=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3263/abstract-5 |storemode=property |title=Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies (Extended Abstract) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3263/abstract-5.pdf |volume=Vol-3263 |authors=Stefan Borgwardt,Jörg Hoffmann,Alisa Kovtunova,Markus Krötzsch,Bernhard Nebel,Marcel Steinmetz |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dlog/Borgwardt0KKNS22 }} ==Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies (Extended Abstract)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3263/abstract-5.pdf
Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic
Extended Abstract*

Stefan Borgwardt1 , Jörg Hoffmann2 , Alisa Kovtunova1 , Markus Krötzsch1 ,
Bernhard Nebel3 and Marcel Steinmetz2
  Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
  Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany
  Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Germany

planning, expressive DLs, compilation scheme, experiments, benchmarks

   AI planning is a well-investigated framework for describing the evolution of system states
through actions [3]. Usually, a planning task describes an initial state of the agent’s environment,
a set of actions that can affect that environment, and a goal formula that is to be satisfied. In
order to reach the goal, actions can be applied whenever their preconditions are satisfied in
the current state expressed as a finite set of facts. A plan is a sequence of (ground) actions
that transform the initial state into a state satisfying the goal. First-order (FO) formulas in the
preconditions and the goal are evaluated using a closed-domain, closed-world semantics, i.e.
the domain is fixed a priori and facts that are not contained in a state are assumed to be false.
   In contrast to preconditions which need to hold locally, the system can require to have
global state constraints, constraints that should hold at every state. Knowledge representation
formalisms are a natural way to introduce global constraints on permissible states; however,
they usually interpret FO formulas over arbitrary models, instead of just one model with a
fixed domain. Moreover, early work on open-world, open-domain formalisms for constraining
possible states quickly noticed the so-called ramification problem [4], i.e. an action that makes
a fact true also has to take care of satisfying the state constraints, possibly requiring to add
or remove other facts, which may also involve new objects. One approach to deal with this
problem is to not view states as finite interpretations, but as sets of formulas interpreted in
an open-world fashion. In this way, implicit knowledge about the world added by the state
constraints does not have to be made explicit in the states themselves. This means that the
semantics of actions must be changed in such a way that action preconditions are also evaluated
under open-world semantics, while action effects do not directly modify a single interpretation,

    DL 2022: 35th International Workshop on Description Logics, August 7–10, 2022, Haifa, Israel
" stefan.borgwardt@tu-dresden.de (S. Borgwardt); hoffmann@cs.uni-saarland.de (J. Hoffmann);
alisa.kovtunova@tu-dresden.de (A. Kovtunova); markus.kroetzsch@tu-dresden.de (M. Krötzsch);
nebel@informatik.uni-freiburg.de (B. Nebel); steinmetz@cs.uni-saarland.de (M. Steinmetz)
 0000-0003-0924-8478 (S. Borgwardt); 0000-0003-1590-5876 (J. Hoffmann); 0000-0001-9936-0943 (A. Kovtunova);
0000-0002-9172-2601 (M. Krötzsch); 0000-0002-6833-6323 (B. Nebel)
                                       © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                  ISSN 1613-0073
                                       CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
* This is an abstract of [1] presented at AAAI-22; technical report is available online [2]
but instead operate on a set of formulas.
   DL-Lite Explicit-Input Knowledge and Action Bases (eKABs) [5] is an example of such an
extended planning formalism. It was proposed to combine classical planning with state con-
straints and high-level concepts formulated in a DL-Lite background ontology [6], while allowing
an open domain and interpreting action preconditions (specified using unions of conjunctive
queries (CQs)) under open-world semantics. Due to FO rewritability of CQs in DL-Lite, eKABs
can be translated into the classical planning language PDDL. In theory, this allows the use of
off-the-shelf planning systems operating under closed-world semantics. Later, this compilation
was further optimized to enable practical planning with DL-Lite background ontologies [7] by
using PDDL derived predicates [8, 9]. Included in the PDDL 2.1 standard, derived predicates are
special predicates not affected by any actions. Instead, the predicate’s extension is derived by a
set of rules with the predicate in the head, which are re-evaluated at every new system state.
   This paper extends the expressivity of state constraints in eKABs from the light-weight
DL-Lite to more powerful (Horn) description logics (DLs) [10]. Our contribution is manifold.

A generic compilation scheme for any Datalog¬ -rewritable DL and queries. Informally,
a compilation scheme [11, 12] is a mapping from eKAB planning tasks (over a specific DL) to
PDDL tasks such that there exists a plan for an eKAB task iff there exists a plan for its PDDL
translation. If in the mapped PDDL task the signature, domain, actions, and rules for derived
predicates are bounded polynomially (exponentially) in the size of the eKAB description (i.e. a
DL ontology and a set of actions), then the compilation scheme is polynomial (exponential). For
example, the compilation scheme for DL-Lite eKABs [5] is exponential.
   Such compilation schemes can be used to investigate the relative expressivity of eKABs and
PDDL. To be considered of the same expressivity, there should be a polynomial1 compilation
scheme that the length of the resulting plans grows at most polynomially, but ideally grows
only by a constant amount. On the one hand, such a translation shows that the expressivity of
eKABs with a specific DL is not higher than that of PDDL. On the other hand, although such
eKABs could be considered syntactic sugar, they represent powerful tools that allow domain
engineers to add open-world constraints to planning tasks.
   Our generic compilation scheme for any DL and queries that enjoy Datalog¬ -rewritability
essentially compiles an ontology and CQs in action preconditions into PDDL derived predicates
of the same size. Using the property of Datalog¬ -rewritability in the compilation, we can employ
many existing results from the DL literature [13, 14, 15] for enhanced AI planning. For example,
this immediately implies that eKABs with Horn-𝒮ℋℐ𝒬 TBoxes have exponential compilations
into PDDL with derived predicates (without negation) and for ℰℒℋ⊥ and DL-Lite we even
obtain polynomial compilations [14, 15]. The latter also holds for Horn-𝒮ℋ𝒪ℐ𝒬 if all conditions
are restricted to EIQs [13], i.e. unary atoms possibly prefixed by epistemic negation [16]. In
general, our construction applies to any ontology language where CQs are Datalog¬ -rewritable,
and to any specific TBoxes and queries that happen to be Datalog¬ -rewritable.

    The polynomial space requirement is attributed to the original work on compiling planning formalisms [11]: the
    result of a compilation should be concisely represented, i.e., in polynomial space.
Polynomial compilation scheme for DL Horn-𝒜ℒ𝒞ℋ𝒪ℐ𝒬. To extend the previous com-
pilability result even further, we provide a novel polynomial Datalog¬ -rewriting for queries in
the very expressive DL Horn-𝒜ℒ𝒞ℋ𝒪ℐ𝒬 [17]. It is based on a query answering approach devel-
oped by [18] and encodes the relevant definitions from that paper into Datalog𝑆,¬ rules, which
extend Datalog¬ by set terms that denote sets of objects. We then adapt a known polynomial
translation to obtain a set of Datalog¬ rules [13].

Non-compilability for more expressive DLs. However, there are signs that our generic
scheme does not work for the slightly more expressive DL Horn-𝒮ℛ𝒪ℐ𝒬 [17] that does
not enjoy Datalog¬ -rewritability. Let us consider two related problems. The polynomial-step
planning problem is to decide whether a given task has a plan of polynomial length (for some
given polynomial), and the 1-step planning problem is the case where the polynomial is 1.

Theorem. The polynomial-step planning problem for PDDL is ExpTime-complete but the 1-step
planning problem for Horn-𝒮ℛ𝒪ℐ𝒬 eKABs is 2ExpTime-complete.

   Although suggestive, this does not yet show that Horn-𝒮ℛ𝒪ℐ𝒬 eKABs cannot be translated
into PDDL using a polynomial compilation scheme (recall that we are only interested in the
polynomial size of the resulting PDDL task, not the time it took to translate it). Nevertheless,
we can show that such a compilation cannot exist (under a reasonable complexity-theoretic
assumption) for Horn-𝒮ℛ𝒪ℐ𝒬 as well as the non-Horn DLs 𝒮ℋ and 𝒜ℒ𝒞ℐ. To prove this, we
follow the idea of a previous non-compilability result for PDDL with derived predicates into
PDDL without derived predicates [12]. This more or less draws a line between the standardized
ontology languages OWL 1,2 which results in planning tasks of equal expressivity as PDDL,
and OWL 2,3 where queries are strictly more expressive than PDDL.

Experimental evaluation. We conclude with an experimental evaluation that combines an
existing practical implementation of an (exponential) Datalog-rewriting for Horn-𝒮ℋℐ𝒬 [14]
with our generic compilation scheme. While polynomial rewritings as above are nice in theory,
they are often not practical due to a polynomial increase in the arity of predicates.
   We encode Horn-𝒮ℋℐ𝒬 eKAB tasks as ontology files accompanied by PDDL files whose
syntax has been extended to allow conjunctive queries (CQ-PDDL). Our compiler generates a
classical planning task in standard PDDL format, where the Datalog rewriting is generated by
Clipper [14]. Our benchmark collection consists of 125 instances adapted from existing DL-Lite
eKAB benchmarks (translated into our format) [5, 7], and 110 newly created instances using
more expressive ontologies. Since Horn-𝒮ℋℐ𝒬 is more expressive than DL-Lite, we created 3
new planning domains in which we make use of conjunctions, qualified existential restrictions
occurring with negative polarity, and symmetric and transitive relations, all of which are not
supported by DL-Lite [10].
   On this benchmark set, our compilation approach showed superior runtimes compared
to [5, 7], both for the compilation itself as well as for finding plans for the resulting PDDL tasks.
In fact, we could solve all DL-Lite eKAB instances, which was not possible using the previous
approaches. Our method also shows promising performance on the new benchmark instances,
but there are not yet any other systems to compare it against.

This work is supported by DFG grant 389792660 as part of TRR 248 – CPEC, see https://

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