=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3156/paper11 |storemode=property |title=Model for Verification of Intelligence of Multiagent Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3156/paper11.pdf |volume=Vol-3156 |authors=Oleksandr Martynyuk,Oleksandr Drozd,Anatoliy Sachenko,Kostiantyn Zashcholkin,Igor Mileiko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/intelitsis/MartynyukDSZM22 }} ==Model for Verification of Intelligence of Multiagent Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3156/paper11.pdf
Model for Verification of Intelligence of Multiagent Systems
Oleksandr Martynyuka, Oleksandr Drozdb, Anatoliy Sachenkoc, Kostiantyn Zashcholkind, Igor Mileikoe
        Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ave. Shevchenko 1, 65044 Odessa, Ukraine,
    Ternopil National Economic University, Victory Square 3, building 2, 46020, Ternopil, Ukraine

                  Modern distributed information systems are characterized by the integration of the properties of
                  advanced network technologies, including Web services, Clouds, "Green" and other
                  technologies. In most of them, the intelligence, inherent in multi-agent systems, is becoming
                  more and more important. Intelligence, as a set of properties of knowledge and mechanisms of
                  their formation, is characterized by special solutions. This specialization is reflected in all tasks of
                  systems synthesis and analysis, in particular, tasks of their verification and testing. The model for
                  verifying the intelligence of multi-agent systems has been further developed in this paper. The
                  model based on behavioral automata experiments and extended Petri nets. The features of the
                  proposed verification model are the hierarchy of goals, the composite knowledge model and
                  inference mechanism, the identification of behavioral properties. Functional specifications of
                  behavioral models of multi-agent systems with properties and mechanisms of intelligence define
                  sets and relationships for atomic events and actions, which represent static properties and
                  mechanisms of multi-agent systems, in positions and transitions of Petri nets. The specifications
                  also define sets and relationships of tokens, which are moved in positions and transitions and
                  represent the dynamic properties and mechanisms of multi-agent systems. The model makes it
                  possible to determine the necessary conditions for special methods of verification and testing of
                  intelligence, as properties of distributed information systems, and to reduce their computational
                  complexity. The overall computational complexity of the k-decomposition for models of
                  verification of intelligence on base of hierarchical Petri nets is reduced exponentially by a factor
                  of k, and the experimental verification, which was held for real MAC, confirm this decrease.

                  Distributed Information System; Knowledge Model; Behavior Verification; Verification
                  Model; Property Identification

1. Introduction
    The development and penetration of modern distributed information systems (DIS) [1] into various areas
of human activity is accompanied by the use of a variety of computer technologies and platforms. These
technologies are based on the latest achievements, on the one hand, in mathematics and physics of storage,
transmission and processing of information, design and production of technical components and systems, on
the other hand, in the organization of special processes in different application areas and for solving various
applied problems. In fact, emerging complex DIS is characterized by the integration of many architectural,
structural-functional, information, methodological properties and mechanisms of progressive technologies,
including Web-services, P2P, Clouds, GRID, Clusters and Multi-Agent [2-4], communication Transport-
Network (including Wireless) and "Green" [5], also many other technologies. Most modern technologies are
increasingly mastering and transferring to DIS the ability of their own goal-setting and intelligence [6].
Together with intelligence, other new properties and mechanisms also develop and become frequent and
even integral, in particular, the autonomy and mobility [7] of the components and subsystems
IntelITSIS’2022: 3nd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems of Information Security, March 23–25,
2023, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
EMAIL: anmartynyuk@ukr.net (O. Martynyuk); drozd@ukr.net (O. Drozd); as@wunu.edu.ua (A. Sachenko); const-z@te.net.ua (K.
Zashcholkin); mig3@ukr.net (I. Mileiko)
ORCID: 0000-0003-1461-2000 (O. Martynyuk); 0000-0003-2191-6758 (O. Drozd); 0000-0002-0907-3682 (A. Sachenko); 0000-0003-
0427-9005 (K. Zashcholkin); 0000-0002-8664-7037 (I. Mileiko)
             ©️ 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
             Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
of DIS,the dynamic cooperativity [8] of their functioning. The last three properties, together with
intelligence, form a system of distinctive features of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) [9], in connection with
which many DIS explicitly or implicitly integrate MAS, specialized for them.
   Trustworthiness of operation of DIS, which are highly complex systems as part of various hardware,
communication, software, information tools, is possible only, if they have sufficient values of error-free,
reliable functioning, and operability [10]. A high level of these characteristics is ensured by many hardware,
functional, informational, methodological tools of verification, online and offline testing [11], performed
respectively at the levels of projects and implementations of DIS, often integrated into DIS-specific
automated systems of technical diagnostic [12]. At the same time, it is the ultra-high complexity of modern
DIS shifts their formal, design and operational specifications, which are necessary for verification and testing
to the upper, system-architectural, structural-functional levels [13]. This complexity more and more leaves
the logic-circuitry and design-technological levels [14] for manufacturing specifications and component
debugging of DIS. It follows that the completeness, accuracy and relevance of verification and testing at the
upper levels to a decisive extent depends on the formal specifications of the behavior of DIS [15], mandatory
for these levels, the means and capabilities of the analysis of these specifications. Such a behavioral analysis,
as a rule, is NP-complex [16], it concerns, first of all, formal specifications, which are based on models and
methods of an automata class [17]. This fact prompts the use of various types of spatial-temporal [18] and
functional [19] decomposition of automata models and methods, as well as their general improvement and
specialization [20] according to specific features of DIS and their components. Intelligence, as a set of
properties of knowledge and mechanisms for their analysis and derivation, is characterized by special
solutions [21]. Such specialization is reflected in all tasks of analysis and synthesis of intelligent distributed
information systems, in particular, tasks of their verification and testing. This circumstance can be essentially
used in the functional decomposition of DIS [22], highlighting the property of intelligence and accentuating it
in special extended Petri nets, which represent the class of automata class models most effective for
behavioral analysis and are used in behavioral verification and testing of DIS.

2. Goal and Tasks
   The goal of creating a new verification model for intelligence of MAS is to reduce the computational
complexity and increase the completeness of verification for the purposeful intellectual behavior of DIS.
   To achieve this goal the tasks of constructing formal models of agents and MAS in general, which are based
on extended hierarchical Petri nets, are solved for: a) formal input specifications; b) hierarchies of dynamic
objective and verification goals and subordinate tasks; c) composite models of subject knowledge and
mechanisms for their derivation for fragments of behavior and achievable structures; d) verification of behavior
based on automata check and recognition experiments; e) composite knowledge models and mechanisms for
inference for verifying fragments of behavior and achievable structures for verifying behavior.
   The constructed models make it possible to determine the formal conditions and basic steps for a
set of methods for behavioral verification of the properties and mechanisms of MAS intelligence.
Each of these methods can differ in the depth of knowledge retention, dependence and parallelism of
actions, target parameters and optimization procedure, when achieving results.

3. Model of Intelligence for Verification

3.1. Local energy properties and instant energy consumption state
    Formal functional specifications of behavioral models for MAS, which contain properties and
mechanisms of intelligence, is formed on the basis of extended hierarchical Petri nets. Such specifications
define sets and relations for atomic conditions, events as condition structures, actions as function
structures, and atomic functions, that represent static properties and mechanisms of the MAC in positions
and transitions of Petri nets. The Petri nets also define the sets and relationships of tokens and their
structures, that move in positions and transitions during its operation, which represent the dynamic
properties and mechanisms of the MAS. The reconfigurable extended hierarchical Petri net looks like [23]:
                               S(f) = (P, T, Ev, Ac, X, Y, In, Pr, Fs, Fd, M, fM0).                                  (1)
Here, in addition to the usual components of Petri net, extensions are represented by sets of events Ev,
actions Ac, conditions X, functions Y, time intervals In, probability-priorities Pr, essential for intelligence,
M – is the set of token-labels of different nm types:
   The energy consumption for the minimum, average and maximum reference values of the reduced
numbers of one- and multi-circle switching of the events, that have occurred in positions, and actions,
performed in the transitions, is localized in the components of the DIS and can be represented in the
form of instantaneous energy structures and their compositions based on the spatial architecture DIS.
   So, on the basis of the entire Petri net S(f)E or some Petri subnet for some of its special components, as
their sub-models, diagrams of attainable instantaneous (at a certain moment of time t) energy states or
markings (sections), marking the above events can be formed positions and transition actions, type:
    Spt ={(pi1,epi1),(pi2,epi2),…, (pik’,epik’),…,(pik,epik)}  {(xi1,epi1),(xi2,epi2),…,(xik’,epik’),…,(xik,epik)}
        Stt={(tj1,etj1),(tj2,etj2),…,(tjk’,etjk’),…,(tjk,etjk)}  {(yj1,etj1),(yj2,etj2),…,(yjk’,etjk’),…,(yjk,etjk)} (2)
– the static relation of incidence expectations of subsets of positions from the boolean {p1,…,pip}B(P)
and transitions from T, which depends on the values of the variables of current events, actions,
probabilities/priorities and intervals,
– dynamic relation of activation of incidents of subsets of positions from the Boolean {p1,…,pip}B(P)
and transitions from T, which, in contrast to the static relation Fs, also depends on the markup values M,
upon activation, causes modification of the values of variables of events, actions, probabilities/priorities,
intervals and markup with changing and saving their new values. Here Mnm = B(im=0nm{Mim} – is the
space of sets of token labels placed in positions Mim –is the direct Dekart in-degree of the set M.
   By construction, the space-time structure and the agent-based, hierarchical functional decomposition of the
extended Petri net for the MAS corresponds to the network, multi-level and functional structure of MAS and
defines Petri nets for the selected structure of the behavioral model of the MAS of a certain level with the
properties and mechanisms of intelligence. Decomposition performs the grouping of components and subnets
for agents and functions in MAC model. As a result, on the basis of Petri net, a set of network and
hierarchical models is obtained [22, 23] with the subnets-functions allocated for the analysis of intelligence:
                                               nS = (X, Y, S(f)S, ),
                                          SI = (S(f), iIS(f)ip, jJS(f)jt, SgiS)                                  (3)
   Special, general and detailed models of agents [24]
                                          agi=(agRi, agDi, Evi, Aci, i),
                                       agi=(cSi, cMi, Qi, Sti, {i, i, i}, {cs0i, cm0i, q0i, st0i}),               (4)
determine the level of intelligence, reactive agRi or deliberative agDi, actions Evi, events Aci, special models of
behavior analysis (in particular, verification) cSi (S(f)i includes into cSi,, as a component), special methods for
analyzing behavior cMi, goals Qi, strategy tasks Sti, special agent-based mechanisms {i, i, i} observation,
application of strategy, adaptation, initial agent-based control model, method, goal, strategy {cs0i, cm0i, q0i, st0i}.
   The models agi make it possible to define in its composition a formal model of intelligence of MAS
and, after its functional decomposition and reduction, build a behavioral verification model for it. The
necessary conditions are formed for a group of possible methods for verifying the intelligence of MAS.

3.2.     Model of Goals and Tasks
   Subject intelligence in the MAS can be localized in some agents, have functional completeness within the
selected agent, specialized in a certain set of goals, tasks, properties and functions. In another case, subject
intelligence can be distributed between agents of different types, for example, by the functions: a) storage of
knowledge, inference, transport; b) steps of evolutionary optimization, synchronization of steps, branches and
optimization iterations. Along with one subject intelligence, there may be another one, that differs from the
first in terms of the totality of subject tasks, in particular, separating the MAS resources from the first.
   It should be noted the existence of hierarchies – the goal qiQi defines the tasks-strategies Sti, each
stiSti of which, in turn, determines the events Evi (into them and conditions Xi), actions Aci (into them and
functions Yi), necessary for the solution, as well as the resources required for them. Moreover, in this case,
the division is obvious between the goals Qi of some common tasks Sti, between the tasks – some common
events Evi and actions Aci with their resources. That is, the hierarchy is present as a spanning tree in such a
multi-level network structure of goals Qi, tasks Sti, events Evi and actions Aci with their resources.
   In any case, depending on the organization of the subject MAS, the general model of intelligence, like
the model of cooperativity [25] by Petri nets of MAC (Petri net for agent - on the Figure 1), can have a
distributed basic peer-to-peer (linear, ring, network), hierarchical or combined structure.

Figure 1: Petri net model for energy agent
   Several levels in the structure are often typical for MAS with a fixed, static hierarchical structure of
connections of subject weakly reconfigurable goals Qi and tasks Sti for stable agents Agi of predefined
types of different levels, although the agents can change goals and tasks, passing from one type to another.
   Peer-to-peer structures of the intelligence model are applied, firstly, as a degenerate case of multi-rank
structures; secondly, as the initial states of dynamic multi-rank structures with a situational reconfigurable
hierarchy of goals Qi and tasks Sti of individually reconfigurable agents Agi. In the process of functioning
in reconfigurable hierarchies, agents can appear, disappear, move from one type and rank to another, the
types and ranks of the hierarchy themselves can also arise and disappear dynamically, situationally.
   This work considers analyze of peer-to-peer and two-rank architectures, to which it is possible to reduce
multi-rank hierarchies without loss of generality of this analyze.
   Specific goals Qi in these static or dynamic structures of intelligence models of MAS for any level of the
hierarchy are defined as some of the transformations attainable at this level qi=((csi1, cmi1), (csi2, cmi2)):
two "analysis model - analysis method" (csi1, cmi1), initial for the goal, transformed into a target two
"analysis model - analysis method" (csi2, cmi2). Moreover, the analysis model csi1 of the initial pair for the
goal is characterized by the initial values of the subject formal target criteria, and the analysis model of the
target pair is characterized by the final, target values of the subject formal target criteria. In verification of
behavior of agent agi, the main criteria cRi can be taken as its computational complexity oi, completeness
ui, length ei, multiplicity ui and localization oi (within the input space-time structure of the MAS),
additional criteria can be taken as controllability ei (realizability), transportability bi (observability),
heritability ni (within the same input space-time structure of the MAS), so cRi=(oi, ui, ei, ui, oi, ei,
bi, ni). Situationally, dynamically, some criteria of goals Qi and tasks-strategies Sti of some agents agi for
some time may go beyond the selected main criteria of general goals and tasks-strategies of the analysis of
MAS. For example, to verify the intelligence of MAC, such criteria of goals of some agents, subordinate to
the main ones, can be to ensure their controllability ei, observability bi, and inheritance ni, the tasks-
strategies Sti, corresponding to these criteria, both tasks Sti as part of goals Qi, – are the allocation of
parameterized agent subnets in Petri nets of MAC with these criteria-parameters, that provide
implementation, transportation, and inheritance of the necessary verifying behavior. That is, for individual
agents, in addition to their main goals with formalized in criteria acceptable values of computational
complexity oi, completeness ui, length ui, multiplicity ui, localization oi, it’s possible the emergence
of additional goals localized in space and time of the behavior of agents with formalized in criteria
acceptable values of controllability ei, observability bi, heritability ni.
   In this case, the goals Q through criteria cR of the models and the tasks-strategies St of the MAS of the
higher level, which are long-term in the life cycle of the MAS, control the parametrized goals Qi of the
agents of the lower-adjacent level, which are shorter-term, dynamic in the life cycle of the agent and the
MAS. The higher criteria cR control through the parameterized lower goals Qi and their corresponding
parameterized models cSi, methods cMi and tasks-strategy Sti of the corresponding lower-level agents.
Thus, control is carried out as a parametric adjustment of the lower models cSi, methods cMi and tasks-
strategies Sti, corresponding to the lower goals Qi, the values of the parameters cRi necessary for the upper
tasks St. As noted above, for verification goal parameters can be the required values of computational
complexity oi, completeness ui, length ei, multiplicity ui, localization oi, controllability ei,
observability bi. and inheritance ni. When used as behavioral models of Petri nets, such parametrization
characterizes the components, agent subnets S(f)S^, iIS(f)ip, jJS(f)jt, general Petri nets S(f), which
represent lower and higher models and tasks-strategies as part of the corresponding goals, and is
implemented on the properties of specific positions Pi, transitions Ti, events Evi, actions Aci, movements of
tokens Mi and their aggregates. The general scheme of actions for controlling subordinate lower agent
models cSi, methods cMi and tasks-scenarios Sti using their goal parameters from the side of the higher
goal parameters cR from the higher agent models cS, methods cM and task-scenarios St for the formal
two-level model of the analysis of MAS include the definition and analysis of: a) the higher goal
parameters cR and the corresponding tasks-scenarios St for their achievement; b) lower models cSi, as
submodels of the higher model cS,, lower methods cMi and lower tasks-scenarios Sti; c) the relationship
between the dependence of lower models cSi, mrthods cMi and tasks-scenarios Sti on the higher goal
parameters cR in the corresponding task-scenarios St; d) mappings from the higher goal parameters cR and
the corresponding their task-scenarios St to the lower goal parameters Qi and the corresponding their task-
scenarios Sti. General higher goals Q and subordinate lower goals Qi place criteria-parameters cR, cRi,, as
dynamic parametric weight extensions of the general Petri net S(f) of MAS and localized Petri subnets of
its agents S(f)S^, iIS(f)ip, jJS(f)jt in the formal models cS, cSi and methods cM, cMi of analyze of the
behavior and tasks-scenarios of MAS St and its agents Sti.
   As noted, each formally defined goal of the intelligence models ща MAS give its own set of tasks to be
solved, that allow it to be achieved, and the tasks can be shared with other goals.
   Each task-strategy stiSti is defined as a scenario – asynchronous-event parallel procedure of
application of previous analysis methods cMi1 to previous analysis models cSi1 from goal (the first in the
goal pair of twos "previous model-method" - "next model-method" qi=((csi1, cmi1), (csi2, cmi2))) – with
defined start and finish, for example, formally represented as parallel graph-scheme of an algorithm with a
single start and finish, functional nodes, possible branching nodes, loops, input/output, assuming
transmission values of properties (data and parameters), functions (methods and handlers).
   Tasks-strategies St, Sti and the methods cM, cMi they call can assume deterministic, pseudo-random,
exhaustive, intelligent analysis, synthesis, in particular, optimization, as well as when using special vertices
– parallelism, recursiveness, and iteration. Such extended graph-schemes can serve as an initial, visual
form for constructing equivalent (and, if necessary, more formalized) models for tasks-strategies St, Sti and
methods cM, cMi in their composition in the form of appropriate special analysis for models, based on
extended hierarchical Petri nets nS, SI (3), which can be obtained independently from graph-schemes.
   Analysis models cSi and methods cMi, which are based on extended hierarchical Petri nets nS, SI,
together with the tasks-strategies St, Sti scenarios of the analysis of MAS and criteria cRi, as part of the
goal pair of twos “previous model-method” - “next model-method” qi=((csi1, cmi1), (csi2, cmi2)), allow us
to represent the upper levels of formal analysis of specifications for the behavior of MAS, including giving
an external description and placement of their intelligence. Subsequent decomposition and detailing of
these Petri nets at the lower levels of the formal multi-level model make it possible, in particular, to
determine the internal realization of the intelligence of MAS, both for subject and verification tasks.

3.3.     Knowledge Model and Intelligence Inference Mechanism
   The intelligence of the MAS, limited by the resources of the DIS, and its handlers for reactive agents
agRi, when making decisions, most often one-step, are based on statistics, experience, including expert
experience, that is, are based on simple models of accumulated knowledge. In this case, the MAS and
agent knowledge bases are quite simple, change slowly, and can usually be localized in separate agents.
   In the case of deliberative agents agDi, intelligence presupposes the possibility of obtaining a
forecast of the consequences of decision-making in more than one step, that is, some more complex
knowledge and forecasting model is needed, much more complex, than the knowledge model of
reactive agents. Accordingly, large resources are required to be provided by DIS for such agents of
MAS, and these resources are allocated usually in a MAS and DIS environment.
   In the formal models of the knowledge space knS and knSi presented below, for the MAS models
and its agents, atomic, transactional data are understood as lexemes Lexs, iILexis are minimal linear
(without branching and feedback) fragments of the behavior of MAS models and its agents, its own
semantics, weakly related to the subject semantics of the MAS, that is, a set of lexemes – the MAS
vocabulary. Lexemes have their own specific subject and goal interpretation.
   For example, for subject interpretation in MAS intelligence, the simplest one-step lexeme
represents the formation of a production step (A→pr,intB)Prod  i(A)pr,int=B (here i is the application
of the step of the agent's strategy presented above, a step in in this case, production, prPr, intInt -
respectively the probabilities / priorities and time intervals presented earlier) or the union of two slots
(one informational, the second functional) in the simplest frame (Datasl1,Funcsl2Pr,In()fr)fr 
((Datasl1,sl2 pr,int))fr (here sl2 pr,int is the use of a frame step of the agent's strategy - one inference step).
   For goal interpretation in MAS behavior, a one-step token assumes the presence of external
references (inputs and outputs) for the productions →In(A→pr,intB)Prod)Out→  →In(ipr,int(A)=B)Out→
(here →In, Out→In, is the external appeal of logical inference to and from production, respectively) or
the internal feasibility of the frames Funcsl2Pr,In(Datasl1)fr  i pr,int(Datasl1)fr (the ability to exit
from it). In the representation of MAS behavior using Petri nets S(f), iIS(f)i the set of static lexemes
Lexs, iILexis is a set of sequences of pairs of subsets of events and actions
       LexsW=((B(Ev)PrInt)(AcPrInt))*, LexisWi=((B(Evi)PriInti)(AciPriInti))*,
defined on the basis of static incidence relations Fs, iIFsi and taken as indivisible (without
branches), such that for each of them there are no others in this set that are less than the given one,
they are a fragment of the given one. In these sequences for pairs of subsets of events for positions
and actions in the transitions, incident to them, it is not defined in which they can be in the waiting,
ready or activated.
   For subject interpretation using Petri nets, the simplest one-step static tokens are represented:
   a) for the production step in the form
                                     (ac1’,pr1’a,int1’a),(i2I2(evi2),pr2e,int2e)) 
   b) for the step of the simplest two-slot frames
                           ((i1I1(pi1,evi1),pr1e,int1e),(ac1,pr1a,int1a))sl1,1sl2pr,int)fr 
here  is the application of the step of the strategy 1sl2pr,int of the agent as the identification of the
support subset of positions / transitions i1I1(pi1,evi1). For target interpretation using Petri nets, the
simplest one-step static tokens are represented: c) for products with external inputs and outputs
                                (ac1’,pr1’a,int1’a),(i2I2(evi2),pr2e,int2e)))Out→ 
            → (Fs((i1I1(pi1,evi1),pr1e,int1e),(ac1,pr1a,int1a)))=((i1’I1’(pi1’,evi1’),pr1’e,int1’e),

   d) for a two-slot frame with the liveliness property
                         1sl2pr,int(((i1I1(pi1,evi1),pr1e,int1e),(ac1,pr1a,int1a))sl1)fr 
                             (((i1I1(pi1,evi1),pr1e,int1e),(ac1,pr1a,int1a))sl1)fr .
   Dynamic verifiable lexemes Lexd, iILexid for Petri nets are formed from static tokens as their
narrowing based on the application of dynamic incidence relations Fd, iIFdi to them, taking into
account the starting markings M0, iIM0i. Analysis of the behavior models of the MAS and its agents
in accordance with their topological structure of static incidence relations, allows you to combine
lexemes Lex, iILexi into a set of SyntaS, iISyntaSi syntactic structures with supporting agent-
based semantics of behavior, such as non-trivial paths (from two and more lexemes), trees,
hammocks, loops. Syntactic structures presuppose well-defined subject and goal interpretations of
their own.
   For example, for subject interpretation in MAS intelligence, the formation of a non-trivial path, a
chain of production steps, is based on the above formation of lexemes
                           ((A1→pr,intB1)Prod,(A2→pr,intB2)Prod,…,(An→pr,intBn)Prod) 
(here B1A2 &…& Bn-1An) or a parallel union with a common initial vertex based on its
identification in an nfr+1-slot frame
           (Datasl1,Datasl2,…,Dataslnfr,Func()slfrPr,In)fr  ((Datasl1,Datasl2,…,Dataslnfr,i pr,int))fr.
  For target interpretation in the analysis of the behavior of the MAS and its agents - the presence of
external inputs and outputs for the production chain
                     →In(((A1→pr,intB1)Prod,(A2→pr,intB2)Prod,…,(An→pr,intBn)Prod))Out→ 
                                           →In(ipr,int(A)=B)Out→ ,
(here →In, Out→ is the external inference to and from the production, respectively) or the internal
feasibility of frames
          FuncslfrPr,In(Datasl1,Datasl2,…,Dataslnfr)fr  ipr,int(Datasl1,Datasl2,…,Dataslnfr)fr
(the ability to exit from it).
   In the representation of the behavior of Petri nets S(f), iIS(f)i, the set of static syntactic structures
SyntaSs, iISyntaSis is a set of sequences of pairs of events for subsets of positions and actions for the
transitions, incident to them
determined based on the static relation incidence Fs, Fsi, that is, without analyzing the markup and
states of expectation, readiness and activity. Static syntactic structures SyntaSs, iISyntaSis are
considered in the subject interpretation: a) as production paths of the form
                               (acn1’,prn1’a,intn1’a),(in2In2(evin2),prn2e,intn2e)))) 
           (Fs1        (((i11I11(pi11,evi11),pr11e,int11e),(ac11,pr1a,int1a)))=((i11’I11’(pi11’,evi11’),

                                   Fs1pr1,int1,Fs2pr2,int2,…,Fsnprn,intnFs &
              & (i12I12(pi12))(i21I21(pi21)),...,(in-12In-12(pin-12))(in1In1(pin1));
   b) as part of the sequences they form, as data slots for frames
           int21a))2fr,…,((in-11In-11(evin-11),prn-11e,intn-11e),(acn-11,prn-11a,intn-11a))n-1fr,nfrpr,int)fr 
where  is the application of the step of the strategy nfrpr,int of the agent as the identification of the
initial support positions/transitions
                     (i11I11(pi11)), (i21I21(pi21)),…, (in-11In-11(pin-11)), то есть that is
  Syntactic structures SyntaSs, iISyntaSis are also considered in the target interpretation: c) as
having inputs and outputs to other pairs of events and actions
           (n prn,intn
                         intn1’e),(acn1’,prn1’a,intn1’a),(in2In2(evin2),prn2e,intn2e))))Out→ 
         → (Fs1
          In      pr1,int1
   d) as possessing the property of liveliness for a set of frame slots with pairs of events and actions
         pr21a,int21a))2fr,…,((in-11In-11(evin-11),prn-11e,intn-11e),(acn-11,prn-11a,intn-11a))n-1fr)fr 
   When verifying the MAC behavior model, syntactic structures SyntaS, iISyntaSi take a special form
of identifiers - external behavioral characteristic neighborhoods for: a) reference states Id, iIIdi; b)
unobservable (internal) fragments of behavior, both realized by Real, iIReali from external control
points, and transported by Trans, iITransi to them; c) inherited Inh, iIInhi, mutually mapped between
adjacent levels of pairs of fragments of behavior, preserving the properties of characteristic.
   Another special kind of syntactic structures for verification are connectors Conn, iIConni -
behavioral fragments of mutual reachability and direct inheritance, shortest paths for syntactic
structures and support states in composition, interlevel encapsulation containers and detail structures.
   Preparation of verification of the behavior of Petri nets S(f), iIS(f)i saves a set of static verified
syntactic structures SyntaSs, iISyntaSis - identifiers of the above types of Ids, iIIdis, Reals,
iIRealis, Transs, iITransis, Inhs, iIInhis and connectors Conns, iIConnis with the peculiarity of
using the concept of support positions / transitions instead of the concept of support states.
   Dynamic verifiable syntactic structures SyntaSd, iISyntaSid are formed from static syntactic
structures, as their narrowing based on the application of dynamic incidence relations Fd, iIFdi to
them, taking into account dynamic lexemes Lexd, iILexSid and starting markings M0, iIM0i.
   The subsequent analysis of MAS behavior integrates subsets of the previously defined syntactic
structures SyntaS, iISyntaSi into fragments of MAS behavior - subject semantic behavior networks
SeN, iISeN, which is performed on the basis of relations-links between these structures, in particular,
based on identity, adjacency, incidence, reachability, inheritance, and the Conn connectors they form.
   The semantics of integration suggests subject and target interpretation for the behavior of the MAS,
which scales the interpretation of syntactic structures and emphasizes complex non-linear inference.
   So for the subject interpretation of the intelligence of the MAS in the semantic networks SeN,
iISeNi, a multi-step, network multi-level logical inference is performed based on the previously
indicated relations-links for the elements of this semantic network - productions and frames, and for
the target interpretation in the analysis of the behavior of the MAS - the determination at logical
inference in the semantic networks SeN, iISeNi of the properties of external, direct and reverse
reachability and heritability of productions or frames, liveliness and safety of MAC behavior.
   When preparing the verification of the behavior of MAC based on Petri nets S(f), iIS(f)i static
semantic networks SeNs, iISeNis are also formed on the basis of the corresponding syntactic structures
SyntaSs, iISyntaSis. Dynamic semantic networks SeNd, iISeNid are formed from static ones, as their
narrowing based on the application of dynamic incidence relations Fd, iIFdi to them, taking into
account the dynamic syntactic structures SyntaSd, iISyntaSid and starting markings M0, iIM0i.
   When verifying MAS behavior, including verification of knowledge models knS and knSi and
behavior models in the form of Petri nets S(f), iIS(f)i, such fragments of behavior are fragments of
subject dynamic semantic networks SeNd, iISeNid - generated by verifiers, in particular, they can be
verification primitives – identifiers of the specified types Ids, iIIdis, Reals, iIRealis, Transs,
iITransis, Inhs, iIInhis and connectors Conns, iIConnis, as well as networks and hierarchies of
verification fragments of behavior – corresponding nS and SI models (2), which are networked and
end-to-end displayed by sequences of verification fragments in networks of levels and between levels.
   The dynamic logical inference in such semantic networks SeNd, iISeNid is formed on the basis of
the selection and formation of transitions in accordance with the dynamically weighted previously
presented relations-links based on Fd, iIFdi for fragments of behavior, in particular, relations of
identification, adjacency and incidence, reachability, inheritance of the components of these fragments.
   The dynamic weights of the components of the reconfigurable Petri nets S(f), iIS(f)i, - positions,
transitions, relations-links, markings suggest intelligent statistical and priority analysis, search for new
options with redefinition of choice weights. The possibility of defining a knowledge model as a
subject semantic network and logical inference in it is formed by using extended hierarchical Petri
nets (1), weighted by adaptive statistical probabilities of experience and priorities dynamically
changing from zero (no connection) to one (there is only one connection), temporal intervals.

3.4.    Verification Model of Intelligence
   The complete model of behavior of MAS contains all of its subject properties and mechanisms,
including intellectuality. The extended hierarchical Petri net, used as a model of the behavior of MAS,
allows spatial and temporal decomposition. As noted earlier, many problems of the behavioral analysis
of discrete systems, including the verification of DIS and MAS, are NP-complex, and the decomposition
of the MAS model, in particular, the functional decomposition, that highlights certain properties and
mechanisms of behavior and complements the spatial and temporal ones, can also significantly reduce
this complexity with a slight decrease in the completeness of analysis and verification.
   In this work the properties and mechanisms of the intelligence of MAS are selected for verification. In
this case, the original MAS model, in particular, in the form of an extended hierarchical Petri net, can be
reduced to select intelligence on the assumption, that the properties and mechanisms not directly related to
it are reliable, that is, they are not subjected to analysis and verification. In this case, all fragments of the
Petri net, that are not related to the properties and mechanisms of intelligence, as well as to the points of
control and observation of their behavior, are subjected to intelligent reduction.
    As shown above, the dynamic extended hierarchical Petri nets, representing intelligence in the behavior
of MAS, make it possible to determine the goals of analysis and verification, the corresponding tasks-
strategies, models, methods, criteria-parameters. At the same time, such Petri nets, in addition to functional
decomposition for intelligence, retain the possibility of decomposition, both spatial – in a distributed
environment for the placement of agents of MAS, and temporal – in a multi-level representation of
behavior processes, including the hierarchical arrangement of task-scenarios, methods, actions, functions
with their conditions and events.Leaving out of consideration the process of intelligent reduction
(minimization) of the Petri nets and without losing the generality of the verification models, we can accept,
as a reduced, the Petri net given earlier (1).
    Then, for the network and hierarchical representation of the MAS model, in turn, it is possible to accept
the network and hierarchical models, based on extended Petri nets, also given earlier (2).
    In this regard, a model for verifying MAS intelligence, which determines the conditions for its
implementation under the assumption of check and recognition of reference behavior, based on
identification, can be specified on the basis of abstract (component), network and hierarchical verification
models of extended Petri nets [23, 25]:
                                     csi=((Wi^,Cii,Cpi,Lpi,Cfi, SgS(f)i),
                             ncS=(CS, node^, RT-1(node^), TrT(node^), SgcnS, R(S(f)^), Tr(S(f)^)),
                                   2cIS = (cS, iI сSip, jJ сSjt, SgicS).                                 (5)
   The set of cMi methods of behavioral verification of MAS intelligence, as special, asynchronous-
event parallel procedures that satisfy the conditions of the presented component cSi, network cNS and
hierarchical 2cIS verification models, can be formally defined using special Petri nets, the main
features of which are presented in the above presented models of agents, goals, strategies, knowledge.

4. Analytical and Experimental Complexity
     The overall computational complexity of the k-decomposition for models of verification of
intelligence on base of hierarchical Petri nets is reduced exponentially by a factor of k, is showed as
Figure 2 and determined by the upper bound:
                 c  k(((lm)n/k2(n-1)/k)(2n/k+3)+n/k(2m+1)+m(n/k-1)(2n/k+l))/log2(2nm/k),                    (6)

Figure 2: Decomposition dependence for upper computational complexity of verification
   The experimental test verification was held for real MAC of monitoring, control and video surveillance
showed (table 1).

Table 1.
Experimental complexity of verification on the degree of k-decomposition
      Intelligent MAS            Decomposition              Input reduced             Input reduced
        Systems                   Degree k                complexity 50             complexity 500
    1 MASMC Module                      8                       14296                    1,43E+17
    2 MASVS Module                     10                        1825                    1,09E+11

    The comparison of test verification, based on Petri net, for dynamic intelligence of MAS of monitoring
and control (MASMC) and video surveillance (MASVS) confirmed decrease in computational complexity
of check.

5. Conclusion
     The choice of properties and actions for behavior verifying the intelligence of MAS and its
agents illustrates the possibility of a decrease in the computational complexity of the check analysis of
the verification model exponentially by a factor of k and the subsequent reduction of the verification
time in a certain set of verification methods of intelligence, corresponding to this model due to
functional k-decomposition. When using software and hardware simulation tools of the Intel i5-7400T
level, RAM 8.00 GB, the decomposition verification time achieved for real MAC components was
determined in the range of 2-15 milliseconds, for MAC as a whole - 0.5-25 hours. A significant
reduction in time in comparison with the upper estimates was achieved by taking into account the
special structural and functional properties of real MAS. However, the decomposition does not
remove the NP-complexity of the behavioral verification generally represented by these upper
bounds. In the future, in order to further reduce this complexity, it seems appropriate to develop
behavioral verification of MAS intelligence through the use of fuzzy knowledge models and logical

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