=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3304/paper32 |storemode=property |title=PG-Prnet: A Lightweight Parallel Gated Feature Extractor Based on An Adaptive Progressive Regularization Algorithm |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3304/paper32.pdf |volume=Vol-3304 |authors=Zhe Zhang,Ming Ye,Yongsheng Xie,Yan Liu }} ==PG-Prnet: A Lightweight Parallel Gated Feature Extractor Based on An Adaptive Progressive Regularization Algorithm== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3304/paper32.pdf
PG-Prnet: A Lightweight Parallel Gated Feature Extractor Based
on An Adaptive Progressive Regularization Algorithm
Zhe Zhang1, Ming Ye1*, Yongsheng Xie1 and Yan Liu2
    College of Artificial Intelligence, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400700, China
    Chongqing Market Supervision Administration Archives Information Center, Chongqing, 400700, China

                  The residual block in deeper DNNs has a positive effect on feature extraction, but it is limited
                  by practical computational resources. Deeper structures have limited performance gains in
                  later stages, while residuals in lightweight DNNs reduce the abstract feature representation
                  capability. We propose a lightweight parallel gating framework (PG-PRNet) based on the
                  adaptive progressive regularization algorithm (APR), which changes the constant mapping of
                  residual, increases the representation of structural information, and compresses the structure
                  by Hard-Sigmoid, layer pruning, etc. The APR algorithm avoids the irrationality of using the
                  same regularization rules in different cases. This better preserves the shallow spatial location
                  information and deep abstract semantic information, improving the performance of the
                  lightweight model for different specification. PG-PRNet is embedded in two vision tasks. It
                  outperforms the listed models on the GTSRB and BDD100K datasets while maintaining low
                  storage and computational overhead.

                  parallel gating; progressive regularization; feature extraction; residual block

1. Introduction 1

    DNNs can learn the intrinsic properties and underlying semantic features of data from a large
number of samples. To a certain extent, the more complex the network is, the more high-dimensional
abstract semantic features are obtained. Researchers have proposed many methods to design deeper
models. EfficientNetv2 finds a balance between depth, width and resolution to build complex
structures [1]. Performs well after pre-training on large datasets. However, practical hardware
conditions limit this. In this paper, we propose a GhostModule-based parallel gated feature extractor
(PG-PRNet) to selectively control feature embedding into branches, change the traditional constant
mapping of residual branches to lighten the network, introduce stochastic depth to prevent network
overfitting [2]. We also use Hard Sigmoid and Layer Pruning to further reduce the model parameters.
Due to the variety in the dimensionality of the inputs and the depth of the network, it is not reasonable
to train the model using the same regularization rules. Therefore, an Adaptive Progressive
Regularization (APR) algorithm is also proposed to solve this problem. The effectiveness of PG-
PRNet in two vision tasks was experimentally demonstrated. The main contributions of this paper can
be summarized as follows.
     We propose a parallel gating unit (PG and Fused-PG) consisting of GhostModule, SE and
        DepthwiseConv as an intermediate module of the network, improve the constant mapping of
        residual branches, and configure three specifications of PG-PRNetB0 to PG-PRNetB2.
     We use an adaptive progressive regularization algorithm to solve the unreasonable problem of
        using the same regularization rules for features of different sizes, resolutions, and network

ICBASE2022@3rd International Conference on Big Data & Artificial Intelligence & Software Engineering, October 21-
23, 2022, Guangzhou, China
zhangandzhe@foxmail.com (Zhe Zhang), 2323247608@qq.com (Yongsheng Xie), 12167292@qq.com (Yan Liu)
 Corresponding author: zmxym@swu.edu.cn (Ming Ye)
             Β© 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
             Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

     specifications. The shallow spatial location information and deep abstract semantic
     information are better preserved.
    We embed the proposed feature extraction framework into image recognition and object
     detection, and validate the performance of PG-PRNet on GTSRB and BDD100K datasets.

2. Related Work

   In its early years focused on improving accuracy by building more complex neural networks.
AlexNet designed a DNNs with 60 million parameters and 60,000 neurons, which earned first place in
the ImageNetLSVRC-2012 competition [3]. Parallel computing on dozens of devices by Google
confirms that distributing the model across multiple devices is another solution [4]. However, in
recent years, scholars have found that simply increasing the depth of the model can lead to
performance degradation. ResNet shows that as the depth of the network increases, the accuracy gain
obtained later decreases due to overfitting, gradient disappearance, etc [5]. The residual structure
adopted by ResNet preserves the shallow spatial location information as much as possible. This
avoids the above problems to a large extent.
   SOTA models usually use neural network structure search (NAS) to find the best structural
parameters for building the network [6]. This places higher demands on the hardware. Some
researchers are working on network compression. DepthwiseConv most assigning only one set of
convolutional kernels to each channel can achieve great speedups with little loss of accuracy [7].
GhostModule presents a plug-and-play module that reduces intermediate feature maps and allows
models to be easily deployed on mobile devices. In this paper, GhostModule and DepthwiseConv are
used to build PG-PRNet lightweight networks, which combines layer pruning and Hard Sigmoid.

3. Methodology

    The overall network structure is shown in figure 1. In the feature extraction part, in order to avoid
the computational overload caused by the large feature embedding in the later stage, the input image
is first passed through a CBR block, which increases the channel dimension and reduces the width and
height scales. Then there are multiple Fused-PG and PG units proposed in this paper. The detailed
description of the improvement points is as follows:

3.1. Model compression.

   In this paper, layer pruning is used to reduce the overall scale. In order to minimize the sacrifice of
   accuracy, parallel gating is used, and the representation of residual branches is added. Multiple
parallel gating units form a cascade feature representation. According to GhostNet, each trained DNN
contains many similar intermediate feature maps. We start by generating only half of the intermediate
feature maps, generating the same number of features by linear mapping, called Ghost. Finally,
connect the
   two parts in series. Extensive use of GhostModule and DepthwiseConv in the PG unit reduces the
amount of computation.
   The squeeze and excitation module (SE) is inserted into the PG unit to impose an attention
mechanism with low computational cost [8]. The Squeeze part of the main branch compresses the
features in the channel dimension, and the Excitation part learns the feature weights of the channel.
The core idea is that the model learns the attention weight of the channel by loss, so that the weight of
the effective feature map is relatively large, and the weight of the invalid feature map is relatively
small. We use two 1x1 convolutions instead of fully connected layers, and use Hard Sigmoid
activation instead of ReLU, which reduces the amount of computation.

Figure 1. The pipeline of PG-PRNet. Four images from the GTSRB dataset are listed here. Grad-CAM
activates and weights the output of the last convolutional layer and visualizes the result in different
colors, which shows which parts of the image the model focuses more on [9]. Due to the
effectiveness of the proposed method, most of the categories can be highly focused.

3.2. PG and Fused-PG Units

    MBConv differs from the traditional process of dimensionality reduction of residuals [10]. The
features input to the inverse residual block are first expanded to higher dimensions and then deeply
mapped to the lower dimensional space. The PG unit inherits this process. As shown in figure 1, the
parameters of the network structure are reduced in the PG unit by using a modified GhostModule
instead of CNN. Constant mapping is redundant in the lightweight model (which means that the input
features go to the next layer without modification) because it deprives the branching part of the ability
to obtain abstract features. We add Pooling and GhostModule to the branch part to selectively output
the generated branch-specific folded embeddings by thresholding, which can freely choose the
relationship to the backbone part, which is called parallel gating.

     Table 1. Compare Top-1 classification accuracy with Fused or not (224 pixels on GTSRB).
     Resolution:224         B0(%)                    B1(%)                    B2(%)
     All-Fused              97.3                     98.0                     97.9
     No-Fused               96.8                     96.9                     95.4
     Partial-Fused          98.3                     98.4                     99.0

3.2.1. PG unit.

    In the backbone part, a DepthwiseConv of size 3x3 extends the previous feature. The attention
 score is computed in the SE module, which makes the model focus on features that are more
 important to the channel. Then reduce the dimension with 1x1GhostModule. The average pooling
 layer in the branch section selectively compresses features, acting as gating and local area feature
 aggregation. Downsampling and fusion are performed using the Ghost module. Finally connect the
 trunk and branch parts. Stochastic depth is used to prevent network model degradation. The
 simplified mathematical expression of the whole process is equation (1) [11].

                                         𝐹     =𝐹       𝑃 𝐹                                          (1)

   Where 𝐹 , 𝐹 represent the generated feature by the 𝐿 -th module backbone and branc. P
represents the survival probability of 𝐹 , which fits the Bernoulli distribution, 𝑃 ∈ [0,1]. 𝐹 , 𝐹 are
expressed as.
                                     𝐹 = 𝐺𝑀{𝑆𝐸[π·π‘’π‘π‘‘β„Ž(𝐹 )]}                                         (2)
                                             𝐺𝑀 π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘œπ‘™ 𝐹        ,𝑠 = 2
                                      𝐹 =                                                                (3)
                                              𝐺𝑀 𝐹             , 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒

3.2.2. Fused-PG.

     PG uses DepthwiseConv to reduce computation, but it is limited in the early stages. As can be
 seen from table 1, if all modules use Depthwise, the performance will drop. Therefore, we only use
 it in the first few stages of the model. In the Fused-PG module, the 1x1 CNN and Depthwise are
 replaced by 3x3 for convolution to reduce computation, and DepthwiseConv is removed. The
 simplified mathematical expression is equation (4).
                                        𝐹 = 𝐺𝑀{𝑆𝐸[𝐺𝑀 𝐹            ]}                                     (4)
     Algorithm 1. Adaptive progressive regularization (APR)
     Input: Network blocks length 𝐿 , initial image size 𝑆 , final image size 𝑆 , initial
     regularization dropout rate 𝑑 , adjustment factor πœ†, 𝛽, πœ‡, 𝜚
     Output: Trained model.
      1: if 𝐿 β‰₯ 𝜚 then
      2:     Last blockc survival probability: 𝑃 ←
      3: else
      4:     Last blockc survival probability: 𝑃 ← 1.0
      5: end if
      6: for 𝑖 = 1 to 𝐿 do
      7:     Image size or feature map size: 𝑆 ← 𝑆 βˆ’ (𝑆 βˆ’ 𝑆 )
     8:      Dropout rate: 𝑑 ← (         )
      9:   Survival probability: 𝑃 ← 1 βˆ’ (1 βˆ’ 𝑃 )
     10:   Train model with 𝑑 and 𝑃
     11: end for

3.3. Adaptive Progressive Regularization

    Similar to EfficientNetv2, we consider the regularization problem for the training of a multi-
granularity variable model. First, we add the regularization to the network depth. Second, the survival
probability problem at stochastic depth is considered. Third, the adaptive probability calculation
expression of dropout is improved. In PG-PRNet, the head has more redundant information, and a
larger regularization factor is required to improve the generalization ability. In the tail, the features are
mapped to a high-dimensional abstract space with smaller features, so a smaller regularization factor
is used. For lightweight models, residuals are very important. When the model is very shallow, try to
keep the residuals. When the model is complex, the residuals are discarded appropriately. Therefore it
is not reasonable to use the same regularization rules all the time. Therefore, the survival probability
and dropout rate need to be flexibly adjusted to fit the feature size and network depth. There are
identifiers defined as.
     The length of the network module is 𝑙, and if 𝑙 is larger, a higher regularization rate is required,
        and the ratio of the two is controlled by Ξ».
     The whole model has 𝑀 stages. And the features of the middle hidden layer gradually decrease
        from the first stage to the last stage, and the dropout rate is positively related to the feature
        map size.

   The scale coefficients of feature map size and survival probability are Ξ², ΞΌ, respectively, and the
overall steps can be described as algorithm 1. The ablation experiments in Section 4.3 further
elaborate and demonstrate the effectiveness of APR.

4. Experiments

   All our experiments were done on a Nvidia RTX 2080Ti server using Pytorch. In the parameters of
   adaptive regularization, we set the threshold Ο± = 11, 𝑒 = 0.25, Ξ² = 1, Ξ» = 7. We validate the PG-
   PRNet feature extraction performance on two tasks on two datasets.

4.1. PG-PRNet for Image Recongnition

   The recognition of traffic signs is a challenging real-world problem related to intelligent
   systems. The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) contains more than 50,000
images of daytime and nighttime scenes from 43 categories [12]. Images that are too similar are
removed using the Structural Similarity Index (SSMI) algorithm. The mean and variance of the local
and global luminance of each image were calculated for adaptive luminance and contrast
enhancement, and the distribution of each category was approximated after processing. Using the
cross-entropy loss function, Adam optimizer and Cosine Annealing scheduler, we set the weight
decay factor = 0.0005, initial learning rate = 0.001, batch size = 64, epoch = 100. the resolution of the
design varies from 48 to 224. The training set was preprocessed using random cropping, Gaussian
noise. To validate the performance of the feature extractor, a PG-PRNet feature extractor with
classification head was added to evaluate its image recognition performance. It mainly includes a
global average pooling layer, aggregated features and features compressed by a fully connected layer,
and softmax output of category probabilities.

4.2. Result analyse

   We use the inference time of a single image with 224 resolution and the amount of parameters as
an indicator of network complexity, perform five calculations, and finally take the average. The
results are shown in table 2. The PG-PRNet model uses the SE module and GhostModule, so the
amount of parameters has been improved, but due to the calculation amount of the two, as well as the
use of Hard Sigmoid, layer pruning and DepthwiseConv, therefore, the picture The inference speed is
the best (56 ms < 70 ms < 74 ms), where the number of parameters of B0 is second only to
EfficientNetV1, but the accuracy of the latter is much lower than our method.
   Thanks to the parallel gating unit, our model can obtain good shallow spatial position information
   while keeping light weight. Because of the parallel gating, it also has the function of selecting
input features in the branch part, and mapping the features to high dimensions.

     Table 2. Performance comparison of image recognition tasks on the GTSRB dataset (TOP-1
     accuracy (%)).
     Methods                     48      96      160    224     Params(M) Infer-time(ms)
     PG-PRNet_B0(Ours)           92.7 93.4 96.8 98.3 3.2                     56
     PG-PRNet_B1(Ours)           92.5 93.1 96.9 98.4 5.4                     81
     PG-PRNet_B2(Ours)           91.8 93.3 98.4 99.0 7.2                     100
     Vision Transformer(P=16)    86.3 89.7 87.5 87.0 10.2                    110
     EfficientNet V1             89.5 92.3 94.6 96.5 0.7                     74
     EfficientNet V2             92.0 93.4 97.8 98.3 22.4                    245
     GhostNet                    80.6 89.7 96.5 97.7 4.0                     70

4.3. Ablation experiments

   Two adaptive regularization methods are considered: Dropout and Stochasitc depth. Larger 𝑝 is
used for larger features and smaller 𝑝 is used for smaller features. The lower dimension contains more
spatial location information, but the higher dimension contains more abstract semantic information.
   Both kinds of information are very important for inference. It is not reasonable to use the same 𝑝
and 𝑑 for the whole structure. In algorithm 1, the survival probability 𝑝 and dropout rate 𝑑 are
adaptively adjusted according to the size of the feature map. This problem is mitigated to some extent.

Figure 2. Comparison of Top-1 accuracy with and without adaptive progressive regularization
algorithm. Solid dots: With APR. Hollow rectangle: Not APR.

Figure 3. Pipeline to embed PG-PRNet into YOLOv4 model. Using PG-PRNet to generate the feature
vectors of the last three layers, through the Neck of YOLOv4, the three output feature matrices are
obtained, and the final detection results are generated after some complex post processing.

Figure 4. List the detection results under 6 typical target detection difficulties (Video Motion Blur,
Continuously Stacked Small Objects, Multi-Category At Night, Rain Disturbance, Complex Road
Conditions, Highway During At Day).

4.4. PG-PRNet for Object Detection

   BDD100K is a traffic driving video dataset that can be used for a variety of autonomous driving
task scenarios, containing up to 100,000 images for 10 task scenarios. In this paper, for the use of
lightweight models, we use a subset of 10,000 of these images of autonomous driving scenarios to test
performance in terms of target detection. As shown in figure 3, the output features of the last three
layers of PG-PRNet are extracted using the Neck of YOLOv4 [13]. Using Mosaic data enhancement,
we introduced copy-and-paste data enhancement to improve the detection accuracy of small targets
[14]. Finally, the three scales of features are output and the corresponding target detection results are
obtained after post-processing (NMS). We list three images as a reference for the results. The
parameters are set to batch size = 16, loop scheduler and Adam optimizer.

Table 3. We use the listed model as the Backbone, connected to the YOLOv4 Neck. Compare our
proposed method (Bold) with other methods. We complete mAP50, mAP75, single image parameter
and inference time calculation on a 608-pixel image.
       Method                        mAP50(%) mAP75(%)      Params(M) Infer-time(ms)
       PG-PRNet_B0(Ours)             55.6         27.7      11.5        311
       PG-PRNet_B1(Ours)             56.2         28.9      13.0        332
       PG-PRNet_B2(Ours)             56.8         30.2      15.8        356
       GhostNet                      43.8         19.7      11.9        344
       MobileNetv1                   49.3         22.5      12.5        320
       MobileNetv2                   41.9         16.2      10.2        372
       MobileNetv3                   42.2         18.3      11.4        363
       DenseNet121                   48.8         20.4      16.5        645
       DenseNet169                   49.1         20.8      22.6        873
       DenseNet201                   54.7         22.1      27.8        946

4.5. Results Analyze.

   It can be seen that in the case of training only 300 epoches, our model is advanced. The optimum is
achieved with 11.5 millions number of parameters and 311 ms inference time, and, the deepened
model has a significant performance improvement. This demonstrates that the parallel gating unit
effectively improves the feature representation of the branch, making the feature extraction capability
of PG-PRNet still highly applicable even after many model compression methods. In figure 4, six

typical difficulties of target detection in real-time traffic scenarios are listed. Our approach maintains
high detection accuracy and robustness. A parallel gating unit is used in combination with an adaptive
progressive regularization algorithm. The Copy-Paste and Mosaic based approach reduces overfitting,
improves model generalization, and enhances performance in scenes with occlusion, too many small
targets, rain, multiple categories, and video motion blur.

5. Conclusion

    In this work, we propose a lightweight parallel gated feature extraction framework to represent the
residual branching information of a given feature in a new cascade, which changes the constant
mapping of the residual structure in lightweight networks. In addition, an adaptive progressive
regularization algorithm is used to adapt the regularization rules for different size features and
different scale networks, called PG-PRNet. The framework is embedded into image recognition and
object detection to verify its feature extraction capability, and our model achieves optimality in model
volume and accuracy. Its efficiency at variable resolution is demonstrated.

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