Evaluating Formal Concept Analysis Software for Anomaly Detection and Correction Nassif Saab1,∗ , Marianne Huchard1,∗ and Pierre Martin2,∗ 1 LIRMM, Univ Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier, France 2 CIRAD, UPR AIDA, F-34398 Montpellier, France; AIDA, Univ Montpellier, CIRAD, Montpellier, France Abstract Data cleaning is a process that precedes data mining. Particularly, in our dataset on pesticidal plant use, several types of anomalies were identified, ranging from incorrect values to a lack of data susceptible of causing users to draw wrong conclusions during its exploration. Literature presents three methods based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), i.e. implication rules computation, association rules computation, and attribute exploration, that may allow the detection and correction of anomalies. This paper evaluates 30 FCA-based software and their apposite features to the development of an anomaly detection and correction method applicable to our dataset. Results show that only ConExp and its reimplementations provide all three methods. Since the data model on plant use is relational but ConExp only allows formal contexts as input, this paper concludes on the importance of integrating Relational Concept Analysis (RCA) with ConExp in future work. Keywords Formal Concept Analysis, Software evaluation, Anomaly detection, Anomaly correction, Data cleaning 1. Introduction Data cleaning is a basic operation of the knowledge discovery process [1]. Particularly, the Knomana Knowledge Base (KKB) [2] includes 45,000 descriptions of pesticidal plant use extracted from literature. In Knomana, a description of plant use is made of 71 data types, for example, the pesticidal plant name, the location and part of the plant used to build essential oils. Various anomalies were observed within a description, such as incorrect spellings of words, e.g. plant names, and wrong types of values, e.g. integers where strings are expected. Additionally, computing the Duquenne-Guigues basis of implications [3] for Knomana allowed [4] to identify another type of anomaly, i.e. the lack of data that may cause users of KKB to draw wrong conclusions regarding plant use. For instance, the presence of only one pesticidal plant to treat a disease may prompt a user to conclude that this disease can only be treated using this plant. Thereupon, anomalies should be detected and corrected before providing the user with software to explore KKB. To this end, we plan to develop an Anomaly Detection and Correction (ADC) software. Our ADC method will be based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) [5]. Since the Knomana data Published in Pablo Cordero, Ondrej Kridlo (Eds.): The 16𝑡ℎ International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, CLA 2022, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20–22, 2022, Proceedings, pp. 213–218. ∗ Corresponding author. Envelope-Open nassif.saab@lirmm.fr (N. Saab); marianne.huchard@lirmm.fr (M. Huchard); pierre.martin@cirad.fr (P. Martin) © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings http://ceur-ws.org ISSN 1613-0073 CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org) model employs ternary relationships [6], this method will rely on Relational Concept Analysis (RCA) [7], an extension of FCA intended for datasets conforming to the entity-relationship model. A preliminary step in this development process is to assess whether existing FCA-based software support ADC. Software that fit this description and meet other requirements, including being cross-platform, will be adapted for RCA in future work. The objective of this paper is to identify such software through an evaluation of several criteria. Section 2 presents FCA-based ADC methods found in literature. Section 3 introduces the evaluated software, the dataset and the criteria used for the evaluation. Section 4 shows the results of the evaluation. Section 5 concludes the paper and describes the next step in our work. 2. FCA-based methods in literature This section reviews the literature on ADC and introduces three ADC methods based on FCA. Literature presents various ADC approaches, including statistics [8], neural networks [9], deep learning [10], clustering [11], nearest neighbor search [12], and the following three FCA-based ADC methods. The authors in [13] improve Resource Description Framework data by employing implications rules. Since the confidence percentage of an implication is 100%, the confidence of its inversion informs the user of its proximity to being a definition. Thus, an inverted rule with a high confidence suggests a need for additional data to complete the set of triples. The method presented in [14] combines FCA and association rules to spot faults during the software debugging process. Execution traces are first used to compute association rules, which are then transformed into a formal context (with the source code line numbers as attributes) and the corresponding concept lattice is computed. Concepts located at the bottom of the lattice contain rules that are too specific to explain the error, and the ones at the top contain concepts common to all failed executions. In [15], attribute exploration (detailed in [16]) is applied to a human healthcare dataset in order to show that knowledge acquired through the exploration process and knowledge provided by domain experts, if combined, can improve the classification accuracy. This is an interactive method based on the computation of the Duquenne-Guigues basis of implications. The role of the expert in this process is to validate each rule. When an invalid rule is presented, the expert provides a counterexample. Each of these papers explores a method adapted to managing potential anomalies: [13] and [14] compute implication and association rules, respectively. The authors in [15] perform attribute exploration, thus supplementing the computed implication rules with user knowledge to correct the anomalies. Since we intend to include these three methods in our future ADC software, they are considered in the evaluation conducted in the sections that follow. 3. Methods This section introduces the evaluated software, the dataset and the criteria used for the evaluation. The evaluated software are 30 of the listed FCA software on U. Priss’ website1 . Table 1 describes 1 https://upriss.github.io/fca/fcasoftware.html the assessed versions. Having a cross-platform software2 facilitates its distribution, and therefore, verifying this criterion is important for the ADC software development described in Section 1. Table 1 Description of the evaluated FCA software. Software Operating system License Programming language Version Camelis Cross-platform GNU GPL Objective Caml v.1.4.3, 18 Dec. 2009 Colibri Concepts Cross-platform GPL-2.0 C, Roff, Yacc, Lex, Bash 18 Sept. 2007 concepts by S. Bank Cross-platform MIT Python v.0.9.2, 8 June 2020 concepts.py by D. Endres Cross-platform N/A Python N/A ConExp Cross-platform BSD Java v.1.3, 12 Sept. 2006 conexp-fx Cross-platform GPL-3.0 Java, CSS, Scala, Bash v.5.5.1, 12 Sept. 2019 conexp-clj Cross-platform EPL-1.0 Clojure, Java, C#, Python v.2.0.0-rc1, 30 June 2019 ConExp-NG Cross-platform GPL-3.0 Java v.0.7.0, 05 Sept. 2014 FCA algorithms FCbO Cross-platform GPL-2.0 C 5 Oct. 2010 FCA algorithms IterEss Cross-platform GPL-2.0 C 29 Nov. 2017 FCA algorithms PCbO Cross-platform GPL-2.0 C 3 Mar. 2009 FCA4J Cross-platform Apache-2.0 Java v.0.4, Mar. 2022 FcaBedrock Windows NT MIT Visual Basic .NET Build 2.8.28, 12 June 2014 fcaR Cross-platform GPL-3.0 R, C++ v.1.1.1 (CRAN) FCART Windows NT N/A N/A v.0.9.5, Mar. 2016 FcaStone Cross-platform GNU GPL Perl, HTML Mar. 2022 GALACTIC Cross-platform BSD 3-Clause Python v.0.5.0.dev5, 14 Feb. 2022 Galicia Cross-platform GPL-2.0 Java v.3.2, 13 Dec. 2005 Griff (Sarl3 library) Cross-platform LGPLv2 C, C++, Ruby v.0.9, 06 Jan. 2006 In-Close4 Cross-platform MIT C++ 18 July 2017 Lattice Miner Cross-platform Apache-2.0 Java v.2.0, 14 Apr. 2017 Lattice navigator Windows NT AGPL-3.0 C# v., 27 July 2011 MIW Cross-platform N/A Python 24 Dec. 2014 OpenFCA Windows NT MIT3 ActionScript, C#, JavaScript, HTML 10 Apr. 2011 Python FCA Tool Cross-platform LGPL Python v.0.0.1, 3 Mar. 2012 qdfca Cross-platform Unlicense Ruby v.1.0, 20 Feb. 2015 RCAExplore Cross-platform LGPL Java 12 Oct. 2015 The Coron System Cross-platform Free Software Java, Bash, Perl v.0.8, 19 Jan. 2010 Tockit (CASS toolkit) Cross-platform BSD Java 28 June 2007 ToscanaJ Cross-platform BSD-style Java v.1.7, 2012 N/A : Not Available The evaluation was conducted using the example of formal context provided by [16] on eight European countries (Albania, Vatican, Switzerland, Austria, Cyprus, San Marino, Liechtenstein, and Sweden) and their memberships regarding seven organisations (European Union, Council of Europe, European Economic Area, European Free Trade Association, EU Custom Union, Eurozone, and Schengen area). Interest in this dataset derives from the size of the formal context, small enough not to crash the software while still outputting meaningful results. Additionally, the implications and the attribute exploration process are fully described by the authors. Software were evaluated according to five criteria: the first two, i.e. context editing and lattice building, consider FCA capabilities. Each of the last three, i.e. computing implication rules, computing association rules, and performing attribute exploration, corresponds respectively to an ADC method presented in Section 2, i.e. a method introduced by [13], [14], or [15]. 2 A software executable on most Linux distributions, macOS, and Windows NT. 3 Except the SpringGraph component of the software. 4. Results This section presents the results of the evaluation. Table 2 lists 20 software that were tested, thus omitting ten software from Table 1 for the following reasons. In March 2022 when the evaluation was conducted, concepts.py was not available, The Coron System required the purchase of a license to access its source code, and the license of MIW was not found. FcaBedrock, FCART, Lattice navigator, and OpenFCA were excluded as they do not appear to be cross-platform. The three FCA algorithms are command-line tools that compute formal concepts and maximal frequent itemsets which appear in mining nonredundant association rules. Nonetheless, these algorithms do not generate rules per se, nor do they allow context editing, lattice building, or attribute exploring. Table 2 FCA software and their anomaly detection and correction features. Implication Association Context Lattice Attribute Software rules rules editing building exploring computing computing Camelis x x colibri-concepts x concepts by S. Bank x x ConExp x x x x x conexp-fx x x x x x conexp-clj x x x x x ConExp-NG x x x x x FCA4J x x x fcaR x x x FcaStone x x GALACTIC x x x Galicia x x x x Griff (Sarl3 library) x x x In-Close4 x x Lattice Miner x x x x Python FCA Tool x x x qdfca x RCAExplore x x Tockit (CASS toolkit) x x ToscanaJ x Table 2 shows nine software allowing context editing and/or lattice building but without providing any of the three ADC methods. Nevertheless, these software hold other features4 . For instance, ToscanaJ supports multi-level data analysis and provides a database viewer. Whilst ConExp, FCA4J, Griff, and Python FCA Tools only compute the Duquenne-Guigues basis of implications, GALACTIC can also compute other bases of implications. Lattice Miner 4 Additional information can be found at https://kodovnash.github.io/FCA_software/ introduces the computation of implications with negation and the calculation of triadic implica- tions. fcaR performs fuzzy formal concept analysis, thus computing implications and semantic closures of fuzzy sets. Galicia deduces implications by filtering the set of association rules and only keeping those with a confidence of 100%. Finally, ConExp and its reimplementations, i.e. -fx, -clj, and -NG, enable attribute exploration. ConExp relies on binary contexts to compute the implications and associations and perform attribute exploration. 5. Conclusion This paper is a step prior to developing a software intended for the detection and correction of anomalies in the Knomana Knowledge Base. The evaluation of FCA-based software listed on U. Priss’ website showed that ConExp and its reimplementations are the only cross-platform software allowing the computation of implication and association rules, as well as attribute exploration. In the literature on data cleaning, these three methods are used as basis to develop dataset-specific methods for anomaly detection and correction. In the context of Knomana, anomalies are defined by missing data, as well as incorrect values that describe plant uses. We need to investigate the extent to which ConExp is appropriate for the detection and correction of the different types of anomalies found in Knomana. Since the Knomana data model employs ternary relationships to describe plant uses, we plan to mine this dataset through Relational Concept Analysis (RCA). Accordingly, we plan to integrate RCA with ConExp to obtain a data cleansing system applicable to Knomana. 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