=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3304/paper14 |storemode=property |title=Traffic Sign Detection Based on the Fusion of YOLOR and CBAM |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3304/paper14.pdf |volume=Vol-3304 |authors=Qiang Luo,Wenbin Zheng }} ==Traffic Sign Detection Based on the Fusion of YOLOR and CBAM== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3304/paper14.pdf
Traffic Sign Detection Based on the Fusion of YOLOR and CBAM
Qiang Luo 1, Wenbin Zheng1,2,*
  School of Software Engineering, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, Sichuan,
  V.C. & V.R. Key Lab of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, China, 610068

                 In the field of traffic sign recognition, traffic signs usually occupy very small areas in the input
                 image. Generally, the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) based multi-layer residual
                 networks are used to extract the feature information from these small objects, which often leads
                 to the feature misalignment in the process of feature aggregation. Moreover, most CNN-based
                 algorithms made use of only explicit knowledge, not implicit knowledge. In this paper, a novel
                 method (named YOLOR-A) that combines YOLOR with CBAM is proposed. The CBAM
                 attention mechanism module is integrated to focus the important object. This method can add
                 implicit knowledge into model, which realizes the translation mapping of the feature kernel
                 space and solve the problem of feature misalignment in traffic sign detection. The experimental
                 results show that the proposed method achieves 94.7 mAP, 57 FPS on TT100k dataset,
                 satisfying the real-time detection and outperforming the state-of-the-art methods.

                 Keywords 1
                 Traffic sign detection, Implicit knowledge, Attention mechanism, Feature alignment

1. Introduction

    Driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles have been widely used[1]. As a sub-module, the
traffic sign detection system plays an important role in improving driving safety. For the task of traffic
sign detection, traffic signs usually only occupy a small proportion of the input image, while extracting
high-dimensional features requires multi-level down-sampling, which leads to the loss of characteristic
information of small traffic signs[2]. Although the residual structure can alleviate the information loss
in the down-sampling process, the residual information fusion process[3] is an indiscriminate
combination of context information, which often leads to misalignment in the feature aggregation
process[4]. However, the use of implicit knowledge is a good solution to this problem. In deep learning,
implicit knowledge refers to the observation-independent knowledge implicit in the model, which can
help the model to utilize feature information more effectively. Wang et al.[5] integrated implicit and
explicit knowledge into a unified matrix factorization framework for customer volume prediction.
Belzen et al.[6] used the implicit knowledge in the neural network to assist in the analysis of protein
sensitivity features to achieve protein functional anatomy.
    This paper proposes a novel method (named YOLOR-A) that combines YOLOR[7] (You Only
Learn One Representation) and CBAM[8] (Convective Block Attention Module).The CBAM attention
mechanism is used to focus on the important traffic sign region, and the implicit knowledge is integrated
to solve the misalignment problem.

2. YOLOR-A for Traffic Sign Detection

   The YOLOR-A model is composed of a backbone feature extraction network, neck network, and
recognition head. Backbone uses the network architecture based on CSPDarknet53[9], the core of Neck

ICBASE2022@3rd International Conference on Big Data & Artificial Intelligence & Software Engineering, October 21-
23, 2022, Guangzhou, China
EMAIL: 1642652860@qq.com (Qiang Luo); zhengwb@cuit.edu.cn (Wenbin Zheng);
ORCID: 0000-0002-7619-648X (Qiang Luo); 0000-0002-9183-796X (Wenbin Zheng);
              © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
              Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
              CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

is the structure of Feature Pyramid Networks and Path Aggregation Networks (PAN[10]), the head uses
the structure of YOLO[11] detector, the Align feature alignment module is added to Neck, and the Pre-
prediction refinement module is added to head. The YOLOR-A model framework is shown in Figure
1. Then, the CBAM attention module is added after the Neck network to refine the small object features
and improve the recognition accuracy.

                       3 x CSP        CSPSSP          3 x CSPDw             Alian         CBAM   Pre    Detection P6

                       3 x CSP       3 x CSPUp        3 x CSPDw             Alian         CBAM   Pre    Detection P5

                       7 x CSP       3 x CSPUp        3 x CSPDw             Alian         CBAM   Pre    Detection P4

                       7 x CSP       3 x CSPUp                              Alian         CBAM   Pre    Detection P3

                       3 x CSP


                      Backbone                    Neck                                                 Head

Figure 1: YOLOR-A model framework

2.1.    Implicit knowledge learning module

    The implicit knowledge in a neural network generally comes from the deep layer of the network,
which is the knowledge implicit in the model and not affected by the input value. Therefore, the implicit
knowledge representation is independent of concrete input values, which can be regarded as a set of
constant tensors Z = (z1, z2, …, zk). Before the introduction of implicit knowledge, the mapping
relationship between objects and features can be abstracted as a point-to-point mapping relationship, as
shown in Figure 2. The CNN-based residual network extracts feature information. In the feature
aggregation stage, this simple correspondence is prone to misalignment.
    As shown in Figure 3, after the introduction of implicit knowledge, the implicit knowledge added to
the output features of the neck network structure of the model, and the features can be aligned to the
network output through translation transformation, which solves the problem of misalignment in the
feature aggregation process. By adding implicit knowledge to the prediction head module and
multiplying it with the input features, the point-to-point mapping relationship in the original network
can be transformed into a mapping of feature points to range intervals, so that different categories can
achieve finer feature mapping, which facilitates the model to distinguish different categories and thus
improve the classification accuracy.
                                     x           fθ           f θ ( x)           target

Figure 2: Network with misalignment features

                                 x          fθ                                          target

                                                              g Φ ( Z1 )
                                                                           g Φ ( Z2 )
Figure 3: Network with implicit knowledge.

2.2.    CBAM attention module

   CBAM[8] is a simple but effective attention module. Most of the images are irrelevant foreground
information in the traffic sign dataset. Using CBAM can help the model extract effective feature
information and focus on the important area for traffic sign.

3. Experiment
3.1. Datasets and Evaluation metrics

   TT-100k[12]: TT-100k dataset contains 16,811 images of 2048-2048, which were collected from
Chinese street scenes, with a total of 234 types of traffic signs. However, the number of categories
varies greatly, so this paper selects 45 categories with the highest frequency for research.
   The model detection accuracy evaluation metric uses the Mean Average Precision (mAP[13]). The
model detection speed evaluation metric uses Frames Per Second (FPS).

3.2.    Results and Analysis

   The experimental platform is Ubuntu 20.4.1 operating system, Pytorch-1.7.1 deep learning
framework, and the hardware configuration is: graphics GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX3090, 24GB video
memory. The code is written in Python3.7, run on PyCharm platform.
   This paper selects the classic two-stage object detection algorithm Faster RCNN, Cascade RCNN[14]
algorithm; the single-stage algorithms SSD512[15], yolov5s, and the recently advanced algorithms tph-
yolov5[16] and Scaled-YOLOv4[17] in the field of object detection have been compared. The results
on test dataset are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
The comparison results of different object detectors on TT100k dataset. S, M, L means small
size(s<32x32), medium size(32x3296x96).
                                                                  mAP                      FPS
            method                 input size
                                                     S        M          L        ALL
          SSD512[15]                512x512         28.6     66.6      83.8       68.3      45
          Faster RCNN               800x800         13.4     63.7      83.6       59.5      28
       Cascade RCNN[14]             800x800         26.5     80.6      91.4       76.1       8
            yolov5s                 640x640         77.5     80.6      81.4       79.2     333
       ScaledYOLOv4[17]             640x640         66.4     79.3      87.7       80.5     166
        tph-yolov5s[16]           1280x1280         84.6     92.6      91.5       90.5      45
      YOLOR-A(proposed)           1280x1280         91.8     95.5      97.2       94.7     57
    The ablation experiments show that our proposed algorithm is effective, as shown in Table 2.In
summary, the proposed algorithm YOLOR-A combined with the CBAM attention mechanism and
using the implicit knowledge for traffic sign detection, has the best detection accuracy and the
competitive speed.
Table 2
The comparison results of different object.
                                                             S          M         L         ALL
 YOLOR                            baseline                  87.6       91.7     88.3        88.1
                                   +Align                   89.7       92.0     89.5        91.2
                                     +Pre                   90.2       92.2     88.1        91.8
                               + (Align & Pre)              91.6       94.3     96.7        93.8
                          + (Align & Pre & CBAM)            91.8       95.5     97.2        94.7

                   (a)                   (b)                 (c)                  (d)

Figure 4: Visual detection performance of TT100k dataset. (a): The detection effect of YOLOR-A. (b):
The detection effect of tph-yolov5. (c): The detection effect of ScaledYOLOv4. (d): The detection effect
of yolov5.

                                (a)                (c)                (e)

                                (b)                (d)                (f)
Figure 5: Feature visualization. (a)(b): TT100k dataset picture. (c)(d): Neck network feature
visualization output without implicit knowledge and CBAM. (e)(f): Neck network feature visualization
output with implicit knowledge and CBAM.

    Some detection examples are shown in Figure 4. The algorithm YOLOR-A has the best detection
effectiveness compared with tph-yolov5, ScaledYOLOv4, and yolov5, and its corresponding detected
traffic signs have the highest confidence, especially for small objects.
    Based on the heat map visualization experiments, are shown in Figure 5. we can conclude that the
problem of algorithmic feature misalignment is solved with the inclusion of implicit knowledge.

4. Conclusion

   In this paper, a traffic sign object detection algorithm based on the fusion of YOLOR and CBAM is
proposed. This method can make use of the implicit knowledge in a neural network to overcome the
feature misalignment problem, and incorporates the CBAM attention mechanism so that the object
detector can focus on the important feature area for the traffic sign. The experimental results show that
the proposed algorithm obtain better performance compared with other competitive algorithms.

5. Acknowledgements

   This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan, China (No. 2022NSFSC0571)
and the Sichuan Science and Technology Program (No. 2018JY0273, No. 2019YJ0532). This work is
supported by funding of V.C. & V.R. Key Lab of Sichuan Province (No. SCVCVR2020.05VS). This
work is also supported by the China Scholarship Council (No. 201908510026).

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