Parallel Data Encryption Based on Tinkerbell and Ikeda Chaotic Functions Borislav Stoyanov 1 and Dimitar Dobrev 1 1 Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, 115 Universitetska Str., Shumen, 9700, Bulgaria Abstract In this paper, we present a parallel encryption algorithm based on the Tinkerbell and Ikeda chaotic functions in order to meet the multi-core processor. The parallel algorithm is constructed with a data parallel approach. The experimental outputs show that the parallel encryption proposes more efficient performance against the serial execution of the scheme. Keywords Parallel encryption, Tinkerbell chaotic function, Ikeda chaotic function, NIST statistical tests, PractRand statistical tests, ENT statistical tests 1. Introduction The enchanting knowledge in data processing and communication inter- change have created a high demand for the secure of multimedia communication over the Internet. A major challenge is to protect confidentiality for the informa- tion in the networks. Modern ciphers like RC4 [1], Salsa20 [2], and SEAL [3] are constructed with confusion and diffusion characteristics. These two characteris- tics can likewise be found in chaotic functions, which are normally recognized by sensitive dependence on initial parameters and by having evolution through phase space that appears to be perfectly random. As of late, various chaos-based cryptographic encryption scheme have been presented [4, 5, 6]. In [7], a novel pseudo-random number generator (PRNG), based on a novel logarithmic chaotic map is presented. Two Tinkerbell functions are used to novel image encryption scheme designed in [8]. Parallel computations are used to make encryption quicker and less expen- sive. Parallel encryption algorithm for multi-core processor based on logistic map are presented in [9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. In this study, parallel calculations with multi- core CPU is used to gain both time execution and security level of the designed Information Systems & Grid Technologies: Fifteenth International Conference ISGT’2022, May 27–28, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria EMAIL: (B. Stoyanov); (D. Dobrev) ORCID: 0000-0002-7307-5914 (B. Stoyanov); 0000-0001-5789-9115 (D. Dobrev) © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( encryption scheme. Inspired from [14], the main contributions of our study can be summarized as follows: • we present novel pseudo-random byte generation scheme based on Tin- kerbell and Ikeda chaotic functions, which has good statistical characteris- tics; • we design novel parallel encryption algorithm with high level of security. 2. New pseudo-random byte generator based on Tinkerbell and Ikeda chaotic functions 2.1. Description of the chaotic functions The Tinkerbell map [15] is a two-dimensional discrete-time dynamical sys- tem given by: xn+1 = x2n – y2n + axn + byn(1) yn+1 = 2xnyn – cxn + dyn,(2) where a = 0.9, b = 0.6013, c = 2.0 and d = 0.50. zn+1 = 1 + u(cos tn + wnsin tn)(3) wn+1 = u(znsin tn + wncos tn)(4) The two-dimensional Ikeda chaotic function is given by [16, 17]: where u is a parameter u = 0.7941 and 6 tn = 0.4 – –––––––––– (5) 1+ zn + w2n 2 2.2. New pseudo-random byte generation algorithm The proposed generator consists of the next steps: 1. The initial values x0, y0, z0, and w0 from Tinkerbell and Ikeda chaotic maps are determined. 2. The two chaotic maps are iterated for J and K times, respectively. 3. The iteration continues, and as a result, four real fractions are generated and postprocessed as positive bytes. 4. Perform XOR operation between xi, yi, zi, and wi to get a single output byte. 5. Return to Step 2 until the byte output is reached. 37 2.3. Performance evaluation In case of serial encryption, the initial key is a set of all initial values of the proposed pseudo-random generator. There are four 64 bits floating-point values by 51 significant bits each [18]. The initial seed of the proposed byte generation algorithm is 204 bits. This is sufficiently high against exhaustive search [19]. In order to estimate pseudo-randomness of the output bytes, we used the statistical programs NIST [20], PractRand [21], and ENT [22]. The NIST application consists 15 statistical tests: frequency, block frequen- cy, cumulative sums forward and reverse, runs, longest run of ones, rank, spec- tral, non-overlapping templates, overlapping templates, universal, approximate entropy, serial first and second, linear complexity, random excursion, and random excursion variant. For the NIST tests, we generated 1000 different byte streams of length 125,000 bytes each. The outputs from the tests are given in Table 1. Table 1 NIST test application results Test P-value Pass rate Frequency (monobit) 0.643366 993/1000 Block-frequency 0.193767 990/1000 Cumulative sums (Forward) 0.814724 993/1000 Cumulative sums (Reverse) 0.870856 995/1000 Runs 0.310049 984/1000 Longest run of Ones 0.332970 995/1000 Rank 0.009810 996/1000 FFT 0.104371 990/1000 Non-overlapping templates 0.506391 990/1000 Overlapping templates 0.977480 982/1000 Universal 0.867692 990/1000 Approximate entropy 0.637119 983/1000 Random-excursions 0.654500 619/627 Random-excursions Variant 0.465608 620/627 Serial 1 0.994250 994/1000 Serial 2 0.504219 991/1000 Linear complexity 0.433590 996/1000 The minimum pass rate for each statistical test with the exception of the random excursion (variant) test is approximately = 980 for a sample size = 1000 byte streams. The minimum pass rate for the random excursion (variant) test is approximately = 613 for a sample size = 627 byte streams. The designed pseudo- 38 random byte generation algorithm passed successfully all the NIST statistical tests. The PractRand application [21] outputs 34 p-values and they are in the ap- propriate (0,1] interval, Table 2 and Table 3. The proposed new pseudo-random byte generator passed successfully all of PractRand tests. Table 2 PractRand test application results-I Test P-value Pass rate BCFN(2,13):! R= +0.0 “pass” BCFN(2+0,13-2) R= -4.4 p = 0.970 BCFN(2+1,13-3) R= -1.4 p = 0.715 BCFN(2+2,13-3) R= -2.8 p = 0.873 BCFN(2+3,13-4) R= +2.1 p = 0.190 BCFN(2+4,13-5) R= -3.3 p = 0.923 BCFN(2+5,13-5) R= -3.3 p = 0.925 BCFN(2+6,13-6) R= -1.8 p = 0.770 BCFN(2+7,13-6) R= +0.8 p = 0.335 BCFN(2+8,13-7) R= +1.4 p = 0.252 BCFN(2+9,13-8) R= -0.4 p = 0.499 DC6-9x1Bytes-1 R= -2.0 p = 0.933 Gap-16:! R= +0.0 “pass” Gap-16:A R= +1.9 p = 0.171 Gap-16:B R= +0.9 p = 0.270 Table 3 PractRand test application results-II Test P-value Pass rate Low1/8 BCFN(2,13):! R= +0.0 “pass” Low1/8 BCFN(2+0,13-4) R= +0.0 p = 0.474 Low1/8 BCFN(2+1,13-5) R= +0.4 p = 0.401 Low1/8 BCFN(2+2,13-5) R= +0.7 p = 0.363 Low1/8 BCFN(2+3,13-6) R= -2.6 p = 0.868 Low1/8 BCFN(2+4,13-6) R= -1.4 p = 0.696 Low1/8 BCFN(2+5,13-7) R= -3.0 p = 0.925 Low1/8 BCFN(2+6,13-8) R= -1.2 p = 0.664 Low1/8 DC6-9x1Bytes-1 R= -1.8 p = 0.906 Low1/8 Gap-16:! R= +0.0 “pass” Low1/8 Gap-16:A R= -1.5 p = 0.940 Low1/8 Gap-16:B R= -0.0 p = 0.493 Low4/32 BCFN(2,13):! R= +0.0 “pass” Low4/32 BCFN(2+0,13-4) R= -5.2 p =1-9.6e-3 39 Low4/32 BCFN(2+1,13-5) R= +1.4 p = 0.269 Low4/32 BCFN(2+2,13-5) R= -2.7 p = 0.873 Low4/32 BCFN(2+3,13-6) R= -2.0 p = 0.791 Low4/32 BCFN(2+4,13-6) R= +2.2 p = 0.169 Low4/32 BCFN(2+5,13-7) R= +0.6 p = 0.349 Low4/32 BCFN(2+6,13-8) R= +2.2 p = 0.160 Low4/32 DC6-9x1Bytes-1 R= +3.1 p = 0.116 Low4/32 Gap-16:! R= +0.0 “pass” Low4/32 Gap-16:A R= +2.7 p = 0.080 Low4/32 Gap-16:B R= -1.5 p = 0.846 The ENT software [22] is a set of 6 tests. The proposed pseudo-random byte algorithm passed successfully ENT tests, Table 4. Table 4 ENT test application results Test Result Entropy 7.999998 bits per byte Optimum compression OC would reduce the size of this 125000000-byte file by 0 % χ2 distribution For 125000000 samples is 262.30, and randomly would ex- ceed this value 36.33 % of the time Arithmetic mean value 127.5048 (127.5 = random) Monte Carlo π estim. 3.3.141320114 (error 0.01 %) Serial correl. coeff. -0.0000091 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0) 3. New algorithm of parallel encryption 3.1. New parallel data encryption The new pseudo-random byte generator based on Tinkerbell and Ikeda cha- otic functions is used in the construction of the parallel encryption algorithm. The proposed parallel encryption algorithm consists of the next steps: 1. The input data file is divided into p fragments of the available cores (threads). 2. The initial values of p pseudo-random generators (from Section 2.2) based on Tinkerbell and Ikeda chaotic functions, 1 ≤ j ≤ p, x0j, y0j, z0j, and w0j are determined. 3. The p different chaotic pseudo-random generators are iterated each one on a thread, and as a result p different pseudo-random bytes are obtained simultaneously. 4. Perform XOR operation between the p pseudo-random bytes and p bytes from each part of the fragmented input data file. 40 5. Return to Step 3 until the input byte parts are encrypted. 6. The encrypted parts from all threads are merged in output file. 3.2. Performance evaluation In case of parallel encryption, the initial key space is a set of p different ini- tial keys of p byte generation algorithms, Section 2.2. Consequently, the overall key space of the parallel scheme is p × 204 bits. For example, when 8 threads are used, the initial seed will be equal to 1632 bits. For the performance evaluation in the parallel case, tests with different thread numbers are performed. The laptop CPU in the experiment is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU@1.80 GHz 2.00 GHz, 4 cores, 8 threads, hyper-threading acti- vated; RAM: 8 GB; cache: 8 MB. The speed-up S(p) on p threads of the presented parallel algorithm is given by the equation [23]: T(1) E = ––––– (6) T(p)´ Table 5 presents the encryption results and speed-up as the number of threads increase. The encryption is conducted with p initial keys, as p separate parts are encrypted with a different key. Apparently, that with 8 cores the proposed algo- rithm achieves its maximum speed-up. The experiments were performed with 9.92 MB data file. The results of the security and execution outputs are summarized in Table 6. Using the given experimental findings, we can complete that the novel parallel scheme, based on the Tinkerbell and Ikeda maps, has acceptable statistical prop- erties and provide sufficient data security. One such use of our novel algorithm in the image and audio encryption techniques. More blocks of the encryption image can be processed at the same time. Another possible application is the real-time selective video encryption. More sensitive layers can be encrypted in parallel with our proposed scheme. Table 5 Experimental outputs of encryption time of a file with varying number of threads, the corresponding speed-up, and efficiency. Threads Encryption time Throughput Speed-up Efficiency (s) (MB/s) 1 3.61 2.75 – – 2 2.12 4.68 1.70 0.85 4 1.53 6.48 2.36 0.59 8 1.24 8.00 2.90 0.36 41 Table 6 Comparison of our algorithm with other closely related techniques. Algorithm Entropy Throughput Key size (b) Correlation (MB/s) coefficient Proposed 7.9999 8.00 1632 -0.0000091 Ref. [13] 7.9979 6.48 505 0.00048 Ref. [14] 7.9972 - 888 0.0052 4. Summary We have proposed a novel pseudo-random byte generation scheme based on the Tinkerbell and Ikeda functions. The parallel algorithm is created with a data parallel method. The experimental outputs show that the parallel encryption pres- ents more efficient outputs against the serial execution of the algorithm. 5. Acknowledgments This work is partially supported by the Scientific research fund of University of Shumen, Bulgaria, under the grant No. RD-08-110/22.02.2022. 6. References [1] J. Katz, Y. Lindell, Introduction to modern cryptography, CRC press, 2020. [2] D. J. Bernstein, The Salsa20 Family of Stream Ciphers, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 84–97. doi:10.1007/978-3-540- 68351-3_8. [3] P. Rogaway, D. Coppersmith, A software-optimized encryption algorithm, J. Cryptol. 11 (1998) 273–287. doi:10.1007/ s001459900048. [4] N. Munir, M. Khan, M. M. Hazzazi, A. Aljaedi, A. A. K. Haj Ismail, A. 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