=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3126/paper25 |storemode=property |title=Improvement of the integrated supply center functioning model with the use of the agent-oriented approach |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3126/paper25.pdf |volume=Vol-3126 |authors=Olexander Gurin,Nataliia Salna }} ==Improvement of the integrated supply center functioning model with the use of the agent-oriented approach== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3126/paper25.pdf
  Improvement of the Integrated Supply Center Functioning Model
  with the Use of the Agent-Oriented Approach
  Olexander. Gurin1, Nataliia Salna2
        Kharkiv National Air Force University n.a. Ivan Kozhedub, Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine

                     The experience of using the Security and Defense Forces in the anti-terrorist operation and the
                     Joint Forces operation in deterring armed aggression in eastern Ukraine indicates that under
                     modern conditions the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine depend on timely
                     and comprehensive support of their military units. In order to provide comprehensive support,
                     compact institutions, bodies, structures, and military units of logistical support that respond
                     quickly to the needs of the troops are needed.
                     The article reveals the concept and purpose of an integrated support center; the main tasks for
                     the logistical support of military units (separate units) during operations (combat actions) have
                     been identified; the basic indicators of efficiency of functioning and the existing model of
                     functioning of the united support center concerning distribution of functional powers between
                     divisions have been determined.
                     The list of tasks of functioning of the integrated support center where information technologies
                     are applied is defined. The method of solving existing tasks in the process of conducting an
                     operation (combat) is considered to be the use of multi-agent systems. The solution of the issue
                     of integrated automation based on ERP solutions (resources management and planning concept)
                     and WMS (the information system providing warehouse processes management automation)
                     has been offered.
                     The paper summarizes the conclusions that multi-agent systems allow forecasting the availability of
                     stocks at an integrated supply center, to form a rational model of stock management, which is based
                     on non-stochastic demand and is a combination of known models, that will ensure continuity and
                     completeness of military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for their operations (combat actions).
                     Keywords 1
                     Provision of military units, Information Technology, logistics, stock management model, multi-
                     agent systems, integrated support center, stock availability forecasting.

1. Introduction                                                                                  of logistical support of territorial joint centers of
                                                                                                 logistical support of the Logistics Forces
1.1. Statement of the issue                                                                      Command of the Armed forces of Ukraine,
                                                                                                 realizing models of dispersed/concentrated
   The experience of implementing logistical                                                     support. The integrated support center is a
support measures in the anti-terrorist operation of                                              warehouse with various material supplies, which
the Joint Forces (JF) actions revealed the                                                       serves military units located on the area of
existence of problematic issues related to the                                                   approximately 6-7 regions of Ukraine and the
timely, continuous and full provision of military                                                operation of which is accompanied by certain
units (separate units) (divisions) in the course of                                              problems, issues and difficulties [1] - [2].
hostilities. Material supplies are delivered to                                                      The main issues in the functioning of the
military units from warehouses of higher bodies                                                  integrated support center are the automation of the

  ISIT 2021: II International Scientific and Practical Conference
  «Intellectual Systems and Information Technologies», September
  13–19, 2021, Odesa, Ukraine
  EMAIL: goorin61@gmail.com (A. 1); n.salna@ukr.net (A. 2)
  ORCID: 0000-0002-0951-3713 (A. 1); 0000-0003-1520-3989
  (A. 2)
                 ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
                 Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                 CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
processes of accounting and forecasting the need          The lack of connection between the
for material supplies of units (divisions) to form a   development of information technology (IT) and
reasonable need and eliminate the situation of lack    multi-agent systems (MAS) to improve the
of the required volume of material supplies in the     processes in the integrated support centers,
warehouse [12]. Thus, in the logistical support        determines the relevance of the study.
organization theory and practice there is an issue
of improvement of work of integrated support           2. Presentation of the Main Material
centers, as the supporting body with use of
modern information technologies and tools of
construction of agent-oriented systems.                  The integrated support center is a
    The Objective of the Article is to improve the     multifunctional structure which is intended for:
model of functioning of integrated support centers            elaboration of the needs of units
using the agent-oriented approach.                       (subdivisions) assigned to provide material
                                                         supplies of current and inviolable stocks for
                                                         peacetime and a special period according to
1.2. Analysis of Recent Research                         the relevant nomenclature and classes of
and Publications                                         supply
                                                              reception,    storage     and     issuance
   The analysis of existing publications on the          (shipment) of material supplies in accordance
research topic allows to conditionally divide them       with the requirements of the governing
into several interrelated groups:                        documents
        the first group of sources includes well-            maintenance and accumulation of the
   known papers in logistics by A.D.                     established stocks of material supplies of
   Hadzhinskyi, V.S. Lukinskyi, B.A. Anikin, J.          current and inviolable stocks for the provision
   Stoke, T.H. Dudara, R.M. Yatsenko where the           of military units to be supplied
   basic theoretical models and methods of the                timely and uninterrupted provision of
   logistics theory which can be applied and at          units (subdivisions) with material supplies of
   improvement of work of the integrated support         current and inviolable stocks in peacetime and
   centers are presented                                 special periods
         the second group of sources includes                control over the completeness of the
   works on modern information technologies              accounting of material supplies, their use
   (IT) and multi-agent systems (MAS) by                 within the established norms, the legality of
   authors D.A. Pospelova, V.I. Horodetskyi, M.          use and write-off
   Wooldridge,        E.O.    Kharitonov,     V.A.            control of timely refilling (renewal) of
   Omelianenko; this methodological base allows          material supplies of inviolable stocks
   to improve models of work of integrated               according to the relevant nomenclature and
   support centers [7]                                   classes of supply;
        the third group of sources includes                  operational accounting of the need,
   scientific works on modeling business                 availability, movement and quality (technical)
   processes at industrial and commercial                condition of technical means, determining the
   enterprises by E.M. Mikhailova, S.V.                  need for repair of technical means for units
   Peterkin, N. Kamran, K.I. Dmytryv, T.V.               (subdivisions)
   Marusei. These papers were used to formalize                keeping records of property in
   the work of the integrated support center in the      quantitative and qualitative terms
   form of structural models                                  keeping quantitative records of long-term
        the fourth group of sources includes            items of material and technical means by years
   papers which present the results of research on       of commissioning for each separate account
   improvement of systems of logistical support               organization and implementation of
   of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other              centralized transportation of material supplies
   armed formations held by Kivliuk V.S. [6],            of a certain nomenclature by road or rail to
   Gurina O.M. [9], Trehubenko S.S. [10], Rolina         units (subdivisions)
   I.F.                                                       implementation of planning of supply and
   Moreover, it can be concluded that the issue of       refilling of material supplies of the certain
effective functioning of the integrated support          nomenclature and provision of units
centers in the preparation and conduct of                (subdivisions) to be supported, as well as
operations (combat actions) is considered limited.       control over their timely implementation
        implementation of planning of repair of
   technical means by repair divisions and
   service, inclusion (removal) of technical
   means from stocks
        working out of receipt and accounting
   documents on registration of operations which
   are connected with movement and changes of
   qualitative (technical) conditions, writing off,
   dismantling (division, destruction) of material
   supplies of a certain nomenclature                 Figure 1: Dependence of the efficiency of support
        organization of procurement of goods,        on the time and conditions of operations
   works and services, their receipt from
                                                      (combat actions:)
   suppliers in accordance with the legislation of
   Ukraine on public procurement for the needs
                                                              Vtr is the amount of need for material
   of the Central Command, units (subdivisions)
                                                         resources of units (subdivisions)
   and military administration bodies to be
                                                             continuity of the process of providing
                                                         units (subdivisions) with resources.
        presence of the right of proportional
   distribution (redistribution) of the existing                        k cpі  dtі ,           (3)
   material supplies of a certain nomenclature                                  t dt
   between units (subdivisions)                          where, tdti is the duration of time when the
        regular and unannounced audits of               ability to perform tasks for the purpose of the
   material supplies in units (subdivisions),            i-th part (subdivision) with material supplies,
   analysis of the results of audits, inspections,       delivered during preparation (provided
   inventory checks and control over the                 t dti  t dt
   completeness of elimination of deficiencies                      );
        provision of units (subdivisions) that are      tdt is designated time of performance of tasks.
   not to be supported (in a special period) with        The value of this indicator is in the range [0,1],
   material supplies of the relevant service on the         t     t
                                                      since dti dt .
   basis of orders (decrees, instructions) of the        The general indicator of continuity of
   military administration [4] - [5].                 designated tasks of units (divisions) is calculated
   The main tasks of the integrated support           by the formula.
centers are continuous, operational and complete                               n
support of units (subdivisions) during operations                            k      cі
(combat actions).                                                       kc  i 1
   The following indicators of efficiency of
                                                      where n is the number of units (subdivisions) of
functioning of the integrated support centers are
considered to be the key ones [8,9] - [13]:           the air forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to
                                                      be supported.
        efficiency of implementation of support
                                                           Based on the physical content of the indicator,
   measures                                           k c  0;1
                                                                  . The criterion for the effectiveness of
                    1, ift  t nec
                                                     functioning of the integrated support centers will
            P(t )    t t nec          ,   (1)
                    e t nec , iftt nec            be the approximation of this indicator to the unit:
                                  ,                   kc  1
   the ratio λ takes into account the conditions of          .
   operations (combat actions), which change the          To date, the activity of integrated support
   steepness of the characteristics P(t) as shown     centers is not effective by all these indicators of
   in Figure 1:                                       efficiency (the real time of execution of orders is
   Source: developed by the authors according to      about 14 hours with the required 12 hours,
[8] - [9].                                            completeness of supply (no 20% in stock, no
        completeness of provision of units           required range of stocks) with their urgent need,
   (subdivisions)                                     continuity of operations (combat actions) (under
                                                      the given conditions of functioning of the
              KP          ,VZ  Vtr ,         (2)    integrated support centers, continuity of
                                                      operations (combat actions) of units (divisions) of
   where Vz is the amount of material assets          the Armed Forces of Ukraine up to 7 days is
   stored at the integrated support center;           provided.
    The existing model of functioning of                           accounting
integrated support centers concerning distribution                 forecasting
of functional powers between divisions, is                         planning
resulted in figure 2.                                              control.
    According to the results of the analysis, it is
determined that IT should be used in the following
tasks of the integrated support centers for:

Figure 2: Model of functioning of integrated support center

     We will provide a justification that IT should      center (timely orders, deliveries, inventory points,
  be used in forecasting the need for integrated         the rate of deficit).
  support centers.                                           A possible method of solving this issue at the
     In the theory of logistics, there are a number of   integrated support center in the process of
  models of stock management, which have                 operations (combat actions) is the use of multi-
  conditional names:                                     agent systems (MAS). In a distributed
         fixed order size                               environment, complex issues can be solved by
         fixed order time                               interacting agents that act in parallel and
         minimum-maximum                                asynchronously, jointly developing solutions to
         combined.                                      complex matters through self-organization. This
     These models are effective in performing tasks      principle is fundamentally different from the
  by the structures of warehouses in terms of            centralized approach and is similar to the
  projected (uniform demand), or demand, the             processes of self-organization in wildlife.
  nature of which is clear. During the operation             MAS is a network of agents that interact with
  (combat actions) the nature of the demand for          each other in a common environment and seek to
  material supplies from the units (divisions) is        achieve a common goal for the system.
  determined by the conditions of the situation, so          The interaction of agents in the system occurs
  the use of classical models [10] - [11] is             either directly through messaging, or indirectly,
  impossible (limited). Therefore, it is necessary to    through the reaction of the external environment
  build adequate forecasting models to ensure the        to the presence of other agents. The main property
  absence of a deficit at the integrated support         of the agent is autonomy, goals and ways to
achieve them, reaction to changes in the                certain shelf life, optimizing the use of storage
environment.                                            facilities.
    MAS may consist of agents of different types           When choosing a program for WMS
with their own behavior, characteristics,               implementation, it is necessary to take into
limitations and goals. Agents like software can be      account the capabilities of software, flexibility in
written in different languages, run on different        customization, specifics, current and planned
platforms and be distributed on a computer              tasks performed by the integrated support centers
network. MAS are usually open and contain a             and units to be supported. The advantage of using
variable number of agents: agents can enter the         computer      information     systems     is     the
environment of interaction and leave it [7].            formalization of processes (ordering and
    In logistics, order and resource agents are         minimization of errors).
elements of a network of needs and capabilities            Since WMC is the system, which is an open
that interact in the virtual space of the system.       source system and provides a standard warehouse
They enter into contracts to perform actions,           topology, it is possible to expand its capabilities
strengthening or weakening connections                  with MAS. In addition, the introduction of these
depending on the situation, where the state and         technologies will increase efficiency (Table 1).
configuration of the network corresponds to a           Source: developed by the authors according to [8].
certain dynamic schedule. Agents of needs and
opportunities, in turn, if necessary, generate          Table 1
additional agents. The constant search for              Comparative table of results
consensus by mutually acceptable compensation                                 Before
for fluctuations in conditions of uncertainty in the                                       After storage
                                                          Indicator name     storage
conduct of hostilities, leads to a dynamic                                                  automation
equilibrium, organized independently [11]. To
                                                            Efficiency of
date, the automation of processes and their
integration with computer systems gives a new                               14 hours          12 hours
                                                             of support
impetus to the development of MAS in the
direction of logistics, when each object of the
system is associated with its corresponding agent.
                                                           of provision of
Such systems will operate virtually without                                    80%              90%
external interference.
    For complex automation of the integrated
                                                            Continuity of
support center, ERP-based solutions (resource
                                                           the process of
management and planning concept) and WMS
                                                          providing units     7 days          10 days
(information system that provides automation of
management of warehousing processes of the
                                                           with resources
integrated support centers) are proposed.
Logistics concepts allow to determine the
properties and characteristics of logistics             3. Conclusions
processes on a single methodological basis.
    ERP is the effective planning and management           The use of MAS allows forecasting the
of all the resources needed to produce and sell         availability of stocks at the Central Command, to
products. The purpose of the ERP concept is to          form a rational model of stock management,
integrate all departments and functions into a          which is based on non-stochastic demand and is a
single computer system that can serve all the           combination of known models that will ensure
specific needs of separate departments. It              continuity and completeness of military units
combines all bodies and departments within one          (separate divisions) of the Armed Forces of
integrated program that works with a single             Ukraine.
database, so that everyone can more easily share
information and communicate with each other.
    WMS consists in active warehouse                    4. References
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