=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3312/paper24 |storemode=property |title=Experimental and Exploratory Analysis of Programming Languages Popularity According to the PYPL Index |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3312/paper24.pdf |volume=Vol-3312 |authors=Oleksandr Mediakov,Bohdan Korostynskyi,Victoria Vysotska,Oksana Markiv,Sofia Chyrun |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/momlet/MediakovKVMC22 }} ==Experimental and Exploratory Analysis of Programming Languages Popularity According to the PYPL Index== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3312/paper24.pdf
Experimental and Exploratory Analysis of Programming
Languages Popularity According to the PYPL Index
Oleksandr Mediakov 1, Bohdan Korostynskyi 1, Victoria Vysotska 1,2, Oksana Markiv 1 and
Sofia Chyrun 1
    Lviv Polytechnic National University, S. Bandera Street, 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
    Osnabrück University, Friedrich-Janssen-Str. 1, Osnabrück, 49076, Germany

                 This article dwells upon procedure for primary and exploratory analysis of data concerning
                 programming languages popularity according to the PYPL index. Classical, but flexible
                 methods of cluster and correlation analysis, and mathematical statistics have been used in data
                 analysis. Examples of various researches in the field of popularity and development of
                 programming languages have been provided, and based on open questions in this area, set of
                 graphic results has been constructed by data analysis, which logically has resulted in
                 conclusions regarding the selection of models and methods for further data forecasting. Integral
                 part of the report information content consists of executable code examples in the R
                 programming language, which can be used to conduct similar studies.

                 Keywords 1
                 Cluster analysis, correlation analysis, programming languages, PYPL index, data forecasting,
                 data analysis, mathematical statistics

1. Introduction
    Achievements and development of modern technologies are the result of long-term people
intellectual activity with aim of solving any problems that cause discomfort or impose restrictions on
the desires, interests or the process of society and/or an individual flourishing. Computer systems
capable of performing a huge number of arithmetic, logical and derivative operations in very short
periods are vivid examples of this development achievements.
    Logically, in order to use the capabilities of these systems, it is necessary to have a tool for managing
them, which is programming language. The spread, diversity, and popularity of information
technologies have led to the existence of a wide class of people who use programming languages.
Because of this, the question of specific programming languages popularity in different periods is
widely discussed in the media and among the community of IT representatives.
    However, the question of popularity can be considered from different angles, the most logical of
which is the statistical one. Primary statistical analysis of data on the popularity of various "living"
languages will allow to see patterns and trends among developers in general. Also, mathematical
processing of data will allow to build relative indicators of growth or decline in the popularity of
    To achieve correct results, it is necessary to define clearly the tasks that will be considered in the
work. Using the usual mathematical approach, it can be argued that it is necessary to conduct data
analysis with: construction of statistics of various programming languages and in general for all,

MoMLeT+DS 2022: 4th International Workshop on Modern Machine Learning Technologies and Data Science, November, 25-26, 2022,
Leiden-Lviv, The Netherlands-Ukraine
EMAIL: Oleksandr.Mediakov.sa.2019@lpnu.ua (O. Mediakov); bohdan.korostynskyi.sa.2019@lpnu.ua (B. Korostynskyi);
victoria.a.vysotska@lpnu.ua (V. Vysotska); oksana.o.markiv@lpnu.ua (O. Markiv)
ORCID: 0000-0002-2580-3155 (O. Mediakov); 0000-0002-0545-6264 (B. Korostynskyi); 0000-0001-6417-3689 (V. Vysotska); 0000-0002-
1691-1357 (O. Markiv); 0000-0002-2829-0164 (S. Chyrun)
              ©️ 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
              Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
              CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
research of regularities in the distribution of time data, detection of the presence or absence of linear
relationships between the popularity of various programming languages, and also to distinguish groups
programming languages depending on the dynamics of changes in their popularity [1-3]. For a high-
quality presentation of the results or the correct choice of the method, it is necessary to visualize the
intermediate and final results.

2. Related works
    Since the topic of programming and programming languages is broad, popular and interesting for
society, analysis of the chosen topic is carried out in various forms - scientific articles and studies,
journalistic articles, own investigations of corporations, communities, etc. Question of language
popularity is raised to trace trends in language paradigms, settings, even syntax.
    First of all, it is necessary to mention the availability of ratings that publicize current state of the
"market" of programming languages. For example, one of the most famous indices as ratings, TIOBE
programming community index [3]. This rating is made exclusively for programming languages
(Turing complete), based on the number of mentions in various search engines. It is obvious that this
approach has significant drawbacks, because it takes into account unpopular articles and literature.
Thus, this rating counts only the "noise" of the programming language in the network [1-5].
    In contrast to this rating, more qualitative one has emerged - PYPL Popularity of Programming
Language. This rating is formed by analyzing the number of searches for programming language
courses in Google [2]. Data from this rating has more respect and authority among users. It is from this
rating that the data that will be analyzed in the following parts of the work was formed.
    It is logical that such platforms as GitHub or StackOverflow can keep certain statistics on
programming languages.
    Based on data from GitHub, the company creates an annual Github report, where it displays data on
the number of repositories, pull requests, etc., by programming language. With the help of this
information, it is possible to see a real picture of live projects and the technologies they use.
    In turn, several important ratings are formed from the data of StackOverflow, among them:
popularity of programming languages, most favorite programming languages by developers, most
willing languages. Based on these ratings, media representatives, specialists and users of programming
languages create articles and blogs. For example, a rather popular magazine in IT – Medium published
a general collection of analysis of ratings of programming languages [1]. This work reveals a lot of
interesting information about the use and development of trends among developers and IT specialists,
their professional preparation, formation of requirements for job vacancies or participation in project
teams, recruiting and formation of requirements for IT projects [6-27]. However, many popular articles
and works describe general aspects, so it is possible to highlight the place of this work among others –
the work will offer a qualitative statistical analysis of the temporal evolution the popularity of
programming languages for data forecasting based on machine learning [28-72], which will allow
assessing the growth and decline of each language separately in a relative and absolute projection.

3. Methods

   For the correct solution of the given problems, it is necessary correctly to select or create algorithms
of methods. For primary statistical analysis, it is possible to build several different approaches to each
problem. It is necessary to consider the algorithms of methods that will be used in the work in the future.
   The simplest methods used in the work are the calculation of time series statistics. For their
calculation, the usual formulas and methods of mathematical statistics are used, which do not require
special improvements for specific data.
   However, there is a cluster of algorithms and methods that need to be modernized or refined for
specific data, or the methods have several options, and it is necessary to choose one of them.
   Several such methods belong to correlation analysis. For example, there is a need to present the
algorithm for forming a correlation matrix with its visualization in the form of a heat map.
   S- algorithm for filling the correlation matrix and its visualization
   S1. Initialize unit matrix of the order of the number of attributes
    S2. Cycle through the cells of the matrix with incremental parameters i, j.
    S2.1. If i≠j belongs to the matrix - in cell i, j assigns the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient
[4] between attributes i and j.
    S2.2. If i=j skip step.
    S3. Find the maximum and minimum of the matrix.
    S4. Create linear color change function from minimum to maximum.
    S5. Display table with colors according to the matrix cell values.
    However, work with matrices is not only found in correlation analysis, the use of matrix theory is
also necessary in cluster analysis. One of the main tasks when performing clustering is to determine the
next union node, which mathematically means finding the minimum among the elements of the lower
(or upper) part of the matrix without taking into account the main diagonal. The algorithm that performs
this task is shown in Fig. 1.
                                                           The method of determining the
                                                           position of the minimal element of a
                                             start         symmetric matrix without double

                                            mat, n

                                                              m_l =

                                           index =

                                            i = n-1

                                          index > 0

                                       index = index - i
                                            i = i-1

                                        n+index, n-i-


Figure 1: Block diagram of algorithm for finding the position of minimum element in symmetric matrix

   In this method, the use of double loops with conditions is enabled, and the overall estimate of the
asymptotics of the algorithm is O(n), where n is the number of diagonal elements. However, for the
general case, let m be the order of the matrix, then the complexity of the algorithm is estimated at
𝑂 (⌊     ⌋). More general picture of the clustering method with the formation of a hierarchical structure
involves the creation of a dendogram, but there is a problem of remembering the results of the clustering
steps in the form of a certain data structure. For this purpose, we present a diagram of activities of the
clustering algorithm with memorization of intermediate results (Fig. 2).

                                                           Read a dataframe
                                                              from a file

               Define a set of               Create a rectangular           Create a square
                                             matrix of properties          matrix of distances          Choose a metric
             statistics functions

                    Fill in the properties                   Normalize the                   Fill in the distance
                            matrix                          property matrix                         matrix

                                                                                              Find the minimum
                   Calculate the distance                Create a new column                element of the matrix
                     from the merged                        and row of the                   among the elements
                          cluster                          distance matrix                     below the main

                                                                                            Write the name of the
                                                         Write the name of the
                    Delete two rows and                                                      new cluster and the
                                                          new cluster and the
                       columns at the                                                       name of the variable
                                                         name of the variable
                     intersection of the                                                     column in the file,
                                                         line in the file, space
                        mini element                                                            leave a space
                                                             between them
                                                                                               between them

                                                          Repeat the process
                                                          until the dimension
                                                          of the matrix is not
                                                               equal to 1

                                                          Read data from the
                                                          file into the graph
                                                             data structure

                                                          Graphically display
                                                         the graph in the form
                                                            of a dendogram

Figure 2: UML activity diagram for the hierarchical clustering method

4. Experiments

   Experimental data for researching the popularity of programming languages is the time sequence of
the PYPL index value for 28 programming languages. PYPL [1-5] index was mentioned in previous
parts of the work, but the data itself was collected by Kaggle users, the corresponding access mode is
   The initial view of data in csv format is shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3: Part of the file with output data

    Unfortunately, the data readability is minimal in this form, but it can be improved by changing the
view to the appropriate Fig. 4. It can be seen that the variables, that is, the columns, are each
programming language and the date column, respectively, each line is a record of the date and the value
of the PYPL index for that date. Accordingly, the size of the data is 207 by 29. In general, the dataset
includes data from July 2004 to September 2021. And the programming languages considered in the
data are: Abap, Ada, C/C++, C#, Cobol, Dart, Delphi.Pascal, Go , Groovy , Haskell, Java, JavaScript,
Julia, Kotlin, Lua, Matlab, Objective.C, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Swift, TypeScript,
VBA, Visual.Basic. Such a data structure also corresponds to certain properties, for example, the sum
of all values in one row equals 100, this is because the PYPL index itself displays data in 100% language

Figure 4: Part of data represented in the form of table

    R language was used for data experiments and graphing, as well as such packages as dplyr, ggplot2
(in fact, most of the libraries from tidyverse), reshape2, zoo, etc. (Fig. 6-7). To begin with, the data
must be read correctly, and the problem arises that the format of the date column does not correspond
to the one available in R, so it must be converted to a new one, for example, October 2020 will be
converted into 10 2020, which in turn will be converted into a Date data type with a value of 01.10.
2020. The general function of reading data from a file and primary transformation:
get_data_frame <- function() {
    # correspondence of months in English by numbers
    months_u_e <- c("January" = "1", "February" = "2", "March" = "3", "April" = "4", "May"
= "5", "June" = "6",
    "July" = "7", "August" = "8", "September" = "9", "October" = "10", "November" = "11",
"December" = "12")
    # opening a file in a dataframe
    progs.df <- read.csv("Most Popular Programming Languages from 2004 to 2021.csv")
    progs.df$Date %>% stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = months_u_e) -> progs.df$Date
    # converting data string to a Date type
    progs.df$Date <- zoo::as.Date(zoo::as.yearmon(progs.df$Date, "%m %Y"))
    names(progs.df)[4] <- "C++"
    names(progs.df)[5] <- "C"
    progs.df %>% return
progs.df <- get_data_frame()

Figure 5: Output of a fragment of the data window after it is loaded

   The first task set before the work involves the construction of statistics for each of the programming
languages. It is necessary to go through the data columns and create a new dataframe with statistical

# returns a set of statistical characteristics for the vector x
statistical_characteristics <- function(x) {
    c("mean" = mean(x), "median" = median(x),
    "std" = sd(x), "var" = var(x), "min" = min(x),
    "max" = max(x), "kurt" = kurtosis(x), "skew" = skewness(x)) %>% return
# use of function for all columns except date
apply(progs.df[, 2:29], MARGIN = 2, FUN = statistical_characteristics) %>%
t() %>% data.frame() %>% mutate(range = (max - min), variation = std/mean*100) %>%
arrange(desc(mean)) -> stats.df

Figure 6: Interactive console text with basic language statistics

   Although the R language has many built-in functions, it is possible to build your own more flexible
functions, for example a simple histogram construction would look like this:
                           ggplot(progs.df$R, aes(x = R)) + geom_hist()
   However, in order to achieve flexibility, it is necessary to correctly determine the number of columns
(orthe step of the column), as well as experiment with the visual display, therefore, the following
functions were created to build the histogram and the probability distribution function:

# function of dividing a vector into intervals
create_stat <- function(data.vec) {
    r <- max(data.vec) - min(data.vec)
    m <- ceiling(1+log2(length(data.vec)))
    bin <- r/m
    breaks <- seq(min(data.vec), max(data.vec), bin)
    data.vec %>% sort %>% cut(by = bin, breaks = breaks) -> data.vec
    list(data.vec, breaks) %>% return
# function of creating a histogram as a ggplot object
create_histogram <- function(data.stats) {
    (ggplot() +
    geom_col(aes(x = head(data.stats[[2]], -1L),
        y = as.integer(table(data.stats[[1]])), fill = levels(data.stats[[1]]))) +
    labs(x = "R popularity", y = "count", fill = "Intervals") +
    scale_fill_brewer(palette = 3, type = "div"))%>% return
# function of creating distribution function in the form of ggplot object
create_distr_plot <- function(data.stats) {
    breaks <- data.stats[[2]]
    data.stats <- data.stats[[1]]
    counts <- as.integer(table(data.stats))
    pdf <- rep(0,(length(counts)+1))
    for( i in seq(2,length(levels(data.stats)))) {
        pdf[i] <- sum(counts[1:i])/length(data.stats)
    pdf[length(counts)+1] <- 1
    (ggplot(data.frame(x = breaks, y = pdf), aes(x = x, y = y)) +
    geom_line(size = 1.5, alpha = 0.7, col = "#72007c") +
    geom_point(size = 2.5, alpha = 0.8, col = "#470068") +
    theme_light() + labs(x = "R popularity", y = "Probability")) %>% return
progs.df$R %>% create_stat -> stat
stat %>% create_histogram -> hist.plot
stat %>% create_distr_plot -> pdf.plot

    With this approach, it is possible to adjust easy the number and colors of the columns, for example
as in Fig. 7.

Figure 7: Different histograms for one time series
   In addition, it is possible to adjust the graphs of the time series themselves, their combination and
presentation, a script has been developed for this:

progs.df[, c("Date", row.names(stats.df))] -> progs.df
# returns time series chart for languages indexed a through b
gen_plot <- function(a,b, polar = F) {
    progs.df[, c(1, a:b)] %>% melt(id = "Date") -> data.df
    if(!polar) {
        (ggplot(data = data.df, aes(x = Date, y = value, fill = variable, col = variable))+
        geom_line()) %>% return
    else {
        (ggplot(data = data.df, aes(x = Date, y = value, fill = variable, col = variable))+
        geom_line(size= 1.5) + coord_polar()) %>% return
lang_top1.plot <- gen_plot(2,5) + labs(col = "Programming Lang", y = "Popurality")
lang_top2.plot <- gen_plot(6,9) + labs(col = "", y = "Popurality", x = "")
lang_top3.plot <- gen_plot(10,13) + labs(col = "", y = "", x = "")
lang_top4.plot <- gen_plot(14,17) + labs(col = "", y = "Popurality", x = "")
lang_top5.plot <- gen_plot(18,21) + labs(col = "", y = "", x = "")
lang_top6.plot <- gen_plot(22,25) + labs(col = "", y = "Popurality", x = "Date")
lang_top7.plot <- gen_plot(26,29) + labs(col = "", y = "", x = "Date")
(lang_top1.plot /
(lang_top2.plot | lang_top3.plot) /
(lang_top4.plot | lang_top5.plot) /
(lang_top6.plot | lang_top7.plot)) -> main.plot

   When studying the dynamics of time series, the smoothing mechanism can be used, for example, for
exponential and median filtering, the functions will look simple:

# exponential smoothing
expsmooth <- function(data, alpha){
  # smoothing factor 0.1 <= a <= 0.3
  l = length(data)
  y0 = data[1]
  res <- c(alpha*data[1]+(1-alpha)*y0)
  for(n in 2:l){
    res <- append(res, alpha*data[n]+(1-alpha)*res[n-1])
# median filtering
medianfiltering <- function(data){
  l = length(data)
  res <- c(data[1])
  for(n in 2:(l-1)){
    res <- append(res, max(c(min(c(data[n-1],
  res <- append(res, data[l])
  But, for linear Kendel smoothing, there is a problem of redundancy in the construction of the
smoothing function, for example, using all the parameters, the function will look like this:

test_w7 <- function(data){
    print("The array is too small")
  l = length(data)
  y1 = (13*data[1]+10*data[2]+7*data[3]+4*data[4]+data[5]-2*data[6]-5*data[7])/28
  y2 = (5*data[1]+4*data[2]+3*data[3]+2*data[4]+1*data[5]+0*data[6]-1*data[7])/14
  y3 = (7*data[1]+6*data[2]+5*data[3]+4*data[4]+3*data[5]+2*data[6]+data[7])/28
  res <- c(y1,y2,y3)
  for(val in 4:(l-3)){
    res <- append(res, (data[val-3]+data[val-2]+data[val-
  #y(n, n-1, n-2)
  yn2 = (data[l-6]+2*data[l-5]+3*data[l-4]+4*data[l-3]+5*data[l-2]+6*data[l-
  yn1 = (-1*data[l-6]-0*data[l-5]+1*data[l-4]+2*data[l-3]+3*data[l-2]+4*data[l-
  yn = (-5*data[l-6]-2*data[l-5]+data[l-4]+4*data[l-3]+7*data[l-2]+10*data[l-
  res <- append(res, yn2)
  res <- append(res, yn1)
  res <- append(res, yn)
   However, as can be seen, the matrix of coefficients is a mirror image. It can be simply “reflected”
and a function can be constructed for different w, with the first half of the matrix and the division
coefficients known:

# w = 7
wequal7 <- function(data){
  p = 7
  l = length(data)
  if(l% cor() -> cor.matrix_mini
cor.matrix %>% melt() -> heat.df
cor.matrix_mini %>% melt() -> heat.df_mini
heat.map_mini <- ggplot(data = heat.df_mini, aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value)) +
  geom_tile(color = "white") #+
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = "#ca0033", high = "#0043fa", mid = "#ececec",
    midpoint = 0, limit = c(-1,1), space = "Lab",
    name="Cor coef") + labs(x = "", y = "") + geom_text(aes(label = round(value, 3)))

Figure 9: Correlation heat maps
   The last element that must be completed according to the tasks set in the work is hierarchical
clustering. To build a tree-like clustering, it is possible to use the built-in capabilities of the language:

stats.df %>% apply(MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){return((x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))}) ->
stats.df %>% dist(method = "minkowski", p = 2) -> dist.m
hclust(dist.m) -> hc
   As a result, it is possible to get a dendogram from Fig. 10.

Figure 10: Generated clustering dendogram using the hclust function

    However, there is a certain number of different methods of combining two clusters, and to achieve
flexibility in the construction of clusters, it is necessary to define new clustering functions. So, the
following functions have been developed for this work:

# conversion of the minimum number into matrix indices
convert_index <- function(index, n) {
    i <- n-1
    while(index > 0) {
        index <- index - i
        i <- i-1
    c(n+index, n-i-1) %>% return
# property matrix normalization
normalize <- function(data.df) {
    data.df %>% apply(MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){return((x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))})
%>% return
# returns the distance matrix according to the Minkowski metricgenerate_dist <-
function(data.df, p = 2) {
    data.df %>% dist(method = "minkowski", p = p) %>% as.matrix() %>% return
# the function of combining a new cluster with the deletion of two previous ones
syntez_cluster <- function(dist.matrix, ij, alpha_i, alpha_j, beta, gamma, path) {
    dist.matrix <- as.matrix(dist.matrix)
    n <- dim(dist.matrix)[1]
    i <- ij[1]
    j <- ij[2]
    cluster.name <- paste(rownames(dist.matrix)[i], colnames(dist.matrix)[j], sep = "|")
    #paste(paste(rownames(dist.matrix)[i], colnames(dist.matrix)[j], sep=" + "),
cluster.name, sep = " = ", dist.matrix[i,j]) %>% print
    new.names <- c(colnames(dist.matrix), cluster.name)
    dist.matrix %>% cbind(0) %>% rbind(0) -> dist.matrix
    colnames(dist.matrix)[n+1] <- cluster.name
    rownames(dist.matrix)[n+1] <- cluster.name
    first <- strsplit(cluster.name, "[|]")[[1]][1]
    write.table(data.frame(from = cluster.name, to = rownames(dist.matrix)[i], value =
dist.matrix[i,j], origin = first),
    file = path, col.names = F, row.names = F, append = T, sep = ",")
    write.table(data.frame(from = cluster.name, to = rownames(dist.matrix)[j], value =
dist.matrix[i,j], origin = first),
    file = path, col.names = F, row.names = F, append = T, sep = ",")
    dist.matrix %>%
    calc_cluster_dist(i = i, j = j, n = n+1, alpha_i = alpha_i, alpha_j = alpha_j, beta =
beta, gamma = gamma) %>%
# distance calculation function for a new cluster
calc_cluster_dist <- function(dist.matrix, i, j, n, alpha_i, alpha_j, beta, gamma) {
    # in general case, it is necessary that i > j, however, we work with a lower triangular
matrix, where the condition is always fulfilled
    #if (i < j) i <- (j - i) + (j <- i);
    for (h in seq(n)[-i][-j]) {
        dist.matrix[n, h] <-
        dist.matrix[h, n] <-
        sum(c(alpha_i, alpha_j, beta, gamma) * c(dist.matrix[h,i], dist.matrix[h,j],
dist.matrix[i,j], abs(dist.matrix[h,i] - dist.matrix[h,j])))
    dist.matrix[-i,-i][-j,-j] %>% return
   With this approach, it is possible to combine capabilities of libraries for working with graphs and
get more informative dendograms. In addition, circular dendograms can be constructed. For example,
the results of one clustering can be presented in two graphs from Fig. 11, while the construction code
looks like this:
# construction of dendogram with clustering
create_dendogram <- function(dendo_df_file, dendo_name) {
  dendo.df <- read.csv(dendo_df_file)
  label.df <- data.frame(name = unique(c(dendo.df$from, dendo.df$to)))
  label.df %>% mutate(origin = NA, dist = NA, programming = NA) -> label.df
  for(i in seq_len(dim(label.df)[1])) {
    if (label.df$name[i] %in% dendo.df$from) {
      label.df$dist[i] = dendo.df$value[dendo.df$from == label.df$name[i]][1]
    if (label.df$name[i] %in% dendo.df$to) {
      label.df$origin[i] = dendo.df$origin[dendo.df$to == label.df$name[i]][1]
      if(length(strsplit(label.df$name[i], "[|]")[[1]]) == 1) {
        label.df$programming[i] = label.df$name[i]
  dendo.g <- graph_from_data_frame(dendo.df, vertices = label.df)
  dendogram.plot <- ggraph(dendo.g, layout = 'dendrogram', circular = F) +
  geom_edge_elbow(aes(colour = origin), alpha=0.8, edge_width = 2) +
  theme_graph(background = "white", plot_margin = margin(5, 5, 5, 5), base_size = 16) +
  geom_node_point(aes(size = dist)) +
  geom_node_point(aes(filter = leaf), alpha = 0.7, col = "black", size = 2) +
  ylim(-1.6, NA) +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = programming, filter = leaf, color = origin), angle=90 ,
hjust=1, nudge_y = -0.04)
  dendogram.circ <- ggraph(dendo.g, layout = 'dendrogram', circular = T) +
  geom_edge_elbow(aes(colour = origin), alpha=0.8, edge_width = 2) +
  theme_graph(background = "white", plot_margin = margin(5, 5, 5, 5), base_size = 15) +
  geom_node_point(aes(size = 1/dist), color = "#050022") +
  geom_node_point(aes(filter = leaf, ), alpha = 0.7, col = "black", size = 3) +
  ylim(-1, NA) +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = programming, filter = leaf, filter = leaf, angle = angle),
angle = 0, hjust = 1.1, vjust = 0.5)
Figure 11: Normal and circular dendogram created by the script

5. Results
    For the correct use of data, its filtering, sorting or clustering, it is necessary to conduct a classical
intelligence analysis. If to build a graph with the data of all available programming languages, then the
obtained result will not have a meaningful load, but in order to obtain a certain evolution of intelligence
analysis, such a graph is shown in Fig. 12.

Figure 12: Graph of time series of popularity of programming languages

   To improve the appearance and meaning of graphical display of data, it is necessary to divide
languages into certain groups. It is best to do this according to statistical parameters. The following
features are selected as the main statistical characteristics for these series: mean value, dispersion,
standard deviation, median, minimum, maximum, range, coefficient of variation, skewness, and
kurtosis. After sorting the data window by the average value, there is a possibility already to plot a set
of graphs (Fig. 13-15) and get certain conclusions:
        The most popular language today is Python, the value of the index for September 2021 is 29.48,
   that is, almost a third of all queries refer to this language, in addition, the average popularity level is
   12.26, and the maximum of 32.11 was reached in July 2020.
        On average, the most popular language during the observation period is Java - the average value
   is 25.76, and the value of the index for today is 17.18.
   The average value of the top 10 programming languages, as well as the top ten in terms of the
maximum, are shown as slices of the data frame in Fig. 13. In addition, the dynamics of changes in the
popularity of the language can be considered in the polar coordinate system, as in Fig. 14.

Figure 13: Execution of requests to print parts of the data window

Figure 14: Time series graph of the second group of languages in the polar system

    For example, this graph shows the uniformity of the distribution of the popularity of the JavaScript
language. However, for correct presentation of the hypothesis about the distribution, it is necessary to
use the mechanism of construction of histograms and the distribution function. To conduct the
experiment, consider the programming language R. From Fig. 4 shows that the popularity of the
language grew up to a certain time, and then stabilized, and it is impossible to determine whether the
time series is subject to a certain distribution. As a result of using the constructed functions, a histogram
in Fig. 16 is represented. This histogram shows that the popularity of R language does not lend itself to
standard density functions, however, it is possible to construct an empirical probability distribution
function to get a higherlevel picture of the distribution of the data. For this, function has been created
that uses the same parameters as the histogram. It can be seen that the distribution function does not
have a clear picture to correspond to the known distributions, perhaps this is explained by the instability
of the parameters that determine the popularity of a particular programming language. When examining
the behavior of some time series, there is a problem of a large range of data in local intervals, for
example, for the Dart programming language, the popularity in the period after 2011 (ie, from the first
non-zero values) does not have a clear or convenient trend picture.
Figure 15: Set of time series graphs divided into groups of 4 by the average value.

  a)                                                 b)
Figure 16: a) Histogram of the time series of the popularity of the R language and b) Empirical
probability distribution function for a time series.
    Smoothing mechanism was used to highlight the trend line close to the initial data. The following
smoothing methods were used in the work (Fig. 17-19):
        Moving average: by 3, 7, 11, 13, 15 points and 7 points of the neo-oil formula;
        Exponential: at alpha 0.2 and 0.3;
        Median filtering.
    The results of applying smoothing methods are shown in Fig. 17 – linear moving average, and Fig.
19 - non-linear and median. As was shown in the Experiments section, smoothing functions can be of
different levels of complexity. From the graph in Fig. 17, it can be seen that when smoothing at points
11, 13, 15, a strong distortion is obtained, and when three points are used, the difference is minimal. To
investigate the effectiveness of the moving average method, we calculate the correlation coefficient for
real data and smoothing at w=5 and w=13. The corresponding calculations are shown in Fig. 18.
    Nonlinear smoothing is shown in Fig. and has the best-fitting form, and it rejects most outliers. The
worst result can be considered when using the exponential method with alpha equal to 0.2, and as can
be seen from Fig. 19, the correlation coefficient is 0.83. If considering the obtained results, there is
general cyclical one might say sinusoidal dynamics of development of language popularity. Two main
peaks may have occurred during the release of the popular framework in the Dart language - Flatter, in
general, the cyclical dynamics has a tendency to grow.

Figure 17: Graphic display of moving average methods with different number of points
Figure 18: Results of correlation coefficients calculation

Figure 19: Graphical results of smoothing by non-linear methods

    In order to consider the development of the popularity of all languages at the same time, it is first
necessary to simplify the task and consider the relationship between the development of some languages
(Fig. 20). To do this, first consider certain logical assumptions:
    1. New programming languages (Go, Dart, Julia, Nim, etc.) usually do not affect the popularity of
old languages, because new languages solve modern problems, and established languages have their
permanent niche. From this it can be assumed that there is no definite linear relationship between Dart
and C#.
    2. Programming languages Java and Python are considered the biggest "enemies", completely
different style in syntax, speed, community, etc. However, it is quite logical to assume that the growth
of the popularity of the Python language has a strong influence on the popularity of Java, in particular,
it should decrease.
    3. Since data analysis, data science, artificial intelligence and neural networks are currently the most
popular for discussion and development in IT, languages such as R or Julia are constantly increasing in
popularity, and therefore there should be a direct linear relationship between the popularity of these
languages, and both should grow.
    If we interpret the logical assumptions in the language of correlation analysis, then the first
assumption speaks about the absence of a linear relationship between the data and the correlation
coefficient approaching zero, the second - there is a negative linear relationship with a correlation
coefficient equal to -1, and the last one about a positive linear relationship connection with a coefficient
of +1. In order to confirm these hypotheses, correlation fields were first constructed. To finally confirm
the hypothesis, it is necessary to calculate the correlation coefficient.
Figure 20: a) Correlation field for Dart and C languages and regression line for b) Python and Java
languages and c) Julia and R languages

    From the graphical representation of the dependence, it can be already seen that the initial
assumptions are correct, however, to achieve accuracy, a heat map was constructed based on the
correlation matrix for the languages described above. From the map in Fig. 20 it is visible that the
correlation coefficient between Dart and C languages is close to zero, namely 0.082, and between Julia
and R the coefficient is equal to 0.906. The most interesting thing is the behavior of the correlation
coefficient for Java, it is less than zero in almost all languages, and therefore there is a tendency to
decrease the popularity of the language in comparison with all other languages. However, Java and
Python have the highest coefficient by module, which confirms the second hypothesis.
    However, there is a certain problem in the presence of correlation relations between each language,
and not all of them have a certain logic. To study the general behavior of languages with each other, it
is possible to build a general heat map, which is shown in Fig. 21-22.

Figure 21: Heat map of the correlation matrix

    After analyzing the correlation coefficients of all languages with each other, there is an assumption
that, in fact, the dependencies between languages should be considered at a higher level, for example,
taking into account the connections between the purposes of languages, trends in the modern IT market,
etc. But it is possible individually to study the popularity dynamics of certain programming language.
The growing popularity of the Python language has been mentione, and graphically it is also visible.
However, there is another statistical method for checking the presence of trend in a time series -
autocorrelation. Using the acf function of the R language, autocorrelation was calculated at a lag of 0-
23. The result is presented in the form of a graph in Fig. 21-22. It can be seen from the correlogram that
even at the last lag the coefficient is above 0.5, and it is quite obvious that the time series has a linear
Figure 22: Correlation heatmap for all programming languages from experimental data

    The logical conclusion of the intelligence analysis of data on the popularity of programming
languages is to conduct a simple cluster analysis. In the course of the task, clustering was carried out
with different parameters, namely with different metrics and unification strategies. In all cases, the
Minkowski metric was used, with a variable parameter p. Two graphical approaches were used to
display the results - conventional dendograms and circular ones. The vertices of the union are marked
on ordinary dendograms proportional to the distance to the union, that is, the greater the distance, the
larger the vertex, and in circular dendograms it is inversely proportional. In addition, the dendograms
have a colored grouping, which is tied to the programming languages that are the initial nodes for a
particular cluster.
    1. Clustering at p = 2, the nearest neighbor joining strategy is a classic approach to clustering. As
can be seen from the dendogram in Fig. 23, a different number of clusters can be distinguished at
different levels, but those programming languages that were added at the very end - Ada, PHP, Haskell,
Java and Python - are distinguished. These languages are unique enough to be clustered by the residual
principle, that is, with this metric and clustering strategy, these languages have no relatives. On the
other hand, some languages had a sufficiently small distance between them, for example, Go and
TypeScript have a metric of about 0.09, which is why they form the first cluster. According to the
colors, Go is the starting vertex for the final cluster.
Figure 23: Dendogram of clustering 1

   2. Clustering at p = 2, the unification strategy is flexible at αi = αj = 0.3535, β= 0.293, γ = 0. When
using another unification strategy, we have a slightly different clustering, which in general does not
have a fundamental difference from the previous one. The main difference is the appearance of PHP
and Java language integration node before entering the common terminal cluster. Another difference is
the new initial vertices, if in the previous configuration it was the Go language, then in this case Groovy
(for less popular languages) and PHP (for the most popular) dominate.

Figure 24: Dendogram of clustering 2
   3. Clustering at p = 3, pooling strategy of the far-neighbor. With such parameters, different picture
was obtained as a result of clustering. First, cluster of PHP, Java and Python languages was formed,
which is the top 3 in terms of average value. Kotlin was added to the cluster with Dart, Rust, TypeScript,
Go, which was not presented in this cluster with other parameters. In addition, Lua is now the main root
for clusters. In addition, with such a configuration, the tendency to form clusters at the middle level
remains, for example, languages C/C++, C# and JavaScript stick to one cluster almost always.

Figure 25: Circular dendogram of clustering 3

   4. Clustering at p = 0.5, pooling strategy of the nearest neighbor. This clustering is interesting
because of the parameter p, because it is less than 1.

Figure 26: Circular dendogram of clustering 4
   From the diagram it can be seen that separate cluster of C, C++ and JavaScript languages, a large
cluster of Scala, Julia, Cobol and Lua languages can be distinguished, and again a cluster of languages
that are far from all others - Python, Java and PHP, which will be added at the end

6. Discussions

    The first important note that characterizes all data in general is the complete diversity of data for
each language. The dynamics of the development of the popularity of each language during one period
are maximally diversified, but at the same time interconnected in a certain way. When examining the
results, it was shown that it is possible to obtain the appearance of linear relationships between the
popularity of different languages that have logical connections. However, some languages are not
related to each other, their development and use are quite different, but there is a correlation between
them. If we consider the heat map from Fig. 18, it can be seen that the popularity of Swift and R and
Scala languages have a very high correlation, but in fact the languages are not related to each other,
they operate in different niches. Correlation of languages speaks of simultaneous growth in popularity,
and therefore can indicate general trends in the IT market, but not the specifics of each language. The
question arises of building such a model that can take into account the dynamics of all languages at the
same time, but at the same time the input data is only one variable - the date. Such a problem with the
one-dimensionality of the input data gives rise to the need for a large amount of training data.
    To begin with, conducting exploratory analysis, it was proven that the data is complete, qualitative,
suitable for some statistical tests. When constructing statistics, it can be seen that the data have various
asymmetries and excesses, and do not lend themselves to normal distributions, in addition, most graphs
of time series have obvious non-constancy. Therefore, it is impossible to select statistical parameters
for the data that will fully describe them. In addition, it is necessary to maximally correspond to the
limitations of the data, for example, the sum of all values by rows is equal to the constant 100. This
means that approaches such as networks with marginalization or Bayesian neural networks are not
suitable. In addition to the quality, but at the same time chaotic data, there is another problem - a small
number of records. This problem rejects the possibility of using multilayer neural networks.
    However, it is possible to distinguish certain approaches to describe the data, but for this it is
necessary to find a mathematical counterpart of the function that will describe the current state of the
data. The first and main option is a vector function. For example, a parametric vector function with
three coordinates v(t) = [sin t , t 2 , cos t] For our data, such a function will be 28-dimensional. The date
will act as the parameter t in the data.
    Such a function will be able to accurately describe the current state of the data if we choose a function
depending on t for each language, such as an approximation or interpolation polynomial. Smoothing
functions can be used to reduce the number of input points.
    When constructing such a function, it is possible to conduct experiments with the search for
dependencies, derivatives of different orders to study the function. However, if there is a problem of
extrapolation, it is immediately possible to assert a large absolute error.
    The first way to reduce the number of calculations and the error is to use the clustering results. Some
clustering languages have such small distances that they can be treated as a single variable. Then it is
possible to get a function with fewer dimensions. A reduction in error will occur when clustering is
used to generate interpolation nodes.
    However, it is still not possible to achieve a high predicted accuracy. Therefore, the next option is
neuron-by-neuron of the network. Such neural networks differ from most in that they do not have a
defined architecture at the beginning, but form it during the learning process, by adding a neuron or a
layer. Such networks require many times less input data, but are not suitable for multidimensional
results. To build a network that can produce vector of index values for the future with a small amount
of input data, it is possible to use the approach of graph neural networks together with clustering.
Dendogram is good initial network graph, and the distances between clusters can be used as coefficients
when passing messages. When combining methods of graph and neuron-by-neuron networks, it is
possible to get the smallest error when predicted. So, as a result of exploratory and cluster analysis, it
was concluded that the data on the popularity of programming languages are suitable for research, but
the methods of their analysis should be the most modern.
7. Conclusions
   As a result of experimental and exploratory analysis of data concerning the programming languages
popularity according to the PYPL index since 2004, the presence of various trends in the dynamics of
the popularity of programming languages was revealed and the relationship between two different
languages was established. In the case of a complex consideration of time series, a hypothesis was
created regarding the complexity and absolute nonlinearity of the general trend using programming
languages, which affects the choice of models for forecasting. Some programming languages have a
sufficiently unique popularity that distinguishes them when constructing hierarchical cluster structures.
Such languages are highly popular, have the most diverse fields of application and their own niches.
An equally important result is the fact of conducting data research as such, because it indicates the
correctness, integrity and informativeness of the data, due to which such data can be used for
educational purposes.

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