=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3263/abstract-9 |storemode=property |title=Reasoning about Actions with EL Ontologies in a Temporal Action Theory (Extended Abstract) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3263/abstract-9.pdf |volume=Vol-3263 |authors=Laura Giordano,Alberto Martelli,Daniele Theseider Dupré |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dlog/0001MD22 }} ==Reasoning about Actions with EL Ontologies in a Temporal Action Theory (Extended Abstract)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3263/abstract-9.pdf
Reasoning about Actions with ℰℒ Ontologies in a
Temporal Action Theory
Extended Abstract

Laura Giordano1 , Alberto Martelli2 and Daniele Theseider Dupré1
    DISIT - Università del Piemonte Orientale, Viale Michel 11, I-15121, Alessandria, Italy
    Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Torino, Corso Svizzera 185, I-10149,Torino, Italy

                                         In this extended abstract we report about an approach for reasoning about actions with domain descrip-
                                         tions including an ℰℒ⊥ ontology in a (rule based) temporal action theory. The action theory is based
                                         on a Dynamic Linear Time Temporal Logic, and extensions are defined through temporal answer sets.
                                         The work provides conditions under which action consistency can be guaranteed with respect to an
                                         ℰℒ⊥ ontology, by polynomially encoding an ℰℒ⊥ knowledge base into the domain description of the
                                         temporal action theory.

                                         EL Ontologies, Reasoning about Actions, Temporal Action Logic, Answer Set Programming

1. Introduction
In this extended abstract we report about an approach for reasoning about actions with domain
descriptions including an ℰℒ⊥ ontology in a temporal action theory. The integration of de-
scription logics and action formalisms has gained a lot of interest in the past years [1, 2, 3, 4].
In this paper we explore the combination of a rule based temporal action logic [5] and ℰℒ⊥
ontologies [6], with the aim of allowing reasoning about action execution in the presence of the
constraints given by an ℰℒ⊥ knowledge base.
   In this work, as in many formalisms integrating Description Logics (DLs) and action languages
[1, 7, 3, 4], we regard inclusions in the KB as state constraints of the action theory, which we
expect to be satisfied in the state resulting after action execution. In the literature of reasoning
about actions it is well known that causal laws and their interplay with domain constraints
are crucial for solving the ramification problem [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. When domain knowledge
includes an ontology the issue has been considered, e.g., in [2] where causal laws are used
to ensure the consistency with the TBox of the resulting state, after action execution. For
instance, given a TBox containing ∃Teaches.Course ⊑ Teacher , and an ABox (i.e., a set of
assertions on individuals) containing the assertion Course(𝑚𝑎𝑡ℎ), an action which adds the
assertion Teaches(john, math), without also adding Teacher (john), will not give rise to a
consistent next state with respect to the knowledge base. The addition of the causal law caused

  DL 2022: 35th International Workshop on Description Logics, August 7–10, 2022, Haifa, Israel
$ laura.giordano@uniupo.it (L. Giordano); mrt@unito.it (A. Martelli); dtd@uniupo.it (D. Theseider Dupré)
                                       © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                  ISSN 1613-0073
                                       CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
Teacher (john) if Teaches(john, math) ∧ Course(math) would force, for instance, the above
TBox inclusion to be satisfied in the resulting state.
   The approach proposed by Baader et al. [2] uses causal relationships to deal with the ramifi-
cation problem in an action formalism based on description logics, and it exploits a semantics
of actions and causal laws in the style of Winslett’s [14] and McCain and Turner’s [8] fixpoint
semantics. In our work, we aim at extending this approach to reason about actions with an
ℰℒ⊥ ontology with temporal answer sets.

2. Reasoning about Actions with Temporal Answer Sets
Reasoning about actions with temporal answer sets has been proposed in [15, 5, 16] by defining
a temporal logic programming language for reasoning about complex actions and infinite compu-
tations. The proposed approach also deals with the verification of temporal goals as advocated
in [17]. This action language, besides the usual LTL operators, allows for general Dynamic
Linear Time Temporal Logic (DLTL) formulas [18] to be included in domain descriptions to
constrain the space of possible extensions.
   For the rule-based fragment of this action language, a notion of Temporal Answer Set for
domain descriptions has been developed [15, 5], as a generalization of Gelfond and Lifschitz’
notion of Answer Set [19], and a translation of domain descriptions into standard Answer Set
Programming (ASP) has been provided, by exploiting bounded model checking techniques for the
verification of DLTL constraints, extending the approach developed by Helianko and Niemela
[20] for bounded LTL model checking with Stable Models. An alternative ASP translation of
this temporal action language has been investigated in [15, 21], by proposing an approach to
bounded model checking which exploits the Büchi automaton construction while searching for
a counterexample, with the aim of achieving completeness. This temporal action logic has been
shown to be related to extensions of the 𝒜 language [22, 23, 24, 25, 13]. Its LTL fragment also
relates to the recent temporal extension of Clingo, telingo [26], dealing with finite computations,
and with the LTL fragment of Temporal Equilibrium Logic (TEL) [27], as the restriction of TEL
to the rule based case, leads to a linear-time temporal ASP [28].
   In the temporal action language, a domain description can be defined as a pair (Π, 𝒞), consist-
ing of a set of laws Π and a set of temporal constraints 𝒞. The following action laws describe
the deterministic effect of the actions shoot and load for the Russian Turkey scenario [29], as
well as the nondeterministic effect of action spin, after which the gun may be loaded or not:
   □([shoot]¬alive ← loaded )                    □[load ]loaded
   □([spin]loaded ← not [spin]¬loaded ) □([spin]¬loaded ← not [spin]loaded )
The following precondition law: □([load ]⊥ ← loaded ) specifies that, if the gun is loaded, 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
is not executable. The program (¬in_sight?; wait)* ; in_sight?; load ; shoot describes the be-
havior of the hunter who waits for a turkey until it appears and, when it is in sight, loads the gun
and shoots. Actions in_sight? and ¬in_sight? are test actions (executable if the corresponding
literal holds [5]). If the constraint ⟨(¬in_sight?; wait)* ; in_sight?; load ; shoot⟩⊤ is included in
𝒞 then all the runs of the domain description which do not start with an execution of the given
program will be filtered out. For instance, an extension in which in the initial state the turkey is
not in sight and the hunter loads the gun and shoots is not allowed. The temporal language
is also well suited to describe causal dependencies among fluents as static and dynamic causal
laws similar to the ones in the action languages 𝒦 [24] and 𝒞 + [13]. For instance, referring
to the teacher example, the following dynamic causal rule ○Teacher (x ) ← ○Teaches(x , y)
∧Course(y), where ○ is the next operator, means that if 𝑦 is a course, and 𝑥 is caused to teach
𝑦, then 𝑥 is caused to be a teacher.

3. Extending a Temporal Action Theory with an ℰℒ⊥ Ontology
The work investigates extended temporal action theories, which combine the temporal action
logic mentioned above with an ℰℒ⊥ ontology. By exploiting a fragment of the materialization
calculus by Krötzsch [30], it can be shown that, for ℰℒ⊥ knowledge bases in normal form [31],
the consistency of the action theory extensions with the ontology can be assured by adding to
the action theory a set of causal laws and state constraints.
   More precisely, an extended temporal action theory is a triple (K , Π, 𝒞), where K = (𝒯 , 𝒜)
is an ℰℒ⊥ ontology in normal form, and (Π, 𝒞) a domain description including a fluent literal
for each assertion 𝐶(𝑎) 𝑟(𝑎, 𝑏) in the language of 𝐾, where 𝑎, 𝑏 represent individual names
in 𝐾 or auxiliary individual names, as those introduced to encode ℰℒ⊥ inference in Datalog
[30]. Although classical negation is not allowed in ℰℒ⊥ , we use explicit negation [32] to allow
negative literals of the form ¬𝐶(𝑎) in the action language to allow for deleting an assertion
from a state.
   An extension of (K , Π, 𝒞) is defined as an extension of the action theory (Π, 𝒞) [15] satisfying
all axioms of the ontology 𝐾. Informally, each state 𝑤 in the extension is required to correspond
to an ℰℒ⊥ interpretation and to satisfy all inclusion axioms in TBox 𝒯 . Additionally, the
initial state must satisfy all assertions in the ABox 𝒜. Under the assumption that the domain
description is well-defined, we prove that such states represent ℰℒ⊥ interpretations, provided
an additional set of causal laws and constraints Π𝐾 = Πℒ(𝐾) ∪ Π𝒯 ∪ Π𝒜 is included in the
action theory. The laws Πℒ(𝐾) are intended to guarantee that any state 𝑤 of an extension
respects the semantics of DL concepts occurring in K . Its definition is based on a fragment of
the materialization calculus for ℰℒ⊥ , which provides a Datalog encoding of the ℰℒ⊥ ontology.
The constraints Π𝒯 guarantee that each state satisfies the inclusion axioms in 𝒯 , and the laws
Π𝒜 that all assertions in 𝒜 are satisfied in the initial state.
   Overall, this provides a transformation of the extended action theory (K , Π, 𝒞) into a new
DLTL action theory (Π ∪ Π𝐾 , 𝒞), by eliminating the ontology while introducing the set of static
causal laws and constraints Π𝐾 = Πℒ(𝐾) ∪ Π𝒯 ∪ Π𝒜 , intended to exclude those extensions
which do not satisfy the axioms in 𝐾. For instance, going back to the initial example, a state
constraint □(⊥ ← (∃𝑇 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠.𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒)(𝑥), 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑇 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑟(𝑥)) can be included in Π𝒯 to assure
that the inclusion ∃𝑇 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠.𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒 ⊑ 𝑇 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑟 in 𝐾 is not violated. However, this does not
allow the action theory to repair from inconsistency after action execution.

4. Repairing from Inconsistencies
Considering an initial state in which cs1 is a course, John is not a teacher and does not
teaches any course, an action assign(cs1 , john), of assigning course cs1 to John, would not
be executable as it would lead to an inconsistent state in which John teaches a course but
is not a teacher. As observed in [2], when this happens, the action specification can be
regarded as being underspecified, as it is not able to capture the dependencies among flu-
ents which occur in the TBox. To guarantee that TBox is satisfied in the new state, causal
laws are needed which allow the state to be repaired. In the specific case, adding causal law
□(Teacher (x ) ← Teaches(x , y) ∧ Course(y)) to Π would suffice to cause Teacher (x ) in the
resulting state, as an indirect effect of action assign(cs1 , john). The contrapositives of this
causal law may as well be of interest to repair from inconsistencies, although some of them
might be unintended.
   For ℰℒ⊥ knowledge bases in normal form, the set of constraints in Π𝒯 can indeed be replaced
by a set of repair rules, i.e., a set of causal laws which can be used to recover a consistent state,
whenever possible. The work identifies a set of repair rules for each axiom in normal form and
sufficient conditions to guarantee that Tbox 𝒯 is satisfied by the extensions. The more are the
repair causal laws considered, the more is the repair capability and the more are the extensions
of the domain description.

5. Conclusions
In this paper we have proposed an approach for reasoning about actions by combining a
temporal action logic [5], whose semantics is based on a notion of temporal answer set, and an
ℰℒ⊥ ontology. It is shown that, for ℰℒ⊥ knowledge bases in normal form, the consistency of
the action theory extensions with respect to an ontology can be verified by adding to the action
theory a set of causal laws and state constraints, by exploiting a fragment of the materialization
calculus by Krötzsch [30].
   Our semantics for actions, as many of the proposals in the literature, requires that a state
provides a complete description of the world and is intended to represent an interpretation of
the ℰℒ⊥ knowledge base. An alternative approach has been adopted in [33], where a state can
provide an incomplete specification of the world. In our approach, an incomplete state could be
represented as an epistemic state, to distinguish between what is known to be true (or false)
and what is unknown. An epistemic extension of our action logic, based on temporal answer
sets, has been developed in [21], and it can potentially be exploited for reasoning about actions
with incomplete states also in presence of ontological knowledge. We leave for future work
the study of this case, as well as an investigation of ASP approaches for combining temporal
reasoning with weighted conditional knowledge bases for lightweight DLs [34].
   A preliminary version of the work has been presented in ICLP 2021 workshops [35]; an
extended and revised version will appear in [36]. We refer therein for comparisons with related

Thanks to the anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions. This research is
partially supported by INDAM-GNCS Project 2022: LESLIE. It was developed in the context of
the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Action CA17124 Dig4ASP.
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