=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3309/short18 |storemode=property |title=Automated Energy-efficient System for Cleaning and Disinfection of Reusable Objects |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3309/short18.pdf |volume=Vol-3309 |authors=Vasyl Kuz,Oleksiy Yanenko,Kostiantyn Shevchenko,Roman Tkachuk |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ittap/KuzYST22 }} ==Automated Energy-efficient System for Cleaning and Disinfection of Reusable Objects== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3309/short18.pdf
Automated Energy-efficient System                                                                      for   Cleaning   and
Disinfection of Reusable Objects
Vasyl Kuza, Oleksiy Yanenkob, Kostiantyn Shevchenkob and Roman Tkachukc
  Farm Gadz, 79, Horiznaya st., Trybuchivtsi village, Buchach district, Ternopil region, Ukraine, 48431
  Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 37, Prosp. Peremohy, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056
  Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, 56,Ruska str., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46001

                The authors considered known systems of cleaning and disinfection of objects of repeated use.
                The shortcomings of specific installations were analyzed and identified, which are their
                complexity, energy consumption, and the use of harmful chemicals and solutions. The authors
                proposed a structural diagram of an automated energy-efficient system and developed an
                algorithm for its operation. The use of LED matrices of the infrared and ultraviolet ranges is
                proposed as elements of drying and disinfection. The use of a microcontroller ensures
                automated control of the movement of the cleaning object, turning on and off technological
                sources, and software setting of the processing (exposure) time. The use of fast-acting energy-
                saving disinfecting sources and software control allows to reduce the processing time and
                increase the energy efficiency of the system by 25-30%.

                Keywords 1
                Cleaning system, LED matrices, infrared drying, ultraviolet disinfection, energy efficiency.

1. Introduction
   Automated cleaning and disinfection of containers and containers with residues of various organic
and inorganic substances, bacteria, mold and fungi is widespread in agriculture (vegetables and
horticulture), utilities, animal husbandry and other production areas. Usually, cleaning is carried out by
using the combined action of pressurized water, liquid disinfectant solutions of chemicals, automated
rubbing and drying, with the purpose of internal and external cleaning of bags, boxes, containers and
other reusable objects. At the same time, significant material costs are spent, but the savings from the
reuse of cleaning objects outweigh the costs, so such technology has found wide application.
Disadvantages of such methods of cleaning and disinfection include the need for waste disposal and the
possibility of environmental pollution.
   It is extremely important to ensure the sanitary cleanliness of containers and containers for some
vegetables and fruits for long-term storage of carrots, beets, cabbage, and especially winter varieties of
apples. At the same time, big box plastic containers are used, which are indispensable in agriculture:
when harvesting, when storing and processing vegetables and fruits. Ventilated walls and bottom ensure
good air circulation, keeping vegetables and fruits fresh. Also, big box containers stack up to 12 pcs. in
height, they are convenient to use as a bookmark for vegetables and fruits and are reusable items. But
these advantages during repeated use can be realized only in hygienically clean containers [1].
   In the process of designing ideal implants for tissue engineering, the graft-tissue contact area is a
very important part that needs to be improved, since most of the interactions between grafts and
surrounding tissues occur exactly in this zone.

ITTAP’2022: 2nd International Workshop on Information Technologies: Theoretical and Applied Problems, November 22–24, 2022,
Ternopil, Ukraine
EMAIL: vasylkuz1992@gmail.com (A. 1); op291@meta.ua (A. 2); k.shevchenko@kpi.ua (A. 3); romantkachuk48@gmail.com (A. 4);
ORCID: 0000-0002-6008-7203 (A. 1); 0000-0001-5450-5619 (A. 2); 0000-0002-7222-9352 (A. 30000-0002-6753-2365 (A. 4)
             ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
             Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
   According to the data of the GADZ farm [2], losses of horticultural products during storage can
reach 5-8% of the total volume laid down for crop storage for the entire storage period. The main causes
of apple loss are bacteria and fungi that remain on reusable containers.
   Therefore, carrying out preventive work on pre-treatment of containers, cleaning and disinfection
contributes to reducing losses and increasing economic benefits in the process of storing horticultural

2. State of the problem
    In work [3] described a tunnel installation for washing and cleaning various items and objects of
reuse: racks, plastic boxes, wire cages for animals, garbage trays, and others. The installation consists
of a transport platform, several technological chambers (sections) for pre-cleaning, washing, rinsing
and drying operations. During these operations, water, steam, warm air for drying and waste products
are introduced and removed from the respective chambers. The features of the considered installation
include a tunnel structure, a transport platform, a conveyor line and the presence of separate functional
technological chambers. The disadvantages of such an installation are complexity and
multifunctionality, significant energy consumption and cost, which limits the possibility of its use only
for significant volumes of processing facilities.
    Simpler, similar European systems (installations) for internal and external cleaning and disinfection
of containers with residual foreign substances are also known [4,5]. The installations have a similar
structure and include a closed tunnel with a transport conveyor line and separate functional
technological sections (chambers), where the outer surface of the container is treated with a foam-
generated disinfectant solution and rinsed, then the inner surface is treated with a foam-generated
solution and rinsed. After the processing, the clean container is fed to the outlet of the line for evacuation
and use.
    The disadvantages of the considered installations include the technical complexity of the cleaning
and disinfection system, the need to use chemicals to treat the surface of the containers, the residues of
which can be harmful for the long-term storage of food products (vegetables and fruits), and significant
energy consumption.
    Considering the shortcomings of the considered systems, the authors set their task to simplify the
technological scheme of cleaning and disinfection, to exclude the use of harmful chemical solutions
and elements, and to increase energy efficiency.

3. Description of the structural scheme and the principle of operation of the
    In order to fulfill the set tasks, based on the results of the research, the authors developed a functional
scheme of the system for cleaning and disinfection of containers and small-sized containers and other
objects of repeated use, as well as created an algorithm of work.
    In fig. 1 presents a functional diagram of the developed system for cleaning and disinfection of
containers and small-sized containers and other reusable items.
    In Figure 1, the transport tunnel with the conveyor line is divided into 5 technological zones
(sections): 1 – container supply zone; 2 – zone for cleaning containers with water (rinsing section); 3 –
blowing and drying zone (infrared drying section); 4 – bactericidal disinfection zone (ultraviolet
disinfection section); 5 – container exit zone.
    Each of the sections is equipped with sensors that ensure the control of the passage of the object of
processing to enable the corresponding technological operation: 6 sensor of the presence of containers
in the supply zone; 7 - sensor for the presence of containers in the cleaning zone; 8 - sensor for the
presence of containers in the drying zone; 9 - sensor for the presence of containers in the
decontamination zone; 10 - a sensor for the presence of a container in the container exit zone.
Management and automation of cleaning and disinfection processes is carried out using:
microcontroller -11; control panel – 12 and control unit of executive elements – 13. Executive elements
of the automated system include: 14 – engine; 15 – conveyor belt; 16 – water supply nozzles; 17 –
infrared heaters (infrared matrix for complete drying of containers, located in all planes); 18 – ultraviolet
irradiator (LED matrix for bactericidal disinfection of containers, located in all planes).

                                                               16                       17           18
                                         1                 2                        3            4                 5

        12          11              6                  7                       8             9                  10
  Control     CPU

Figure 1: Functional diagram of the automated system.
   Fig. 2 shows the algorithm that describes the technological process of cleaning and disinfection of
objects of repeated use. As an example, the process of processing containers and small-sized containers
for storage of gardening products.

                                             Task of processing
                                              mode parameters

                                       No       Container                Yes
                                              in the zone 1?

                                                                    No                       Yes
                                                                            Full cicle ?

                                    No                                                           Moving to the
                                                   Wash ?            Yes                          wasing area

                                                                           Moving to the               Wash
                                                                           wasing area

                         Drying ?           Yes                                    Wash          Transfer to the
                                                                                                  drying area
                                              Transfer to the
                                               drying area
                             No                                                                      Drying
                                                                                                 Transfer to the
                                                                                                    UV area
                                                                                                 Transfer to the
                                                                                                    zone 5


Figure 2: Algorithm of operation of the automated system in the container processing mode.
   The algorithm provides a full processing cycle (right branch of Fig. 2) and a shortened container
processing cycle (left branch), when some operations are not advisable. The automated system works
as follows. Depending on the type of container, its size and level of contamination, the control panel
sets the initial technological requirements for the impact parameters for each processing section and
enters them into the computer.
   The dirty container enters from the entrance zone 1 to the cleaning zone of section 2, where the
presence of the container is detected by the sensor 6. The control unit 13 turns on and off for the
programmed time the nozzles of high pressure water supply, under the action of which the container is
rinsed. After rinsing, the container is fed to the blowing and drying zone 3 (infrared drying section).
   The sensor 8 detects the presence of containers in the section, the conveyor belt 15 stops and the
containers are blown and dried. An infrared LED matrix - IR LED, with a wavelength of 940 nm and a
power of 10 W [6] is used as a source of thermal radiation. As a microcontroller, it is advisable to use
the Arduino platform and a simple available version of the LilyPad USB or Mega 2560 boards with a
clock frequency of 8 or 16 MHz [7].
   An important point is the process of decontamination of the container, for which it is fed to zone 4.
After the container is fixed by the sensor 9, the control unit 13 includes the process of bactericidal
disinfection of the container for a specified time. Depending on the types of bacteria and fungi and their
sensitivity to UV radiation, the term of disinfection can have different duration and intensity, and the
bactericidal effect can reach up to 90-95% [8]. At the same time, the bactericidal flow, which provides
disinfection of the surface of the container, can be calculated using the formula:
                                            PB  P K E ,                                           (1)
where P - total flow of the UV source; K E - the efficiency factor of the UV source, which can be in
the range of 0,2…0,8.
    The authors paid special attention to the development of the UV of the fourth section. Usually,
bactericidal energy-intensive mercury lamps of ultraviolet action are used to provide typical facilities
for water disinfection in swimming pools, various premises, medical instruments, etc. The power of
these lamps can range from 50 W to 1000 W with a luminous flux of 1800 lm, the number of sources
depending on the size of the radiation decontamination objects is 4-6 pcs. Stopping at the minimum
number of mercury lamps (option 4 pcs), we get a luminous flux of 7200 Lm and energy consumption
of 200 W. To reduce energy consumption, the authors suggested replacing mercury lamps with
ultraviolet light emitting diodes (UVDs), for example, of the GNL-8003VC type, with a power of 600
mW and a luminous flux of 42 Lm. To ensure the indicated luminous flux and technological conditions,
the number of light emitting diodes is 180 pcs. From the point of view of uniform irradiation, LED
containers are grouped by 30 pieces and placed in the form of six matrices, the design of which is
presented in [9].
    From the ratio of powers Фр and luminous fluxes of radiation in a typical emitting part based on
mercury ultraviolet radiation source to LED, we determine the required amount of LED in the matrix:
                                            N=Фр/ФUVDs,                                            (2)
    Based on the calculations, to ensure the total required luminous flux of 7200 Lm, from 80 LEDs are
required, depending on their power and optical characteristics. From the point of view of uniform
irradiation of the container, it is necessary to use LED with a size of 5…8 mm, for this we calculate the
number of such LED taking into account their optical radiation power.
    For evaluation, we will take a GNL-8003VC type UV LED with a diameter of 8 mm, power 600
mW, luminous flux of 42 Lm and a radiation angle of 22 degrees [10]. About 180 LED are needed to
ensure technological conditions. Thus, the cost of electricity consumption is reduced from 200 W to
108 W.
    Thus, the use of an LED ultraviolet matrix reduces electricity consumption by 54%, the durability
of radiation sources will ensure stable operation 4 times longer. In addition, the LED matrix does not
contain mercury, as mercury sources of radiation and thus provides the necessary conditions for labor
protection and environmental protection.
        After decontamination in the UV zone, the container is fed to the output section 6 and the
conveyor belt is stopped. Therefore, at the exit of the conveyor belt, we receive a completely clean
container without fungi and bacteria for further sale in trade or economic needs.
4. Conclusions
   1. The use of modern electronic devices allows to reduce the consumption of electrical energy by
30-40% due to:
   a) reduction of direct electricity consumption;
   b) time optimization of the processing technological process;
   c) fast-acting mode of readiness for the operation of electronic devices after switching on and the
possibility of switching off, reducing the exposure of the processing cycle,
   2. Software management of the process of preparing subjects for re-examination the use and
application of modern electronic devices ensures complete automation of the technological cycle of
cleaning and disinfection and significantly reduces their processing time.

5. References
[1] Internet resource: https://www.agriculture-solution.com/storage-logistics/turnover-box/stackable-
[2] Internet resource: https://fg-gadz.com.ua/en/
[3] US patent "Installation of a washing tunnel (washing machine) with increased cleaning efficiency"
     US 2007/0056612 Cl 134/61; 134/70, September 15, 2007).
[4] Patent WO "Automatic washing tunnel for cleaning and disinfection of external and internal waste
     containers" No. 99/52655, B08B 9/08$ 9/36 dated 10/21/1999
[5] ER patent "Tunnel for washing and disinfection" No. 1070554 В1 IPK В08В 9/08; B08B 9/36
     dated 07.9.2003
[6] Internet resource: https://prom.ua/p71989341-led-svetodiod-matritsa.html LED
[7] Internet resource: https://www.tme.eu Arduino - microcontrollers for everyone.
[8] R 3.1.683-98 "Use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation for disinfection of air and surfaces in
[9] Yanenko O.P., Kuzʹ V.I., Chukhov V.V. Modelyuvannya oprominennya svitlodiodnoyi matrytsi u
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[10] Internet resurs: https//www//vseplus.com