=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3304/paper21 |storemode=property |title=A Method of Wisdom Site Safety Helmet Detection Based on Deep Learning |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3304/paper21.pdf |volume=Vol-3304 |authors=Jiaxiang Guo,Huiyi Zhang,Tao Tao,Rencai Jin }} ==A Method of Wisdom Site Safety Helmet Detection Based on Deep Learning== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3304/paper21.pdf
A Method of Wisdom Site Safety Helmet Detection Based on
Deep Learning
Jiaxiang Guo1, Huiyi Zhang1, Tao Tao1 and Rencai Jin2
    College of Computer, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan, China
    China Technical Quality Department, China MCC17 Group Co., LTD, Maanshan, China

                 Aiming at the real-time detection of helmet wearing in construction sites with small targets,
                 incomplete features and many interference factors, the multi-scale and multi-branch feature
                 extraction and feature reconstruction module are applied to YOLOv5s for model
                 reconstruction, so that each level contains convolution networks with different sizes and
                 depths, which can capture the details of different sizes of receptive fields in the scene. The
                 feature reconstruction is used to extract finer grained features improve the robustness of the
                 model. Experiments on self-made construction site data sets show that compared with the
                 YOLOv5s model, the improved algorithm improves the recognition effect of helmet wearing
                 in the detection of long-distance small pixels and the presence of a large number of occlusion,
                 and the real-time performance is not affected, which can meet the application needs of smart
                 construction sites.

                 YOLOv5s; feature reconstruction; target detection; wisdom site

1. Introduction 1

    With the help of image recognition technology, automatic detection and management of safety
helmet are carried out, which is one of the main means of wisdom site construction. The construction
site environment is complex and the detection targets will be blocked by various objects or mutual
occlusion between people, so in the actual scene, the helmet detection will be a lot of interference.
Due to the fixed position of the camera, the different recognition distance of the target will also
increase the interference. The real-time automatic detection of the helmet is a small target when the
remote detection is performed.
    The helmet detection method has experienced the stages of radio frequency identification
technology and image processing technology. Early mobile radio frequency identification
technology[1] could not confirm whether the helmet was worn because the reader had a limited
working range and could only detect whether the helmet was close to the worker. RibGaiya and Silva
algorithm[2] combined the frequency domain information of the image with the histogram of
orientation gradient to detect the human body, and then used the ring Hough transform algorithm to
detect the helmet wearing, which solved the problem that it is difficult to distinguish the skin color of
the human body and the helmet. However, it is easy to be interfered by many occlusions and light in
the actual scene, which affects the detection accuracy. In reference[3], a hybrid descriptor consisting
of local binary pattern, color histograms, and Hu moment invariants is proposed to extract the features
of hard hats, and then hierarchical support vector machine is constructed to classify hard hats, which
reduces the influence of environmental changes. But this method is not accurate enough to detect
small objects such as safety helmets. Based on the improved YOLOv3 model method[4], the latitude
clustering of the target box is used to optimize the selection of the target box, which improves the
accuracy of the detection helmet, but the model is complex and the response speed is slow.

ICBASE2022@3rd International Conference on Big Data & Artificial Intelligence & Software Engineering, October 21-23, 2022, Guangzh
ou, China
770984322@qq.com (Jiaxiang Guo); hyzhang@ahut.edu.cn (Jiaxiang Guo); taotao@ahut.edu.cn (Tao Tao);
1195154491@qq.com (Rencai Jin)
            Β© 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

    YOLOv5 model has fast response speed and high detection accuracy, which is considered as one
of the effective algorithms for real-time image recognition, and is widely used in unmanned driving,
wisdom sites and other fields. However, YOLOv5 network model is also susceptible to noise in some
multi-objective scenarios.
    To solve this problem, based on YOLOv5s of YOLOv5 series, this paper applies a multi-scale
feature extraction module in its model head to improve the extraction ability of features of different
sizes. Furthermore, the feature reconstruction module is proposed to improve the ability of the model
to extract fine-grained features and improve the robustness of the algorithm. Make it more suitable for
wisdom site safety helmet inspection application.

2. Algorithm design

   Figure 1 (a) shows the model block diagram after the feature extraction module and feature
reconstruction module with additational scales are added to the predicted position of the head of
YOLOv5s model. Figure 1 (b) shows the structural annotation of some module names in the model
block diagram.


Figure 1. An improved YOLOv5s model block diagram with some module annotations

2.1.Multi-scale feature extraction method

    Since people wearing safety helmets have different positions relative to the camera and different
shooting angles, if the network model can have different receptive fields when extracting features, the
recognition accuracy of the model for the target object will be effectively improved. The YOLOv5s
model adopts ordinary convolution with a single type of kernel, and the calculation process is shown
in figure 2. The input feature is x, and if the size of the convolution kernel in a single space is 𝐾 , the
depth is equal to the number of input feature maps 𝐹𝑀 . Applying a large number of 𝐹𝑀 cores with
the same spatial resolution and depth to the input feature map 𝐹𝑀 can get a large number of output
feature maps 𝐹𝑀 .

Figure 2. YOLOv5s model ordinary convolution calculation flow diagram

    Figure 3 shows the schematic diagram of the feature multi-scale convolution calculation
module(Hereinafter referred to as MSFE) adopted in this paper, which contains multiple layers of
different types of convolution kernel to deal with the input feature[5]. The input features pass through
multiple layers of convolution kernels 𝐹𝑀 , 𝐹𝑀 , , 𝐹𝑀 with different sizes and types to obtain
a large number of output features, and finally concatenated together. The convolution kernel in each
layer of the multi-scale feature extraction module has different sizes, and the depth of the convolution
kernel gradually decreases with the increase of the number of convolution kernel layers. Generally,
the small convolution kernel has a smaller receptive field, so that local details can be obtained. The
larger receptive field of convolution kernel can get the global semantic information of large target.

Figure 3. Flow diagram of multi-scale feature convolution calculation

    In order to achieve multi-scale feature extraction without reducing the computational speed of the
network model, the features from the neck part of YOLOv5s network were divided into different
groups and independently calculated by convolution. As shown in figure 4, the number of channels of
each group of feature maps in a module is related to the number of layers of the module. Although the
number of channels in each group is different, the output dimension of convolution in different groups
is the same, and then the output features are concatenated.

Figure 4. Schematic diagram of block convolution

   Assuming that the input of the multi-scale extraction module contains 𝐢 channels, the
convolution kernel resolution of each layer is 𝐾 , 𝐾 , , 𝐾 , and the depth is 𝐢 , , , . The

corresponding output feature dimension is 𝐢 , 𝐢 , , 𝐢 . The dimensions of the final output feature
is 𝐢    𝐢 + 𝐢 + +𝐢 .

   Then the parameter usage and floating point operations per second required by ordinary
convolution are:
                              π‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘Ž 𝐾       𝐹𝑀 𝐹𝑀                                      (1)
                         π‘“π‘™π‘œπ‘π‘  𝐾        𝐹𝑀 𝐹𝑀          π‘Š 𝐻                                  (2)
   The parameter usage and floating point operation times per second of the multi-scale feature
extraction module are:
               π‘ƒπ‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘Ž    𝐾    𝐢     𝐢 +𝐾     𝐢          + +𝐾       𝐢                          (3)

                                     π‘“π‘™π‘œπ‘π‘  π‘ƒπ‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘Ž      π‘Š 𝐻                                          (4)
   If the number of output channels of each layer of multi-scale extraction method is the same, then
the number of parameters and computational complexity of each layer will be distributed evenly. The
measured results show (see Table 1) that after adding the multi-scale feature extraction and feature
reconstruction module, the number of parameters increases from 16.3Γ—106 to 29.6Γ—106, and the
number of iterations per second decreases by 0.31, which improves the detection ability of the model
for small target objects at the minimum cost.

Table 1. Test results of parameter number and running speed in model experiment
                                                        The number of           Iterations per
                  The model name
                                                          arguments                 second
                      YOLOv5s                              16.3Γ—106                  2.44
           YOLOv5s+ multi-scale feature
                                                           21.1Γ—106                  2.26
           YOLOv5s+ Multi-scale feature
                                                           29.6Γ—106                  2.13
        extraction + feature reconstruction

   In order to solve the problem of gradient disappearance caused by increasing the depth of deep
neural network, hopping residual connection structure is adopted in the model, and the original
features are added after multi-layer convolution, as shown in figure 5.

Figure 5. Flow chart of the characteristic jump connection network

   The input features are outputted by two groups of different convolution kernels and then
concatenated to get the output features. The final output features is 𝐴:
                                       𝐴    π‘π‘¦π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£ x +x                                            (5)
   x represents the input feature of the multi-scale feature extraction module, π‘π‘¦π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£ represents
the multi-scale convolution, the network model adopts residual link, and the output feature is
π΄βˆˆβ„          .

2.2.Reconstructed feature module

   In order to improve the extraction effect of fine-grained features, a Feature Reconstruction Module
(FRM) is further constructed. FRM takes the output of the multi-scale Feature extraction Module
π΄βˆˆβ„             as the input and introduces the attention mechanism, as shown in figure 6. The feature
reconstruction module includes three convolution layers: shift convolution, ordinary convolution,
cyclic grouping convolution and an attention mechanism layer. The results of the three-part

convolution are summed with the output of a certain weight and attention mechanism, and the features
are reconstituted into feature maps of the same size as before.

Figure 6. Feature reconstruction module structure diagram

    Shift convolutional layer cuts the input feature map into two parts and rejoins them. The purpose is
to force the network to learn the disconnected feature map, so that the network can pay attention to the
small features that cannot be noticed under normal conditions.
                                        π‘ˆ       π‘ β„Žπ‘–π‘“π‘‘π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£ π‘₯ , π‘₯                                      (6)
   π‘₯ , π‘₯ represents the two parts of the original feature, π‘ β„Žπ‘–π‘“π‘‘π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£() represents the reassembly of
the feature map π‘₯ , π‘₯ and then convolution.
   Ordinary convolutional layer:
                                                π‘ˆ   π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£ 𝐴                                           (7)
    π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£ represents ordinary convolution operation.
    The convolution method used in the cyclic grouping convolutional layer is to extract information
by using convolution check of different scales inside a convolutional layer[6], and different expansion
rates are adopted for each input channel. At the same time, different convolution kernels and
expansion rates are used repeatedly, and finally, block convolution is also used to improve the
computational efficiency.
    Let 𝐴 ∈ ℝ             denote the input feature, 𝐽 ∈ ℝ                    denote the convolution
kernel.𝑁、𝑀 ∈ ℝ               represents the output features of ordinary convolution and cyclic block
convolution respectively. Then the conventional convolution is defined as:

                         𝑁, ,       βˆ‘       βˆ‘       βˆ‘             𝐽, ,, 𝐴 ,       ,                  (8)

   And the circular block convolution method is:

                  𝑀, ,          βˆ‘   βˆ‘           βˆ‘             𝐽, ,, 𝐴 ,       ,   ,   ,

    In equation (9), 𝐷 , represents 𝐷 ∈ ℝ                , which is a matrix composed of the expansion
rates of channel level and filter level of two orthogonal dimensions. 𝐷 , associated with a
particular channel in a filter, the entire matrix 𝐷 can therefore be interpreted as a mathematical
representation of a lattice of convolution kernels in its expansion rate subspace.
    Figure 7 (a) shows ordinary convolution, where each square represents the connection relationship
between input and output, and there are connections between each input channel and output channel.
Figure 7 (b) shows grouped cyclic convolution, where grids labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent receptive
fields of different sizes. In the convolution operation, the packet convolution network recycled-uses
convolution kernels of different sizes to deal with the features. The convolution kernels with four
different receptive fields are arranged together to indicate that every four convolution kernels
complete a cycle. It not only ensures the sensitivity of the network to fine-grained features, but also
does not reduce the computational efficiency.

                                   (a)                               (b)
Figure 7. Comparison of ordinary convolution and grouped cyclic convolution

   That is:

                                         π‘ˆ     π‘”π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘’π‘π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£ 𝐴                                             (10)

    π‘”π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘’π‘π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘£ represents the grouped cyclic convolution, 𝐴 ∈ ℝ             is the input feature, and
π‘ˆ βˆˆβ„             is the output feature.
    In order to increase the sensitivity of the network model to key targets, an additional feature
attention mechanism layer[7] is added to the feature reconstruction module. Figure.8 shows its
calculation process.

Figure 8. The attention mechanism outputs the feature calculation flow

   In Figure 8 Csp2-1 is the existing module in YOLOv5s, and the output features after multi-scale
feature extraction are taken as the input of the attention layer. FC represents the fully connected layer.
A global maximum pooling operation is performed on the input feature A first, and the feature's
dimension becomes 1Γ—1Γ—C. After dimensionality reduction by the first fully connected layer, the
feature is activated at the site to the rectified linear unit (ReLU), and the original dimension is restored
by the latter fully connected layer. Then the activation value of each channel is multiplied by the
original feature to be used as the input feature of the next level. The principle is to enhance the
important features and weaken the unimportant features by learning the weight coefficients of each
channel, so as to make the extracted features more directional.
   The final output feature π‘ˆ ∈ ℝ               of the feature reconstruction module is:

                                    π‘ˆ        πœ† π‘ˆ +π‘ˆ +π‘ˆ      +π‘ˆ                                         (11)

   πœ† is a hyper-parameter. The reconstructed features π‘ˆ is then input into the YOLOv5s model to
realize the improvement of its application in real-time detection of smart construction site safety hats.

3. Analysis of experimental results

3.1. Data sources and preprocessing

    The experimental data set in this paper is processed and made based on the pictures taken by the
camera in the construction site, the relevant pictures climbed from Google and baidu, and the pictures
in     the    Safety-Helmet-Wearing-Dataset         that    has    been     publicly    released.     The
Safety-Helmet-Wearing-Dataset contains a large number of classroom self-learning images taken by
cameras, which do not conform to the detection task in real scenes. Therefore, these images are
deleted to clean the open Data set. And add more than 500 images with a lot of disturbing factors.
Compared to the publicly available hardhat datasets, the newly created data set includes images with
more occlusions. The collected data also includes workers wearing helmets and those not wearing
helmets in different environments, at different resolutions, and at different construction sites. Include
more pictures with helmets as small targets and pictures with occlusions.
    The data set consists of 7,495 images. The data set was annotated in XML format (PASCAL VOC
format[8]) with the labeling software LabelImg, where people wearing helmets were labeled as hat and
people without helmets were labeled as people. And use a specific script to convert to YOLO format.
The ratio of training set to test set is divided according to 8:2. 6874 images are used as training set,
and 1621 images are used for testing. These include human helmet wearing objects (front) and normal
head objects (not wearing or profile). Once annotated, each image corresponds to an XML file with
the same name as the image, which is converted to a TXT file in YOLO format. Each line in the TXT
file represents an instance of the tag. The TXT file has 5 columns, from left to right respectively
represents the label category, the ratio of the tag box central abscissa to image width, the ratio of the
tag box central ordinate to image height, the ratio of tag box width to image width, the ratio of tag box
height to image height.

3.2. Analysis of experimental results

    The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by the common evaluation indexes in
object detection algorithms, such as mean average precision(mAP), precision rate(P) and recall
rate(R). Through experiments, the first added multi-scale feature extraction module can adopt the
double-layer structure to achieve the best effect. The module contains two groups of convolution
kernels with different sizes, and the size of convolution kernels for each channel is 3Γ—3 and 5Γ—5
respectively, which can make the model achieve better results. In addition, hyper-parameters in the
multi-scale feature extraction module can be flexibly mobilized, such as the number of layers, the
number of output channels in different layers, different depths, and different number of groups to
adapt to different detection tasks. The hyper-parameterπœ†in the reconstruction module is set to 0.1. The
experimental results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Comparison of experimental results of model performance parameters
      The model name            Class     Images     Labels      P        R      mAP      mAP upgrade
                                 all       1621      24564      0.895   0.883    0.917
          YOLOv5s                hat       1621          2020   0.859   0.873    0.903          -
                               person      1621      22544      0.93    0.894    0.931
                                 all       1621      24564      0.898   0.885    0.921
                                 hat       1621          2020   0.867   0.873    0.908        0.4%
     feature extraction
                               person      1621      22544      0.93    0.897    0.935
                                 all       1621      24564      0.899   0.884    0.924
  feature extraction+feature    hat        1621       2020      0.862   0.874     0.91        0.7%
        reconstruction         person      1621      22544      0.936   0.894    0.938

   As can be seen from Table 2, the algorithm in this paper can effectively improve the detection
accuracy of safety helmets and workers who are not wearing safety helmets. In the original YOLOv5s
model, the Average mAP(Mean Average Precision) of people wearing and not wearing hard hats was
91.7%. After adding the multi-scale feature extraction module and feature reconstruction
module(FRM), the mAP increased by 0.7% to 92.4%. Among them, the accuracy of detecting workers
without helmets increased by 0.6 percent to 93.6 percent.
   A total of 210 images with obstructions and long distance (small field of view) in the data set were
used in the model anti-interference experiment (Table 3), and the mAP of the improved model was
improved by 1.9%. It shows that the detection accuracy of the proposed algorithm is more excellent
than that of the YOLOv5s model in the scenarios of different distances, pixel changes, obstacles and
so on. It can meet the accuracy requirements of helmet inspection in complex working environment.

Table 3. Experimental results of disturbance rejection adaptability of the model
               The model name                 Class     Images Labels     mAP      mAP upgrade
                                               all        210   971       0.784
                    YOLOv5s                    hat        210   740       0.852          -
                                             person       210   231       0.716
         YOLOv5s+ Multi-scale feature          all        210   971       0.803
            extraction + feature               hat        210   740       0.854        1.9%
                reconstruction               person      210      231    0.752

4. Conclusion

   YOLOv5s is currently recognized as one of the effective real-time image detection algorithms,
which is widely used in application fields with high real-time requirements. In order to apply it to the
real-time detection of helmet wearing in construction sites with small targets, incomplete features and
many interference factors, this paper applies the multi-scale and multi-branch feature extraction and
feature reconstruction method to YOLOv5s for model reconstruction. Experiments show that
compared with the YOLOv5s model, the improved algorithm has better scene recognition effect and
real-time performance in the detection of remote small pixels and the detection in the presence of
large number of occlusions. And can meet the application requirements of wisdom construction sites.
   In order to further improve the detection accuracy, multiple cameras can be arranged to detect the
same scene from different angles, and then the composite processing can be performed.

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