Intellectual information technologies for the study of filtration in multidimensional nanoporous particles media Dmytro Mykhalyka, Mykhaylo Petryka, Igor Boykoa, Yuriy Drohobytskiya, Vasyl Kovbashyna a Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, 56 Ruska str., Ternopil 46001, Ukraine Abstract High-performance intellectual information technologies for the nanoporous filtration systems research based on the mathematical model of the two-level transport "filtration- consolidation" in the system of nanopores in intraparticle spaces, which includes two subspaces of particles of different sizes has been considered. The high-speed analytical solution of the model, which allows calculations parallelization on multi-core computers has been found using the operational Heaviside’s method, Laplace integral, and Fourier integral transformations. The high-performance software complex was built on top of the mode, with a modern approach to software design and keeping in mind software engineering best practices. Numerical modeling of filtration kinetics process research has been done using developed software. Keywords 1 Filtration processes, numerical modeling, parallel computing, science-intensive technologies, multidimensional nanoporous particles media 1. Introduction Complex systems and processes design in the field of environmental protection, emission reduction, medicine, liquids or gases filtration requires a new high-performance information systems creation for their research based on scientific mathematical models with high-quality physical substantiation of the composition of their elements, connections between them and parameters that determine efficiency their progress and work. The proposed information research technology of nanoporous filtration systems is based on the phenomenological model of a solid-liquid liquid that we developed, containing various-sized nanoporous moisture-containing particles as a multi-level porous system with interparticle and intraparticle networks for fluid express flows. Mathematical models of the two-level transport "filtration-consolidation" in the system "interparticle space - nanoporous particles" are considered, which take into account the internal flow of liquid from particles, along with the flow of liquid in the skeleton [1, 2]. We consider the nanoporous particles containing liquid as a porous layer subjected to unidimensional pressing (Fig. 1). The liquid flowing occurs inside the particles, outside the nanoporous particles and between these two spaces. The nanoporous particles are separated by the porous network. The layer of particles is considered a double-porosity media. Fig. 1 illustrates two levels of the considered elementary volume: level 1(a) for the system of macropores in interparticle ITTAP’2022: 2nd International Workshop on Information Technologies: Theoretical and Applied Problems, November 22–24, 2022, Ternopil, Ukraine EMAIL: (A. 1); (A. 2); (A. 3); (A. 4); (A. 5) ORCID 0000-0001-9032-695X (A. 1); 0000-0001-6612-7213 (A. 2); 0000-0003-2787-1845 (A. 3); 0000-0002-3333-1573 (A.4); 0000- 0002-5504-1606 (A. 5) © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( spaces and level 2 (b and c) for the system of nanopores in intraparticle spaces, which includes two subspaces of particles of different sizes: intraparticle spaces 1 – subspace of nanoporous particles with a radius of at least R1 and intraparticle spaces 2 – a subspace of nanoporous particles with a radius of at least R2 (R1> R2). The model assumed, that in nanoporous media, the first porosity level is formed by the interparticle network with low storage capacity, while two-second levels of porosities are formed by the intraparticle network with high storage capacity. h R1 R2 b) particle 1 c) particle 2 R1 > R2 a) layer Figure 1: Example figure Schematization of mass transfer in a two‐level system of pores 2. Mathematical model The mathematical model of the considered transfer, taking into account the specified physical factors, can be described in the form of such a system of boundary value problems for equations in partial derivatives, formulated both for the interparticle space and for two intraparticle networks versus the pressure in the liquid phase.: 2.1. Consolidation equation for a layer Problem A is to find a limited solution of the consolidation equation for a layer of multidimensional nanoporous particles media in the domain D1   t , z  : t  0, 0  z  h : P1  t , z   2 P1   1 R 1   2 R R1 t 0 R2 t 0  b1   1 P2 ( t , x1 , z ) dx1   2 P3 (t , x2 , z ) dx2 (1) t z 2 with the initial condition: P1  t , z  t  0  PE , (2) the boundary conditions (for variable z) P1 P1  t , z  z 0  0 ; z h  0 (impermeability condition); (3) z 2.2. Consolidation equations for particles Problems В1,2: to find the limited solutions of the consolidation equations for the nanoporous particles (radius Ri) in the domain D2  t , x , x , z  : t  0, x R2) are obtained for real nanoporous geomedia with two high characteristics of stability and permeability. Numerical simulation results showed a joint pressure drop in the intraparticle network and an increase in the consolidation kinetics for the two types of differently sized nanoporous particles. In the framework of scientific information technologies, specialized software has been created for the study of nanoporous filtration systems in media with multidimensional nanoporous particles based on the described mathematical model. The main goals pursued in software design were to allow the quick and detailed study of filtration processes in nanoporous for scientists, the ability to run on any modern platforms, high-performance numerical modeling, and friendly UI/UX. The use of software engineering best practices made it possible to create a software design that could easily be expanded or evolved by adding new classes of scientific and special services, as well as future improvements, to meet new requirements. 6. References [1] G. Barenblatt, V. Entov, V. 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