a framework that manipulates and optimizes an FCNN version of DNN to yield a
compact classification model (see Figure 1). We later validated this framework by training the
FCNN on IoT benchmark datasets in federated and centralized settings to build MEDNN. This
requires evaluating the FCNN regularization to produce a loss function that identifies various
parameters relevant to model shrinking. We demonstrate that knowledge of architecture and
optimizing parameters is sufficient to produce the MEDNN model. The optimized model can
classify malicious activities on IoT networks.

Figure 1: Effective IoT Attack Detection Framework.

3.1. Baseline FCNN Training
A DNN is a neural network containing deep layers of neurons representing the input data. These
neurons correspond to computing units. They are capable of transmitting the computational
results operated with their activation function and the input. FCNN is a sequential DNN
connecting neurons by linking them with their corresponding weights and bias parameters.
The weights and biases serve as information storage components. The baseline FCNN model
(โ„ณ๐‘› ) in Algorithm 1 is consist of network topology, activation functions and corresponding
values for weights and bias. The weight and bias values settings can minimize the error function
โ„ฐโ„ณ๐‘› evaluated over the labelled training data ๐’Ÿ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ . The function BASE in line 1 of Algorithm 1
describes the โ„ณ๐‘› training using a gradient descent algorithm with backpropagation [15]. This
is determined to minimizes the cost function in Equation 1 and Equation 2 in-order to properly
map unseen samples using a function that learned from ๐’Ÿ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ . The resulting FCNN approach
uses supervised neural networks as a classifier, โ„ณ๐‘› can accept an input ๐’Ÿ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ and outputs a
probability class of vector ๐‘Œห† . The desired output ๐‘Œห† are rounded up to the closest integer using
a specified threshold value ๐‘ก as in Equation 3. This output represents either the benign (1) or
the attack (0) traffic instance.
Algorithm 1 Baseline FCNN Training
    Input: Labelled data ๐’Ÿ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ , Number of iteration ๐’ฏ , Batch size ๐’ฎ
    Output: Baseline Model โ„ณ๐‘›
 1: function Base(๐’Ÿ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ [ ])                                           โ— Training baseline model
 2:    for ๐‘– = 1 to ๐’ฏ ; do
 3:        Sample mini-batch ๐ต = {(๐‘ฅ1 , ๐‘ฆ1 ), ..., (๐‘ฅ๐‘š , ๐‘ฆ๐‘š )} โŠ‚ ๐ท๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ
 4:        ๐น๐‘ (๐ต)                                                               โ— forward pass
 5:         โ„ฐ๐‘– โ† ๐ฟ                                                             โ— ๐ฟ = Base loss
 6:        ๐ต๐‘ (B)                    โ— backward pass based on model parameters for ๐น๐‘˜ (๐ต)
 7:        Compute gradients for parameters update
 8:        Estimate ๐‘š๐‘–                                          โ— Execution memory at epoch ๐‘–
 9:        โ„ณ๐‘› = Trained model that estimate โ„ฐ๐‘– , ๐‘š๐‘–
10:    end for
11:    return (โ„ณ๐‘› , ๐‘š๐‘– , โ„ฐ๐‘– )
12: end function

                                              1 โˆ‘๏ธ ห† ๐‘– ๐‘–
                                  ๐ฝ(๐‘Š, ๐‘) =       ๐ฟ(๐‘Œ , ๐‘Œ )                                   (1)
                        ๐ฟ(๐‘Œห† , ๐‘Œ ๐‘– ) = โˆ’(๐‘Œ log ๐‘Œห† + (1 โˆ’ ๐‘Œ )log (1 โˆ’ ๐‘Œห†)                      (2)
                                              0 if ๐‘Œห† โ‰ค ๐‘ก
                                   ๐‘‚๐‘ข๐‘ก๐‘๐‘ข๐‘ก =                                                   (3)
                                              1 if ๐‘Œห† > ๐‘ก

3.2. Memory Efficient MEDNN Training
Training a resource efficient DNN model can be a challenging task [16]. Especially in consider-
ations of model parameters requirements in designing and building the desirable architecture.
The complexity of such an approach increases with multidimensional datasets.
   To this end, we utilize the baseline โ„ณ๐‘› model (a trained FCNN model) to produce the
memory efficient version of it (MEDNN). The training procedure described in Algorithm 2
optimizes a function that requires ๐’Ÿ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ to return the efficient ๐‘€๐‘’ correspond to the MEDNN
model. As described in line 4 in Algorithm 2, the optimization procedure utilized micro-batching
[17, 18] for efficient training. To reduce network complexity, we used a penalty [19] (weight
elimination) technique with a threshold parameter ๐‘ค0 as shown in regularized Equation 4. This
is a requirement to discover those sets of relevant weights from the irrelevant ones. Particularly
in determining the significant and insignificant large weights of the baseline FCNN model.
Weights greater than ๐‘ค0 that yield a complexity cost closer to 1 requires a regularization using
the penalty parameter ๐œ†. The regularization considers a scenario where the baseline produces a
higher error value โ„ฐ๐‘– as in line 9. For better performance, we utilized the set of parameters to
produce a lower error value โ„ฐ๐‘— . This process can reduce the complexity of the FCNN model
while building the MEDNN.
Algorithm 2 Procedure to build MEDNN
    Input: Penalty term ๐œ†
    Output: Efficient Model โ„ณ๐‘’
 1: function Efficient(๐’Ÿ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ [ ])                                                 โ— ๐’Ÿ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ in Alg. 1
 2:    for ๐‘— = 1 to ๐’ฏ ; do                                                        โ— ๐’ฏ in Alg. 1
 3:        Sample mini-batch ๐พ = {(๐‘ฅ1 , ๐‘ฆ1 ), ..., (๐‘ฅ๐‘š , ๐‘ฆ๐‘š )} โŠ‚ ๐ท๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ
 4:        Sample micro-batch ๐‘€ = {(๐‘ฅ1 , ๐‘ฆ1 ), ..., (๐‘ฅ๐‘š , ๐‘ฆ๐‘š )} โŠ‚ ๐พ
 5:        ๐น๐‘ (๐‘€ )                                                              โ— forward pass
                         โˆ‘๏ธ€๐‘Š (๐‘ค๐‘—2 /๐‘ค02 )
 6:         โ„ฐ๐‘— โ† ๐ฟ + ๐œ† ๐‘—=1 (1+๐‘ค2 /๐‘ค2 )              โ— ๐ฟ, ๐‘Š, ๐‘ค0 = Loss, total weights, threshold
                                     ๐‘—   0
 7:       ๐ต๐‘ (M)                   โ— backward pass based on model parameters for ๐น๐‘˜ (๐‘€ )
 8:       Compute gradients for parameters update
 9:       if (โ„ฐ๐‘— โ‰ค โ„ฐ๐‘– ) then                                                   โ— โ„ฐ๐‘– in Alg. 1
10:           ๐œ† = ๐œ† + โ–ณ๐œ†
11:           Estimate ๐‘š๐‘—                                   โ— Execution memory at epoch ๐‘—
12:           if ๐‘š๐‘— โ‰ค ๐‘š๐‘– then                                                 โ— ๐‘š๐‘– in Alg. 1
13:               ๐‘š๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ = ๐‘š๐‘—                              โ— ๐‘š๐‘ก ๐‘Ÿ = Efficient memory footprint
14:               โ„ณ๐‘’ = Trained model that estimate โ„ฐ๐‘— , ๐‘š๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ
15:           end if
16:       end if
17:    end for
18:    return (โ„ณ๐‘’ , ๐‘š๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ , โ„ฐ๐‘— )
19: end function

                                             โˆ‘๏ธ    (๐‘ค๐‘—2 /๐‘ค02 )
                                    ๐‘…=๐œ†                                                        (4)
                                                 (1 + ๐‘ค๐‘—2 /๐‘ค02 )

3.3. MEDNN in Federated Learning
FL is a machine learning approach that supports distributed model training using multiple
clients without exposing their training data. This technique updates a shared global model by
aggregating each client training output [20]. Building a federated model can be a challenge
for resource-constrained IoT devices. With this in mind, we tested the proposed MEDNN in
FL settings to see how much memory it can save in model training. Our federated learning
approach is less complex, efficient and effective for the task of IoT intrusion detection compared
to its benchmark counterpart (see experimental results in Section 5.3).

4. Evaluation
This section describes benchmark datasets and the evaluation procedure used to build the
MEDNN and FCNN techniques in centralized and federated learning settings.
4.1. Utilized Datasets
The N-BaIoT dataset consists of various raw subsets data instances from many commercial IoT
devices (see Table 1). Each device contains data samples of attacks and benign network traffic
flows [21]. These devices are either infected by BASHLITE or Mirai attacks with some benign
instances. The overall dataset serves as a benchmark for the proposal of IoT intrusion detection
methods. We consider device subsets data of the N-BaIoT to train and test our models. The
distribution of the benign and attack samples for each subset of the data show its unbalanced
nature. Each device subset data consists of 115 features vector.

Table 1
Distribution of benign and attack instances for each device of the N-BaIoT.
                           Device                 Benign instance    Attack instance
                     Danmini Doorbell                  49 548            968 750
                     Ecobee Thermostat                 13 113            822 763
                      Philips B120N10                 175 240            923 437
                     Provision PT-737E                 62 154            766 106
                      Provision PT-838                 98 514            729 862
                   Samsung SNH-1011-N                  52 150            323 072
                SimpleHome XCS7-1002-WHT               46 585            816 471
                SimpleHome XCS7-1003-WHT               19 528            831 298

  Kitsune dataset contains multiple traffic captured on an IoT network setting [22]. A subset of
this data employed to evaluate our models has 764,137 instances of Mirai and regular traffic.
This dataset has 115 features with a normal distribution of 121,621 raw traffics data.
  IoT-DDoS consists of various captured traffics representing the DDoS botnet attacks and
some portion of regular traffic [23]. We consider 79,035 benign data and 398,391 attack data
samples for empirical model evaluation.
  WUSTL consists of multiple flows of traffic from an emulated SCADA system [24]. The
dataset can be used to investigate the feasibility of ML algorithms in detecting various attacks.
The raw data consists of 7,037,983 data samples. For experimental purposes, the distribution of
471,545 attacks and 6,566,438 normal instances was considered.

4.2. Data Preprocessing
The choice of utilized datasets allows efficient model training for investigations purposes. The
classes in these datasets are unbalanced, making them suitable for IoT security monitoring.
Employed datasets are categorized into 80% for training and 20% testing samples. Data input
vectors are normalized using the unity-based normalization feature scaling. With ๐‘› data features
๐‘ฅ1 , ๐‘ฅ2 , ..., ๐‘ฅ๐‘› , within a dataset, the normalization is performed using the formula in Equation 5.
The description ๐‘ฅ๐‘– โ€ฒ , represents the normalized value of the ith feature, ๐‘ฅ๐‘– the original value,
while ๐‘š๐‘–๐‘›๐‘ฅ๐‘– and ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘ฅ๐‘ฅ๐‘– represents the minimum and maximum value of the ๐‘–๐‘กโ„Ž feature over
the entire dataset.
                                                ๐‘ฅ๐‘– โˆ’ ๐‘š๐‘–๐‘›๐‘ฅ๐‘–
                                      ๐‘ฅ๐‘– โ€ฒ =                                                     (5)
                                               ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘ฅ๐‘ฅ๐‘– โˆ’ ๐‘š๐‘–๐‘›๐‘ฅ๐‘–
4.3. Experimental Setup
We profile the memory usage for each model training procedure using the integrated memory
usage [25]. We used Python 3.76 on a desktop computer with Intel Xeon E5-2695(4 core) CPUs
running at 2.10 GHz with 16.0 GB installed memory. For models analytics, the Spyder scientific
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) [26] was used to store the model for each dataset.
At training, parameters remain constant to enable a fair comparison. This applied to the baseline
FCNN model and optimized MEDNN. The code used for this study can be accessible at [27].

4.4. Implementation Details
FCNN and MEDNN Models. For building the sequential FCNN and MEDNN with each dataset,
we used the scientific NumPy python module [28]. Each sequential model consists of an input
layer, three hidden layers, and an output layer. Regarding the eight device subset data of N-BaIoT,
the topology used consists of 83 neurons in the first and last hidden layer, with 128 neurons in
the second hidden layer (83-128-83). The network architecture used with the kitsune dataset
consists of 83 neurons in the first and third hidden layers, with 141 neurons in the second hidden
layer (83-141-83). For each implementation of these mentioned models topology, the input layer
has 115 neurons representing the number of data features, while the output has one neuron.
   The network architecture used with the Wustl dataset has three hidden layers with 26 neurons
each (26-26-26), while the input and output layers have 6 and 1 neurons, respectively. The
model topology used against the IoT-DDoS dataset consists of 20 neurons in each of the three
hidden layers (20-20-20), while the input and output layer has 12 and 1 neurons.
   These topology architectures are the requirement for the task of binary classification. The
setting considers meant to minimize training computations while increasing the performance
metrics. These architectures settings are identical for evaluating the baseline FCNN and the
proposed MEDNN model. The only difference during the training would be FCNN used Algo-
rithm 1, while MEDNN utilized Algorithm 2. This indicates that significant memory reduction
was due to the optimization procedure in Algorithm 2.
   For training each model, a mini-batch gradient descent was used. The weight and bias
parameters are initialized randomly within [0,1]. The baseline and optimized training procedure
utilized ๐‘™๐‘Ÿ = 0.001. We used 0.01 values for ๐œ†, โ–ณ๐œ† and threshold ๐‘ค0 [29] with 4 micro-batches
to build the MEDNN model. The activation function considered in the fully connected layers is
relu with sigmoid in the output layer. Models are trained in 128 batches within the 100 epochs
for accuracy to converge. Parameters and hyperparameters were choosing based on grid search.
Binary cross entropy was utilized for calculating loss function. See Figure 2a and Figure 2b for
the learning process using the chosen epoch for the optimized and baseline training procedure.
The optimized training algorithm provides better training accuracy even with fewer iterations
than its baseline counterpart.
   Low Precision 16-bit Implementation. In Numpy, training with 16-bit floating precision
(FP16) requires calling the .float16() method on all model parameters and input data. We consider
FP16 while training the baseline FCNN and in obtaining the efficient MEDNN model.
   FL Setup. For the FL experimental settings, we used PyTorch version 1.4.0 [30] and PySyft
version 0.2.9 [31]. Pysyft framework simplifies the creation of virtual workers. These workers
                           (a)                                            (b)
Figure 2: Effect of epoch with accuracy for (a) optimized and (b) baseline training with Danmini Doorbel

emulate real virtual machines and can run as a separate process within the same python program.
Our federation training procedure utilized three virtual workers representing clients and a
coordinating worker. As we utilized Federated averaging (FedAvg), a Stochastic Gradient
Descent (SGD) was used to optimize each model. Federated models are trained in 128 batches
within four epochs in 30 workers iterations. After the clients model training is complete, average
weights values are sent to the coordinating worker. This worker aggregates those weights to
update the global model.

5. Results and Discussion
This section discusses the experimental results. It details the evaluation comparison of the
optimized MEDNN and baseline FCNN models in centralized and federated settings across

5.1. MEDNN Model Training (Centralized Manner)
With 11 IoT data sets, we first examined the memory requirements for training FCNN and
MEDNN models in a centralised manner. Table 2 presents the memory profile in MB across each
dataset. The optimized MEDNN model training requires a lower memory. It reduces the memory
requirements of training with Philips B120N10 by 97.60 percentage points and achieves a higher
classification accuracy of 84.10 percentage points than its baseline counterpart. These results
show the regularization advantage [32, 33] on accuracy with certain datasets. It indicates the
less complexity, faster learning capability and better performance behaviour of the optimized
model. These resources minimization make it a better choice for IoT security monitoring.

5.2. Low Precision 16-bit Training of MEDNN
Training with reduced precision has become the de facto technique for increasing the energy
efficiency of deep learning hardware [34]. Therefore we investigated the memory efficiency of
Table 2
Model training (Centralized): Comparison of training memory consumption between MEDNN and

                 Dataset               Model     Memory       Memory        Test Accuracy
                                                  (MB)      Reduction (%)         (%)
                                       FCNN       4.039         N/A              95.11
            Danmini Doorbell
                                      MEDNN       0.098        97.57             95.11
                                       FCNN       4.125         N/A              1.50
            Ecobee Thermostat
                                      MEDNN       0.121        97.07             93.32
                                       FCNN       4.082         N/A              15.92
             Philips B120N10
                                      MEDNN       0.098        97.60             84.10
                                       FCNN       3.438         N/A              13.97
             Provision PT-838
                                      MEDNN       0.098        97.15             88.08
                                       FCNN       3.980         N/A              92.52
            Provision PT-737E
                                      MEDNN       0.098        97.54             92.52
                                       FCNN       3.789         N/A              13.94
          Samsung SNH-1011-N
                                      MEDNN       1.199        68.36             86.07
                                       FCNN       3.680         N/A              94.65
      SimpleHome XCS7-1002-WHT
                                      MEDNN       0.102        97.23             94.65
                                       FCNN       3.969         N/A              97.72
      SimpleHome XCS7-1003-WHT
                                      MEDNN       0.102        97.43             97.72
                                       FCNN       3.656         N/A              84.09
                                      MEDNN       0.102        97.21             84.09
                                       FCNN       1.738         N/A              83.34
                                      MEDNN       0.047        97.30             83.34
                                       FCNN       1.516         N/A              94.26
                                      MEDNN       0.063        95.84             94.26

the proposed MEDNN with low precision implementation. Table 3 presents training memory
usage while integrating the FP16 precision. Across each dataset, memory consumption was
reduced by the complete training iterations. Regarding the Philips data, the reduction is 43.63
and 80.61 percentage points with the baseline and optimized training process, respectively. With
the same data, the accuracy increased by 68.18 percentage points using the optimized method.
The results suggest that FP16 operations can influence memory reduction using the optimized
training method. It demonstrated that FP16 integration does not influence MEDNN accuracy
reduction in most cases. It can reduce the FCNN classification accuracy across some datasets.
As a result, the regularized MEDNN can maintain a better accuracy with FP16 computations.

5.3. MEDNN Model Training (Decentralized Manner)
The results in Table 4 are for the implemented FL method with baseline (FCNN) and its optimized
model (MEDNN). These results compared the training memory requirements and accuracy
across each dataset. In federated training, the MEDNN model requires lower memory across
all datasets. It saves 99.46 percentage points of memory while training the SimpleHome XCS-
Table 3
Model training (Low precision): Comparison of training memory consumption between MEDNN and

                 Dataset                Model     Memory       Memory        Test Accuracy
                                                   (MB)      Reduction (%)         (%)
                                        FCNN       3.125         N/A              4.90
            Danmini Doorbell
                                       MEDNN       0.285        90.88             95.12
                                        FCNN       2.313         N/A              1.50
            Ecobee Thermostat
                                       MEDNN       0.023        99.01             93.32
                                        FCNN       2.301         N/A              15.92
             Philips B120N10
                                       MEDNN       0.019        99.17             84.10
                                        FCNN       1.961         N/A              11.93
             Provision PT-838
                                       MEDNN       0.113        94.24             88.07
                                        FCNN       2.343         N/A              9.60
            Provision PT-737E
                                       MEDNN       0.098        95.82             92.52
                                        FCNN       3.039         N/A              13.94
          Samsung SNH-1011-N
                                       MEDNN       0.148        95.13             86.07
                                        FCNN       1.949         N/A              6.30
      SimpleHome XCS7-1002-WHT
                                       MEDNN       0.055        97.18             94.63
                                        FCNN       1.988         N/A              97.67
      SimpleHome XCS7-1003-WHT
                                       MEDNN       0.027        98.64             97.70
                                        FCNN       2.813         N/A              84.09
                                       MEDNN       0.160        94.31             84.09
                                        FCNN       0.227         N/A              83.34
                                       MEDNN       0.027        88.11             83.34
                                        FCNN       0.199         N/A              94.26
                                       MEDNN       0.012        93.97             94.26

1003-WHT dataset. Across all tested datasets, the classification accuracy is not degraded by the
proposed method. This result demonstrates the advantage of the optimized model in building
an efficient federated training method, and the usefulness of the proposed method for effective
attack detection on resource-constrained devices.
   We investigated the effect of the proposed method in federated learning using all the datasets.
However, due to the space constraint, we only present the result of the SimpleHome XCS-
71003-WHT device data to show the significant memory reduction (see Table 5). In addition
to the significant memory reduction by the MEDNN model, it outperforms the FCNN model
with low precision 16-bit implementation. As shown in the table, FP16 integration reduces the
accuracy of the FCNN by 0.05 percentage points while reducing that of the MEDNN by only
0.02 percentage points, respectively. In centralized and federated training procedures, both
models demonstrate equal accuracy performance. These results suggest the significance of
our optimized model compared with its benchmark counterpart. It indicates that the proposed
method is efficient and effective for on-device training in a distributed manner.
Table 4
Model training (Fedarated): Comparison of training memory consumption between MEDNN and FCNN.

                   Dataset               Model        Memory    Memory     Test Accuracy
                                                       (MB)    Reduction         (%)
                                          FCNN         8.637     N/A            95.11
              Danmini Doorbell
                                         MEDNN         0.402     95.34          95.11
                                          FCNN         9.426     N/A            93.35
             Ecobee Thermostat
                                         MEDNN         0.070     99.26          93.35
                                          FCNN         9.695     N/A            84.08
               Philips B120N10
                                         MEDNN         0.465     95.20          84.08
                                          FCNN         10.26     N/A            88.07
               Provision PT-838
                                         MEDNN         0.418     95.93          88.07
                                          FCNN         10.23     N/A            92.52
              Provision PT-737E
                                         MEDNN         0.117     98.86          92.52
                                          FCNN         12.27     N/A            86.07
            Samsung SNH-1011-N
                                         MEDNN         4.195     65.80          86.07
                                          FCNN         9.598     N/A            94.65
        SimpleHome XCS7-1002-WHT
                                         MEDNN         0.117     98.78          94.65
                                          FCNN         10.15     N/A            97.72
        SimpleHome XCS7-1003-WHT
                                         MEDNN         0.055     99.46          97.72
                                          FCNN         8.223     N/A            84.09
                                         MEDNN         0.156     98.10          84.09
                                          FCNN         6.492     N/A            83.34
                                         MEDNN         0.804     87.62          83.34
                                          FCNN         5.867     N/A            94.26
                                         MEDNN         1.102     81.22          94.26

Table 5
Performance comparisons against training procedure.

                      Procedure           Model       Memory (MB)   Accuracy (%)
                                          FCNN           3.969         97.72
                                         MEDNN           0.102         97.72
                                          FCNN           1.988         97.67
                 Low precision (FP16)
                                         MEDNN           0.027         97.70
                                          FCNN           10.15         97.72
                Decentralized (FedAvg)
                                         MEDNN           0.055         97.72

5.4. Model Performances
Table 6 describes the federated model performance evaluated by test set accuracy, precision,
recall and harmonic mean on randomly chosen datasets. As the chosen IoT datasets are often
unbalanced, test accuracy alone would not be a sufficient metric to measure the performance in
security applications. Instead, the F1 score that corresponds to the harmonic mean of precision
and recall is more appropriate. It considers accuracy for each class sample. Employed metrics
utilized the True Positive (TP), False Positive (FP), True Negative (TN), False Negative (FN).
Accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score are defined in Equation 6, 7, 8 and 9. In each scenario,
the optimized MEDNN model maintains similar detection performance across all metrics. The
performance metrics result presented in Table 6 remained identical for models trained in
centralized settings against each dataset. In each case, accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score
remained similar. The results indicate that the utilized number of virtual workers nodes in the
federated settings had a minor influence on model performance. This behaviour indicates the
lightweight advantage and effectiveness of MEDNN in detecting IoT attacks with good F1-score

Table 6
Testing performance comparisons across datasets.

                Dataset     Model     Accuracy (%)    Precision   Recall   F1-Score
                            FCNN         83.34         0.8334     1.0000    0.9091
                           MEDNN         83.34         0.8334     1.0000    0.9091
                            FCNN         94.26         0.9426     1.0000    0.9705
                           MEDNN         94.26         0.9426     1.0000    0.9705

                                                ๐‘‡๐‘ƒ + ๐‘‡๐‘
                            ๐ด๐‘๐‘๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘ฆ =                                                       (6)
                                           ๐‘‡๐‘ƒ + ๐น๐‘ƒ + ๐‘‡๐‘ + ๐น๐‘
                                    ๐‘ƒ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘–๐‘œ๐‘› =                                             (7)
                                                    ๐‘‡๐‘ƒ + ๐น๐‘ƒ
                                     ๐‘…๐‘’๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘™ =                                                (8)
                                                   ๐‘‡๐‘ƒ + ๐น๐‘
                                              ๐‘…๐‘’๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘™ ร— ๐‘ƒ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘–๐‘œ๐‘›
                             ๐น 1๐‘ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’ = 2 ร—                                                  (9)
                                              ๐‘…๐‘’๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘™ + ๐‘ƒ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘–๐‘œ๐‘›

6. Conclusion
This paper investigated the possibility of reducing memory consumption during DNN training,
intending to use DNN-based security solutions in resource-constrained environments. Using
FCNN, we proposed a memory-efficient MEDNN for the effective detection of cyber attacks
on IoT devices. The effectiveness of MEDNN was tested using eleven IoT benchmark datasets
in both centralized and federated learning manners. Experimental results showed that the
proposed MEDNN can outperform its benchmark counterparts for memory efficiency and
accuracy performance, especially with federated learning. This could be because many clients
are involved in training in a federation and thus the cumulative savings are higher than with
centralized training on a single node. In addition, the aggregation of models in federated
training can influence faster learning compared with centralized training. However, these
initial experimental results are encouraging and warrant further investigation, particularly
consideration of more computational nodes in a virtual and realistic federated environment.
Therefore, in future, we plan to deploy the model in a real IoT network and examine its
capabilities to detect IoT attacks in near real-time in a federated learning setting. In addition,
we plan to investigate the impact of adversarial attacks on the proposed MEDNN.

This work was supported by the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), Nigeria.

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