=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3156/paper18 |storemode=property |title=Theoretical and Applied Principles of Information Technology for Anti- Money Laundering |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3156/paper18.pdf |volume=Vol-3156 |authors=Iryna Moiseienko,Ivanna Dronyuk |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/intelitsis/MoiseienkoD22 }} ==Theoretical and Applied Principles of Information Technology for Anti- Money Laundering== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3156/paper18.pdf
Theoretical and Applied Principles of Information Technology
for Anti-money Laundering
Iryna Moiseienkoa, Ivanna Dronyukb
  Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Chernyshevsky 24A, Dnipro, 49000,
  Lviv Polytechnic National University, Bandery 12, Lviv 79013, Ukraine

                 Theoretical bases of corruption risk analysis are presented. Methodical bases of information
                 technology construction to prevent money laundering are formulated. Methods for
                 monitoring money laundering risks have been developed. The research of money laundering
                 risks has been implemented by using system analysis and generalization for research of
                 peculiarities of money laundering risks, grouping, and logical analysis to study the practice of
                 identifying money laundering risks. Algorithms for identifying money laundering risks of
                 suspicious financial transaction subjects have been developed. The presented models and
                 methods have applied application for anti-money laundering processes digitalization.

                 Keywords 1
                 Artificial intelligence, big data, financial services, anti-money laundering, risk assessment,
                 evaluation criteria

1. Introduction
   Advanced artificial intelligence applications become critically important to observe for fraud risk
monitoring, fraud detection, and various anti-money laundering techniques. With the development of
financial markets, the technology of money laundering is constantly updated, and new challenges and
threats arise. Therefore, the Financial Monitoring System at the macro level and the level of the
subjects of primary financial monitoring needs to be updated and adapted to the new legal
requirements and new threats of money laundering.
   The financial monitoring system at the macro level and for the subjects of primary financial
monitoring needs to be adapted to the new legal requirements and new threats of money laundering.
This adaptation involves the formation of algorithms for identifying dubious financial transactions
and verifying participants in these transactions using modern information technology tools.
   Theoretical aspects of the study reflect the legal basis of financial monitoring at the macro and
micro levels. They involve the initial identification of the object, size, nature, and participants of
dubious financial transactions. Applied aspects are related to the peculiarities of the organization of
primary financial monitoring. These include the legal and economic characteristics of direct financial
motrackingnd and methods of compliance risk management.
   This study aims to improve the procedure for the transition from monitoring financial transactions
to monitoring the activities and behavior of participants in these operations and the use of information
technology to identify the risks of money laundering. To determine the theoretical and applied
features of financial monitoring, general scientific and unique research methods were used:
generalization to determine the characteristics of the risks of money laundering; grouping and logical

IntelITSIS’2022: 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems of Information Security, March 23–25,
2022, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
EMAIL: iruna_m2015@ukr.net (Iryna Moiseienko); ivanna.m.droniuk@lpnu.ua (Ivanna Dronyuk)
ORCID: 0000-0002-3140-461X (Iryna Moiseienko); 0000-0003-1667-2584 (Ivanna Dronyuk)
            ©️ 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
analysis for risk identification practice; algorithms to identify risks, entities, and suspicious financial
   Among the methods of financial control of the legalizing processes of legalizing illegally obtained
income, the analysis of financial transactions at the primary and state financial monitoring level. If
there are signs of doubt in the financial transaction, it may be suspended. Financial monitoring of
suspicious transactions involves procedures for the transition from monitoring the transaction to
monitoring the activities and behavior of the client. Information technologies to combat money
laundering involve the use of specific control methods.
   The object of financial monitoring is actions with relevant financial assets and participants in these
financial transactions. Such activities or events, purchases, and their participants, and any information
on the legalization of illegal income are subject to monitoring. At the present stage of development,
most of these actions occur in cyberspace, which creates the need to use computer tools to combat
corruption. Therefore, the presented work is relevant.

2. Materials and methodologies
    The basis of the methodology for the construction of information technology is a systematic
approach to studying economic phenomena and processes. This approach involves the use of the
following principles of analysis:
    •   completeness and оbjectivity of monitoring the processes of illegal income
    •   analysis of the processes of financial transactions and their participants in the dynamics
    •   verification of the subjects of dubious financial transactions and their property relations
    •   use of historical and international experience in organizing financial monitoring
    •   introduction of mathematical models, artificial intelligence, and information
    •   technologies for practical tools of financial monitoring.

2.1.    State of the art
    Currently, there is a transition of all human processes in cyberspace. Following the banks in virtual
reality, scammers rushed. Cybersecurity has become a leading trend in the modern world. Modern
information technologies have been actively introduced to ensure data integrity, customer
confidentiality, and anti-corruption. Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning methods, and
classical methods are actively used to prevent money laundering. The investigation survey in this field
is presented [1, 12, 24-26]. The advanced AI applications are the base of fraud risk monitoring, fraud
detection, anti-money laundering methods, and cross-border payment handling and have become very
effective tools [13-15]. Based on the Basel AML Index, an annual world ranking of countries at risk
of money laundering is formed (see Table.1) [16,17]. A data mining approach for finding illicit
transactions has been developed [18]. Leveraging machine learning methods for the struggle against
money laundering are investigated [19]. Artificial Intelligence has become an essential resource for
organizations and governments dealing with regulatory changes, new Anti-Money Laundering
obligations, and ML/TF proven [20,27,28]. A systemic approach for creating information
technologies is investigated [21- 23]. The presented literature review demonstrates that it is critically
important for Ukraine to implement modern information technologies in ML/TF.

2.2.    Theoretical fundamentals of money laundering analysis
   Systematic analysis of money laundering processes will be considered scientific methods and
practical analysis methods using international experience in detecting these transactions in global
computer networks. The use of the category of the system as a unity of elements and relationships
between them to achieve the study’s objectives involves the use of the following system principles:
multicriteria; hierarchy; uncertainty; autonomy; dynamism (inertia). Multicriteria means that there are
many ways to legalize illicit income. Thus, the multi-criteria analysis method involves forming plans
for identifying money laundering risks, establishing the level of hazards, and response measures to
identify suspicious transactions or participants in legalization processes in the computer network.

Table 1
Part of the ranking countries for money laundering and terrorism financing risks from the Basel AML
Index [17,18]
              Country                       Basel Rank                         KYC Rank
           Cote D’Ivoire                        18                                 67
               China                            19                                 24
             Mongolia                           20                                 30
             Nicaragua                          21                                  4
             Argentina                          22                                 75
              Pakistan                          23                                  5
               Angola                           24                                 63
               Serbia                           25                                 55
             Tajikistan                         26                                 47
               Algeria                          27                                 52
            Kazakhstan                          28                                 61
              Ecuador                           29                                 23
              Jamaica                           30                                 12
             Thailand                           31                                 51
              Senegal                           32                                 60
               Turkey                           33                                 54
              Panama                            34                                  6
              Guyana                            35                                 69
             Morocco                            36                                 26
              Ukraine                           37                                 19
               Bolivia                          38                                 28
              Albania                           39                                 15
              Vanuatu                           40                                 53
            Kyrgyzstan                          41                                 57
       Bosnia-Herzegovina                       42                                 13
             Columbia                           43                                 36
            Philippines                         44                                 27
            Bangladesh                          45                                 79
         Marshall Islands                       46                                 88
             Honduras                           47                                 48
               Russia                           48                                 18
            Venezuela                           49                                  7
            Uzbekistan                          50                                 43
                India                           51                                 59
      United Arab Emirates                      52                                 68

   A hierarchy of analysis methods means such an algorithm for studying money laundering
processes. The initial information on the decision-making response is formed at different levels of the
economic system. The peculiarity of the current stage is that other software can be used at each level
of this system. The autonomy of the financial analysis methodology involves the use of models of
analytical research that take into account the specifics of the legalization of illicit funds at each level.
   The methodology of systematic analysis of the legalization of illegal income involves the sequence
of certain stages of the analytical process. These include the following:
   the first - determination of the purpose, tasks, and conditions of the system analysis of processes of
legalization of the means received illegally;
   the second – is determining the list of parameters and indicators for establishing risks of
legalization of illegal funds (synthetic, absolute and relative, quantitative and qualitative);
   the third – is drawing up a general legalization model of illegally obtained income, determining its
components, sequence, and relationships between elements of typological schemes of money
   The method of systematic analysis of money laundering contains three analytical research
        1. analysis of potential risks and threats of money laundering
        2. analysis of the results of monitoring the objects and subjects of dubious financial
        3. analysis of internal and external environment measures aimed at counteracting the
            legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime.
   Depending on the set of research opportunities, all methods of analysis of money laundering can
be divided into the following groups:
   •     Traditional methods of statistical analysis and use of relative, average values, grouping
   •     Methods of analytical research and presentation of results in graphical, tabular, or schematic
   •     Logical heuristic methods (surveys, expert assessments, etc.)
   •     Typological studies of money laundering models.
   Here we introduce investigation money laundering methods [2, 9]. Research methods are divided
into primary and secondary.
   Direct methods are used to study sources, gather information, observe, and survey. Secondary
methods are used for data processing and analysis.
   According to the implementation process, the plans are divided into Logical-Analytical Visual,
Graphic, and Computational.
   Logical and analytical methods test hypotheses and conclusions, mainly using deduction and
induction methods. Visual or graphical methods are used to visualize the results. Computational
methods are used to analyze and predict outcomes based on statistical and regression analysis
calculations, using typological methods to study typical phenomena.
   According to the nature of use, the procedures are divided into stages and universal. Sets are used
only at specific research locations (observation, experiment) and are universal at all stages of research
(abstraction, generalization, induction, deduction).
   According to the nature of the study of the object of financial monitoring, the analysis methods are
divided into general and unique.
   Methods of empirical research include observation, comparison, measurement, and experiment.
And methods used at the practical and theoretical levels include analysis, abstraction, induction,
deduction, and modeling. Unique ways consider the specifics of specific processes (tactical research
and empirical investigation).
   The analysis of money laundering processes uses various research methods and techniques,
depending on studying the models and tools for money laundering. Traditional systems analysis
methods and empirical (typological) methods are used.
   Typological research as a scientific method analysis of money laundering is an essential
component of national anti-money laundering systems. They reflect international experience in using
tools, schemes, and means of money laundering.

2.3. Мethodical fundamentals of information technology anti-money
    To formalize the research processes of money laundering and the effective use of various methods
of their control and analysis, it is necessary to use modern information technology.
    The scheme of the research process for the operations of legalization of illegal income is presented
in Fig.1.
    The scheme of information technology can be presented in such a way:
   1. The day of the manifestation of risks in money laundering and the model of the occurrence of
   2. Ways to drive illegal income.
   3. Methods of risk analysis of money laundering at the macro and micro levels are used.
   4. The Analysis of risks of receiving illegal incomes on objects of financial monitoring is carried
   5. The nature and analysis of risks of receiving illegal income on subjects of financial operations
are studied
   6. The dynamics of indicators of legalization of illegal income by objects and subjects of
dubious financial transactions are considered
   7. Comprehensive analysis of suspicious financial transactions involves a combination of
capabilities of the previous stages of their financial monitoring.

Figure 1: Stages of the information technology implementation in the process of financial
investigations into the illegal funds’ legalization

    Information technology for the study of money laundering processes involves the detection of
typological schemes at the macro level and analyzing money laundering processes at the micro-level
by type of economic activity, type of financial assets, and participants in financial transactions. The
method for detecting money laundering means establishing, recording, and determining this type of
    Modern information technologies are essential tools for preventing money laundering and
struggling against terrorism financing.
3. Main Results: Information technology for determination and analysis of
   money laundering
3.1. Stages of Information technology creating
    In the minds of the digital economy, it is necessary to develop information technology and analysis
of illegal income. to reconcile the reduced ordering of the set of exact rules for the introduction of
expenses, which are described, such in the sequence, it is necessary to conclude so that after the
reduced number of short cuts, the achievement of the detection of the legalization of illegal income
[4,6,8]. Information technology for the legalization of unlawful payments on macro-transfer lines,
revealing and fixing typological schemes for transferring funds in various activities, assets, and
financial operations. The algorithm for showing the recognition of income possessed by a malicious
path means establishing, fixing, and confirming that it is necessary to set the specified type of
evaluation [7].
    Information technology can be modeled as a function of such parameters: the identification,
verification, clarification of information about the objects and subjects of financial transactions:
    Here we use notation as I is the result of the function, current stage of information technology;
    ip is the process of identification, verification of subjects of financial transactions, the
establishment of the fact of belonging of the client to the national or foreign public figure, close or
related person,
    io is the process of monitoring business relations and financial transactions on the activities of
public figures;
    d is the process of identification of sources of origin of funds and the establishment of actual
financial capabilities of the client to conduct (initiate) financial transactions for the relevant amounts;
    k is the process of monitoring: specific categories of clients and establishment of ultimate
beneficial owners; verification of participants in financial transactions for their affiliation with
persons or organizations related to terrorist activities or in respect of which domestic or international
sanctions have been applied; identification of the nature of clients' activities, their forms of
ownership, management structures and identification of clients with non-transparent ownership
    The formula (1) will be used in the software realization of the verification process of money

3.2. Identification of entities and object of the financial laundering
    The research [2, 3] of the intergovernmental body that develops policies to combat money
laundering and promotes its implementation at the national and international levels shows the most
commonly used legalization methods in Table 2.
    To improve the financial monitoring of money laundering operations under international
standards, the concept of due diligence has been introduced in Ukraine. Applied aspects of monitoring
dubious financial transactions contain current data:
    • about the ultimate beneficial owners;
    • ownership structure of participants in financial transactions;
    • changes in the ownership structure and composition of participants in financial transactions.
    Participants in suspicious financial transactions in these materials were officials, state bodies, local
governments, and persons equal to them.
    The following were used as instruments of money laundering: financial assistance (loans); cash;
deposits; securities, and others [3].
    Such an analysis involves the transformation of researched and verified information received by
the subjects of primary financial monitoring into financial monitoring information through the
interpretation and integration of all collected data.
    IT analysis of financial transactions can be divided into the following procedures:
        1. Verification of the received data on business entities or financial transactions, officials
        2. Development of a working hypothesis regarding their involvement in money laundering
        3. Collection, evaluation, and verification of additional information on the surveyed business
             entities, officials, and financial transactions
        4. Identification of preconditions for doubtful financial transactions
        5. Development of preliminary conclusions on the affiliation of financial transactions to
             typological schemes
        6. Construction of arguments for financial monitoring of dubious financial transactions.
    Ukraine has introduced a new regulation on financial monitoring of banks, which provides for the
study of suspicion Financial transactions. The signs of suspicious financial transactions include those
listed in table 3.

Table 2
The primary operations of money laundering
           Model stage                                     Operation type
 Smurfing                        Shredding of deposits
                                 Structuring of cash transactions without exceeding the statutory
 Use of correspondent relations Exchange operations
 of banks                        Correspondent and transit accounts
                                 Transfer of funds abroad
 Smuggling                       Use of fictitious persons
 Hidden placement                Use of shell companies
                                 Use of credit cards
                                 Use of cryptocurrencies
 Legalization                    Investing legally
                                 Using cryptocurrencies

Table 3
List of criteria for financial transactions suspicion
       Classification feature                                   List of indicators
 Preliminary stage (collection        Clear division of powers in decision-making in the field of risk
 and generalization of                management; identification/review of existing risks regularly
 information)                         due to dynamic changes occurring in the external and internal
                                      environment; use of portfolio and individual approach in risk
                                      assessment and management; determining the position on
                                      different types of risks;
 Stage of identification              Determination of criteria for classifying specific processes
 (identification) of risks            phenomena as risky; setting indicators (limits) of risk
 Risk analysis                        Taking measures to reduce risks to an acceptable (acceptable)
                                      level; regularly updating procedures, methods of risk
                                      assessment, and management;
 Risk assessment and                  Assessment of admissibility and justification of the size of
 management                           certain types of risks; qualitative and quantitative evaluation of
                                      threats; identification of relationships between individual types
                                      of risks to assess the impact of measures to limit a kind of risk to
                                      increase (decrease) the level of other threats; application of
                                      unique methods of assessment for each type of risk;
 Risk monitoring and                  Risk monitoring; regular implementation of control measures to
 management                           determine the adequacy of the risk management system,
                                      verification of the reliability of the results of the risk system.
    These methods include: monitoring the size of the financial transaction, analysis of the transaction
based on comparison with regulatory indicators, risk assessment, control (cancellation) of the
financial transaction, and adaptation of data on the financial marketing and the client.
    Іn order to bring Ukrainian money laundering legislation in line with international standards, the
concept of due diligence of participants in dubious financial transactions has been introduced. Such
verification involves:
        • Identification and verification of participants in financial transactions
        • Establishment of the ultimate beneficial owner of the client
        • Defining the goals and nature of financial transactions or business relationships
        • establishing the dynamics of financial transactions and business relationships of the client
        • Establishing compliance of customer monitoring data with customer databases of primary
            financial monitoring entities [10]
        • Analysis of data on the client's activities, sources of funds for financial transactions, and
            the risks of such transactions
        • Maintaining the relevance of databases on the bank's customers and participants in
            financial transactions, information on the ultimate beneficial owners, and ownership
            structure [11].
    The procedure for identifying and verifying customers who may be involved in money laundering
is presented in Table 4.

Table 4
Methods of customer identification and verification
              off-line                                          online
 The physical presence of         For simplified customer verification models
 customers and the                use data from credit bureaus and BankID NBU
 presentation of copies of the    Ukraine (NBU), qualified electronic signature, chip of biometric
 original registration            document
 documents are required
                                  With full-fledged models provided for the use of BankID NBU,
                                  the resource of state online services "DIYA” a qualified
                                  electronic signature (QES), a video broadcast session

   Let's build a mathematical model for the verification process V. Verification of a business entity
with a non-transparent ownership structure consists of specific procedures that we note as rr,rv,c, a,
and m.

    Here rr is the procedure for studying data on individuals;
    rv is the procedure of data study of data on a legal entity and ownership structure, comparison of
data on legal entities and individuals with data from the Internet and other sources of verification; c is
verification of legal entities and individuals (owners and managers) against the following data: the
presence/absence of criminal cases of fraud; the business reputation of individuals and legal entities,
the presence of other legal entities in their ownership, relations with public figures, etc .; availability
of trust agreements/declarations for persons registered in offshore jurisdictions;
    a is the procedure of analysis of information on the content of statutory activities and the financial
condition of the business entity;
    m is the procedure of monitoring the risks of the business entity. The formula (2) will be used in
the software realization of the verification process [11].
    To establish the ultimate beneficial owner and ownership structure, the subjects of primary
financial monitoring take the following mandatory measures: determine the ownership structure;
analyze and identify persons who own 25% or more of the share capital of a legal entity (directly or
through related parties); identify individuals who do not own a 25% stake in the share capital, but
have a decisive influence on the activities of the legal entity [7].
   Many legal and financial intermediaries provide nominee services to conceal beneficial owners
and generate illicit income.

3.3.    Monitoring of money laundering risks at the macro level
   The risk assessment and management process contains the following steps and elements
described in Table 5.
   At the highest state level, the assessment of money laundering risks must necessarily contain
information: the type and size of money laundering; deficiencies in the system of combating money
laundering, elements of the system management, and other features supporting the environment with
the possibility of money laundering; measures necessary to eliminate the vulnerable components in
the system of combating money laundering and terrorist financing [4]. The national risk assessment in
Ukraine combines quantitative data based on statistical characteristics and qualitative data based on
expert judgments in various areas of prevention and combating money laundering and terrorist
financing [5]. According to the second national risk assessment results, 11 threats to the anti-money
laundering system were identified, and 24 risks of money laundering and terrorist financing were
identified, including six high-risk risks, 16 medium-risk risks, and two low-risk ones [2].

Table 5
Stages and aspects of financial risk monitoring
               Stages                                              Elements
 Preliminary stage (collection      Clear division of powers in decision-making in the field of risk
 and generalization of              management; identification/review of existing risks regularly
 information)                       due to dynamic changes occurring in the external and internal
                                    environment; use of portfolio and individual approach in risk
                                    assessment and management; determining the position on
                                    different types of risks;
 Stage of identification            Determination of criteria for classifying specific processes
 (identification) of risks          phenomena as risky; setting indicators (limits) of risk
 Risk analysis                      Taking measures to reduce risks to an acceptable (acceptable)
                                    level; regularly updating procedures, methods of risk
                                    assessment, and management;
 Risk assessment and                Assessment of admissibility and justification of the size of
 management                         certain types of risks; qualitative and quantitative evaluation of
                                    certain types of threats; identification of relationships between
                                    individual types of risks to assess the impact of measures to limit
                                    a kind of risk to increase (decrease) the level of other threats;
                                    application of unique methods of assessment and management
                                    for each type of risk;
 Risk monitoring and                Risk monitoring; regular implementation of control measures to
 management                         determine the adequacy of the risk management system,
                                    verification of the reliability of the results of the risk system.

   Among the risks with a high level of importance are: manifestations of terrorism and separatism,
the risk of falsification of invoices (invoices) in foreign economic activity (risk of illegal financial
outflows from the country), high cash flow, low income, low income, VC / FT through remote
services or use of virtual currencies, improper detection and authorization of suspicious financial
transactions of public figures. The most significant risk is inherent in the development of corruption,
mainly due to unsuccessful reform of economic relations in the country, political decision-making,
non-compliance with ethical rules of conduct by public officials due to low governance culture, and
inadequate financial status. Consider the typology of sets of dubious financial transactions in terms of
analysis and creation of preventive measures to legalize illicit funds. Typical schemes of criminal
money laundering processes are conversion of cash into non-cash in significant amounts, with
frequent (daily periodicity) and considerable speed of transactions; transfer of funds abroad. Several
financial transactions associated with these processes are investigated to determine the typological
schemes of money laundering obtained illegally. This considers financial transactions, distinct legal
entities, and individuals.
    The use of the principle of multicriteria in the study and economic analysis of money laundering
revealed that the same typological scheme might include financial transactions using different
instruments, such as cash, securities, insurance and reinsurance, settlements with nonresidents, bogus
transactions, illegal reimbursement VAT, etc. At the same time, various combinations of financial
transactions and financial instruments, methods of money laundering, the currency of dubious
transactions, and international financial organizations are used to legalize illegal income.
    Typological schemes reflect trends in combining traditional financial transactions of money
laundering with financial transactions involving new technologies and legal, financial transactions.
Thus, by using promissory notes and transferring funds to payment cards, financial transactions can
be combined with subsequent use in other countries [18, 19].
    The main characteristics of typological schemes include:
        • А form of conducting - financial transactions
        • The method of carrying out - moving, masking, transfer of financial assets
        • The result is the possession of financial assets obtained illegally.
    Systematized typical algorithms of money laundering can be implemented according to the next
classification criteria: source of illegal funds, type of financial asset, business entities and institutions
involved in financial transactions, and sales channels. The combination of originals and holdings of
financial transactions in typical algorithms of money laundering are presented in table 6.
    Thus, the typological scheme of legalization for income money obtained by criminal means
consists of the identification of the next elements: the source of illicit income; the type of asset
(financial instrument) with which the funds are transferred; the presence of a channel for the
movement or transformation of illegal funds; use of financial transactions between certain business
    Financial monitoring during the transfer of funds was changed to increase the efficiency of control
over money transfers. To the aim, the primary financial monitoring subjects' obligation to verify
customer data and financial transactions was introduced, and the threshold value of UAH 30,000 is
obligating. Therefore, all larger transfers have to be checked at the primary level.

4. Discussion
    To ensure the control of cash flows and overcome the subjectivity of risk assessments, the
following measures are proposed to improve the system of counteraction to legalization:
       • Implement appropriate anti-money laundering software at all levels;
       • Expand the control of financial transactions, make the transition from the "history of
           operations" (retrospective control of operations) to control over the initial placement of
           funds in the financial system;
       • Apply control of operations with control over the subjects of these operations;
       • Create a unique Ukraine database of business reputation of the subject of financial
           transactions, apply three levels of assessment of business reputation: impeccable (no risk);
           under control (probable and weak risk); doubtful (maximum risk);
       • Monitor and assess compliance with financial discipline by the subjects of primary
           financial monitoring with the help of rating assessments;
       • Use as a tool for assessing doubtful transactions new criteria of doubt to determine the
           economic feasibility of financial transactions;
       • To strengthen the mechanism for preventing money laundering and combating corruption,
           it is proposed to use the following levers of influence: monitoring the client's financial
           transactions and rating goodwill; the use of preventive measures - limiting the volume of
           financial transactions in time and volume, expanding the criteria for risk assessment.
   It is proposed to improve the methodological support of financial investigations of money
laundering to identify and verify participants in financial transactions through a comprehensive
combination of regulatory methods of the National Bank of Ukraine, the State Fiscal Service of
Ukraine, and the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine and introduce special software.
   In addition, it is recommended based on the results of analysis and generalization of identified
(typical and new) methods, financial instruments, and schemes of legalization (laundering) of
proceeds from crime, terrorist financing, the priority areas of financial investigations and
implementation of these program methods are identified for performances.

Table 6
Examples of combining sources of illegal income and assets to legalize them
     Source of illicit income                 Key examples              Asset schemes used in the
                                                                      process of money laundering
  Corrupt actions of officials at       Transfer of funds to the         Highly liquid assets (gold,
            all levels               accounts of individuals and             diamonds, jewelry)
                                      legal entities to purchase
                                    assets, invest, repay loans or
                                    obtain other illegal benefits
     The public sector of the           Schemes are related to       Securities: issue by companies,
           economy                 payment by state enterprises         options, their subsequent
                                      for services that were not         resale, including abroad
                                      provided, manipulation of             bypassing exchanges.
                                         tender procurement,           settlement by a promissory
                                       privatization of property       note, transfer between the
                                                                          firms of the promissory
                                                                           message by forgery of
                                                                        reporting documents, and
                                                                       settlement by a promissory
                                                                      message of illegally obtained
                                                                            money by the issuer
             Fraud                  Theft of funds from banking        Land, purchase of land by a
                                        institutions (lending to     resident of Ukraine, but on the
                                         fictitious companies,             loan of a non-resident
                                    withdrawal of funds through
                                       foreign banks), obtaining
                                         microloans on forged
          Cybercrime                  Forgery of payment cards,       seizure of property, falsifying
                                      online financial pyramids,      documents (death, title, will,
                                      access to remote banking        gift) with the subsequent sale
                                     connections, online casinos     of the property to third parties

5. Conclusion
    Data analysis on suspicious transactions, fictitious legal entities, beneficial owners, and officials is
the basis of information security of business relations of business entities. The monitoring of business
relations often involves procedures for the transition from monitoring the operation to tracking the
client's activities and behavior, applying specific control methods [4]. These methods include:
tracking the size of the financial transaction, analysis of the transaction based on comparison with
regulatory indicators, risk assessment of financial security, and adaptation of data on the financial
marketing and the client.
   Information technology identifying, monitoring, and analyzing money laundering risks is essential
for financial monitoring.
   Financial monitoring of suspicious financial transactions is carried out at the macro and micro
   Adaptation of financial monitoring procedures involves improving the methodological framework
supporting the identification and verification processes of objects and subjects of suspicious financial
transactions, establishing the ownership structure and ultimate beneficial owners.
   Algorithms for monitoring money laundering risks have been developed to use owners’ and
ownership structures data.
    Object models for describing objects and subjects of suspicious financial transactions are an
auxiliary methodological tool that will allow the digitization of these processes.
   The subsequent investigations can study the influence of actual war conditions on the economy of
Ukraine and partially the money laundering and struggle against terrorist financing.

6. Acknowledgment
    The authors would like to thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for providing security to perform
this work. This work has become possible only because of the resilience and courage of the Ukrainian

7. References
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