=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3126/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Implementation of Shor's algorithm in a digital quantum coprocessor |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3126/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-3126 |authors=Valeriy Hlukhov }} ==Implementation of Shor's algorithm in a digital quantum coprocessor== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3126/paper3.pdf
Implementation of Shor's Algorithm in a Digital Quantum
Valeriy Hlukhov 1
    Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Bandera str., Lviv, 29013, Ukraine

                   The advantages of digital quantum coprocessors include a larger quantum volume, normal
                   operating conditions, the presence of memory, the presence of a tested and reliable element
                   base on which they can be implemented, and the availability of technology for using this
                   element base. The element base refers to field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The paper
                   presents the principles of building digital quantum gates, digital qubits and both homogeneous
                   and heterogeneous digital quantum coprocessors. The capabilities of real quantum computers
                   are usually illustrated by performing factorization of the number 15 using Shor's algorithm.
                   This paper describes the implementation of quantum Shor's algorithm for factorizing the
                   number 15 in a digital quantum coprocessor, which is implemented in FPGA. The difference
                   between a real quantum coprocessor and a digital one is shown. A technique for determining
                   the characteristics of a digital quantum coprocessor is described. Its probabilistic
                   characteristics are also given.

                   Digital qubit, digital quantum coprocessor, heterogeneous coprocessor, homogeneous
                   coprocessor, Shor's algorithm, FPGA

                                                                                             shown. The hardware base for digital quantum
1. Introduction1                                                                             coprocessors is FPGA. Unlike real quantum
                                                                                             coprocessors, digital ones operate at normal
                                                                                             temperatures (like classical computers) and have
   A quantum computer is a heterogeneous                                                     a larger quantum volume. This makes the
device [1] that consists of a classical control                                              development of such coprocessors actual and
computer and its quantum accelerator [2] - a
quantum        coprocessor.     Real      quantum
                                                                                                 Quantum computers possible field use is large
coprocessors are analog and probabilistic                                                    numbers factorization [5], [6]. This operation is
devices. They consist of qubits, quantum gates                                               used to hack information security systems that
provide a change in their states. A classical                                                use public key algorithms, such as RSA [7].
computer controls the operation of a quantum                                                 Shor's algorithm [8] is used for this. The main
coprocessor, checks the correctness of the results                                           elements of the quantum coprocessor that
of its work, and in case of an incorrect result, it                                          implements Shor's algorithm are Hadamard
restarts the coprocessor to work.
                                                                                             elements, quantum Fourier transform, modular
   The possibility of creating logical (digital)                                             exponentiation [9], and qubit state meters. In real
probabilistic devices that can work according to                                             quantum coprocessors, these elements (except
the same formulas as real quantum coprocessors                                               for meters) consist of qubits; changes in their
and can implement quantum algorithms is shown
                                                                                             states are provided by quantum gates.
in previous works [3], [4]. The possibility of
                                                                                                 In previous works, the implementation of
creating digital quantum gates, digital qubits and,                                          digital Hadamard elements and digital quantum
based on them, digital quantum coprocessors is                                               Fourier transform on FPGAs was shown [3], [4].
                                                                                             In one FPGA, it is possible to create a quantum
ISIT 2021: II International Scientific and Practical Conference                              Fourier transform from thousands of digital
«Intellectual Systems and Information Technologies», September                               qubits. The internal state of a digital qubit can be
13–19, 2021, Odesa, Ukraine
EMAIL: Glukhov@polynet.lviv.ua (A. 1)                                                        represented by binary code θ in the range from
ORCID: 0000-0002-0542-7447 (A. 1)                                                            0.00...0 to 1.00...0. Also, options for encoding
             ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
             Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).                      the states of digital qubits with binary codes of
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
various lengths - from 3 to 32 bits were                state QI         of the neighboring qubit (or states of
considered [3], [4].
   Simulation of individual quantum gates is            qubits). The new DataO status code is compared
used to simulate quantum algorithms. To                 in a comparator with the random variable Asin_f
simulate the reversibility of a qubit, models of        to obtain the measured state of the qubit QO ' .
reversible logic architecture [10] and gates [11]       The output of the gate is the qubit state code
have been developed. In this work, more
                                                        DataOut and the measured state QO of the
complex logic circuits are simulated to ensure
reversibility of quantum circuits.                      qubit, which are taken from the output of the
                                                        pipeline register.
2. Purpose of work                                       DataIn                                     DateO                        DateOut

                                                          QI                                                 QO '                 QO
                                                                                    ALU         B                          RG
    The aim of the work is to show the possibility        Instruction                           Comparator
of performing quantum algorithms (using the                 Asin_f                              A
example of factoring the number 15 by Shor's
                                                        Figure 1: A digital quantum gate QGate [1]
factorization algorithm) in a digital quantum
coprocessor implemented on the FPGA. For this,
the possibility of implementing modular
exponentiation on the FPGA and the possibility
of the effect of the results of this operation on the
states of digital qubits is shown, which allows us
to determine the period of y = axmodM function
(determining the period of a function is the main
task of a quantum coprocessor in the
implementation of Shor's algorithm).
                                                        Figure 2: Bloch sphere for qubit complex
3. Qubit                                                amplitudes (left) and a unit circle for real ones
   Qubit quantum state         can be represented          In a heterogeneous digital quantum
(Figure 2) as a simple displacement of end point        coprocessor, a random variable at the input of
of unit radius [12]. The probability pj of              each digital quantum gate is generated by a
obtaining state j as a result of quantum state          separate pseudo-random code generator (PRNG)
                                                        and a Read-Only-Memory (ROM) based
 measurement is equal to p j  2j . In this           functional converter. The converter changes the
                                         N 1           random variable A according to the formula
case, the sum of all probabilities P      1 .
                                          j 0
                                                 i       A sin_ f  D  arcsin A (Figure 3).
In unit circle (Figure 2) which is used in [4]
 p0  cos2  and p1  sin 2  respectively.                                                                         QGate
                                                          QI                                                                      QO
                                                                                                             QI             QO
                                                          DataIn                                                                  DataOut
                                                                                                             DataIn DataOut
4. Digital gates, qubits and quantum                      Instruction
   coprocessors                                             2n+1
                                                                    Number          ROM             Asin_f
                                                                             A                  D            Asin_f
                                                           PRNG                  D  arcsin A
   A digital quantum gate that is used to change
the state of a digital qubit can be represented as a    Figure 3: A digital quantum cell DQCell for
logic circuit Figure 1.                                 heterogonous digital quantum coprocessor [3]
   The digital quantum gate includes an ALU, a
comparator, and a pipelined register.                      Digital qubit circuit for a heterogeneous
   ALU transforms the code of the previous state        coprocessor Figure 4 will represent a series
DataIn of the qubit under the influence of the          connection of several digital quantum cells
Instruction with the possible use of the measured       Figure 3.
                              QO1                                                            QOj                                      5. Shor’s algorithm
                    QO1             DQCell                                                QO1          DQCell            StateOut

           DataIn                                       Data1             Dataj-1                                                        In Shor's algorithm [8], the problem of
                       DataIn           DataOut                                           DataIn            DataOut
                       QI 1                                                               QI 1
                                                                                                                                      factorizing the number M is reduced to the
                                                                                                                                      problem of determining the period r of the
                           QI 1                                                                  QIj
                                                  Instruction1                                                     Instructionj
                                                                                                                                      function y = axmodM, which is calculated by the
Figure 4: A digital quantum qubit as line (QLine)                                                                                     controlled units CU (Figure 7), where a is an
                                                                                                                                      arbitrary integer. This is precisely the problem
of DQCells for heterogonous digital quantum
                                                                                                                                      that a quantum computer solves. It is shown that
                                                                                                                                      the greatest common divisor GCD(ar/2+1, M) can
                                                                                                                                      be a divisor of the number M. The subsequent
    Digital qubit circuit for a homogeneous
                                                                                                                                      finding of the greatest common divisor is
coprocessor Figure 5 has only one difference in
                                                                                                                                      performed by a classical computer.
comparison with the circuit in Figure 4: all
random variables Asin_f for each digital
quantum gate are generated using one pseudo-                                                                                                           0   H
random code generator and one functional

                                                                                                                                      Upper Register

                                                                                                                                                       0   H                                                 QFT
    A schematic diagram of a digital quantum
coprocessor is shown in Figure 6. In                                                                                                                   0   H

heterogeneous coprocessor, the number of
                                                                                                                                      Lower Register

pseudo-random code generators and functional                                                                                                           0           CU 20
                                                                                                                                                                               CU 21
                                                                                                                                                                                       CU 2 2 n 1
transformers coincides with the number of digital
quantum gates. Both oscillators and transformers                                                                                      Figure 7: Shor’s algorithm implementation in
are located near the digital quantum gates                                                                                            real quantum computer
(Figure 3) inside the digital qubits of the Qline
circuit in Figure 6.                                                                                                                       If n  log 2 N  is the required number of
                                                                                                                                      bits to represent the number N to be factored than
                                                                                                                                      the upper quantum register in Figure 7 requires at
                           QO1                                                                   QOj                                  least 2n qubits, because Shor’s algorithm
                    QO1             QGate                                                 QO1           QGate                         requires x to take values between 0 and at least
                    DataIn              DataOut
                                                        Data1             Dataj-1
                                                                                          DataIn             DataOut
                                                                                                                                      N2 and the modular exponentiation function can
                    QI 1                                                                  QI 1                                        be written [9] as
                                                                                                                                                                                                     2 n1
                         QI 1                     Instruction1                                   QIj                   Instructionj   a x mod M  ( a 2 mod M )x ( a 2 mod M )x    ( a 2 mod M )x
                                                                                                                                                                                        1            (1)           2 n1

                                                                                                                                           Figure 7 of Shor's algorithm implementation
                                                                                                                                      illustrates quantum superiority very well. If we
Figure 5: A digital quantum qubit as line (QLine)                                                                                     take only the upper part (Figure 8) of Figure 7
of DQGates for homogenous digital quantum                                                                                             diagram, then the quantum Fourier transform
coprocessor                                                                                                                           will determine the frequency of the white noise
                                                                                                                                      that the Hadamard elements create. After the
                                                                                                                                      initial reset, each Hadamard element transfers the
                                             QO0.1 ,QO0.2 ,...,QO0. j
           DataIn QLine0                                                                   QO0         Switch Matrix
                                                                                                                                      qubit to the neutral position, when the angle
 Asin_f                           DataOut
                                                             QI0.1 ,QI0.2 ,...,QI0. j
                                                                                                                                      θ = π/4 and the state of each qubit with the same
           Asin_f                                                                          QI0                                        probability p0 =p1 = 0,5 can be measured both as
             ...                                                                             QO0. j ,QO1. j ,..., QOm1. j QBo        0 and as 1. And the measured state of the upper
                                             QOm1.1 ,QOm1.2 ,...,QOm1. j
 QBim-1             QLinem-1                                                               QOm-1
                                             DataOutm                                                                                 register in Figure 8 can take any value from 0 to
                                                      QI m1.1 ,QI m1.2 ,...,QI m1. j
                                                                                                                                      22n-1. The state spectrum of the upper register
                                                                                                                                      will include all 22n states.
   2n+1                              ROM                   Asin_f
                          A                         D
  PRNG                         D  arcsin A

Figure 6: A generalized functional diagram of a
digital quantum coprocessor
                 0           H
Upper Register

                                                                      X                                                                    y=(2x)mod15=1

                 0           H                                                   QFT

                 0           H                                                                                     0   1   2   3   4   5    6   7   8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15 x

Figure 8: White noise                                         X           generated by a                          Figure 10: X codes for which y = 2xmod15 =1
quantum circuit

    Let's conduct a thought experiment - imagine                                                                                           y=(2x)mod15=4
that in some way with a period t we find out the
state of the upper register without changing
states of its qubits. Each time we will receive a                                                                  0   1   2   3   4   5    6   7   8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15 x
new state code, the possible codes will be in the                                                                 Figure 11: X codes for which y = 2xmod15 =4
range from 0 to 22n-1. Now imagine that t runs to
0. Then at each moment of time the state of the                                                                       But the period of y = 2xmod15 function will
upper register will contain all codes in the range                                                                still be r = 4. And it will again be determined
from 0 to 22n-1.                                                                                                  using the quantum Fourier transform. Whatever
    If, on the other hand, modular exponentiation                                                                 the result at the CU output, in the corresponding
is performed over the outputs of the upper                                                                        spectrum of states there will be only codes that
register (CU in Figure 7), then at each "moment"                                                                  allow determining the period of the function
only states that give the same result of modular                                                                  y = 2xmod15 in one measurement and this period
exponentiation at the output of the CU be in the                                                                  will be r = 4. Determining the period of a
spectrum of upper register states. That is, at each                                                               function in one measurement illustrates quantum
"moment" of time, the spectrum of states will be                                                                  superiority. This does not take into account the
different. For example, for the function                                                                          time to create a quantum circuit Figure 7.
y = 2xmod15 spectrum is presented in Figure 9.                                                                        The period of the y = axmodM function can be
    At some "moment" at the output of CU there                                                                    determined not only by quantum, but also by
will be a result y = 1, then in the spectrum of                                                                   logical (digital) methods in several clock cycles.
upper register states there will be 0, 4, 8, 12, …                                                                For example, in [5], [6] it is proposed to
codes (Figure 10). The distance between the                                                                       approach the solution of the problem from the
same codes, that is, the period of y = 2xmod15                                                                    other side: fix r = 2, and determine the random
function will be equal to r = 4. This period will                                                                 variable a from the given r = 2. With this
be determined using the quantum Fourier                                                                           approach, a quantum computer is no longer
transform (as the reciprocal of the repetition rate                                                               needed. But Shor's algorithm is convenient for
F of the extracted codes r = 1/F). At another                                                                     demonstrating quantum superiority using
"moment", the CU output will have the result y =                                                                  separate examples - for determining the result in
4, then in the spectrum of upper register states                                                                  one measurement.
there will be 2, 6, 10, 14, ... codes (Figure 11).                                                                    Also, one of the limitations of Shor's
                                                                                                                  algorithm is the requirement for the parity of the
                                                                                                                  period r. It was shown in [5], [6] that this
                                                     y=2xmod15                                                    condition is optional. The period r can be odd if
       8                                                                                                          a is a square.
       7                                                                                                              Once again, we recall that all the "moments"
       6                                                                                                          in a quantum computer are one and the same
       5                                                                                                          moment in time (Figure 10, Figure 11).
       4                                                                                                              Attaching (Figure 7) an additional circuit to
       3                                                                                                          the upper register changes the state spectrum at
       2                                                                                                          any given "moment" in time. This is similar to a
       1                                                                                                          high-pass filter in analog technology -
       0                                                                                                          connecting a capacitor removes high frequencies
                     0   1       2   3   4   5   6    7   8       9       10   11 12   13   14   15 x
                                                                                                                  from the spectrum, removes interference.
Figure 9: Modular exponentiation                                                                                      Convenient examples are used to illustrate the
                                                                                                                  quantum superiority in determining the period of
y = axmodM function. In the example considered                                                                                                                Table 1
earlier, when M = 15 = 3 * 5, period r is power
                                                                                                                                                              Controlled Unit CU 20  CU 2 , a  2, a 2  2

of 2: r = 4 = 22 and both factors are Fourier                                                                                                                                      a

primes, they can be represented as 2 2  1 :
                                                                                                                                                                 Control    x0=0              x0=1
                                                                                                                                                                 signal     (multiplication   (multiplication
3  2 2  1 , 5  2 2  1 . With such factors,
                             0                               1

                                                                                                                                                                            by 1)             by 2)
formula (1) will have the form (2):
                                                                                                                                                                 Input      0001              0001
                                                                                                                  mod M )x2 n1 =
                                                                                                        2 n1
       a x mod M  ( a 2 mod M )x0 ( a 2 mod M )x1    ( a 2
                                     0                               1

                                                                                                                                                                 Output     0001              0010
 = 2 mod 15  ( 2 mod 15 ) ( 2 mod 15 )    ( 2 mod 15 ) =
                         x               20             x0           21                       x1        22 n 1            x2 n 1

                                                                                                                                             (2)                 binary
 = ( 2 mod 15 )x ( 4 mod 15 )x ( 1 mod 15 )x    ( 1 mod 15 )x =
                                     0                           1                                 1                      2 n 1

                                                                                                                                                                 Output      000x0             00 x0 0
           = ( 2 mod 15 ) ( 4 mod 15 )  2 4
                                                         x0                                   x1       x0    x1

    Formula (2) makes it possible to find the                                                                                                                    Output,
period using a digital quantum coprocessor.                                                                                                                                  00 x0 x0
    The height of the bars in Figure 10, Figure 11
illustrates the probability of receiving the code x
as a result of mentally measuring the upper                                                                                                                   6. Discussions
register state of the circuit Figure 7. Thus,
Figure 10 corresponds to the upper register in                                                                                                                    Further, Figure 13 - Figure 20 show the
Figure 7 measured                 xx...x00 state, and                                                                                                         results of the quantum part of Shor's algorithm
                                                                                                                                                              (determining the period of the function
Figure 11 corresponds to its xx...x10 state.                                                                                                                  y = axmodM (a = 2, M = 15) in the digital
    The implementation of Shor's algorithm in a                                                                                                               quantum coprocessor Figure 7 with 8 digital
digital quantum coprocessor is shown in                                                                                                                       qubits in the upper register, the width of each
Figure 12.                                                                                                                                                    qubit is 8 bits. The research was carried out on
    The lower register in Figure 12 is a classic                                                                                                              two types of coprocessors - homogeneous and
digital logic circuit, signals at its outputs                                                                                                                 heterogeneous. For statistic, each study was
formation (for the considered example of finding                                                                                                              repeated 4096 times with the same input data. In
the period of y = axmodM function with a = 2,                                                                                                                 this case, the frequency of occurrence of each
M = 15) is shown by Table 1 and Table 2.                                                                                                                      result (the probability of the result) was recorded.
Measuring the states of the developed digital                                                                                                                     Since the upper register with 2n = 8 qubits
quantum qubits does not change the code of this                                                                                                               was used, the number of different measured
state, which is indicated by the letter D on the                                                                                                              codes at the output of the Fourier quantum
meter symbol in the circuit Figure 12.                                                                                                                        transform is N = 22n = 256.
    The calculated values of y = axmodM function                                                                                                                  In Figure 13 - Figure 20, these 256 codes are
transform the state X into a state X C                                                                                                                        plotted along the horizontal axis, from 0 to 255.
                                                                                                                                                              The figures show the codes that, as a result of the
correlated with the function values. For the                                                                                                                  study, were found most often (high probability
considered example, this transformation is                                                                                                                    states – State_HP). The vertical axis shows the
described in Table 3.                                                                                                                                         probability (Probability) of the occurrence of the
                                                                                                                                                              indicated codes, the value of the probability
                                                                                                                                                              (Value) is indicated in percent.
                     0       H
                                                                                                                                                                  First of all figures show the results of white
Upper Register

                                                                                         X     XI                   XC                                        noise states generator Figure 8 study, the state of

                                                                                                Quantum                                  D
                     0       H                                                                    State
                                                                                                                                                              the qubits at the output of the upper register is
                     0       H
                                                                                                                                         D                      X  xxxxxxxx . Figure 13 and Figure 14
                                 D             D                           D                                                   Quantum part
                                                                                                                                                              show how such white noise is perceived by
                                     x0            x1                          x2 n 1
                                                                                                                               Classical part
                                                                                                                                                              quantum Fourier transformer in homogeneous
                                                                                                                                                              (Figure 13) and heterogeneous (Figure 14) digital
    Lower Register

                     0           CU 20        CU 21                      CU 22 n1
                                         a         a                           a             y = axmodM                                                       quantum coprocessors. Measurement of such
                                                                                                                                                              quantum state can give any code in the range 0-
Figure 12: Shor’s algorithm implementation in                                                                                                                 255 with equal probability. A heterogeneous
digital quantum coprocessor                                                                                                                                   coprocessor perceives white noise more
Table 2                                                   number of measurements (the number of
                                                          repetitions is F = 0). A homogeneous
Controlled Unit CU 21  CU 4 , a  2, a            4
                      a                                   coprocessor generates such result with
Control    x1=0                    x1=1                   probability of 84.195% (Figure 15), and
signal     (multiplication         (multiplication        heterogeneous - with probability 32.805 %
            by 1)                   by 4)                 (Figure 16).
Input                                                        After confirming correct operation of both
           00 x0 x0                00 x0 x0               digital quantum elements of Hadamard and
Output     00( x1 x0 )( x1 x0 )    ( x1 x0 )( x1 x0 )00   quantum Fourier transformer, which is also built
logical                                                   from digital qubits, studies of Shor's algorithm
Output,                                                   implementation (Figure 7) were continued.
formula    ( x1 x0 )( x1 x0 )( x1 x0 )( x1 x0 )           Figure 17 and Figure 18 show how the quantum
                                                          Fourier transform perceives correlated with
Table 3                                                   y = axmodM function upper register state X C
Controlled Unit CU 21  CU 4 , a  2, a 2  4
                                                          in homogeneous (Figure 17) and heterogeneous
                                                          (Figure 18) digital quantum coprocessors.
 X  xxxxxxxx .           y = axmodM       XC                 And in this case, the heterogeneous
(measured x1x0)                                           coprocessor perceives correlated states more
00                        1                xx...x00       correctly.
                                                              y = 2xmod15 function has period T = 4. The
01                        2                xx...x01       discrete Fourier transform should most often
10                        4                               form the result F = N/T = 256/4 = 64. Despite the
                                           xx...x10       difference in the perception of correlated upper
11                        8                xx...x11       register states, both homogeneous and
                                                          heterogeneous quantum coprocessors correctly
                                                          determine the repetition rate of codes when
   After the quantum Fourier transform,                   carrying out a large number of measurements,
determining the number of repetitions of the              they correctly determine the number of
measured codes gives the following results: both          repetitions F = 64. A homogeneous coprocessor
homogeneous and heterogeneous quantum                     generates such a result with probability 21.439 %
coprocessors correctly determine that there are           (Figure 19), and heterogeneous - with probability
no repetitions of codes when carrying out a large         15.341 % (Figure 20).

Figure 13: Number of perceived white noise states at QFT input, homogeneous quantum
Figure 14: Number of perceived white noise states at QFT input, heterogeneous quantum

Figure 15: Number of repetitions of white noise states, homogeneous quantum coprocessor

Figure 16: Number of repetitions of white noise states, heterogeneous quantum coprocessor

Figure 17: Upper register states that are perceived at the input of QFT and correlated with the
function y = axmodM, homogeneous quantum coprocessor
Figure 18: Upper register states that are perceived at the input of QFT and correlated with the
function y = axmodM, heterogeneous quantum coprocessor

Figure 19: The number of states repetitions when determining the period of a function,
homogeneous quantum coprocessor

Figure 20: The number of states repetitions when determining the period of a function,
heterogeneous quantum coprocessor

   The results of Shor's algorithm execution are     Fourier transform with the number of digital
summarized in the Table 4.                           qubits up to 1024.

7. Implementation                                    8. Conclusions
   In this example, adding a lower register and         The article shows the possibility of
an upper register state converter (Figure 12) adds   determining the period of the y = axmodM
practically nothing to the hardware costs of a       function in a digital quantum coprocessor.
discrete Fourier transform implementation            Determination of the period is necessary for the
(Figure 8). These costs were determined in           execution of Shor's factorization algorithm.
previous works [3], [4]. It was shown that on one
FPGA it is possible to implement the discrete
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