=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3309/short8 |storemode=property |title=The Method of User Identification by Speech Signal |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3309/short8.pdf |volume=Vol-3309 |authors=Vyacheslav Nykytyuk,Vasil Dozorskyi,Oksana Dozorska,Andrii Karnaukhov,Liubomyr Matiichuk |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ittap/NykytyukDDKM22 }} ==The Method of User Identification by Speech Signal== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3309/short8.pdf
The Method of User Identification by Speech Signal
Vyacheslav Nykytyuka, Vasil Dozorskyia, Oksana Dozorskaa, Andrii Karnaukhova and
Liubomyr Matiichuka
    Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ruska str., 56, Ternopil, 46001, Ukraine

                 The paper proposes a method of four-parameter identification of users by speech signal,
                 which is based on a mathematical model of speech signals in the form of a piecewise
                 stationary random process. Based on the application of the proposed method, three individual
                 parameters of the speech signal are evaluated, such as the value of the main tone frequency,
                 the time durations of the segments of the speech signal that correspond to the vowel and
                 consonant sounds, their alternation in the speech signal - password. The value of the
                 threshold function is used as the fourth parameter. Such time durations are actually
                 determined on the basis of this function, and its value can be tied by a certain dependence to
                 the value of the main tone frequency and the duration of the recording of word - password.
                 This will practically make false identification of a third party impossible and increase the
                 reliability of the identification itself.

                 Keywords 1
                 Identification, speech signal, processing method, sliding window, piecewise stationary
                 random process

1. Introduction
   The paper considers the method of biometric identification of the user by speech signal. The task of
such identification is particularly relevant today in the field of IT technologies [1], in particular for
controlling the provision of access to information resources, databases or individual services only to
certain users.
   Traditional identification methods such as username and password, knowledge-based identification,
and SMS-based two-factor identification have disadvantages due to security vulnerabilities ranging
from account hijacking and phishing to social engineering. Accordingly, IT departments today are
researching and developing more reliable identification systems that reduce the likelihood of theft and
fraud [1, 2].
   Among the analyzed methods, biometric identification methods are considered the most reliable,
since the identifier itself is often an individual part of the user, which practically cannot be used
without his knowledge by third parties or forged. Biometric identification refers to security processes
that confirm a user's identity using unique biological signs such as retina, iris, voice, facial
characteristics, and fingerprints, etc. [3-7]. Biometric identification systems store this biometric data to
verify a user's identity when that user accesses their account. Because these data are unique to
individual users, biometric identification is generally more secure than traditional forms of multifactor
   A comparison of common biometric identification methods was also carried out, in particular on the
errors of false identification and the cost of the technical implementation of the method. Summary data
are shown in Table 1.

ITTAP’2022: 2nd International Workshop on Information Technologies: Theoretical and Applied Problems, November 22–24, 2022,
Ternopil, Ukraine
EMAIL:      slavikvv89@gmail.com (A. 1);        vasildozorskij1985@gmail.com (A. 2);      oksana4elka@gmail.com    (A. 3);
angryfallenangel@gmail.com (A. 4); mlpstat@gmail.com (A. 5)
ORCID: 0000-0003-1547-8042 (A. 1); 0000-0001-6744-3015 (A. 2); 0000-0001-7053-863X (A. 3); 0000-0003-3042-3066 (A. 4); 0000-
0001-6701-4683 (A. 5)
            © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
   Analyzing the data in Table 1, we can come to the conclusion that the method of identification
based on the characteristics and features of speech is optimal, as it does not require expensive
equipment and has a low value of false identification of a person [8, 9].

Table 1
Basic characteristics of common biometric identification methods
         The method of obtaining            Probability of false                      The cost of technical
          biometric parameters               identification, %                       implementation, USD
     Geometric structure of the hand               0,2…1                                   600-3000
               Fingerprints                        0,0001                                   60-600
    Peculiarities of the retina pattern             6…10                                      4000
            The iris of the eye                    0,0001                                  500-6000
               Face portrait                          -                                      55000
               Handwriting                         0,5…5                                        -
         Keyboard and computer                       3…9                                        -
        Speech characteristics and                 0,5…5                                       1-60

    However, with the development of computer programs of speech signals generation, common
speech identification algorithms become vulnerable, which requires the development of better, more
efficient and reliable speech identification algorithms based on the analysis of several different
parameters of speech signals. For this, it is necessary to carry out mathematical modeling of speech
signals, which consists in choosing a mathematical model of such signals that is adequate for the task
of biometric identification of the user and developing methods of their processing.

2. Choice of speech signals mathematical model
    The mathematical model of speech signals should take into account the nature of their formation
and open up new opportunities in the field of user identification by applying new methods of speech
signals processing and obtaining new informative features from them.
    It is known [10-13] that the speech signal is a complex non-stationary process, but it can be taken
as a stationary random process on short intervals equal from units to several tens of main tone periods.
Thus, in the research the class of piecewise stationary random processes [14-16] was used as the
speech signals mathematical model.
    Let the stationary random process ξ1(t) be realized on the interval [0,t1), the stationary random
process ξ2(t) on the next interval [t1,t2) and so on, on the interval [tn-1,tn) – the stationary random process
ξn(t). In general, such a process can be presented in the form  n t    1 (t ),  2 (t ),...,  n (t )  , where:
 n t  – random process – speech signal.
   For such a process, the concept of disorder is introduced, which characterizes the transitions between
areas where stationary random processes 1 (t ), 2 (t ),...,n (t ) are present [14-16]. At the same time, it is
possible to define such transitions [16], which will make it possible to segment the password into
sections corresponding to individual sounds.
   At the same time, taking into account the fact that speech sounds can be divided into vowels,
vocalized consonants and noisy consonants, it becomes possible to identify areas in the structure of
the speech signal that correspond to such sounds. The duration of these areas and their ratio in the
words used for identification can be used as additional informative signs to increase the reliability and
accuracy of user identification itself.
   On the basis of the selected mathematical model of the speech signal, it becomes possible to apply
the processing method, the essence of which is as follows. Actually, the speech signal processing
should be carried out on the short time intervals, which are equal to several units or tens of main tone
periods - within the limits of the sliding window [16]. By shifting the window in time according to the
jump-like change of the probability characteristics calculated within each window, it becomes
possible to detect transitions between individual sounds and select areas corresponding to individual
sounds. In this way, it is possible to identify users based on several individual parameters of the
speech signal.

3. The method of speech signals processing for the task of user identification

    A four-parameter identification method is proposed, which consists in carrying out such
identification based on four parameters of the speech signal, three of which are individual biometric
characteristics and, in combination, are not suitable for forgery. The actual identification process is
carried out in two stages. At the initial stage, in the process of registering a new user, his speech signal
is registered, which is a password spoken by a person, that will be used to identify the person at each
subsequent request. Both the word - password itself and individual biometric parameters of a person's
speech will be unique for identification. In particular, the areas of the speech signal that correspond to
vowels and vocalized consonant sounds and the evaluation of the value of main tone frequency are
selecting. For identification at the next stages, the values of this frequency and the duration of areas of
vowels and vocalized consonant sounds will be used, which are the biometric parameters of the user.
    When registering a new user with a certain service or database, he/she (the user) will need to
pronounce a sequence of vowel sounds into the microphone. This sounds will be used by the system
to determine the approximate value of the main tone frequency, which will be the first individual
biometric parameter of the user. Next, the user will need to come up with and say into the microphone
a certain test word - a password that will be known only to the user. Based on the pre-received value
of the main tone frequency, the system will process the record of this word and select the areas in it
where this frequency will be present. These areas will correspond to vowels and vocalized consonant
sounds. The value of the main tone frequency as well as the duration of the calculated time intervals
of such areas in the test word and their sequence for a separate word will be used in the next
identification of the user.
    To determine the main tone frequency, the method of formant analysis has proven itself well,
according to which the frequency of placement of the first maximum in the spectrum of the vowel
sound will correspond to the main tone frequency [13]. At the first stage, after recording the vowel
sound or sounds, the system will calculate the signal power spectral density distribution and
determine the main tone frequency. But, since the speech signal itself is a random process, the value
of this frequency will also change. However, as stated in [13], at short time intervals (less than 0.1 s)
the speech signal can be taken as a stationary random process. Thus, it is possible to select sections of
the speech signal with a duration of about 0.1 s, calculate the power spectral density distribution for
each section, determine the main tone frequency for each such spectrum, and calculate the average
value of this frequency. It is in this way that it is planned to determine the main tone frequency in the
proven method of speech identification.
    At the same time, such an analysis of the speech signal corresponds to the presentation of the latter
as a piecewise stationary random process, in particular, when analyzing not only individual vowel
sounds, but also sequences of different sounds in the spoken password, for which individual stationary
areas will correspond to individual sounds. The processing method itself is based on the application of
a sliding window, which is broadcast on the recorded speech signal. Within each window, the
presence of the main tone signs is assessed using formant analysis methods. In particular, within each
window, estimates of the power spectral density distribution are calculated and the presence of
maxima in the frequency range, which can take the value of the main tone frequency, is detected. This
range can roughly be from 85 to 450 Hz [12, 13]. The frequency of placement of the first maximum
will correspond to the main tone frequency.
    Now, knowing the approximate value of the main tone frequency, we can determine the range of
its change according to the rule of three sigma [14], according to which the main tone frequency can
vary from -3σ to +3σ, where σ is the root mean square deviation, which can be found from the set of
calculated values of the main tone frequency for samples from the speech signal.
    Further, the system analyzes the record of the password. Within each sliding window, the power
spectral density distribution is calculated and the presence of a maximum within the previously
calculated range of main tone frequency change is determined. By plotting the values of these maxima
on the time axis according to the position of each window, a curve can be obtained that will display,
for a given audio signal, the areas corresponding to the vowels and vocalized consonant sounds. At
the same time, it becomes possible to determine the durations of such areas.
    In Figure 1 shows the recording of the speech signal, which is a sequence of vowel sounds [a] (the
first 7 sounds) and vocalized consonant sounds [l] (the last 3 sounds).

Figure 1: Recording of the speech signal, which is a sequence of vowel sounds [a] (first 7 sounds) and
vocalized consonant sounds [l] (last 3 sounds)

   For each individual sound, power spectral density distributions were calculated and individual
values of the main tone frequency were determined. As an example, some of them are shown in
Figure 2.

Figure 2: Individual sounds and their power spectral density distributions
   Further, the main tone frequency was calculated for each sound within a sliding window with a
width of 0.1 s. Based on these values, the average value of the main tone frequency and the range of
change of this value were calculated. The average value of the main tone frequency was 206 Hz, and
the range of change according to the three-sigma rule was from 166 to 246 Hz.
   At the next stage, the analysis of time durations of the areas corresponding to vowel sounds was
carried out. For this, the recording of the sequence of vowel sounds [а] was used, shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Recording of the sequence of vowel sounds [a]

   Knowing the value of the main tone frequency and the range of its change, this signal was
processed by the proposed method in the following way. A sliding window with a width of 0.1 s was
formed. It was broadcast by signal. Within each sliding window, a power spectral density distribution
was calculated and the maximum in this spectrum was found in the range of changes of main tone
frequency. The value of this maximum was delayed on one time axis according to the placement of
the sliding window on the speech signal recording. The view of the resulting graph is shown in
Figure 4.

Figure 4: Graph of the presence of maxima in the power spectral density (PSD) distribution within
the corresponding sliding window

    Comparing the graphs in Figure 3 and Figure 4 we can come to the conclusion that with the help of
this processing method it is possible to determine the areas that correspond to vowel sounds by the
value of the main tone frequency . However, the fronts of such areas are tilted, so it is necessary to
develop a method for establishing the duration of such areas. For this, a threshold function was used,
which takes two values, namely: 0 – if the value of the signal in Figure 4 is less than or equal to a
certain threshold, and 1 – if the signal value is greater than the threshold. In this way, the graph in
Figure 4 will turn into a sequence of rectangular pulses, the width of which will correspond to the
duration of the corresponding speech sound.
    The threshold value can be selected from the relationship between the main tone frequency and,
for example, the duration of the password. Thus, this value will also be individual for each individual
    For analysis was used the speech signal shown in Figure 1. A graph of the presence of maxima in
the power spectral density distribution within the corresponding sliding window and a graph of the
threshold function was constructed for it. They are shown in Figure 5. The threshold value was chosen
a priori at the level of 0.1.
   From Figure 5, it is already possible to determine with sufficient accuracy the durations of areas
that correspond to vowels and vocalized consonants, as well as the sequence of these durations in the


Figure 5: Graph of the presence of maxima in the power spectral density distribution within the
corresponding sliding window (a) and graph of the threshold function (b)

   However, an important question is how difficult it will be to deceive this method when, for
example, the test word is spoken by another person. For this, the range of values of the main tone
frequency was changed. The corresponding graphs of the presence of maxima in the power spectral
density distribution within the corresponding sliding window and the threshold function in the case of
reducing this range to (120-194) Hz are shown in Figure 6.


Figure 6: Graphs of the presence of maxima in the power spectral density distribution within the
corresponding sliding window (a) and threshold function for the main tone frequency range (120-
194) Hz (b)

    From Figure 6 it can be seen that when the range of the main tone frequency does not correspond
to the actual range, the graphs of the presence of maxima in the power spectral density distribution
within the corresponding sliding window and the threshold function are significantly distorted, there
are gaps corresponding to the non-detection of sounds, a significant change in the duration of the
corresponding intervals of the threshold function or their loss .
   In Figure 7 shows the corresponding graphs of the presence of maxima in the power spectral
density distribution within the corresponding sliding window and the threshold function in the case of
an increase in the main tone frequency range to (220-294) Hz.


Figure 7: Graphs of the presence of maxima in the power spectral density distribution within the
corresponding sliding window (a) and the threshold function for the main tone frequency range
(220-294) Hz (b)

   Similarly, as in the previous case, the graphs are distorted, and the intervals of the threshold
function are significantly shortened and bifurcated. From the analysis of the graphs in Figure 5,
Figure 6 and Figure 7, it can be stated that the developed method is efficient, sensitive and makes it
possible to identify a person based on such individual biometric parameters of the speech as the main
tone frequency, the duration of vowels and consonants located in the password, as well as the
sequence of these durations in the password.
   Additionally, Figure 8 shows the recording of the word "s o f a", which includes two vowel sounds
[o] and [a], and two noised consonants [s] and [f]. At the top of this figure is shown the threshold

Figure 8: View of the threshold function (top) for the speech signal - the word "s o f a"

   As expected, the method is sensitive and makes it possible to distinguish areas of vowels and
vocalized consonant sounds and is not sensitive to noised sounds.
4. Conclusion

    The described method of user identification includes the evaluation of three parameters of the
speech signal, which are individual informative signs of the user, namely: the value of the main tone
frequency, the duration of the areas of the speech signal that correspond to vowels and vocalized
consonant sounds and their ratio in the password (individual for each person). The fourth parameter is
the value of the threshold function, which is set in a certain way during the registration of a new user,
and the calculated values of the durations of vowels and vocalized consonant sounds will depend on
its value. Algorithms for implementing the method at various stages of its implementation are simple
and can be integrated into various services and implemented in various software environments with
the ability to work in real time. The actual calculations used in the developed method are not
    However, in the future, the method can be improved by expanding the number of informative
signs, which are used to identify the user, in particular by using the parameters of the speech signal in
the time and spectral domain. However, this would require an additional signal centering and
normalization procedure and would be extra sensitive to external noises and interferences.

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