Complexity Landscape for Counting Queries Extended Abstract Meghyn Bienvenu1 , Quentin Manière1 and Michaël Thomazo2 1 CNRS, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, LaBRI, Talence, France 2 Inria, DI ENS, ENS, CNRS, University PSL, Paris, France Abstract We summarize our recent work [1] on extending the study of counting queries to Horn description logics outside the DL-Lite family. Keywords Ontology-mediated query answering, counting queries 1. Introduction Ontology-mediated query answering (OMQA) facilitates access to data through the use of ontologies, which provide a convenient vocabulary for query formulation and capture domain knowledge that can be exploited to obtain more complete query results. The OMQA approach has been extensively studied over the past fifteen years [2, 3, 4], leading to the identification of ontology languages that are well suited to OMQA due to their attractive computational properties. Particular attention has been paid to Horn description logics of the DL-Lite and ℰℒ families [5, 6]. While most work on OMQA considers that the user query is a conjunctive query (CQ), there has been significant interest in exploring the possibility of adopting more expressive query languages for OMQA. In particular, several works have investigated ways of equipping CQs with some form of counting [7, 8, 9]. A recent approach, proposed in [10] as a generalization of [8], considers counting conjunctive queries (CCQs) that are syntactically defined like standard CQs except that some variables may be designated as counting variables. In each model of the knowledge base, we can count the number of possible assignments to the counting variables that make the query answer hold. As the count value may differ between models, the goal is to identify intervals that provide upper and lower bounds on the count values across all models. The problem of answering CCQs is intractable, in both data and combined complexity, for common DL-Lite dialects such as DL-Litecore and DL-Liteℋ core [8]. Recent works have shown that intractability arises even for simple forms of CCQs [11, 12]. However, some interesting tractable cases have also been identified, notably, rooted CCQs [10, 11, 13] and cardinality queries [12] DL 2022: 35th International Workshop on Description Logics, August 7–10, 2022, Haifa, Israel (M. Bienvenu); (Q. Manière); (M. Thomazo)  0000-0001-6229-8103 (M. Bienvenu); 0000-0001-9618-8359 (Q. Manière); 0000-0002-1437-6389 (M. Thomazo) © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings ISSN 1613-0073 CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( DL-Litepos DL-Litecore DL-Liteℋ pos DL-Liteℋ core ℰℒ(ℋ⊥ ), ℰℒ(ℋℐ) ℰℒ(ℋ)ℐ ⊥ Concept † NL coNP NL coNP EXP coNEXP Role † † NL coNP coNP coNP EXP coNEXP CCQ coNEXP† coNEXP† 2EXP 2EXP 2EXP 2EXP Table 1 Combined complexity results for CCQs and cardinality queries, all bounds are tight. † / : previously † known upper / lower bound. coupled with DL-Litecore ontologies. Query rewriting techniques have also begun to be explored [14]. However, despite these advances, we still have only a partial understanding of CCQ answering in common DL-Lite dialects, and the precise combined complexity has remained elusive: the current bounds for DL-Liteℋ core are between coNEXP and coN2EXP [8]. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, CCQ answering has not yet been studied for DLs outside the DL-Lite family. 2. Contributions In [1], we extend the study of CCQ answering to other well-known Horn description logics, such as ℰℒ and the more expressive ℰℒℋℐ⊥ . The techniques used in the DL-Lite context do not readily transfer to ℰℒ due to the presence of conjunction, and in any case, our results show that they do not achieve the optimal combined complexity even for DL-Lite. We therefore develop a new approach based upon the observation that there exists a model minimizing the count value that consists of an arbitrary structure ℐ * containing all assignments for the counting variables, augmented with structures that are tree-shaped, provided we ignore edges to and from ℐ * . Importantly, we can bound the size of the central component ℐ * , which enables us to explore all possible options for ℐ * . Checking whether a given ℐ * can be extended to a model preserving the minimum count value can be done by specifying a set of patterns (intuitively representing a pair of adjacent elements), and testing via local consistency conditions whether they can be coherently assembled. This latter step takes inspiration from a CQ answering technique for existential rules [15], and is also similar in spirit to type-elimination style procedures, which have been employed for reasoning with expressive DLs, see e.g. [16, 17]. Using this new approach, we are able to establish a 2EXP upper bound in combined complexity for ℰℒℋℐ⊥ . A matching lower bound, which applies to both ℰℒ and DL-Liteℋ pos , is obtained by establishing a novel connection between CCQ answering and OMQA with closed predicates. This yields 2EXP-completeness for a wide range of Horn DLs and closes the combined complexity gap for CCQ answering in DL-Liteℋ core . We further prove a coNEXP lower bound for DL-Litepos , which matches an existing coNEXP upper bound, yielding the precise combined complexity for DL-Litecore as well. We also explore how to shrink the size of the models implicitly generated by our procedure, producing models with bounded size which we use to show that CCQ answering is coNP-complete in data complexity for all logics between ℰℒ and ℰℒℋℐ⊥ . In addition to CCQs, we also investigate the special case of cardinality queries, which corre- spond to Boolean atomic CCQs and allow us to ask for (bounds on) the number of members of a given concept or role. We obtain a complete picture of data and combined complexity of answering cardinality queries in ℰℒℋℐ⊥ and its various sublogics. While the data complexity is coNP-complete for all considered logics, the combined complexity ranges from NL or coNP in DL-Lite logics to EXP or coNEXP for ℰℒ and its extensions. We achieve these results using a variety of techniques: refinements of our approach for general CCQs, adaptations of existing constructions, and further reductions involving closed predicates. Table 1 summarizes the combined complexity results for both CCQs and cardinality queries. 3. Perspectives We have extended the study of CCQ answering to Horn DLs outside the DL-Lite family, estab- lishing a complete picture of the combined and data complexity of the problems of answering CCQs and cardinality queries in ℰℒℋℐ⊥ and its various sublogics. Interestingly, the new tech- niques we devised not only allowed us to close some open questions concerning the combined complexity of CCQ answering in DL-Lite, but also extend to non-Horn DLs: the 2EXP procedure can be adapted to handle 𝒜ℒ𝒞ℋℐ KBs as our investigations, not presented in [1], have shown. Going forward, the main challenge is to develop practical algorithms. A first direction is to look for restrictions on the query or ontology that ensure polynomial data complexity for logics of the ℰℒ family. Unfortunately, our results on cardinality queries show that restrictions as have been considered for DL-Lite [11, 10, 12] are not sufficient to obtain tractability in ℰℒ, so novel restrictions need to be identified. Second, it would be desirable, for ℰℒ but also for DL-Lite, to develop more refined coNP procedures that are amenable to implementation using SAT solvers. We believe that our improved understanding of the structure of optimal models will prove helpful for both of these research directions. Acknowledgments Partially supported by ANR project CQFD (ANR-18-CE23-0003). References [1] M. Bienvenu, Q. Manière, M. Thomazo, Counting queries over ℰℒℋℐ⊥ ontologies, in: Pro- ceedings of the 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), 2022, p. (To appear). [2] A. Poggi, D. Lembo, D. Calvanese, G. 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