=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3126/paper39 |storemode=property |title=Machine learning concepts and applications |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3126/paper39.pdf |volume=Vol-3126 |authors=Yusifov Mahammad,Lala Bakirova }} ==Machine learning concepts and applications== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3126/paper39.pdf
Machine Learning Concepts and Applications
Yusifov Mahammad1, Lala Bakirova 2
      Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University 1, 34 Azadliq Avenue, Baku, AZ1000, Azerbaijan

                  The thesis includes the main basic concepts of machine learning and its applications. For
                  simplest possible explanation of machine learning concepts, handwritten number recognition
                  software has been represented and on this application, concepts like artificial neurons, weights,
                  edges, connections and others has been explained. Layered structure of artificial network,
                  artificial neuron activation value. What is edges shapes? How the recognition process
                  happening, what is neural network and neurons? What is weight and activation value, Sigmoid
                  and ReLU function? What is the parameter of connections between neurons? These questions
                  and others has been covered in this article.

                  Keywords 1
                  Neural network, artificial intelligence, neurons, auto recognition, activation, weight

 1. Introduction                                                                              considered as a function that takes input as a
                                                                                              number and passes as output to the next so-called
                                                                                              artificial neuron [1]. Figure 1 is an example of
    Machine learning is a field of science that
                                                                                              artificial neural network that consists of input,
covers mathematical complex calculations and
                                                                                              output and some additional hidden layers that can
equations in order to make computers imitate the
                                                                                              be considered as black box for now.
“learning” process of humans. This process
involves a computer algorithm that builds models
based on given training data to make proper
decisions without being manually programmed by
a developer [2]. Machine learning is considered as
an important functionality and branch of Artificial
Intelligence and the applications of this
interesting technology are very wide: Speech
recognition and other image recognition
techniques, computer vision, email spam, and
malware filtering, virtual personal assistant,
online fraud detection, self-driving cars, stock
market trading, and medicine. And this list can be                                            Figure 1: Artificial neural network
expandable. In this thesis, main concepts and
applications of machine learning will be covered.                                                 In every layer, neurons are connected to each
                                                                                              other via weights that can be modified with result
 2. Neural network                                                                            of learning or training process. Next, we can take
                                                                                              simple example application handwritten number
                                                                                              recognition and go through these concepts of
   The artificial neural network is a set of
connected units that each represents a neuron, like
in the human brain. Every neuron can be

ISIT 2021: II International Scientific and Practical Conference
«Intellectual Systems and Information Technologies», September
13–19, 2021, Odesa, Ukraine EMAIL: yusifov.19@mail.ru (A. 1);
lala_bekirova@mail.ru (A. 2)
ORCID: 0000-0002-4295-8642 (A. 1); 0000-0003-0584-7916 (A.
              ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
              Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
              CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
2.1. Handwritten                         number        consists of 10 neurons that each represents a
                                                       number as a result. The activation of neurons in
recognition                                            the output layer also represents grayscale value,
                                                       the neuron with the highest activation number is
   Although it is not so challenging to humans to      the “choice” of the machine. For example in our
understand the number on the left which is sloppy      case, the number is 9 and the neural network of
written by me, for computers it is not an easy task.   the decision process has been shown in Figure 4.

   Figure 2 shows an example for number
recognition which has been taken from this site:

Figure 2: Screenshot of number recognition AI

   How this software converts or translates the        Figure 4: Artificial network with result “9”
analog number given on the left to the digital
mathematical number that has been given on the             When we try to recognize a number, our brain
right by the machine? Let’s start with                 looks for certain patterns like loops or shapes. For
conceptualizing the term “neuron”.                     example, in our example, the number 9 has circle
                                                       up top and a line on the right. The number 8 has 2
                                                       circles or loops one on top and the other at the
                                                       bottom. So our next inner layer can be responsible
                                                       for holding each one of these patterns shapes in a
                                                       neuron. If the activation of the specific neuron is
                                                       close to 1, the possibility of that corresponding
                                                       pattern is high. For example, suppose there is one
                                                       certain neuron that represents a circle pattern, and
                                                       the activation is 0.9. That means the resulting
                                                       number can be: 0, 6, 8, 9.

Figure 3: Number on pixels or on “neurons”

    We can consider a neuron as a unit that holds
a number between 0 and 1. In figure 3 we have 28
x 28 = 784 neurons and each one of these neurons
holds a value that represents the greyscale value
of the corresponding pixel. For example, the
neuron that value is 0 means it is black and the one
with value 1 means it is white. This number is
called “activation” [3].                               Figure 5: Second last layer holding patterns
    All of these 784 neurons represent the input
layer of our artificial network and the output layer
     So we can suppose, our second last layer is          neurons: weight which is also number. And from
responsible for recognizing patterns as shown in          mathematical approach:
Figure 5.                                                      𝑎1𝑤1 + 𝑎2𝑤2 + … + 𝑎𝑛𝑤𝑛 ,              (1)
     But, these patterns themselves also consist of       This equation is weighted sum [4].
little shapes, which we can call edges. For
example circle can consists of a bunch of edges.

Figure 6: Little edges of patterns

    So we also need to have a layer that is
responsible for recognizing these little edges. The
layer that comes after the input layer can be
responsible for that operation. So with 2 layered
16 neurons structure, we can suppose the working
principle of our little AI is in this way: In the first   Figure 8: Edge recognition with weights
layer we get input as a handwritten number with
784 neurons, and then it sends a signal to the next           Weight with the color green means positive
layer in order to detect edges and then comes third       vale and with the red color means negative so
layer to detect bigger shapes as patterns and at the      weights with the pixel color red means darker are
output we have our result as a number.                    and it distinguishes darker and lighter areas on
                                                          pixels so that it can detect edges.
                                                             When we compute weighted sum in equation
                                                          1, we can come up with any number, but for our
                                                          network, we need activation values to be in the
                                                          range of 0 and 1 and here we need to use the
                                                          specific function that minimizes real number to
                                                          the range between 0 and 1. A common function is
                                                          the sigmoid function.

Figure 7: Overall of 2 layered neural network

   This structure can be also applicable for other
recognition tasks like image and voice                    Figure 9: Sigmoid function
recognition. For example, detecting shapes in the
pictures, or identifying syllables in human voice             Negative inputs end up close to 0 and positive
can be our “patterns” or “edges” in this structure.       inputs end up close to 1 [5]. So the activation of a
    To be able to detect that edges, we need to           neuron in our network is a measure of how
assign new parameter to the connections between           positive the corresponding weighted sum is. But
                                                          also we need bias for inactivity. We just need to
extract that value from the weighted sum before
processing the sigmoid function [1].
   𝜎(𝑎1𝑤1 + 𝑎2𝑤2 + … + 𝑎𝑛𝑤𝑛 −                (2)
                   𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑠) ,
So, the weights indicate what pattern, edges this
specific neuron in the second layer is picking up
on and the bias indicates how high the weighted
sum needs to be before the neuron starts getting
   But there is another better function called         Figure 11: Some numbers from MNIST database.
ReLU – REctified Linear Unit.
                                                          The more training data we give to the machine,
                                                       the more it evolves itself by doing feedback:
                                                       taking input from the picture does its operation
                                                       and match the result with the real idealistic value
                                                       behind the number and correct itself [6].

                                                        3. Applications
                                                           Very popular example of how powerful
                                                       artificial intelligence can be is GPT-3 (Generative
                                                       Pre-trained Transformer 3) launched by OpenAI
                                                       company. This model uses deep learning to
                                                       produce texts that are very similar to human words
                                                       [9]. GPT-3 can even code by its own, you just
Figure 10: ReLU function                               have to give input commands like create a button
                                                       that looks like rectangular and when it is pressed
    Using sigmoid function, was very difficult to      increase certain value or do some other
train at some point, but ReLU solved this problem      operations. For example debuild.co is interesting
[10].                                                  website that uses GPT-3 to write code. User gives
    Every neuron in the first layer is connected to    orders as input and it generates JavaScript code
the 784 neurons. And each one of these 784             according to orders and visually shows the result
connections has weight and bias. So we have 784        at a time [10].
x 16 weights with 16 biases and the connection
between other layers also has weights and biases
according to them. Our network has 13002
weights and biases in total.
    Learning in here is, getting the machine to find
a true setting for all of these many numbers so that
it can solve the problem at a time [7].
    The training process of the network can be
done with the help of certain special databases that
store collections of images of numbers
handwritten. So the machine can train itself to
become a better “predictor” with both having
input and output from the database [8].
    MNIST database is well-known example of            Figure 12: Describing google UI to GPT-3
these databases which stores 70000 images of
digits handwritten by people like high school             GPT-3 functionalities are very wide and that
students and employees of the American Census          shows how amazing works can be done using
Bureau that are published to help AI researchers.      Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
                                                          In medical field, machine learning has so many
                                                       applications and they are currently being
                                                       developed. One of the proper examples is
                                                       Microsoft's InnerEye Project that identifies
differences between healthy cells and tumor cells     analyses of human and better treatment for each
by using 3D radiological images as shown in           specific patient. There are 3 tables in this simple
Figure 13.                                            represented database:
                                                          1. patients: stores basic information for
                                                          other relations
                                                          2. health_parameters:          stores        vital
                                                          information about a human this data is
                                                          essential for identifying potential diseases
                                                          3. other_parameters: stores information
                                                          about daily activites, and possible decisions
                                                          that the human can make.
                                                          The second and third tables are connected to
Figure 13: Screenshot from Inner Eye                  first table via foreign key on id of patient. With
                                                      only this small data a well-structured AI can
    Pfizer uses machine learning to research about    predict the cause of psychological disease and
how the immune system of human body can fight         develop more relevant therapy for patient. For
cancer. Insitro is a startup uses data science and    example: a married man with weight of 120kg
machine learning to develop drugs that cures          who is accountant may have heart disease and
people much faster and with high level of success     with having no hobbies is additional risk
[11].                                                 parameter that causes psychological disease on
    Besides medical field, there are many             him. That one example can be extended widely
interesting fields that use machine learning.         with the growth of the database. More data
Navigation programs like google maps analyzes         provided to model, more it will be decisive and
all roads and transportation ways and brings most     correct. If there are 2 persons that have relation
relevant choice of travel from location to another.   they can also have same problem. For instance, a
Social media programs has many features that use      partner of current patient had this certain disease
machine learning to process its functionality like    4 months ago as she registered in this database. So
bringing “people you may know”, face detection,       this AI can read all relations of humans even if
image recognition and others. Self-driving cars       they are not bound together but have same
like Tesla works on deep learning and also            workplace that other patient had, this can be
includes IoT because of intelligent sensors.          important information for model to decide. This
Language translation apps, online video               complex relation may be difficult for us to see and
streaming apps and many others have a touch on        decide but it is not the same for a machine. It can
machine learning and expands quickly.                 perform big analysis and diagnostic on a human
    Another     additional    machine      learning   and identify multiple treatment or therapy
application can be in psychology field. Model can     methods. And a doctor who is psychologist can
be established in order to read and store different   choose one or more of those method even modify
parameters of humans in a database. Database          them. This kind of machine learning application is
structure is shown in a following figure.             not only about psychology field, it also can be
                                                      about other specific fields of medical applications.

                                                       4. Conclusions
                                                         In the new era of technology, Artificial
                                                      Intelligence will help humans to solve so many
                                                      problems in a short time without errors. It can
                                                      affect the human life as given example about
                                                      identifying the disease on human by giving
                                                      database as a training data for machine to learn. In
                                                      medicine, special surgeries, in oil manufacturing,
Figure 14: Simple database for model to learn         or in some dangerous places that humans should
                                                      not be operate, machines will replace and make
                                                      appropriate decisions like, or better than humans.
   This database can be input for model and it can
                                                      And that complex operations is starting with
use machine learning to improve more correct
handwritten number recognition task. It is               "Envisioning an artificial intelligence
considered as “Hello-World” of Machine                   documentation assistant for future primary
Learning. But as we know every big roads starts          care consultations: A co-design study with
with first little steps.                                 general practitioners". Journal of the
                                                         American Medical Informatics Association.
 5. Acknowledgements                                     2020
                                                    [15] Kobie N. "DeepMind's new AI can spot
                                                         breast cancer just as well as your doctor".
   Thanks to head of cathedra: Doctor of                 Wired UK. Wired. 2020
technical sciences Mrs. Lala Bakirova.

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