Towards Data Augmentation for DRS-to-Text Generation Muhammad Saad Amin 1, Alessandro Mazzei 1and Luca Anselma 1 1 University of Turin, Corso Svizzera 185, Turin, 10149, Italy Abstract The data augmentation approach is becoming very popular in Natural Language Generation (NLG). Different approaches have been utilized in NLP and NLG to augment data and increase training examples for the neural model. Yet no studies have performed augmentation on logical input i.e., Discourse Representation Structures (DRS). We present data augmentation in DRS i.e., DRS taken from the PMB corpus, for the DRS-to-Text generation task. We conducted our experiments on a standard bi-LSTM-based sequence-to-sequence model thus creating an end- to-end neural approach for generating English sentences from DRS. We evaluated the output generated from word-level and character-level decoders with the help of reference-based evaluation metrics like BLEU, ROUGE, METEOR, NIST, and CIDEr. The practical implementation of augmented DRS succeeded in achieving better results compared to DRS without augmentation. To prove the significance of our model, we conducted statistical significance tests i.e., the Shapiro-Wilk Test (to check data normality) and the Wilcoxon Test (to test model significance). Wilcoxon results states that our model is significantly better with the p-value = 2.37e-05 for Char-level model and p-value = 7.78e-07 for Word-level model. Keywords 1 Bi-LSTM, Data Augmentation, DRS-to-Text Generation, Neural Network, Parallel Meaning Bank (PMB), Statistical Significance Test, Shapiro-Wilk Test, Wilcoxon Test 1. Introduction Data augmentation is an approach utilized to increase the number of examples for training a neural model without explicitly adding new data examples [1]. This approach is becoming very trendy in many NLP and NLG applications nowadays. This is due to the complex nature of tasks being addressed. Previously, most of the researchers working in the Computer Vision (CV) domain use different augmentation techniques i.e., cropping, flipping, color jittering, rotating, etc. [2]. This CV augmentation approach is very applicable to increase the number of examples as rotated, flipped or cropped versions of an image are also an image. But augmentation approach for NLP and NLG is not so easy to implement due to the discrete nature of sentences [3]. That means, if our sentence augmentation is not good, it will result in ungrammatical sentences and thus result in the bad performance of the model. Discourse Representation Structure (DRS) is derived from Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) that is the formal representation of data as first order logic. Initial works in formal meaning representation focused on the generation of DRS from text, an approach referred to as parsing [4]. This work was directed toward mapping of words with their relevant logical representation and formulation. But very few works have been implemented in translation i.e., generating sentences from Discourse Representation Structures (DRS). Recently, different authors have implemented a bi-LSTM-based neural sequence-to-sequence model to generate sentences from DRS [5]. But till now to our knowledge, no work has been done to augment DRS i.e., formal logical representation and translation of the logical representation. Keeping in mind this research gap, we worked on DRS augmentation to check whether this approach will help in improving model performance as increased metrics scores. 1 NL4AI 2022: Sixth Workshop on Natural Language for Artificial Intelligence, November 30-11, 2022, Udine, Italy [33] EMAIL: (A. 1); (A. 2); (A. 3) ORCID: 0000-0002-7002-9373 (A. 1); 0000-0003-3072-0108 (A. 2); 0000-0003-2292-6480 (A. 3) © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Wor Pr ks hop oceedi ngs ht I tp: // ceur - SSN1613- ws .or 0073 g CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( The research questions that we addressed in these experiments are listed as follows: 1. Is it possible to augment Formal Meaning Representation based on logical inputs i.e., DRS? 2. How augmentation can be performed in DRS and the translation of DRS as both belong to two different directions? 3. Does augmentation in DRS result in increased model performance? 4. How to statistically justify the results with the help of Significance Tests? So, in a nutshell, we can say that our main contribution is twofold. First, we have developed a way of augmenting logical inputs (DRS) and their respective translations. The initial format of DRS is the Box Format, and this version of DRS cannot be embedded into the neural network directly. To make DRS an input for the neural network we must flatten the Box format of DRS into Clausal format and then Clausal format is preprocessed into Absolute DRS format to be fed into a Neural Network (NN). Getting corpus data from PMB, we performed an augmentation approach on the Clausal format of DRS so that it can be preprocessed and passed to the neural model. A graphical depiction of the Box and Clausal format of DRS along with the translation is shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 1: Box format of DRS (left-side) is flattened and converted into Clausal format of DRS (right- side) [5]. Both formats of DRS have the same meaning but to augment and embed DRS into NN, we must transform from Box format into Clausal format. So, we argued that the NN trained with augmented data produces better results. Secondly, we have applied statistical significance tests on the DRS-to-Text generation task to verify that better results are not achieved accidentally. For the implementation of statistical significance tests, the choice of the right test is another problem. Among a series of parametric and non-parametric tests, the choice of the right significance test is a tricky move. A detailed description of both contributions will be discussed in the latter sections. The remaining paper is structured as follows: literature insights are described in Section 2. Section 3 describes the data and the approach used to augment logical input and respective translation of DRS. The methodology implemented to conduct the experiment is discussed in Section 4. Results are discussed in Section 5, and the conclusion and future work are described in Section 6. 2. Literature Insights Literature insights into data augmentation in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Generation (NLG) clearly state that this domain is still underexplored [6]. Many researchers in NLP have used different approaches to augment the data examples. Based on the text processing challenges, different Rule-based and Model-based approaches have been proposed by researchers in this domain [7]. Comparing the approaches, there exist some pros and cons of augmentation. Rule-based techniques are easily implementable but sometimes create more diverse data which is not required for data augmentation [8]. The data which is neither too similar nor too different from the original examples are considered good augmented data. Because similar or too different data moves towards overfitting of the model. Similarly, model-based approaches are considered good for augmentation, but it is very difficult to develop and utilize model-based augmentation approaches for increasing data every time [9]. Considering Rule-based techniques, different researchers proposed different approaches based on the nature of the task being executed. Feature Space Data Augmentation [10], Easy Data Augmentation based on random insertion, deletion, and swap [11], Paraphrase Identification [12], and Dependency Tree Morphing [13] are some of the rule-based approaches implemented in the literature. Similarly, MixUp (also referred as Mixed Sample Data Augmentation Technique, MSDA) [14], CutMix [15], CutOut [16], Copy-Paste [17], and Seq2MixUp [18] approaches are derived from In-interpolation- based techniques. Different Model-based techniques include BackTranslation [19], SCPN [20], Semantic Text Exchange (STE) [21], ContextualAux [22], Lambada [23], XLDA [24], SeqMix [25], Slot- Sub-LM [26], UBT & TBT [27], Soft Con-textual DA [28], Data Diversification [29], DiPS [30], and Augmented SBERT [31]. In our implementation, we have used a Rule-based approach to augment the data. We defined a rule of verb change with the help of SpaCy NLP pipeline to transform the data in present, past, and future tenses. Basically, in the DRS-to-Text generation system we have two formats as input to the Neural Network i.e., DRS and its respective translation as shown in fig. 1. Keeping in mind the aspect and nature of data used in our experimental implementation, we have to augment DRS and also the translation of the DRS. The nature of both types of data is totally different i.e., one is a logical input (DRS) and the other on is a linear text i.e., translation of DRS. By using a Rule-based approach, we successfully augment the DRS and the translation of DRS to increase the number of relevant examples, thus achieving higher results. 3. Data and Augmentation Approach Originally, DRS is presented in Box format as it is easy to understand and analyze the structure. Box representation has unique labels i.e., b1, b2, b3… Each box has 2 layers stated as top-layer and the bottom layer. The top layer of DRS contains Discourse Referents i.e., x1, t1, and the bottom layer of DRS contains conditions over these Discourse Referents. Each referent or condition belongs to a unique box label. For example, b2 person.n.01 x1 contains three types of information i.e., b2 as box label, x1 as discourse referent, and person.n.01 as a predicate that is disambiguated with senses (senses are provided in wordnet, synsets) e.g., person.n.01, time.n.08. The box format of DRS is not convenient for modeling purposes; therefore, we convert the Box format into the clausal format. The clausal format or the absolute format is easily readable by the neural network. In clausal format, the variables and the conditions of the box format are converted into clauses. For example, top box layer variables are converted into clauses by a special condition called “REF” i.e., b2 REF x1 which states that discourse variable x1 is bound in box b2. Figure 2: Graphical representation of data augmentation in DRS. On left there is original example of DRS with respective translation which is transformed into present, past, and future tense in both DRS and translation version. DRS is also referred as the logical representation of components like semantic relations (Agent, Patient, Theme), operators (REF, NOT), the concepts (touch.v.01), variable indices (b1, x1), and deictic constants (now, speaker, hearer). By altering the values of these components, one can augment the DRS. There are multiple ways of augmenting a DRS based on tense-change, polarity-change, name- change, quantity-change, and by changing numbers. Among all these possible formats of DRS augmentation, we worked on tense-change approach. In tense-change, the tense of original DRS is converted into the present, past, and future tense as shown in Figure 2. Tense-change augmentation is also referred to as a verb-based (word that describes the action in the sentence) augmentation approach because we are transforming verbs i.e., present à past and future, past à present and future, and future à present and past. By default, the tense change variants are taken as a present, past, and future indefinite tenses. 3.1. Left side: DRS Augmentation DRS is a logical combination of events, and entities, and the relationships between these entities. Certain semantic phenomena are also covered in DRS including pronouns, presuppositions, quantification, negation, discourse relations, etc. Among different variants of DRS available on The Parallel Meaning Bank (PMB) corpus, we have used fully interpretable version of DRS. The reason behind this choice is the representation of information in DRS. In this version of DRS, we have WordNet synset-based verbs, adverbs, nouns, and adjectives. And Verbnet based semantic relations. For augmenting DRS, we worked on a verb-based augmentation approach. To change the relation between entities of DRS, we adopted a simple string-replacement approach to replace one string with another string as shown in Fig.2. While iterating through each DRS, we first identified the time in which a verb is presented e.g., EQU t1 “now”, TPR t1 “now”, and TPR “now” t1. These three formats represent verbs in any format of the present, past, or future tense. After, the identification of DRS in one format, we performed string replacement to convert a verb happening only in one type of tense into multiple types of different tenses e.g., have not à does not, did not, will not etc. This is how to augment the DRS which is the logical section of our input data. But during the augmentation of DRS, we kept track of the relevant translations of respective DRS as well. But just like DRS, augmentation of its translation is not just a string replacement approach. For the augmentation of linear text into different sentences, we used a Rule-based approach to convert sentences discussed in section 3.2 below. 3.2. Right side: Text Augmentation Text augmentation as tense change is a very challenging task in NLP. For our implementation, we have used SpaCy pipeline to transform English sentences from one type of tense into another type based on the transformation performed in DRS. For implementation, we used SQLite database to keep track of the sentences with a max length of 1000 characters. We applied this pipeline to process the initial sentence and worked on sentence patterns to learn the structure of the sentence (conjugates, singular, plural, past, present, and future). In tense transformation e.g., tense change, there are also other factors that must be kept in mind while reconstructing the sentence. Some major points of consideration include active and passive, imperative, negation, singular and plural, subject and object, nouns, progressive and perfect, infinitive, first person, ambiguous, POS, and perfect participles sentences. We have not worked only on simple and positive sentences but based on the translation of DRS, we have to deal with all types of tenses mentioned above. Table 1 elaborates on the examples associated with each type of tense form to identify the complexity of the task addressed. If a sentence is presented as present perfect, present perfect continuous, or present continuous than it is converted into present indefinite as the default mode of tense change is the indefinite mode. The same strategy is also applied to other types of continuous, perfect and perfect continuous forms of past and future sentences. Table 1 All cases of tense change encountered in our implementation Conversion Type Original Sentence Converted Sentence I caught you Present to Past & Future I catch you I will catch you He cheats on me Past to Present & Future He cheated on me He will cheat on me I love you Future to Present & Past I will love you I loved you I said no I say no First person He said no He says no Infinitive I love to love I will love to love Ambiguous-POS It was a thought It will be a thought The rabbits ran The rabbits run Plural The rabbit ran The rabbit runs Third person singular It will work It works The will said otherwise Taking will as noun The will says otherwise The will will say otherwise He walks to the store Perfect tense He had walked to the store He will walk to the store I am going to the store Continuous tense I was going to the store I will be going to the store Double tense change I win because I have five cookies I won because I had five cookies I do not go Negation I did not go I will not go I am alive Future perfect I will have been alive I was alive I will be alive Passive tenses I am filled I will be filled 4. Experimental Implementation For the implementation of the experiment, a series of experimental steps are executed to perform the task under observation. For implementing augmentation in DRS-to-Text generation, we performed Rule- based and string replacement based on operations on DRS data. After performing data augmentation, we must put the augmented data into a bi-LSTM-based neural network to analyze the performance of our approach. For Neural Machine Translation (NMT) tasks, LSTM has been considered as the best model due to its ability to remember the connection between long-term input sequences [4]. Depending on literature-based suggestions, we also used bi-LSTM-based sequence-to-sequence model to translate DRS into English sentences. DRS-to-Text is a particular logic to language generation task where input is the first-order logic and output is the corresponding linear text. This is not a generalized text generation task from graphs, tables, or images. Therefore, we must use a sequence-to-sequence model capable of remembering long sequences, and bi-LSTM is proven successful in remembering long logical input sequences [5]. Different pre-trained language models like BERT, ELMo, and ROBERTa have been used previously for parsing e.g., Text-to-AMR and Text-to-DRS. Still, for translation and generation, most of the researchers have focused only on bi-LSTM-based architectures [4]. Dealing with a very specific task, we have not tried other Transformer-based i.e., BERT, GPT, and BART architectures for logic-to- language implementation. But this can be a very interesting future direction to explore further architectures that can beat bi-LSTM for logic to language-based text generation task. Neural Architecture. For the implementation of the experiment, we have used the encoder-decoder architecture of the NMT module. Bi-directional LSTM operates input sequences in both directions. The encoder part of the model encodes DRS representation, and the decoder module decodes DRS into its respective English sentences. To conduct this experiment, we have used GPUs with CUDA based parallel computing platform to speed up the experimental performance. The hyperparameter setting for our experiment is shown in Table 2 mentioning the parameters and their corresponding values. Table 2 Hyperparameters of neural architecture for this experiment Parameters Values Dimensions Embedding & RNN 300 Enc/Dec Cell LSTM Enc/Dec Depth 2 Mini-batch 48 Normalization Rate 0.9 lr-decay 0.5 lr-decay-strategy Epoch Optimizer Adam Validation Metric Cross-Entropy Cost-Type ce-mean Beam Size 10 Learning Rate 0.002 Dataset. We have used the English version of the Parallel Meaning Bank (PMB) 3.0.0 dataset for our experiment, having gold standard (fully annotated corpus) 6620, 885, and 898 training, validation, and testing examples. Based on the nature of our implementation, we have used Gold-PMB dataset in both formats i.e., with augmentation and without augmentation, to check the increase in the evaluation scores. Then we expanded the training examples by adding Silver-PMB (partially manually annotated data) 97,598 training examples with Gold-PMB training examples. Collectively, to train our model without data augmentation, we have 104,218 training, 885 validation, and 898 testing examples. In the second experiment i.e., DRS-to-Text generation with augmentation, we only performed data augmentation on training examples. We did not augment, validation, or testing examples of the dataset. After train augmentation, we were having 26,480 training examples in the case of augmentation in Gold-PMB, and 4,16,872 training examples in the case of augmentation in Gold-Silver-PMB. Validation and testing files of PMB data are not augmented in our experiment. We also added only training examples of Silver-PMB with Gold-PMB to increase the number of training examples for our neural model. All dataset examples with and without augmentation are mentioned in Table 3 below. Table 3 Dataset training, validation, and testing examples with and without data augmentation Without Augmentation With Augmentation Training (Gold-PMB) 6620 Training (Gold-PMB) 26480 Training (Gold+Silver-PMB) 104218 Training (Gold+Silver-PMB) 416872 Validation 885 Validation 885 Testing 898 Testing 898 Implementation Pipeline. The implementation pipeline includes all the steps involved in English text generation from DRS. Our main focus of this experiment is to perform data augmentation in DRS and analyze the accuracy improvement. So, we choose the clausal format of augmented DRS and preprocess it to make meaningful entities as atomic entities. This representation of DRS is meaningful for a neural network to understand the input pattern and perform well. The complete implementation pipeline is shown in Figure 3 below. Figure 3: Complete pipeline of DRS to text generation. Encoder part encodes DRS to its respective vectorized form and then vectorized form is converted into English sentence with the help of decoder. The encoder part of bi-LSTM encodes the DRS and converts it into vector form. This vector form is then embedded into the decoder part to be converted into respective English sentences. The neural model-generated English sentences are then compared with the reference English sentences to calculate the evaluation scores. For the evaluation of generated sentences, we are using 5 different automatic evaluation metrics like BLEU, ROUGE, NIST, METEOR, and CIDEr to check the syntax, semantics, relevance, and grammatical structure of the generated text. We have compared our results with state- of-the-art DRS-to-Text results of authors in [5] and proved that augmentation is helpful in getting better results as compared to results generated without augmentation. 5. Results Results are the outcomes received after the implementation of the proposed methodology. Here we discuss our findings and try to prove the research questions addressed previously. In the implementation of DRS-to-Text generation, we conducted two experiments based on the types of PMB datasets. Our first experiment is also referred to as the baseline experiment conducted on the Gold-PMB dataset. We performed two different experiments on the gold dataset i.e., an experiment without augmentation on the PMB-Gold dataset, and an experiment with augmentation on the PMB-Gold dataset. We analyzed character-level and word-level results of the model and achieved high evaluation scores in all formats of evaluation metrics. Baseline results are mentioned in Table 4 with all descriptions of the dataset and evaluation metrics. Table 4 Comparison of evaluation scores with and without augmentation Dataset Type Result Type BLEU NIST METEOR ROUGE_L CIDEr Gold-PMB (Without Char Level 47.72 7.68 39.42 72.59 4.84 augmentation) Word Level 32.91 5.80 29.99 61.39 3.49 Gold-PMB Char Level 52.30 7.94 41.53 74.63 5.09 (With augmentation) Word Level 41.89 6.84 35.79 68.37 4.25 Gold-Silver-PMB Char Level 69.30 --- 51.80 84.90 --- (Wang et al.) Word Level 64.70 --- 47.80 81.10 --- Gold-Silver-PMB Char Level 70.18 9.44 52.20 85.74 6.85 (Without augmenta- Word Level 64.11 8.93 47.59 81.31 6.11 tion) Gold-Silver-PMB Char Level 72.38 10.49 53.18 86.40 7.01 (With augmentation) Word Level 65.58 9.37 47.83 82.26 6.25 Our second experiment is based on certain findings: first, if we add training examples of Silver-PMB data (not fully manually annotated corpus) with Gold-PMB data (fully annotated corpus), will it also go for an increase in evaluation scores? Secondly, can we achieve higher evaluation scores as compared to the Gold-PMB augmentation? Finally, we also must compare our augmentation-based results with literature models. So, to prove our hypothesis, we augmented the Gold and Silver PMB training examples and conducted the experiment. We succeeded in achieving high evaluation scores of all metrics but this time the score was not as high as we achieved in the Gold-PMB experiment. This is possibly due to the addition of certain DRS examples which were not fully manually annotated by the experts. A noise in SILVER-PMB data propagated through all the variants of dataset with and without augmentation. This causes into less increase in evaluation scores. Just like the augmentation results of Gold-PMB, we also analyzed character-level and word-level results of the neural model. We also compared the results with the literature and our implementation of the model with and without augmentation. All results are mentioned in Table 4. The table reflects the successful implementation of our proposed hypothesis. In the literature, to the best of our knowledge, there is no implementation of augmentation in DRS but there are other implementations of DRS for language translations. To strengthen our hypothesis, we conducted a baseline experiment on a fully manually annotated gold corpus. Our baseline experiment strengthens our claim and then we further embedded Silver data into Gold and performed augmentation tasks. The first 2 experimental findings are of baseline experiments with and without augmentation. It is clearly shown in a bold format that we achieved efficient results for the augmented version of the DRS-to-Text implementation. The remaining 3 experiments are listed as the literature-based implementation of the author in 3rd row of Table 4. The 4th and 5th rows are our implementations on the gold and silver datasets with and without augmentation. And the 5th row (in bold) also highlights our augmentation- based results as the high scorer in its regard. Statistical Significance Tests. To prove our model’s achievement statistically, we conducted certain statistical significance tests as well [32]. Significance tests are becoming a new trend in the NLG domain nowadays. Significance tests are applied when two different models are applied to the same data, or the same model is applied to two different datasets. In our case, we applied the same bi-LSTM-based sequence-to-sequence model on two different data samples i.e., dataset without augmentation and dataset with augmentation. The purpose of doing these tests is to verify that the good results of one model are not achieved accidentally. Therefore, among a series of parametric and non-parametric tests, we choose the right test for our experiment based on two findings. First, we determined whether our data is normally distributed or not. To check the normality of the data, we conducted Shapiro-Wilk Test. We choose this test because it is highly effective as compared to other tests used to check data normality. In our case, our data were not normally distributed and therefore we have to move towards non-parametric tests. If our data was normally distributed, then only a t-test would be enough to check model significance [32]. Among a list of non-parametric tests, we choose Wilcoxon Test due to two reasons. First, we choose the Wilcoxon test because it is highly suitable for the data which is coming from automatic evaluation metrics e.g., BLEU, ROUGE, METEOR, etc. Secondly, we choose this because it has the highest statistical significance as compared to other non-parametric tests working on scores coming from automatic evaluation metrics. For the implementation of significance tests, we calculated the sentence-wise score of BLEU for model-generated test data and Gold reference data having approximately 1K examples. We conducted character level and word level significance tests and found that our augmentation models are significantly better with p-value = 2.37e-05 for the Char-level model and p-value = 7.78e-07 for the Word-level model. 6. Conclusion and Future Work Data augmentation is a very challenging task in NLP and NLG. The main goal of augmentation is to increase training examples for the neural model without explicitly adding new data for training. In this contrast, we have implemented a data augmentation approach in DRS for text generation tasks. We conducted two experiments on PMB gold and gold-silver datasets. We achieved high evaluation scores of BLEU, ROUGE, METEOR, NIST, and CIDEr in the case of a model trained on augmented data. Furthermore, we conducted statistical significance tests to prove model performance on both character- level and word-level translations. We found that our augmentation models are significantly better with p-value = 2.37e-05 for Char-level model and p-value = 7.78e-07 for Word-level model. 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