Vol-3278⫷ Vol-3279 ⫸Vol-3280

QuWeDa 2022
6th Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs

Proceedings of the QuWeDa 2022: 6th Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs
co-located with 21st International Semantic Web Conference ( ISWC 2022 )

Hangzhou, China, 23-27 October 2022 .

Edited by

Muhammad Saleem *
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo *

* Universität Paderborn , Data Science group, 33098 Paderborn, Germany

Table of Contents

2022-11-09: submitted by Muhammad Saleem, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2022-11-18 : published on CEUR-WS.org | valid HTML5 |