=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3309/paper21 |storemode=property |title=Method and Technology for Ensuring the Software Security by Identifying and Classifying the Failures and Vulnerabilities |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3309/paper21.pdf |volume=Vol-3309 |authors=Tetiana Hovorushchenko,Peter Popov,Dmytro Medzatyi,Yurii Voichur |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ittap/HovorushchenkoP22 }} ==Method and Technology for Ensuring the Software Security by Identifying and Classifying the Failures and Vulnerabilities== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3309/paper21.pdf
Method and Technology for Ensuring the Software Security by
Identifying and Classifying the Failures and Vulnerabilities
Tetiana Hovorushchenkoa, Peter Popovb, Dmytro Medzatyia and Yurii Voichura
    Khmelnytskyi National University, Institutska str., 11, Khmelnytskyi, 29016, Ukraine
    City University of London, Northampton Square, London, EC1V 0HB, United Kingdom

                The conducted literature review on known methods and technologies for providing the
                software security and for identifying the failures and vulnerabilities of software showed that,
                although the analyzed methods and technologies have great potential for the field of software
                engineering, none of the known solutions are intended for identification and classification of
                software failures and vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a method for
                ensuring the software security by identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities, as
                well as to design and implement a technology for ensuring the software security by identifying
                and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities, which is the goal of this study. The developed
                in this paper method for ensuring the software security by identifying and classifying the
                failures and vulnerabilities provides a conclusion as to whether a failure occurred, and if a
                failure occurred, its type is issued to the user. In addition, the developed method for ensuring
                the software security by identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities provides a
                conclusion as to whether a feature is a vulnerability, and if the feature is a vulnerability, its
                type is issued to the user. The paper also develops a technology for ensuring the software
                security by identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities, which provides a
                conclusion on the presence or absence of software failure(s); conclusion on the presence or
                absence of software vulnerability(s); conclusion about the type of failure and the type of
                vulnerability in case of their presence, thanks to which the proposed technology is useful for
                software users due to the identification and classification of failures and vulnerabilities.

                Keywords 1
                Software security, failure of software, vulnerability of software, identifying the failures and
                vulnerabilities, classifying the failures and vulnerabilities.

1. Introduction
   Modern software is a complex multifunctional product, during the creation of which errors,
unintentional software defects, and unprotected functions inevitably occur. In today's digital era,
software is widely adapted and has become an integral part of human society. Such widespread use of
software is associated with the use of large and critical data that inevitably needs protection. It is critical
to ensure that this software not only meets user needs or functional requirements, but it is equally
important to ensure that this software is secure. Creating the secure software is a complex process. It is
a process informally guided by common knowledge, best practices and undocumented expertise. In
general, software security can be considered as one of the most important issues in the field of software
development, as it can affect the performance of a software product through various technological
vulnerabilities and threats.

ITTAP’2022: 2nd International Workshop on Information Technologies: Theoretical and Applied Problems, November 22–24, 2022,
Ternopil, Ukraine
EMAIL: tat_yana@ukr.net (T. Hovorushchenko); p.t.popov@city.ac.uk (P. Popov); medza@ukr.net (D. Medzatyi); voichury@khmnu.edu.ua
(Y. Voichur)
ORCID: 0000-0002-7942-1857 (T. Hovorushchenko); 0000-0002-3434-5272 (P. Popov); 0000-0002-1879-2945 (D. Medzatyi); 0000-0003-
3085-7315 (Y. Voichur)
             ©️ 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
             Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
    Software security is the property of certain software to function without various negative
consequences for a specific computer system. The reasons leading to a security breach can be different:
software failures, software vulnerabilities due to programmer errors and defects in programs.
    Failure of software is an event characterized by software malfunction, as a result of which the
software stops performing its functions (in whole or in part) [1-5].
    Vulnerability of software is a software flaw (software design flaw, programming error, use of
malicious software), when used, it is possible to intentionally violate the integrity of the software and
cause its incorrect operation; it is the software's inability to resist the implementation of a certain threat
or set of threats [6-10].
    Thousands of new vulnerabilities are discovered every year, requiring companies to patch operating
systems and applications, as well as reconfigure security settings across their entire network
environment. To proactively address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited for a cyberattack,
organizations that take the security of their network environment seriously conduct vulnerability
management to ensure the highest level of security possible.
    Detecting the vulnerability of software code is an important method of ensuring software security.
Today, as the size and complexity of software grows rapidly, vulnerabilities become more diverse and
harder to identify.
    The main reasons for the appearance of vulnerabilities are:
    1. Shared use of resources and simplification of information exchange between network nodes
    2. Significant complication of software
    3. Lack of complete information about the object and the use of search mechanisms
    4. Unreliable data sources and a huge number of attackers
    5. Low qualification of software users, especially in matters of information protection - the
         software is unable to resist threats from attackers, if users under their influence unknowingly
         perform destructive actions
    6. Complexity of new technologies
    7. The trend of combining data and program code, embedding program code (macros, scripts) into
    8. The lag in the development of the legal framework, standards from changes in information
         processing methods and technologies
    9. Lack of safe processes in the life cycle of software development
    The rapid growth of computing power of computers and volumes of processed data, the expansion
of the range of tasks that are solved by software, make it difficult to carry out a full and detailed analysis
of possible vulnerabilities and exclude the conditions for their appearance.
    Currently, many leading scientists have conducted a number of studies on improving software
security, but software vulnerabilities and failures still pose serious problems for software users,
manifesting in information leaks, information loss, leading to financial and reputational losses. So, for
example, due to software vulnerabilities, there was a leak of information in the form of access to 500
million records of Yahoo users [11]; the Equifax company lost information about 140 million people,
which led to financial losses of 575 million dollars of USA [12]; attackers gained access to 50 million
Facebook user profiles [13]; abduction of information about 600 thousand drivers and 57 million
accounts of users of the Uber service, which led to financial losses of 148.1 million dollars of USA
[14]; a hacker attack on Ukrainian government websites on January 14, 2022, caused by a vulnerability
in the October CMS website content management system [15].
    All major software security approaches are aimed at preventing total software failure, but not at
identifying software failures and vulnerabilities. The success of software security approaches is only
possible due to the identification and reduction of the number of errors (currently, the density of errors
in software ranges from 2 to 100 errors per 1000 lines of code [16, 17]), therefore, the identification of
software failures and vulnerabilities is an urgent task at the moment.

2. Literature Review

   Let’s conduct the literature review on known methods and technologies for providing the software
security and for identifying the failures and vulnerabilities of software – Table 1.
Table 1
Literature review on known methods and technologies for providing the software security and for
identifying the failures and vulnerabilities of software
                   Method and/or technology                 Providing the    Identifying the
                                                          software security    failures and
                                                                            vulnerabilities of
       Threatened-based Software Security Evaluation             yes                no
    method and Security Evaluation Assistant (SEA) tool
       for improving the security evaluation process of
  software with focus on existing threatened entities of
               software and software threats [18]
         Method for security reassurance of software             yes                no
  increments to ensure producing acceptably secure-by
  the business owner-software increments at the end of
                        each iteration [19]
  Data-driven model for software security and methods            yes                no
         for learning detailed software statistics while
        providing differential privacy for its users [20]
    Method for software security (CM-Sec) focusing on            yes                no
      the end product by prioritizing countermeasures,
     which provides an extension to attack trees and a
        process for identification and prioritization of
                      countermeasures [21]
  Q-learning method embedded as part of the software             yes                no
    itself for providing the security mechanism that has
         ability to learn by itself for development of a
                temporary repair mechanism [22]
  Methods, techniques, and best practice requirements            yes                no
    engineering and management as an emerging cloud
    service (SSREMaaES) and as a guideline on software
                     security as a service [23]
  Methodology for minimizing software vulnerability for          yes                yes
   enhancing its security implemented in the processes
          of the software development life cycle [24]
      Hierarchical software security case development            yes                no
                           method [25]
       Security modeling and verification framework of           yes                no
   embedded software based on semiformal and formal
        methods ZMsec (Z-MARTE security model) [26]
       SMASHUP: a toolchain for unified verification of          yes                no
                     software co-designs [27]
           Method for identifying software security              yes                no
          vulnerabilities from software requirement
    specifications written in Structured Object-oriented
                      Formal Language [28]
    Formal method for modeling software architectures            yes                no
        and evaluating their quality attributes (include
           security, dependability and performance)
          quantitatively and in a unified manner [29]
Model of Trustworthy Scrum (TS) enabling the security      yes   no
 activities to cooperate with the agile methods and to
                work in Scrum framework [30]
Software failure analysis method based on the system       yes   yes
      reliability modeling with the System-Theoretic
     Accident Modeling and Processes (STAMP) [31]
Using the pattern position distribution as features for    no    yes
            detecting the software failure [32]
   Taxonomy for identifying software failure modes,        no    yes
 which provide input to the risk analysis of software-
                   intensive systems [33]
 Cascade fault localization method and software tool       yes   yes
     called CaFL for help of speed up labor-intensive
      process of identification of the root cause of a
    manifested failure via a combination of weakest
precondition computation and constraint solving [34]
     Method, which the causes of failures detects by       yes   yes
            conducting root cause analysis [35]
  Failure Identification for Complex Mission Analysis      yes   yes
    (FICMA) method provides both an overall failure
     analysis on a system's functionality as well as a
            mission-based failure analysis [36]
   Failure prediction algorithm based on multi-layer       yes   yes
Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) [37]
       A method for identifying software data flow         yes   yes
  vulnerabilities based on the dendritic cell algorithm
  and the improved convolutional neural network for
effectively solving the transmission errors in software
                        data flow [38]
Method based on the concept of mutual information          yes   yes
  that detect and isolate software vulnerabilities at a
   fine-grained level in both unsupervised and semi-
                  supervised contexts [39]
  Pangr: an entire system for automatic vulnerability      no    yes
        detection, exploitation, and patching [40]
      Automated method for determining the code            yes   yes
  evidence for the presence of vulnerabilities in retro
                   software versions [41]
Pattern-based vulnerability discovery approach based       yes   yes
on static analysis, machine learning, and graph mining
    with a high focus on practical requirements [42]
  Software source code vulnerability detection method      yes   yes
    based on Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) and
Global Average Pooling (GAP) interpretability model [43]
VUDENC (Vulnerability Detection with Deep Learning         yes   yes
     on a Natural Codebase): a deep learning-based
 vulnerability detection tool that automatically learns
   features of vulnerable code from a large and real-
                 world Python codebase [44]
    The conducted literature review on known methods and technologies for providing the software
security and for identifying the failures and vulnerabilities of software showed that, although the
analyzed methods and technologies have great potential for the field of software engineering, none of
the known solutions are intended for identification and classification of software failures and
vulnerabilities according to the rules for classifying the failures and to the rules for classifying the
vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a method for ensuring the software security by
identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities based on the developed by authors in [45]
rules for classifying the failures and the vulnerabilities, as well as to design and implement a technology
for ensuring the software security by identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities, which
is the goal of this study.

3. Method and Technology for Ensuring the Software Security by Identifying
   and Classifying the Failures and Vulnerabilities
    Considering the rules for classifying the failures and vulnerabilities of software developed by the
authors in [45], let's develop questionnaires for collecting the information about failure(s) and
vulnerability(s) that occurred during the software's operation.
    Questionnaire for collecting the information about failure(s):
    1. Has the software operational (workable) state after termination of the operation of the software?
    2. Was there a loss of data during the termination of the operation of the software?
    Each of the questions in the questionnaire for collecting the information about the failure(s) can have
"yes" or "no" answer.
    Rules for the classification of failures based on the analysis of answers to questions of questionnaire
for collecting the information about the failure(s):
    1. If software user gives the answer "yes" to the first question of the questionnaire for collecting
         the information about the failure(s) and the answer "no" to the second question of the
         questionnaire for collecting the information about the failure(s), then the variable sf = 1
    2. If software user gives the answer "yes" to the first question of the questionnaire for collecting
         the information about the failure(s) and the answer "yes" to the second question of the
         questionnaire for collecting the information about the failure(s), then the variable sf = 2
    3. If software user gives the answer "no" to the first question of the questionnaire for collecting
         the information about the failure(s), then the variable sf = 3
    Questionnaire for collecting the information about vulnerability(s):
    1. Did the software stop functioning for a time exceeding the specified threshold time during the
         execution of a certain feature?
    2. Has there been a loss of data completeness after performing a certain feature?
    3. Has there been a data leak after performing a certain feature?
    4. Did it become impossible to obtain the information permitted to the user after performing a
         certain feature?
    Each of the questions in the questionnaire for collecting the information about vulnerability(s) can
have "yes" or "no" answer.
    Rules for the classification of vulnerabilities based on the analysis of answers to questions of
questionnaire for collecting the information about vulnerability(s):
    1. If software user gives the answer "yes" to the first question of the questionnaire for collecting
         the information about vulnerability(s), then the element of the matrix sv[1,1] = 1
    2. If software user gives the answer "yes" to the second question of the questionnaire for collecting
         the information about vulnerability(s), then the element of the matrix sv[1,2] = 1
    3. If software user gives the answer "yes" to the third question of the questionnaire for collecting
         the information about vulnerability(s), then the element of the matrix sv[1,3] = 1
    4. If software user gives the answer "yes" to the fourth question of the questionnaire for collecting
         the information about vulnerability(s), then the element of the matrix sv[1,4] = 1
    Therefore, questionnaires for collecting the information about failure(s) and for collecting the
information about vulnerability(s), as well as rules for the classification of failures based on the analysis
of answers to questions of questionnaire for collecting the information about the failure(s) and rules for
the classification of vulnerabilities based on the analysis of answers to questions of questionnaire for
collecting the information about vulnerability(s) have been developed. The developed rules make it
possible to identify and classify failure(s) and vulnerability(s) of software that occurred during the
software's operation.
    Method for ensuring the software security by identifying and classifying the failures and
vulnerabilities consists of the following steps:
    1. variable sf = 0; filling the first row of the sv matrix with zeros; filling in the second line of the
         matrix sv in order to further form a conclusion about the type of vulnerability(s): sv[2,1] = "the
         feature of the software is a vulnerability of correct operation"; sv[2,2] = “the feature of the
         software is a vulnerability of integrity of information”; sv[2,3] = “the feature of the software
         is a vulnerability of privacy of information”; sv[2,4] = “the feature of the software is the
         vulnerability of the availability of information”
    2. conducting the software user survey (using compiled questionnaires for collecting the
         information about failure(s) and vulnerability(s))
    3. analysis of the answers given by the user to the questions of questionnaire for collecting the
         information about failure(s) using the rules for the classification of failures, and forming the
         value of the variable sf
    4. if sf=1, then the user is given the conclusion "the software failure is insignificant", otherwise,
         if sf=2, the user is given the conclusion "the software failure is significant", otherwise if sf=3,
         the user is given the conclusion "the software failure is critical", otherwise, if sf=0, the user is
         given the conclusion "software failures did not occur"
    5. analysis of the answers given by the user to the questions of questionnaire for collecting the
         information about vulnerability(s) using the rules for the classification of vulnerabilities, and
         filling the first row of the sv matrix
    6. if sv[1,i]=1 (i=1..4), then the user is given the conclusion about the type(s) of vulnerability –
         element sv[2,i] (i=1..4) of the sv matrix, otherwise, if all the elements of the first row of the sv
         matrix are equal to 0, then the user is given the conclusion "the feature of the software is not a
    The developed method for ensuring the software security by identifying and classifying the failures
and vulnerabilities provides a conclusion as to whether a failure occurred, and if a failure occurred, its
type is issued to the user. In addition, the developed method for ensuring the software security by
identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities provides a conclusion as to whether a feature
is a vulnerability, and if the feature is a vulnerability, its type is issued to the user.
    The developed method is the basis for designing the technology for ensuring the software security
by identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities – Fig. 1.
    The developed technology for ensuring the software security by identifying and classifying the
failures and vulnerabilities provides a conclusion on the presence or absence of software failure(s);
conclusion on the presence or absence of software vulnerability(s); conclusion about the type of failure
and the type of vulnerability in case of their presence, thanks to which the proposed technology is useful
for software users due to the identification and classification of failures and vulnerabilities.

4. Results & Discussion
    Let's consider the operation of the developed method and technology for ensuring the software
security by identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities.
    According to the first stage of the developed method for ensuring the software security by identifying
and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities, the variable sf and the elements of the first row of the sv
matrix were reset to zero, as well as the filling of the second row of the sv matrix.
    According to the second stage of the developed method, a survey of the user of the software for
keeping accounting was carried out using compiled questionnaires for collecting the information about
failure(s) and vulnerability(s).
Figure 1: Technology for ensuring the software security by identifying and classifying the failures and

    According to the third stage of the developed method, the analysis of the answers given by the user
to the questions of the questionnaire for collecting the information about failure(s) was performed using
the rules for the classification of failures, and the formation of the value of the variable sf was
performed. Since the user of the software for keeping accounting gives the answer "yes" to the first
question of the questionnaire for collecting the information about failure(s) and answer "no" to the
second question of the questionnaire for collecting the information about failure(s), then the variable
sf = 1.
    According to the fourth stage of the developed method, since sf=1, the user is given the conclusion
"software failure is insignificant".
    According to the fifth stage of the developed method for ensuring the software security by
identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities, an analysis of the answers given by the user
to the questions of questionnaire for collecting the information about vulnerability(s) was performed
using the rules for the classification of vulnerabilities, and filling the first row of the sv matrix was
performed. The user of the software for keeping accounting answered "yes" to the first, third and fourth
questions, so the sv matrix looks like – Table 2.

Table 2
Matrix sv, which contains signs of the presence or absence of a software vulnerability, as well as the
type of vulnerability
                    І column              ІІ column           ІІІ column             IV column
   І row                1                      0                    1                     1
   ІІ row     the feature of the     the feature of the   the feature of the    the feature of the
                 software is a          software is a        software is a        software is the
               vulnerability of       vulnerability of     vulnerability of    vulnerability of the
              correct operation          integrity of         privacy of           availability of
                                        information          information            information

    According to the sixth stage of the developed method, since sv[1,1]=1, the user is given the
conclusion about the type of vulnerability – "The feature of the software is a vulnerability of correct
operation" (element sv[2,1] of the sv matrix). Since sv[1,3]=1, the user is given the conclusion about
the type of vulnerability – "The feature of the software is a vulnerability of privacy of information"
(element sv[2,3] of the sv matrix). Since sv[1,4]=1, the user is given the conclusion about the type of
vulnerability – "The feature of the software is the vulnerability of the availability of information"
(element sv[2,4] of the sv matrix). Therefore, the considered feature of the software is the vulnerability
of correct operation, privacy and availability of information.
    The conducted experiment with the applying the developed method and technology for ensuring the
software security by identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities for software for keeping
accounting showed that, based on a survey of the user of software for keeping accounting, a conclusion
was given regarding the presence of an insignificant failure of the software for keeping accounting, as
well as a conclusion regarding the presence of a vulnerability of the correct work, privacy and
availability of information in the considered software for keeping accounting.

5. Conclusions
   All major software security approaches are aimed at preventing total software failure, but not at
identifying software failures and vulnerabilities. The success of software security approaches is only
possible due to the identification and reduction of the number of errors, therefore, the identification of
software failures and vulnerabilities is an urgent task at the moment.
   The conducted literature review on known methods and technologies for providing the software
security and for identifying the failures and vulnerabilities of software showed that, although the
analyzed methods and technologies have great potential for the field of software engineering, none of
the known solutions are intended for identification and classification of software failures and
vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a method for ensuring the software security by
identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities, as well as to design and implement a
technology for ensuring the software security by identifying and classifying the failures and
vulnerabilities, which is the goal of this study.
   The questionnaires for collecting the information about failure(s) and for collecting the information
about vulnerability(s), as well as rules for the classification of failures based on the analysis of answers
to questions of questionnaire for collecting the information about the failure(s) and rules for the
classification of vulnerabilities based on the analysis of answers to questions of questionnaire for
collecting the information about vulnerability(s) have been developed in this paper. The developed rules
make it possible to identify and classify failure(s) and vulnerability(s) of software that occurred during
the software's operation.
   The developed in this paper method for ensuring the software security by identifying and classifying
the failures and vulnerabilities provides a conclusion as to whether a failure occurred, and if a failure
occurred, its type is issued to the user. In addition, the developed method for ensuring the software
security by identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities provides a conclusion as to
whether a feature is a vulnerability, and if the feature is a vulnerability, its type is issued to the user.
   The paper also develops a technology for ensuring the software security by identifying and
classifying the failures and vulnerabilities, which provides a conclusion on the presence or absence of
software failure(s); conclusion on the presence or absence of software vulnerability(s); conclusion about
the type of failure and the type of vulnerability in case of their presence, thanks to which the proposed
technology is useful for software users due to the identification and classification of failures and
   The conducted experiment with the applying the developed method and technology for ensuring the
software security by identifying and classifying the failures and vulnerabilities for software for keeping
accounting showed that, based on a survey of the user of software for keeping accounting, a conclusion
was given regarding the presence of an insignificant failure of the software for keeping accounting, as
well as a conclusion regarding the presence of a vulnerability of the correct work, privacy and
availability of information in the considered software for keeping accounting.

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