Computing Unsatisfiable Cores for LTLf Specifications⋆ (Discussion/Short Paper) Marco Roveri1,* , Claudio Di Ciccio2 , Chiara Di Francescomarino3 and Chiara Ghidini3 1 University of Trento, Via Sommarive 9, Trento, Italy 2 Sapienza University of Rome, Viale Regina Elena 295, 00161 Rome, Italy 3 FBK IRST, Via Sommarive 18, Trento, Italy 1. Introduction A growing body of literature evidences the adoption of linear-time temporal logic on finite traces (LTLf ) [2] to produce systems specifications [3]. Its widespread use spans across several application domains, including business process management (BPM) for declarative process modeling, run-time monitoring and verification, and AI planning. When it comes to verification techniques and tool support for LTLf , several studies approach the LTLf satisfiability problem via reduction to LTL [4] satisfiability on infinite traces [3], or via specific propositional satisfiability approaches [5, 6]. However, hardly any efforts have been devoted thus far to the identification of the formulas that lead to unsatisfiability in LTLf specifications, with the consequence that very little support has been offered for modelers and system designers to single out the causes of possible inconsistencies. In [1] we tackle the challenge of extracting unsatisfiable cores (UCs) from LTLf specifications. Investigating this problem is interesting both from practical and theoretical viewpoints. On the practical side, if unsatisfiability signals that a specification is defective, the identification of unsatisfiable cores provides the users with the opportunity to isolate the source of inconsistency and leads them to a consequent debugging. Notice that determining a reason for unsatisfiability without automated support may reveal unfeasible for a number of reasons that range from the sheer size of the formula to the lack of time and skills of the user [7]. On the theoretical side, we remark that dealing with the extraction of UCs in LTLf specifications is far from trivial. Indeed, there is neither a default pathway to move from the support provided for LTL to the one that has to be provided for LTLf nor a default algorithm upon which this transition could be based. Concerning the pathway, there are two clear alternatives to address this problem: the first one extends techniques for the extraction of UCs in LTL to the case of LTLf ; the second PMAI@IJCAI22: International IJCAI Workshop on Process Management in the AI era, July 23, 2022, Vienna, Austria ⋆ This short paper refers to an article by the same authors and with the same title, currently submitted to the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. A full version can be found in [1]. * Corresponding author. $ (M. Roveri); (C. Di Ciccio); (C. Di Francescomarino); (C. Ghidini)  0000-0001-9483-3940 (M. Roveri); 0000-0001-5570-0475 (C. Di Ciccio); 0000-0002-0264-9394 (C. Di Francescomarino); 0000-0003-1563-4965 (C. Ghidini) © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings ISSN 1613-0073 CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( one exploits algorithms that directly compute satisfiability in LTLf to provide support for the extraction of UCs. Concerning the specific algorithms from which to start, the two approaches present different scenarios. In the first pathway, it is easy to observe that several techniques for the extraction of UCs in LTL exist, and could be extended to the case of LTLf . Since recent works show that a single universal best algorithm does not exist and often the systems exhibit behaviors that complement each other [8, 6], choosing a single algorithm from which to start is less than obvious. In the second pathway, instead, the number of works on satisfiability in LTLf is still rather limited. We explore both the above pathways in [1]. For the LTL pathway, in particular, we consider algorithms belonging to two reference approaches: one based on model-checking, and the other one based on theorem proving. For the LTLf pathway, we consider a reference state-of-the-art specific reduction to propositional satisfiability. We believe that leveraging reference state-of-the- art approaches provides a rich starting point for the investigation of the problem and the provision of effective tools for the extraction of UCs in LTLf specifications. Our comparative evaluation shows a complementary behavior of the different algorithms. Our contribution consists of the following: 1. Four algorithms that allow for the computation of an unsatisfiable core through the adapta- tion of the main reference state-of-the-art approaches for LTL and LTLf satisfiability checking. For the LTL pathway, we consider two satisfiability checking algorithms: one based on Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) [9], and the other based on propositional satisfiability [10] alongside a theorem proving algorithm based on temporal resolution [11]. For the native LTLf pathway, we consider the reference work in [6] based on explicit search and propositional satisfiability. Notice that the techniques based on propositional satisfiability (that is, based on [10] and [6]) aim at ex- tracting a UC, which may not necessarily be the minimum one. The BDD and temporal-resolution based algorithms already allow for the extraction of a minimum unsatisfiable core. 2. An implementation of the proposed four algorithms. Three implementations extend existing tools for the corresponding original algorithms; the implementation of the algorithm based on temporal resolution, instead, resorts to a pre-processing of the formula to reduce the input to the language restrictions of the original tool. 3. An experimental evaluation on a large set of reference benchmarks taken from [6], restricted to the unsatisfiable ones. The results show an overall better time efficiency of the algorithm based on the native LTLf pathway [6]. However, the cardinality of the UC extracted by the fastest approach is the smallest one in only about half of the cases. The experimental findings exhibit a complementarity of the proposed approaches on different specifications: depending on the varying number of propositional variables, number of conjuncts and degree of nesting of the temporal operators in the benchmarks, it is not rare that some of the implemented techniques achieve a noticeable performance when the other ones terminate with no results and vice-versa. Since popular usages of LTLf leverage past temporal operators (see e.g., the D ECLARE language [12]), we also provide a way to handle LTLf with past temporal operators. This results in the same expressive power as that of pure future version, though allowing for exponentially more succinct specifications [13] and more natural encodings of LTLf based modeling languages that make use of these operators. This objective is pursued by leveraging algorithms already supporting LTL with past temporal operators, or through a reduction to LTLf with only future temporal operators to use existing approaches for LTLf satisfiability checking. 102 102 101 101 100 100 CPU time (s) CPU time (s) 10−1 10−1 10−2 Virtual best 10−2 Virtual best AALTAF AALTAF NuSMV-S NuSMV-S 10−3 10−3 TRP++ TRP++ NuSMV-B NuSMV-B 10−4 10−4 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 # solved instances # solved instances (a) (b) Figure 1: Cactus plots for the experimental evaluation. 2. Experimental Evaluation The reader can refer to [1] for the complete description of the proposed algorithms and their experimental evaluation. Here we report a sketch of the main findings. Implementation of the Algorithms. We implemented the algorithms based on BDD [9] and propositional satisfiability [10] as extensions of the N U SMV model checker [14] exploiting the built-in support for past temporal operators. In particular, we enhanced (i) the BDD-based algorithm for LTL language emptiness [9] and (ii) the SAT-based approaches [10]. We shall henceforth refer to these tools as N U SMV-B and N U SMV-S, respectively.1 We implemented the algorithm based on native LTLf through propositional SAT within an extended version of the AALTAF tool [6], with a novel dedicated extension to support past temporal operators.2 We implemented the algorithm based on temporal resolution [11] satisfiability as a toolchain. First, it calls our variant of AALTAF to generate a file that is suitable for the TRP ++ temporal resolution solver [11] using the dedicated extension to support past temporal operators. Then, the resulting file is submitted to TRP ++, and finally the generated UC is post-processed to extract the auxiliary variables.3 The results. As expected, all the tools reported consistent output when terminating without reaching a resource limit (being it memory, time or search-space depth). In other words, for all the considered benchmarks it was never the case that an algorithm declared the specification as satisfiable. This outcome is in line with the original findings in [6]. However, we remark that individual algorithms could extract different unsatisfiable cores among the diverse possible ones. Concerning the computation time, Fig. 1(a) shows the number of problems solved by each algorithm within the 10 min timeout on the abscissae and the cumulative time taken to solve them on the ordinates. Alongside the aforementioned tools, the figure illustrates the performance of the virtual best, that is the minimum time required for each solved instance among the four implementations. Figure 1(b) is similar to Fig. 1(a), although it excludes the timings for the N U SMV-S runs that reached 𝑘 = 50 albeit being unable to prove unsatisfiability (unknown answer) and thus construct an unsatisfiable core. In this figure, then, the virtual best considers only 1 The extended version of N U SMV with these implementations is available at 2 The source code for our extended version of AALTAF is available at 3 For the experiments, we used the latest version of TRP ++ taken from the cases where the tool computed an unsatisfiable core. Both plots show that AALTAF outperforms the other tools in the majority of cases, although the tail of the virtual-best curve on the right- hand side of both plots exhibits an influence from TRP ++ and N U SMV-B, thus witnessing complementarity of the proposed approaches. A thorough investigation of the comparative assessment is reported in [1]. The overall minimum, maximum, average, and median best timings to return an UC are 0.0004 s, 198.5054 s, 1.4931 s and 0.0282 s, respectively. The material to reproduce the experi- ments is available at Acknowledgments. The work of M. Roveri and C. Di Ciccio was partially funded by the Italian MUR programme PRIN 2020, under grant agreements E63C22000400001 (RIPER) and B87G22000450001 (PINPOINT). The work of C. Di Ciccio was also partially funded by the MUR under grant “Dipartimenti di eccellenza 2018-2022” of the Dept. of Computer Science at Sapienza and by the Sapienza research projects SPECTRA and DRONES. References [1] M. Roveri, C. 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