=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3304/paper05 |storemode=property |title=3D Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition with Fused RGB and Depth Images |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3304/paper05.pdf |volume=Vol-3304 |authors=Qingshan Ye,Yong Bai,Lu Chen,Wenjie Jiang }} ==3D Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition with Fused RGB and Depth Images== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3304/paper05.pdf
3D Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition with Fused RGB and
Depth Images
Qingshan Ye, Yong Bai, Lu Chen and Wenjie Jiang
Hainan University, No. 58, Renmin Avenue, Meilan District, Haikou,570208, China.

                With the advancing of dynamic gesture recognition technology, it is widely used in various
                interaction scenarios nowadays. However, the three-dimensional dynamic gesture recognition
                method is easily disturbed by the external environment, such as illumination, background and
                shadow. To address these problems, we propose a 3D Dynamic Gesture Recognition network
                model, which use both CNN and LSTM networks and can fuse RGB and depth image
                information. We conduct experiments with Intel RealSense D415 depth camera and self-built
                gesture dataset, the results demonstrate that the recognition accuracy of the 3D-DGR model is
                99.23%, which is 1.52% higher than the model using only RGB images.

                Dynamic gesture recognition, depth camera, human-computer interaction

1. Introduction

   Human-Computer Interaction refers to the process of communication between human and computer
with the help of some methods. In recent years, with the development of science, technology and the
popularization of smart devices, Human-Computer Interaction technology has become more and more
widely used in people's daily life. Gestures are one of the common expressions in people's life, and with
the continuous development of society, gestures have gradually evolved to have certain meanings and
become a powerful way and means of expressing one's emotions in addition to language, hence gesture-
based interaction has become an important element of human-computer interaction [1]. In the early
days, Human-Computer Interaction has carried out 1 through wired devices, such as mouse and
keyboard, which became the main Human-Computer Interaction mode and has been continued until
now, but such input method is restricted by hardware devices and cannot be used at will. As the
technology of Human-Computer Interaction becomes more mature, the human-computer interaction
mode which is more in line with the interactive experience starts to appear in people's vision. Gesture
recognition refers to the computer's technical methods to recognize human gestures and discuss their
important meanings. Compared with traditional interaction by hardware devices such as mouse and
keyboard, it can realize communication between human and computer without contacting the machine,
which greatly improves people's interactive experience. To quickly identify the gesture, early gesture
recognition is generally based on wearable devices to obtain finger and other motion data. The
advantage of this approach is that it is real-time, has high recognition accuracy and is not affected by
external factors such as lighting, color and camera pixels [2], but its disadvantage is that the device is
expensive, restricts the movement of the operator and has a poor user experience.
   The later development of gesture recognition technology through ordinary camera-based gestures is
a process from two-dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) [3]. Gesture recognition based on
traditional 2D images, also known as 2D gesture recognition. It recognizes the simplest type of gestures,

ICBASE2022@3rd International Conference on Big Data & Artificial Intelligence & Software Engineering, October 21-
23, 2022, Guangzhou, China
EMAIL: 20085400210192@hainanu.edu.cn (Qingshan Ye); bai@hainanu.edu.cn (Yong Bai); 20081000210002@hainanu.edu.cn (Lu Chen);
20085400210135@hainanu.edu.cn (Wenjie Jiang)
ORCID:0000-0002-8283-7554(Qingshan Ye); 0000-0002-2506-5981 (Yong Bai); 0000-0001-9152-4237 (Lu Chen); 0000-0002-6236-8623
(Wenjie Jiang)
             Β© 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
             Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

normally specified static gestures, such as a clenched fist or an open five-finger gesture [4]. This
technique can only recognize the "state" of a gesture, but not the continuous change of a gesture [5].
Moreover, this visual technique is usually affected by factors such as light and skin color, resulting in
the inability to recognize the user's intention to use the gesture or the low accuracy of the recognition.
3D gesture recognition has an additional temporal dimension than two-dimensional gesture recognition,
allowing the recognition of dynamic gestures and the perception of continuous changes in gestures.
This dynamic gesture recognition can recognize a wider range and achieve more functions than the 2D
gesture recognition [6][7]. However, it is still susceptible to factors such as light, skin color, and
background, which leads to a low recognition accuracy. With the emergence of depth cameras, the depth
information obtained from depth sensors can better exclude problems such as background lighting and
color information sensitivity, but the process of recognizing gestures still suffers from interference such
as environmental objects. Therefore, gesture recognition with fused RGB image and depth image has
the potential to resolve the above problems. In this paper, we propose a 3D dynamic gesture recognition
network model that fuses RGB images and depth images in CNN and LSTM networks, and apply the
model to the human-computer interaction for web page navigation using Intel RealSense depth camera.

2. Related Work

   The main traditional machine learning methods are Dynamic Temporal Regularization (DTW) [8],
Hidden Markov model (HMM) [9], Conditional Random Field (CRF) [10], and Random Forest (RF)
methods [11]. Major deep learning methods are based on CNN and LSTM networks [12]. Traditional
machine learning methods are less demanding in terms of training data and computational power, but
the accuracy is usually lower than the deep learning-based methods. DTW is a template matching
algorithm, which is relatively simple to implement and does not need training, but requires high-
precision templates for matching [13]. HMM and CRF methods are both probabilistic model-based
algorithms, and both of them can extract dynamic temporal [14]. The RF algorithm, as a common
machine learning algorithm, mainly uses an integrated tree classifier [15]. With the development of
deep learning in recent years, object detection algorithms such as Faster RCNN and SSD have been
increasingly applied to gesture recognition [16][17], which has the advantages of higher accuracy and
better robustness. Then some researchers proposed hand key point detection method [18], which is a
method with greater development potential because the hand pose is not affected by the background
information and can better focus on the position and motion information of the hand compared with the
RGB image based gesture recognition method, but the algorithm model is complex and requires high
computational power. For the gesture recognition problem, both traditional machine learning-based
methods and deep learning-based gesture recognition methods generally need to extract the location of
the hand in the video first, which is also called hand detection. Traditional hand detection has methods
based on hand color and hand motion information [19]. Hand color-based methods use the difference
between hand color and background color information for hand segmentation, but this method is
sensitive to background lighting, color information. Hand motion information-based methods use hand
motion information relative to the background for gesture segmentation, this method requires the
background information to be approximately constant, and has a less robust. 3D gesture recognition can
perceive the continuous change of gestures, and can recognize more gestures containing semantic
information. However, it is still vulnerable to the effects of illumination and background information.
   With the popularity of depth sensors, the depth information obtained from depth sensors, some
researchers proposed to reconstruct the 3D information of gestures using only depth map information
for recognition [20], but the algorithm model is complex and cannot learn the representational
information of gestures. In order to further resolve the above problems, we propose an 3D-DGR, which
is a 3D dynamic gesture recognition network model that can fuse RGB image and depth image
information using CNN and LSTM. In such a model, the RGB images and depth images captured by
Intel RealSense camera are fed into CNN and LSTM to extract spatial and temporal features and then
fused for gestion classification.

3. Methods

    Aiming at the problems of environmental objects and insufficient utilization of depth information in
dynamic gesture recognition, we propose a 3D dynamic gesture recognition network model 3D-DGR
that integrates RGB and depth images information. The overall architecture of our 3D-DGR is shown
in Figure 1. In addition, the connection between the fully connection layers (FC3 and FC4) and LSTM
is illustrated in Figure 2. The operations of CNN and LSTM are represented in the legends of arrows
with different colors.

Figure 1: 3D-DGR Network Architecture

Figure 2: The connection between the fully connection layers (FC3 and FC4) and LSTM

   In our experiment setup, the Intel RealSense D415 depth camera acquires color and depth image
data simultaneously. Figure 2 shows the RGB image and depth image acquired by using the D415
camera. It can be seen that the objects have different colors when they are not at the same distance from
the camera. The closer the object to the camera, the darker the blue color.

Figure 3: D415 depth camera captured images. (a) RGB image.        (b)Depth image

    In Figure 3, it can be seen that there are still environmental interference factors. To reduce the
environmental interference and use the information of the depth image data, a distance threshold can be
set so that if the object is higher than this distance threshold, that is, farther away from the camera, it
will not appear in the recognition area, which greatly reduces the interference characteristics of the
environment. Hence the model pays more attention to the gestures that appear in the recognition area,
and it can segment gesture images better and has enhanced robustness in the usage. The hand gesture
images after depth thresholding segmentation is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Hand gesture images after depth thresholding segmentation. (a) RGB image. (b) Depth image

    Next, we describe the detailed process in our proposed model. First, the input image is pre-processed
with a depth threshold to reduce the interference from the surrounding environment, so that the network
can focus more on the gesture action itself. In the experiment, we set the depth threshold value to 0.5m.
The target is automatically shielded from the depth camera greater than 0.5m, which is shown as black
in the RGB image. Then the pre-processed RGB image and depth image are fed into the network model.
The 3D-DGR model is divided into two main branches, the upper branch is responsible for processing
RGB images and the lower branch is responsible for processing depth images. Each branch consists of
two main parts, a CNN module is responsible for feature extraction in spatial domain and a LSTM
module is responsible for processing the extracted features in time domain. In CNN module, 4
convolution blocks and 3 fully connected layers are used. The convolution block consists of a layer of
Conv3x3, MaxPooling2x2, BN layer and ReLU layer, and the second convolution block does not
contain MaxPooling2x2.The convolution layer acts as a feature extractor. The pooling layer can extract
features, reduce training parameters and thus prevent overfitting. The main role of BN layer is to
alleviate the gradient disappearance and explosion phenomenon in deep neural network training, and
speed up the training speed of the model. The ReLU activation function can increase the nonlinear
expression of the network. The fully connected layers play the role of classifier in the whole
convolutional neural network. While the convolutional, pooling, and activation function layers map the
original data to the hidden feature space, the fully connected layers weight and sum the previous features
to map the learned distributed feature representation to the sample label space. The operation of the
convolution block CB(X ) is computed as
                               𝐢𝐡(𝑋 ) = 𝐡(𝛿(𝑀(πΆπ‘œπ‘›π‘£ (𝑋 ))))),

   where X denotes RGB images, Conv denotes 3x3 convolution operation, M indicates
MaxPooling operation, B indicates BatchNorm layer and Ξ΄ denotes ReLU activation function. The
output feature maps of the convolution block are fed into the LSTM block which consists of a LSTM
layer [21] and a fully connected layer. The operation of the LSTM block LL (X ) can be expressed

                               LLR(XR)=Linear(LSTM(CB(XR))),                                          (2)

   The connection between the fully connection layers (FC3 and FC4) and LSTM is illustrated in Figure
2. The features from FC3 are fed into LSTM for dynamic feature extractions in time domain, and the
outputs are then fed into FC4.After FC4, the features obtained from the two branches are summed to
fuse the RGB image information with the depth information, and finally a fully connected layer (FC5)
is used to obtain the final classification result. The 3D-DGR network output Output(X , X ) is
computed as

                        𝑂𝑒𝑑𝑝𝑒𝑑(𝑋 , 𝑋 ) = π‘™π‘–π‘›π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿ(𝐿𝐿 (𝑋 ) + 𝐿𝐿 (𝑋 ),

4. Results and Discussion

4.1.     Data set and evaluation criterion

    The experimental data set is derived from a self-built 3D dynamic gesture data set, with a total of
800 dynamic gesture color image sequences and corresponding depth image sequences in binary files,
each with a size of 64x64. The data set contains 8 dynamic gestures (see Figure 5), with the RGB image
of the gesture at the top and the corresponding depth image at the bottom. In the order from top to
bottom, the dynamic gestures are for web navigations: minimize, backward, maximize, move up, zoom
in, zoom out, move forward, and move down. In this data set, the images contain only two classes: the
gesture class and the background class. The gesture class, which is the target gesture to be detected, is
also called the positive sample; the background class, which is the other remaining parts, is also called
the negative sample.

Figure 5: Dynamic gestures (8 kinds of actions for web navigation)

   The evaluation metric uses Accuracy, a standard metric for image recognition. Theoretically, the
larger the Accuracy value (the closer to 1), the better the model effect. Its calculation is expressed as

                                      Acc =                  ,                                       (4)

    where TP means that the predicted result is the gesture pixel and true is the gesture pixel, i.e., the
prediction is correct. FP denotes prediction result is the gesture pixel and true is the background pixel,
i.e., the prediction is wrong. FN means that the prediction result is a background pixel and the true is a
gesture pixel, i.e., the prediction is wrong. TN denotes the prediction result is a background pixel and
the real pixel is a background pixel, i.e., the prediction is correct.

4.2.     Experimental environment and training details

   The hardware platform for this experiment is a PC with Ubuntu 18.04 operating system, CPU is Intel
Corei5-9500CPU @3.00GHZ x 6, RAM 7.6G, disk memory 100G, and Intel RealSense D415 depth
camera. The experiments were conducted indoors, and the distance between the experimenter's hand
and the camera was between 0.3m and 0.5m. The modeling approach proposed in this paper uses the
PyTorch framework for the experiments, with 70% of the input images as the training set and 30% as
the validation set. The learning rate was 0.0005, the number of batches (batch size) was set to 16, the

adaptive matrix estimation algorithm (Adam) optimizer was used [22], and the learning strategy used

5. Results

    This model experiment includes two different models for testing, the first model is learned using
only RGB images, i.e., the upper branch part of 3D-DGR, and the second model, i.e., the 3D-DGR
model proposed in this paper. The evaluation results of the two training processes are shown in Figure
6. It can be seen that the 3D-DGR model is superior to the model using only RGB images. When using
only RGB image data, the camera cannot accurately perceive the distance of the finger from the camera,
because it lacks some information to recognize the gesture more accurately.

Figure 6: Accuracy of different model trainings

   The exact evaluation metrics of the different algorithms is given in Table 1, and it can be clearly
seen that the 3D-DGR model has a 1.52% higher accuracy than the model using only RGB images.

Table 1
Evaluation metrics of different model
               Model                            Accuracy                       Parameters
          Only RGB images                        0.9771                           1.3M
        RGB and Depth images                     0.9923                           2.6M

6. Conclusions

    In this paper, in order to better resolve the interference of environmental factors in the process of
dynamic gesture recognition, a 3D dynamic gesture recognition network model is proposed that can
fuse RGB image and depth image information using CNN and LSTM. In such a model, the RGB images
and depth images captured by Intel RealSense camera are fed into CNN and LSTM to extract spatial
and temporal features and then fused for gestion classification. The effectiveness of our proposed model
is verified by experiments on Intel RealSense D415 depth camera. With self-built gesture dataset for
web-page navigations, the achieved accuracy is 99.23%, which is 1.52% higher than that using only
RGB images. Our proposed model can be used for real-time web page navigation and other useful

7. Acknowledgements

   This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
61961014 and the Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 620RC556.

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