=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3312/paper17 |storemode=property |title=Towards Understandability Evaluation of Business Process Models using Activity Textual Analysis |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3312/paper17.pdf |volume=Vol-3312 |authors=Andrii Kopp,Dmytro Orlovskyi,Sergey Orekhov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/momlet/KoppOO22 }} ==Towards Understandability Evaluation of Business Process Models using Activity Textual Analysis== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3312/paper17.pdf
Towards Understandability Evaluation of Business Process
Models using Activity Textual Analysis
Andrii Kopp, Dmytro Orlovskyi and Sergey Orekhov
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyrpychova str. 2, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine

                There are two purposes of business process modeling. Business process models are created
                by business analysts for understanding, analysis, and improvement of process scenarios,
                search, and elimination of weak spots and bottlenecks in organizational activities. Another
                purpose of business process models is the requirements engineering in software development
                projects. In both cases, the quality of created business process models is the core issue. Poor
                models are similar to text documents written with mistakes – they are not understandable,
                which may negatively impact the real processes they represent and the software workflows
                they describe. However, existing studies in the field of business process model quality mostly
                focus on the structural analysis of models using size, complexity, and other metrics with
                thresholds, while the textual analysis of activity labels is omitted. Therefore, in this paper, we
                propose an approach to the analysis of business process model understandability taking into
                account best practices of activity labeling. The proposed approach includes the use of natural
                language processing techniques, so the respective software tool was developed to perform
                experiments with a set of business process models. According to obtained results, we suggest
                considering both textual and structural qualities to achieve the understandability of business
                process models due to the bad correlation between these metrics (0.0171) – well-structured
                models can have unclear activity labels and vice versa.

                Keywords 1
                Business Process Model, Model Quality, Model Understandability, Textual Analysis.

1. Introduction: Related Work and Problem Statement
    Business processes are organized sequences of activities that take different kinds of input and
produce value for customers, e.g. goods or services. Nowadays Business Process Management (BPM)
is the widely used management approach. This approach is based on the business process modeling
technique – a visual representation of organizational activities, events, and decisions using graphical
diagrams. Business process models are the most valuable assets of the BPM lifecycle. They help to
design, analyze, improve, and automate organizational workflows [1]. Business process modeling
helps stakeholders to understand, capture (i.e. document using graphical models), analyze, and
improve the enterprise workflows. The analysis stage includes performance measurement and errors
detection activities, which help to improve captured business processes [2].

1.1.     Related Work
   According to the analysis of the latest survey, there are various business process modeling
notations used to document business operations in companies that practice the BPM approach [3]:
       64% of respondents use BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation);

MoMLeT+DS 2022: 4th International Workshop on Modern Machine Learning Technologies and Data Science, November, 25-26, 2022,
Leiden-Lviv, The Netherlands-Ukraine
EMAIL: kopp93@gmail.com (A. Kopp); orlovskyi.dm@gmail.com (D. Orlovskyi); sergey.v.orekhov@gmail.com (S. Orekhov)
ORCID: 0000-0002-3189-5623 (A. Kopp); 0000-0002-8261-2988 (D. Orlovskyi); 0000-0002-5040-5861 (S. Orekhov)
           ©️ 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
           Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
           CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
       18% of survey participants use EPC (Event-driven Process Chain);
       4% of organizations use IDEF-based notations, e.g. IDEF0 and DFD (Data Flow Diagram).
   Other survey participants use less popular business process modeling notations, however, the
BPMN notation is a leader and currently the de-facto standard for business process modeling [3].
   According to [4], BPMN models describe workflows as sequences of tasks and events connected
using control flows (Fig. 1). Moreover, business processes described using the BPMN notation
contain start events and end events to signalize their beginning and finishing (Fig. 1). Hence, the
simplest BPMN business process consists of events and activities [4]:
       things that happen in an instant are represented by events;
       activities are work units that have a set duration.
   Also, events and activities are logically related in a business process workflow using sequences. A
sequence means that one event or activity is followed by another event or activity [4]. Fig. 1 shows
the most basic business process structure, described using BPMN graphical notation, that consists of
events (start and end) and activities connected using sequences (also referred to as arcs).

Figure 1: The most basic business process structure described using BPMN graphical notation [4]

   According to Fig. 1, when describing a business process using BPMN graphical notation, the
modeler should answer the following questions:
        “when a new instance of the business process starts?” – for the start event;
        “when the instance completes?” – for the end event;
        “what to do on the particular process step?” – for activities.
   Thus, if events are usually named as combinations of nouns followed by verbs in past participle
form (i.e. “order received”, “order fulfilled”), which is quite intuitive, empirical studies have shown
that real-world business process models created by many practitioners do not always follow naming
conventions for activities [5]. The verb-object labeling style (i.e. a verb in infinitive form followed by
the noun: “submit order”, “confirm order”, etc.) is recommended for activity labels [5]. This rule is
even included in the Seven Process Modeling Guidelines (7PMG) by Mendling et al. [6].
   Fig. 1 demonstrates all the essential elements of BPMN graphical notation [7].

Figure 2: The essential elements of BPMN graphical notation [7]
    Advanced business process models created using BPMN graphical notation may contain particular
elements to demonstrate the branching and merging workflow scenarios, business process boundaries,
and participants. Gateways (Fig. 2) are particular elements that define parallel (AND), inclusive (OR),
or exclusive (XOR) branching within workflow scenarios. Pools describe the boundaries of business
processes, while lanes define different roles of business process participants [7].
    According to [8], there are various metrics and thresholds exist to evaluate BPMN models:
        size (i.e. the number of tasks, events, gateways, and control flows).
        gateway mismatch (the sum of gateway pairs of different types).
        connectivity coefficient (the number of arcs divided by the number of nodes).
        control flow complexity (the sum of gateways weighted by their possible combinations of
    states after the split).
    Other studies are also focused mostly on size metrics for the evaluation of business process model
efficiency from understandability and maintainability views:
        authors of [9] have analyzed a large collection of BPMN models created by practitioners and
    found that improper usage of splits and joins, message flows, decomposition, and labeling lead to
    the poor quality of business process models;
        in [10] authors propose control-flow complexity metrics and corresponding threshold values
    they have obtained using data mining techniques to help designers evaluate the quality of business
    process models;
        authors of [11] formulate the importance of having high-quality business process models as
    inputs for requirements engineering since the quality of BPMN models influences the software
    quality; however, this study proposes quality checklists for model reviewers instead of metric and
    formal approaches to verify the business process model quality.
    We have discovered within the context of BPMN and quality assurance two more interesting
studies [12] and [13] that consider the quality of the business process itself and do not analyze the
quality of a business process model reflecting a particular process.

1.2.    Problem Statement
   Thus, poorly designed business process models are hard for understanding and maintenance, and
they cannot be efficiently used to document business operations, measure business performance, or
find workflow errors that may reduce organizational performance. However, existing studies mostly
focus on structural analysis of BPMN model flow using the size and control-flow metrics, and
thresholds, while relatively smaller attention is paid to the textual analysis of activity labels used in
business process models.
   Hence, in this study, we propose to pay more attention to labeling styles used for business process
model activities (i.e. tasks and collapsed sub-processes) when analyzing the understandability of
BPMN models. The soundness of the business process model structure is extremely important for the
proper understanding of process scenarios, decisions, occurring events, and other important workflow
elements by readers. However, improper naming of activities may mislead the essential understanding
of which particular tasks should be completed on each step of the business process scenario or which
exactly sub-processes should be initialized. This misunderstanding caused by invalid activity labels
can negatively impact business processes and software guided by business process models with these
poorly-described activities.
   Let us formally describe a business process model as a coherent directed labeled graph [14]:
                                    BPGraph  N , F , L,  ,                                     (1)
      N is the set of business process elements, which includes subsets of activities A , events E ,
  and gateways G ;
      A is the set of activities;
      E is the set of events, which includes subsets of start events E s , intermediate events E i , and
  end events E e ;
        G is the set of gateways, which includes subsets of XOR gateways G xor , AND gateways
   G and , and OR gateways G or ;
        F is the set of sequence flows between business process elements, F  N  N ;
        L is the set of labels defined for business process elements and sequence flows;
         is the mapping that assigns labels to business process elements and sequence flows,
    : N F  L.
   Thus, the formal statement of a high-quality business process modeling to achieve understandable
diagrams may be given as the following:
                                                     
                                    QStructural BPGraph  max,                               (2)
                                                 
                                  QTextual BPGraph  max,
      QStructural is the mapping that assigns respective structural quality values to business process
  models, QStructural : BPGraph  0,1 ;
      QTextual is the mapping that assigns respective textual quality values to business process
   models, QTextual : BPGraph  0,1 .
    Equation (2) formally describes the problem of business process modeling, according to which
created BPMN diagram should be of maximum structural and textual quality [5].
    The demonstrated graph (1) can be built automatically, as the result of a BPMN file processing,
which is the XML (eXtensible Markup Language) document created according to the specific schema
of the BPMN 2.0 format [15].
    Hence, we suggest the following workflow of the approach to understandability evaluation of
BPMN 2.0 business process descriptions (Fig. 3).

Figure 3: The BPMN 2.0 business process models understandability evaluation workflow

   The proposed approach (Fig. 3) may not only allow evaluation of the understandability of BPMN
models based on the textual analysis of business process activities but also answer the following
question – “does the structural quality of business process models affects their textual quality?”. This
may help to formulate recommendations for business process modelers to pay attention not only to the
structural soundness of created diagrams but also to the textual quality of described business process
steps to achieve better understandability of models and make sure they serve their purpose.
    Therefore, in this study, we need an approach to the textual analysis of business process model
activity labels to elaborate the techniques of understandability evaluation of BPMN diagrams. We
assume that our approach may include the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and
work with collections of BPMN 2.0 files, so the particular software tool should be developed to
perform experiments with a set of business process models. In general, this study considers the
process of business process modeling using BPMN graphical notation and aims at the improvement of
created models’ quality to assure their understandability by stakeholders for organizational activity
analysis and software engineering.
    The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the textual analysis approach for
the evaluation of business process model understandability. Section 3 proposes the structural analysis
of business process models based on metrics and thresholds. Section 4 includes experiments, analysis,
and discussion of the obtained results.

2. Textual Analysis of Business Process Model Activity Labels
2.1. Activity Labels Extraction from BPMN Models
    Before the proposed approach outline, let us demonstrate the sample BPMN 2.0 business process
model and its file representation (Fig. 4). According to the example below (Fig. 4), the “process” tag
includes all core business process items such as events (i.e. “startEvent” and “endEvent”), activities
(i.e. “task”), and sequence flows (i.e. “sequenceFlow”) [16]. Thus, it is quite easy to read such an
XML document and represent it formally using the coherent directed labeled graph (1).

Figure 4: Example of BPMN 2.0 model translation into the graph (1)
   Described graph (Fig. 4) consists of the following sets of business process items:
                          
       start events E s  e1s ;
         end events E  e ;

       activities A  a1 , a2 ;
       sequence flows F   f1 , f 2 , f 3 .
   In addition, the mapping  assigns labels to business process elements and sequence flows, which
can be extracted using the “name” attribute of respective tags (Fig. 4):
             
         e1s " Order received" – using the “name” attribute of the “startEvent” tag;
        a1  " Confirm order" – using the “name” attribute of the first “task” tag;
        a1  "Send goods" – using the “name” attribute of the second “task” tag;
             
            e1e " Order fulfilled" – using the “name” attribute of the “endEvent” tag.
   Therefore, it is possible to obtain the set of activity labels Lactivity  L :
                                                                                
                                               Lactivity  l iactivity , i  1, A ,                              (3)

where l iactivity is the label assigned to the i -th activity ai  A , i  1, A .

2.2.      Activity Labels Analysis Method based on Natural Language Processing
   Let us describe the proposed method of textual analysis of business process model activity labels
extracted from BPMN 2.0 documents (3).
   1. Tokenize each activity label l iactivity  Lactivity , i  1, A to get bags of words that correspond to
   each of the business process activities.
                                    : Lactivity  W activity ,                                        (4)
        is the mapping that assigns a bag of words wiactivity W activity to each activity label
    l iactivity  Lactivity , i  1, A ;
         W activity is the collection of bags of words wiactivity W activity formulated for each activity label
   l iactivity  Lactivity , i  1, A .
   2. For each word of tokenized activity labels (4) define one or several parts of speech to which it
                                         : wactivity  PoS ,
       is the mapping that assigns one or several parts of speech PoSi  PoS to each word that
   belongs to the bag of words wiactivity W activity created for each activity label l iactivity  Lactivity ,
    i  1, A ;
           PoS is the set or all parts of speech that can be assigned to each of words in tokenized
   activity labels, PoS  Noun,Verb, Adjective, Adverb.
   3. For each activity label check its length (i.e. the number of words it contains) and if the label
   consists of at least two words, check if the first and second words are verbs and nouns
   correspondingly (5):
                                                                                     
                                                              0, wiactivity   l iactivity  2,

                                                            
                                                                                                   
         l iactivity  Lactivity : q iactivity l iactivity  1, Verb   wiactivity 0  Noun   wiactivity 1 ,
     i 1, A
                                                              0, else,
where q iactivity is the mathematical logic predicate that returns 1 for activity labels that match the verb-
object labeling style and 0 for activity labels that do not match the verb-object labeling style,
qiactivity  0,1 .
    4. Calculate the textual quality as the ratio between the number of activities, which labels match
    the verb-object labeling style (6), and the total number of business process activities:
                                                                    
                                           
                              QTextual BPGraph 
                                                 A i 1
                                                        qiactivity l iactivity .

    Fig. 5 demonstrates the algorithm of the proposed activity labels analysis method.

Figure 5: The algorithm of activity labels analysis method

   Activity labels tokenization and part of speech assignment to extracted words can be achieved
using particular NLP software components, which will be used for experiments in Section 4.

3. Structural Analysis of Business Process Models based on Metrics and
   Let us also describe the method for structural analysis of business process models to then answer
the question of how the structural quality of business process models affects their textual quality.
   1. Calculate values of the basic structural metrics proposed in [5] and [6] to manage the business
   process model’s structural quality:
                              M                          
                                        N , E s , E e , G or ,
                                        Structural                                            (8)
      N is the number of nodes;
        E s is the number of start events;

        E e is the number of end events;

        G or is the number of OR gateways.
    2. Therefore, using business process modeling guidelines defined in [5] and [6], the following
    threshold values can be defined for the respective structural metrics (8):
                                       TStructural  31,2,2,0.                                 (9)
    Given threshold values (9) reflect the business process modeling guidelines suggested by authors
of [5] and [6], which say:
        do not use more than 31 nodes;
        do not use more than 2 start and end events;
        do not use OR gateways.
    These threshold values (9) were also confirmed in the latest paper by Mendling et al. [17].
    3. Then, using values of the basic structural metrics (8) and corresponding threshold values (9),
    calculate the structural quality as the average of inverse sigmoid function results:
                                                               M Structural                     (10)
                         QStructural BPGraph        1
                                                  M Structural
                                                                        v m j ,t j ,
                                                                   j 1

      m j is the value of j -th structural metric (8);
       t j is the threshold value for j -th structural metric (9);
               
        v m j , t j is the function that returns values in the range 0,1 :
                                           1, m j  t j ,                                  (11)
                                          
                              v m j ,t j        1
                                                 m j t j 1 , m j  t j .
                                           1  e
                               
   In (11) obtained v m j , t j  1 values signalize that the value of j -th structural metric m j
completely corresponds to the respective threshold value t j while smaller values v m j , t j  1
signalize violations of thresholds (9) by the metric values (8).

4. Results and Discussion
   Let us use the collection of BPMN diagrams created during business process modeling training
sessions by Camunda company. This collection of BPMN 2.0 diagrams includes four subsets that
describe four business processes: goods dispatch, insurance recourse, credit-scoring, and self-service
restaurant flows. It is freely available in Camunda’s GitHub repository for research purposes [18].
   In general, this dataset includes 197 models in English:
       67 models are alternative versions that describe the goods dispatch business process;
       47 models are alternative versions that describe the insurance recourse business process;
       34 models are alternative versions that describe credit-scoring business processes;
       49 models are alternative versions that describe self-service restaurant business processes.
   Hence, to perform experiments with such a collection of BPMN 2.0 files, the software tool was
created. It was built using the Python programming language, which has a great tool NLTK (Natural
Language Toolkit) for working with computational linguistics [19].
   Fig. 6 below demonstrates the workflow and dependencies of the developed software tool, which
will be used to perform experiments in this study.

Figure 6: The software tool created to conduct experiments

  According to Fig. 6, the developed software tool uses the following external packages:
      the “os” and “xml” packages for working with the file system and processing BPMN 2.0
  models that are stored as XML files;
      the “nltk” package for tokenization of activity labels (the “word_tokenize” utility) and words
  tagging (the “wordnet” lexical database);
      the “math” package for calculations, e.g. exponentiation;
      the “pandas” package for the correlation analysis to study the relationship between business
  process models’ textual and structural quality.
  Table 1 below shows correlation analysis results obtained using the Pandas package that allows the
computation of the Pearson standard correlation coefficient [20].

Table 1
The correlation analysis results
             Metrics                        Textual quality                   Structural quality
         Textual quality                        1.0000                             0.0171
        Structural quality                      0.0171                             1.0000

    Calculated correlation analysis results (Table 1) demonstrate bad correlation (0.0171) which means
there is no relationship between textual (7) and structural (10) quality coefficients calculated for each
of the experimental BPMN business process models [18].
    All of these business process models were designed by different persons that were using textual
descriptions of business processes they are supposed to create as part of BPMN training sessions.
Thus, we may conclude that textual and structural quality dimensions of business process modeling
using BPMN graphical notation are not connected. For example, among the obtained calculation
results we can discover perfect BPMN models from the textual quality point of view, but poor BPMN
models from the structural quality point of view and vice versa.
   Table 2 demonstrate such cases:
        the business process model of high textual quality (1.00) has structural issues (0.88) – the OR
   gateway is used (Fig. 7);

Figure 7: The model of high textual quality but with structural issues

       the business process model of high structural quality (1.00) has poor textual quality (0.43) – 4
   of 7 activities has labelling style that does not match the recommended verb-object style.

Figure 8: The model of high structural quality but poor textual quality

Table 2
Examples of business process models with opposite textual and structural quality indexes
                 Business process model                      Textual quality       Structural quality
Warenversand_035d8eef52bc4e36aac840bdd2feff21.bpmn                 1.00                  0.88
 Exercise_1_21a36e3570ab48d59098702f4f8ad279.bpmn                  0.42                  1.00

   Indeed, the model can be perfectly structured but have uninformative activity labels (see 2nd row in
Table 2), while there could be desired labeling style used (e.g. verb-object style as the recommended
best practice) but the process scenario can be poorly structured so there will be barely understandable
in which way activities and events follow each other (see 1st row in Table 2).
5. Conclusion and Future Work
    In this paper, we addressed the problem of the understandability evaluation of business process
models using the textual analysis of activity labels. We focused on the BPMN diagramming notation
since it is the de-facto standard for business process modeling nowadays, which allows the creation of
not only visual models but also machine-readable XML-alike files for interexchange between BPM
suites and workflow automation. As it was discovered in the related work in the domain of business
process model quality analysis, the structural-based approaches that use metrics and thresholds are
much more elaborated than approaches based on textual analysis of BPMN activity labels. We
identified this situation as a serious limitation – a business process model can have a perfect structure
but can have poorly labeled activities making such a model hard to understand by involved
stakeholders. Poor models that are not understandable can lead to errors in organizational
improvement and software development projects, cause extra resource allocation to fix arising errors,
and, therefore, more costs.
    Therefore, in this paper, we proposed an approach to the analysis of business process models’
understandability taking into account best practices of activity labeling. The proposed approach and
the software tool created for experimental processing of the sample BPMN 2.0 files collection are
based on particular NLP techniques such as tokenization and part of speech tagging.
    Obtained results confirm that the structural quality of a business process model does not mean its
understandability since there is a bad correlation between these metrics (0.0171). Provided examples
(Fig. 7 and 8, Table 2) show how the models of high textual quality (1.00) can be of moderate
structural quality (0.88) and vice versa – how the models of poor textual quality (0.42) can be of high
structural quality (1.00). Therefore, understandable business process models, which are valuable for
the stakeholders, should demonstrate high textual and structural quality.
    Thus, we can recommend business process modelers pay for the textual quality and proper activity
labeling as much attention as they pay to the structural quality of business process scenarios. Having a
business process model both structurally and textually sound will make it serve its initial purpose to
communicate knowledge about ongoing or planned business processes.
    Future work in this field may include the use of advanced NLP and machine learning methods and
techniques to allow the automatic correction of poorly named activity labels to ensure the
understandability of business process models. Also, more advanced metrics of structural analysis can
be applied to continue the study of the relationship between the textual and structural quality of
business process models.

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