=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3310/paper11 |storemode=property |title=Towards Continual Learning in Interactive Digital Assistants for Process Automation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3310/paper11.pdf |volume=Vol-3310 |authors=Praveen Venkateswaran,Vinod Muthusamy,Yara Rizk,Vatche Isahagian |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ijcai/VenkateswaranMR22 }} ==Towards Continual Learning in Interactive Digital Assistants for Process Automation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3310/paper11.pdf
Towards Continual Learning in Interactive Digital
Assistants for Process Automation
(Short Paper)

Praveen Venkateswaran, Vinod Muthusamy, Yara Rizk and Vatche Isahagian
IBM Research AI, Cambridge, MA, USA

1. Introduction
Business process automation (BPA) has recently emerged as a multi-billion dollar industry,
revolutionizing how businesses manage their processes 1 . It develops solutions for automated
decision making, data management, and workflow optimization. Many of these solutions lever-
age digital assistants that can speak the language of business users to make these automations
more accessible to non-tech-savvy end-users [1, 2, 3]. In enterprise settings, conversational
assistants may be used by teams of people to automate role-based tasks (e.g., in HR, sales, or
accounting) and they may want to refine them over time to meet changing business needs.
   However, existing commercial offerings of digital assistants for process automation from
companies like IBM, Microsoft, and UIPath provide a fixed set of automation capabilities.
Expanding their functionality is often restricted to domain experts with programming skills.
Hence, most end-users are unable to customize or create new process automation capabilities
to suit their process management needs. This, in-turn, can result in user frustration and
decreased adoption of process automation tools. One possible approach to increase adoption is
to empower end-users to intuitively and naturally develop customized and improved automation
capabilities from existing automations within these digital assistants by teaching them. Unlike
the personal chatbots in [4], digital assistants in business automation settings may be more
role-driven. Hence, they would be used by multiple end-users who need to customize them
based on company processes, roles and team preferences.
   In this paper, we posit that the next generation of digital assistants within enterprise settings
will be iteratively taught in-situ through intuitive multi-modal interactions dependent on the
type of task and skill of the teacher(s). These assistants should be characterized by their ability
to continually learn, customizability by end-users with minimal coding expertise, evolution
with changing business processes, and generalizability to new process automation tasks by
understanding their context. We also discuss some of the challenges of realizing these assistants,
focusing on challenges in machine learning, process management, and interactive task learning.

PMAI@IJCAI22: International IJCAI Workshop on Process Management in the AI era, July 23, 2022, Vienna, Austria
                                    © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
         CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
               ISSN 1613-0073

           Traditional offline refinement                     Iterative in-situ refinement                 Iterative in-situ refinement
         (separate Use and Build phases)                     (Mode 1: resume after failure)               (Mode 2: restart after failure)
           Assistant v1                                           Assistant v1             Assistant v2                 Assistant v1

  User        Use                                     User           Use                      Use               User       Use
                                                                     Failure                                              Failure
               Failure     Failure                                 (triggered                                           (triggered
                                                                                         Resume task
              (logged)    (logged)                                by guardrail                                         by guardrail
                                                                    or user)                                             or user)

                               Build   Assistant v2                                                                                    Restart task
                                                                                                                        Assistant v2
                                Dev                                                                                              Use

Figure 1: An improved iterative in-situ approach for process automation by teaching digital assistants.

2. The Next Generation of Digital Assistants
The traditional development cycle, in Figure 1 (left), splits the use and build phases of digital
assistants for process automation. Run-time failures encountered by users are logged, and
used by expert developers to eventually build and deploy new versions of the assistants with
improved automation skills. This is a relatively longer process, which due to lack of developer
resources, can result in developers prioritizing the creation of some skills and resolution of
certain issues over others, leaving behind frustrated and disconnected users.
   We instead envision an iterative in-situ refinement of digital assistants, as in Figure 1 (right),
where users are empowered to address automation shortcomings by teaching the assistant new
capabilities. There are three aspects to this approach that differ from the traditional way that
assistants are built. First, failures while using a digital assistant interrupt the user’s task and the
system enters a teaching mode. These failures may occur due to developer or business-defined
guardrails that limit the execution bounds for the assistant, or because of the user explicitly
indicating they were dissatisfied with the assistant’s actions. For example, an assistant used to
book a trip may only know what to do for domestic trips, and a guardrail can be triggered when
a user tries to book an international trip. Second, the user is repairing a specific failure in the
context of the task they were in. Since teaching happens in the context of the failures, it enables
the user to quickly address the issue. We believe this is an easier way for non-developers to
teach and refine the assistant. Third, the same user interacting the assistant is responsible for
teaching the assistant how to handle the failure. This empowers users to evolve and customize
the assistant according to their needs.
   There can be two variants of the iterative in-situ refinement approach: Mode 1 where the
user resumes their task after repairing the failure; and Mode 2 where the user restarts their task
with the new version of the automation. The latter may be appropriate if there have been no
side effects so far, or if the automation can roll back or compensate the steps taken so far.
   This in-situ teaching mode needs to be intuitive to non-tech-savvy end-users by leveraging
various input modalities tailored to automation tasks and users’ teaching abilities. For some
tasks or users, it may be easier to “show” the assistant how to perform the task and thus requires
screen recording capabilities. Other tasks may be more easily taught through natural language
instructions. While [5] discuss multi-modality in the context of basic interactions, many of the
concepts can be adapted for our envisioned teaching mode. Furthermore, some users may be
more articulate than others in communicating their automation needs and hence, the assistant
must identify when more iterations with the user are required to fill information gaps.

3. Challenges
Realizing this next generation of digital assistants with multi-modal, iterative, in-situ teach-
ing requires addressing various research challenges and integrating multiple technological
advancements before successful deployment is possible.
Metacognition: An important pre-requisite for learning in digital assistants is their ability to
recognize and understand what they do, and do not know [6]. End-users may trigger multiple
automation skills, often in specific sequences, making it critical for assistants to identify gaps in
their capabilities. Without this, users may have to repeatedly teach the same skill, or assistants
may try to execute tasks that they are incapable of.
Natural language understanding: Understanding the underlying intentions of user inputs is
critical for assistants to execute the right skills or determine when to get more information and
learn. Analyzing inputs in isolation can result in misinterpretation since information may be
provided through different modalities, combined across multiple inputs, or be missing altogether.
Prior work [7] limits end-user vocabulary, which is not practical for process automation settings
where users have different backgrounds, business needs, and expertise. For instance, the
terminology to automate the same skill can differ between IT support and HR, and novice users
may not articulate their needs as clearly as experts. Improving existing language models (e.g.,
BERT) is required to realise learning-enabled automation assistants, including the ability to
interpret domain specific terminology and process model concepts, learn ontologies, interpret
task signatures and inter-dependencies, etc.
Interactive and informative experience: The teaching process can result in assistants
behaving differently from user expectations (e.g., learning incorrect skills or misinterpreting key
information), which can prove costly. Hence, it is important to provide informative responses
reflecting the assistant’s understanding at every stage of the teaching process. This includes
“failing gracefully” by defining mechanisms to provide interpretable error messages and seek
appropriate user feedback, when users’ expectations are violated. The vast space of multi-modal
responses makes generating the appropriate response a difficult problem.
Learning new skills: Automation skills vary in complexity, scope, and usage, challenging
assistants to learn new skills. Some may require incrementally updating to existing skills, or
learning a model through user-provided input/output examples, or even synthesising new code
from specifications, making it important to identify what and how to learn. Large teams of
users may teach overlapping skills, requiring assistants to disambiguate. Also, new skills must
be immediately available for use. Analyzing interaction logs to provide capabilities such as
auto-complete, and continually updating skills with changing business and user needs are
important capabilities that can make the assistant’s teaching model more intuitive.
Customization and generalization: Existing assistants often require users to provide individ-
ual inputs to execute each skill and its parameters, incurring significant overhead for repeated
executions of large workflows. The ability to teach customizations such as macros to execute
groups of skills with a single input, pre-filling process parameters, and modifying process
execution should be enabled in assistants using efficient representations (e.g., user profiles).
However, since skills will be used by multiple users with different business needs, assistants
should be able to generalize the taught instructions and extrapolate to similar tasks. This will
enable them to perform an ever-increasing number of tasks, require fewer instructions, and
learn continually from subsequent interactions. Furthermore, new skills may be taught to the
assistant by multiple users (with different “teaching” abilities) which requires identifying similar
instructions and generalizing from them. While previous work focused on generalization in
specific domains [8], expanding the scope is challenging to achieve and requires identifying
entities, their values and the tasks that they can be incorporated in.
Catastrophic forgetting: Teaching digital assistants new tasks runs the risk of conflicts
between new capabilities and old ones or even “forgetting” how to perform previously known
tasks. Existing literature [9] has studied this phenomenon in applications like transfer learning
where neural networks evolved their learnt weights to a point where they were no longer able
to perform previously learned tasks. In essence, the assistant would be replacing previous
knowledge with new knowledge as opposed to combining and augmenting their understanding
of the tasks. This would create a frustrating experience for end-users who may find themselves
re-teaching the system previously learned tasks. Hence, to create a digital assistant that can
truly learn from user interactions, we need to address this problem.

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