# created by /home/wf/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ceurspt/ceurws.py CREATE # P31 :instance of Q13442814:scholarly article LAST|P31|Q13442814 # P1433: published in LAST|P1433|Q115793979 # english label LAST|Len|"Modeling Complex Structures in Graph-FCA: Illustration on Natural Language Syntax" # english description LAST|Den|"scientific paper published in CEUR-WS Volume 3308" # P1476:title LAST|P1476|en:"Modeling Complex Structures in Graph-FCA: Illustration on Natural Language Syntax" # P407 :language of work or name Q1860:English LAST|P407|Q1860 # P953 :full work available at URL LAST|P953|"https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3308/Paper20.pdf" # P577 :publication date LAST|P577|+2022-12-21T00:00:00Z/11 # P50: author, P1545: series ordinal LAST|P50|Q59601847|P1545|"1" # P2093: author name string, P1545: series ordinal LAST|P2093|"Peggy Cellier"|P1545|"2"