Hierarchy of Hybrid Deep Neural Networks for Physical Action Classification by Brain-Computer Interface Kostiantyn Kostiukevych1,*,† , Yuri Gordienko1 , Nikita Gordienko1 , Oleksandr Rokovyi1 and Sergii Stirenko1 1 National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, 37 Peremohy aveniu, 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine Abstract In the fields of bio-monitoring, prosthetic devices, human-computer interaction the use of artificial intelligence methods is usually an integral part. Grasp-and-lift(GAL) has become a popular dataset for the testing of deep learning (DL) models for motor imaginary EEG classification task. In this article various combinations of deep neural network (DNN), such as one and two dimensional convolution layers, separable convolution, time distributed wrapper, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), bidirectional recurrent neural networks (BiRNN), attention based mechanism, additional hidden states, were inves- tigated. Macro-AUC and number of parameters was chosen as a metric of feasibility of models. The hierarchies of the different RNN models development were built. The results showed that using RNN layer with hidden states as input for last fully-connected layer decreased performance, but addition of attention mechanism after output with hidden states allows to solve this problem. Also applying BiRNN with CNN as first layers improves overall macro AUC and reduce number of parameters. Keywords Grasp-and-lift, EEG, deep learning, classification, deep learning hybrids 1. Introduction According to the study, there are nearly 1 in 50 people living with paralysis – approximately 5.4 million people only in United States[1]. Providing to this people ability to interact with computer reduces their suffering and extends their capabilities. There are two types of brain computer interface (BCI) based on the electrodes used for measuring the brain activity: non-invasive BCI where the electrodes are placed on the scalp (e.g., electroencephalography (EEG) based BCI), and invasive Brain computer interface where the electrodes are directly attached on human brain [e.g., BCI based on electrocorticography (ECoG), or intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG)][2]. The EEG employs non-invasive electrodes placed on participants’ scalps to measure signals produced by local field potentials with active cortex neurons, having high temporal but MoMLeT+DS 2022: 4th International Workshop on Modern Machine Learning Technologies and Data Science, November, 25-26, 2022, Leiden-Lviv, The Netherlands-Ukraine. $ jjwpey@gmail.com (K. Kostiukevych); yuri.gordienko@gmail.com (Y. Gordienko); nik.gordiienko@gmail.com (N. Gordienko); rokovoy@comsys.kpi.ua (O. Rokovyi); sergii.stirenko@gmail.com (S. Stirenko)  0000-0001-7168-0064 (K. Kostiukevych); 0000-0003-2682-4668 (Y. Gordienko); 0000-0002-6922-4307 (N. Gordienko); 0000-0001-6934-7502 (O. Rokovyi); 0000-0002-9395-8685 (S. Stirenko) © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org) 1613-0073 CEURWorkshopProceedingshttp://ceur-ws.orgISSN low spatial precision. Basic task in EEG-based BCI is decoding hand movements in order to classify certain movement in moment or classify intention for certain movement. In order to examine how different combinations of deep neural network (DNN) components are suited for movement classification task, we are interested in identifying and classifying various modifications of DNNs with investigation of their impact on the performance metrics. The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 contains description of the state of the art, section 3 describes dataset, models, and the whole workflow, section 4 contains results and discussions of the results and section 5 resumes the results obtained. 2. Background and Related Works The different types of DNNs have been used in EEG-research in medical, educational, operational, and other applications [3, 4, 5]. For example, EEGNet DNN, a compact convolutional neural network (CNN), has been developed for EEG-based BCIs [6]. There is similar research which has comparison of different recurrent neural network (RNN) architectures on Grasp-and-lift (GAL) dataset[7]. They observed that dropout regularization improved performance of RNN by average of 4 percentage point. In addition, their findings confirms that smoothing the predictions with moving average helped making consistent predictions, eliminating abrupt and incongruous prediction errors [8]. Another work proposed Discrete Wavelet Transform as part of prepossessing which enhanced Area Under a receiver operating characteristic Curve (AUC) for 7.7 percentage points for CNN-based, and 9.7 and for Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) based networks and discovers that give same or better results but in a much faster, more computationally effective fashion [9]. As it was shown recently, reliable classification of GAL movements can be handled using simple CNNs even (with AUC>0.92 after 1 training epoch) [10]. In our previous work we use Noise Data Augmentation and Detrended Fluctuation Analysis to demonstrate that some physical actions in GAL dataset can be divided in separate groups of actions that can be charac- terized by complexity and the feasibility of their classification: the easiest (HandStart), medium (LiftOff, Replace, and BothReleased), and hardest (BothStartLoadPhase and FirstDigitTouch) classification [11, 12]. DNNs and their components were intensively researched for analysis of EEG signals in a various applications [3, 4, 5] like air traffic [13, 14, 15], health care [16, 17, 18], education [19, 20, 21], gaming and entertaining [22, 20, 23, 24], and other applications [5]. Different components of convolutional neural network (CNN) [6, 25, 18, 26, 11], recurrent neural networks (RNN) [27, 28, 29, 12], fully-connected networks (FCN) [11, 12], and other DNNs were imvestigated in them. These models combine some methods of EEG feature extraction with use of various filters and show significant improvement of performance in comparison to other models. 3. Methodology 3.1. Dataset The widely used “grasp-and-lift” (GAL) dataset was used here that contains information about brain activity of 12 persons [7, 30]: more than 3900 trials (monitored and measured by the sampling rate of 500 Hz) in 32 channels of the recorded EEG signals. It contains data from the observed persons who performed 6 types physical activities (Table 1). Table 1 Grasp-and-lift events 0 HandStart 1 FirstDigitTouch 2 BothStartLoadPhase 3 LiftOff 4 Replace 5 BothRelease The data preprocessing was used only to cut regions of interests (ROIs) that correspond to the actual HCI physical actions of users. Some action signals overlap and their classification become more complex because they were not presented separate. So classes which intersect with other classes were excluded, namely FirstDigitTouch and Replace. 3.2. Models Mainly, we compare three Recurrent Neural Network variants: RNN, long short term memory (LSTM) [31] and GRU [32], combining them with (Table 2): • Hidden states at RNN layer (BiRNN HIDN STATES) (at all rows except row 1 in Table 2), • Attention after RNN layers with hidden states ( BiRNN HIDN ATNT) (rows 3, 5, 9, 12, 14 in Table 2) • One dimensional Convolution layers (N Conv1D, where N - number of layers) (row 10 in Table 2) • Two dimensional Convolution layers (N Conv2D, where N - number of layers) (rows 8, 9, 13 in Table 2) • TimeDistributed wrapper for 1D and 2D Convolution layers( TD(N Conv1D)) (rows 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 in Table 2) • 2D Separable Convolution layer ( N SepConv2D) (rows 4, 5, 7 in Table 2) All RNN layers was wrapped by bidirectional to have a sequence information in both directions. For each RNN variant, we had 15 following combinations (Table 2). Table 2 Developed combinations for RNN-family 1 BiRNN 2 BiRNN HIDN STATES 3 BiRNN HIDN ATNT 4 BiRNN HIDN STATES 2SepConv2D 5 BiRNN HIDN ATNT 2SepConv2D 6 BiRNN HIDN STATES BiRNN 7 BiRNN HIDN STATES 2SepConv2D BiRNN 8 3Conv2D BiRNN HIDN STATES 9 3Conv2D BiRNN HIDN ATNT 10 TD(2Conv1D) BiRNN HIDN STATES 11 TD(1Conv2D) BiRNN HIDN STATES 12 TD(1Conv2D) BiRNN HIDN ATNT 13 3Conv2D BiRNN HIDN STATES 1Conv2D 14 TD(1Conv2D) BiRNN HIDN ATNT TD(1Conv2D) 15 TD(1Conv2D) BiRNN HIDN STATES TD(1Conv2D) 3.3. Metrics Several standard metrics were used like accuracy and loss that were calculated during each run as the minimal value and maximal value of loss and accuracy, respectively. The area under curve (AUC) was measured for receiver operating characteristic (ROC) with their micro and macro versions, and their mean and standard deviation values. To determine the basic statistical properties of the metrics obtained (accuracy, loss, AUC) stratified k-fold cross-validation was applied (k=5) where the folds were created by preserving the percentage of samples for each class. 3.4. Workflow The number of signal samples (N ) in the input EEG time sequence (TS) was equal to 350 timepoints: 150 measurements before the first label, 150 measurements with labels and 50 measurements after the labeled data. At each epoch, the generators take data from each category from a randomly generated sequence. To diversify the data, it was decided to choose a starting point for the sequence to be used for training, validation and testing in a certain range randomly in the range of 10 measurements. The only present label was set as a ground truth (GT). The training, validation, and testing stages were performed for the GAL-dataset that was divided in proportion of 82.4% (3244 examples) / 8.8% (346 examples) / 8.8% (346 examples) for training / validation / testing sets, respectively. Finally, it allowed us to obtain trained models, calculate metrics (including AUC, and its micro and macro versions), and plot metrics versus the model types (see below). All important hyperparameters for used in models provided in Table 3. Hyperparameters was chosen based on previous experience and other related works in RNN 7000 6000 Training time, s 5000 4000 3000 2000 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 macro AUC BiRNN; 0.778 3Conv2D_BiRNN_HIDN_STATES_ATNT; 0.837 BiRNN_HIDN_STATES; 0.743 TD_2Conv1D_BiRNN_HIDN_STATES; 0.815 BiRNN_HIDN_ATNT; 0.858 TD_1Conv2D_BiRNN_HIDN_STATES; 0.809 BiRNN_HIDN_STATES_2SepConv2D; 0.85 TD_1Conv2D_BiRNN_HIDN_ATNT; 0.85 BiRNN_HIDN_ATNT_2SepConv2D; 0.842 3Conv2D_BiRNN_HIDN_STATES_1Conv2D; 0.752 BiRNN_HIDN_STATES_BiRNN; 0.779 TD_1Conv2D_BiRNN_HIDN_ATNT_TD_1Conv2D; 0.842 BiRNN_HIDN_STATES_2SepConv2D_BiRNN; 0.826 TD_1Conv2D_BiRNN_HIDN_STATES_TD_1Conv2D; 0.5 3Conv2D_BiRNN_HIDN_STATES; 0.815 Figure 1: RNN-based models training time and macro AUC. Size of point is relative to number of parameters. Numerical in legend is correspondent to macro AUC values field. 3.5. Experiment The 5-fold cross-validation was applied, AUC macro values were determined for each fold, and the mean values were calculated for all AUC macro values determined for all 5 folds. Then the scatter plots for training time (in seconds per a training part of the dataset) versus macro AUC values with the relative size of the models (given as a symbol size) were prepared (Fig. 1-3). The performance of several separate families of hybrid combinations was measured and plotted in the correspondent scatter plots: • RNN-based models (Fig. 1), • LSTM-based models (Fig. 2), • GRU-based models (Fig. 3). These results allowed us to make comparative analysis of the models used with regard to Table 3 Models hyperparameters Category Parameter Value Data Preprocesing Batch size 128 Epochs 15 Time Steps 350 Training/validation/testing sets 82.4% / 8.8% / 8.8% Conv Layers Number of conv filters 32|16|8 Size of conv filters 8|4|2 Strides 2|1 Padding valid Conv activation function tanh Pooling size Maxpooling, 4|2 RNN Layers Number of RNN units 175 Last 2 Fully Connected Layers Number of neurons 350, 4 Activation functions tanh, sigmoid Learning Learning rate 0.0001 Loss Categorical Cross Entropy Optimizer Adam Validation k-fold Stratified, k=5 their performance (AUC) and resources needed for model preparation (a training time) and storage (a relative size expressed by a symbol size). To understand the complex relations between separate components and the whole hierarchy of the models used, the tree-like representation was prepared and given for RNN-based models (Fig. 4), LSTM-based models (Fig. 5), and GRU-based models (Fig. 6). The nodes in the tree-like plots (Fig. 4-6) denote the models created with the labels containing information about specific details about the components applied (see Table 2). The edges between nodes denote the hierarchical relationships between them. The sizes of solid symbols (circles) denote the relative sizes of the models. 4. Discussion The results shown on the scatter plots (Fig. 1-3) allowed us to make the following observations as to training times (in seconds per a training part of the dataset), macro AUC values, and relative sizes of the models (given as a symbol size). In the RNN-family (Fig. 1), some changes of components can have the very drastic conse- quences. For example, the significant increase of performance by 11.5% can be obtained by transition from BiRNN HIDN STATES model (AUC=0.743) to BiRNN ATNT model (AUC=0.858). Analogously, the higher increase of performance by 34.2% can be obtained by transition from TD 1Conv2D BiRNN HIDN STATES TD 1Conv2D model (AUC=0.5) to TD 1Conv2D BiRNN HIDN ATNT TD 1Conv2D model (AUC=0.842). And not so high increase by 1.8% can be observed by transition from 3Conv2D BiRNN HIDN STATES model (AUC=0.815) to 3Conv2D BiRNN HIDN LSTM 5000 4500 4000 Training time, s 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 macro AUC BiLSTM; 0.8 3Conv2D_BiLSTM_HIDN_STATES_ATNT; 0.826 BiLSTM_HIDN_STATES; 0.712 TD_2Conv1D_BiLSTM; 0.793 BiLSTM_HIDN_ATNT; 0.858 TD_1Conv2D_BiLSTM; 0.843 BiLSTM_HIDN_STATES_2SepConv2D; 0.851 TD_1Conv2D_BiLSTM_HIDN_ATNT; 0.848 BiLSTM_HIDN_ATNT_2SepConv2D; 0.817 3Conv2D_BiLSTM_HIDN_STATES_1Conv2D; 0.817 BiLSTM_HIDN_STATES_BiLSTM; 0.801 TD_2Conv1D_BiLSTM_HIDN_STATES_TD_2Conv1D; 0.85 BiLSTM_HIDN_STATES_2SepConv2D_BiLSTM; 0.828 TD_1Conv2D_BiLSTM_TD_1Conv2D; 0.845 3Conv2D_BiLSTM_HIDN_STATES; 0.835 Figure 2: LSTM-based models training time and macro AUC.Size of point is relative to number of parameters. Numerical in legend is correspondent to macro AUC values STATES ATNT model (AUC=0.837). In the LSTM-family (Fig. 2), the similar changes of components lead to the following effects. Transition from BiLSTM HIDN STATES (AUC=0.712) to BiLSTM HIDN ATNT (AUC = 0.858) improves performance by 14.6% and reduces training time approximately by 8 minutes. However adding Attention not always yields in performance improvement, like in case with BiLSTM HIDN STATES 2SepConv2D (AUC=0.851) and BiLSTM HIDN ATNT 2SepConv2D (AUC=0.817), but still attention results shorts training time, for this models by 16 minutes. Decrease of AUC after adding attention also happens with models 3Conv2D BiLSTM HIDN STATES (AUC=0.835) and 3Conv2D BiLSTM HIDN ATNT (AUC=0.826) with relative slight training time reduction. If in previous 3Conv2D BiLSTM HIDN STATES (AUC=0.835) model we add another Conv2D layer instead of attention 3Conv2D BiLSTM HIDN 1Conv2D (AUC=0.817), it will worsen not only AUC values but also training time approximately by 10 minutes. Adding attention to models which use TimeDistributed 2D Convolution layers before BiLSTM improves performance by little 0.5% for TD 1Conv2D BiLSTM (AUC=0.843) and TD 1Conv2D BiLSTM HIDN ATNT (AUC=0.843). In the GRU-family (Fig. 3), the same changes of components cause the following changes GRU 4000 3500 3000 Training time, s 2500 2000 1500 1000 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 macro AUC BiGRU; 0.8 3Conv2D_BiGRU_HIDN_STATES_ATNT; 0.844 BiGRU_HIDN_STATES; 0.737 TD_2Conv1D_BiGRU_HIDN_STATES; 0.832 BiGRU_HIDN_ATNT; 0.863 TD_1Conv2D_BiGRU_HIDN_STATES; 0.836 BiGRU_HIDN_STATES_2SepConv2D; 0.828 TD_1Conv2D_BiGRU_HIDN_ATNT; 0.864 BiGRU_HIDN_ATNT_2SepConv2D; 0.846 3Conv2D_BiGRU_HIDN_STATES_1Conv2D; 0.822 BiGRU_HIDN_STATES_BiGRU; 0.783 TD_2Conv1D_BiGRU_HIDN_STATES_TD_2Conv1D; 0.833 BiGRU_HIDN_STATES_2SepConv2D_BiGRU; 0.812 TD_1Conv2D_BiGRU_HIDN_STATES_TD_1Conv2D; 0.727 3Conv2D_BiGRU_HIDN_STATES; 0.85 Figure 3: GRU-based models training time and macro AUC. Size of point is relative to number of parameters. Numerical in legend is correspondent to macro AUC values of performance. Addition to BiGRU HIDN STATES (AUC=0.737) attention mechanism BiGRU HIDN ATNT (AUC=0.863) will increase performance by 12.6%. Dissimilar to LSTM-family adding atention to BiGRU HIDN STATES 2SepConv2D (AUC=0.828) slightly improves perfomance by 1.8%. Transition from TD 1Conv2D BiGRU HIDN STATES (AUC=0.836) to TD 1Conv2D BiGRU HIDN ATNT (AUC=0.864) increases perfomance by 2.8%. The results demonstrated on the tree-like plots (Fig. 4-6) allowed us to build hierarchy of models and find some relationships between models that can lead to increase or decrease of the performance (macro AUC values). In the RNN-tree of models (Fig. 4), some branches (several nodes connected by edges and following from the central root node to edge nodes) can lead to: • increase of performance: BiRNN HIDN STATES (AUC=0.743) → TD 1Conv2D BiRNN HIDN STATES (AUC=0.809) → TD 1Conv2D BiRNN HIDN ATNT (AUC=0.85), • or decrease of performance: BiRNN HIDN STATES (AUC=0.743) → TD 1Conv2D BiRNN HIDN STATES (AUC=0.809) → TD 1Conv2D BiRNN HIDN STATES TD 1Conv2D (AUC=0.5). BiRNN HIDN ATNT 2SepConv2D BiRNN HIDN 3Conv2D ATNT TD BiRNN 1Conv2D HIDN BiRNN BiRNN STATES HIDN HIDN ATNT STATES BiRNN STATES 2SepConv2D TD 3Conv2D TD 1Conv2D BiRNN BiRNN 1Conv2D HIDN HIDN BiRNN 3Conv2D STATES STATES HIDN BiRNN STATES TD HIDN 1Conv2D STATES BiRNN 1Conv2D TD HIDN 2Conv1D BiRNN ATNT BiRNN HIDN HIDN STATES STATES BiRNN TD 1Conv2D BiRNN BiRNN HIDN HIDN STATES ATNT 2SepConv2D TD BiRNN 1Conv2D 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 Macro AUC Figure 4: RNN-based models tree In the LSTM-tree of models (Fig. 5), • increase of performance: BiLSTM HIDN STATES (AUC=0.712) → BiLSTM HIDN ATNT (AUC=0.858) → BiLSTM HIDN ATNT 2SepConv2D (AUC=0.817), • increase of performance: BiLSTM HIDN STATES (AUC=0.712) → TD 1Conv2D BiLSTM (AUC=0.843) → TD 1Conv2D BiLSTM TD 1Conv2D (AUC=0.845), In the GRU-tree of models (Fig. 6), • increase of performance: BiGRU HIDN STATES (AUC=0.737) → TD 1Conv2D BiGRU HIDN STATES (AUC=0.836) → TD 1Conv2D BiGRU HIDN ATNT (AUC=0.864), • or decrease of performance: BiGRU HIDN STATES (AUC=0.737) → TD 1Conv2D BiGRU HIDN STATES (AUC=0.836) → TD 1Conv2D BiGRU HIDN TD 1Conv2D (AUC=0.727) As one can see the attention mechanism (ATNT) after RNN layer with hidden states (HIDN) in all RNN variants increases macro AUC from 34% to 2% and slightly decrease training time. BiLSTM HIDN ATNT 2SepConv2D BiLSTM HIDN 3Conv2D ATNT BiLSTM TD HIDN BiLSTM 1Conv2D STATES HIDN BiLSTM ATNT STATES BiLSTM TD 2SepConv2D 1Conv2D 3Conv2D BiLSTM BiLSTM TD HIDN HIDN 1Conv2D 3Conv2D STATES STATES BiLSTM BiLSTM TD HIDN 1Conv2D STATES BiLSTM 1Conv2D HIDN TD BiLSTM ATNT 2Conv1D HIDN BiLSTM STATES BiLSTM TD 2Conv1D BiLSTM BiLSTM HIDN HIDN STATES STATES 2SepConv2D TD BiLSTM 2Conv1D 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 Macro AUC Figure 5: LSTM-based models tree But using RNN layer with hidden states as input for last fully-connected layer always give worse results. Using convolution layers as first layers can significantly decrease training time with preserv- ing macro AUC. But using convolution layers after RNN layers with hidden states or hidden states and attention, just decrease number of parameters, without boosting macro AUC and training time. 5. Conclusions In this article several hybrid combinations of DNN were applied to GAL dataset for hand movement classification. Macro AUC was chosen as a performance metric and compared to , training time and model size (the number of parameters). The results shown that using RNN layer with hidden states as input for last fully-connected layer decreased performance, but adding attention mechanism after output with hidden states solves this problem. Also applying BiGRU HIDN ATNT 2SepConv2D BiGRU HIDN 3Conv2D ATNT TD BiGRU 1Conv2D HIDN BiGRU BiGRU STATES HIDN HIDN ATNT STATES BiGRU STATES 2SepConv2D TD 3Conv2D TD 1Conv2D BiGRU BiGRU 1Conv2D HIDN HIDN BiGRU 3Conv2D STATES STATES HIDN BiGRU STATES TD HIDN 1Conv2D STATES BiGRU 1Conv2D TD HIDN 2Conv1D BiGRU ATNT BiGRU HIDN HIDN STATES STATES BiGRU TD 2Conv1D BiGRU BiGRU HIDN HIDN STATES STATES 2SepConv2D TD BiGRU 2Conv1D 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 Macro AUC Figure 6: GRU-based models tree BiRNN with CNN as first layers improves overall macro AUC, reduces number of parameters, and makes training model more computationally effective. 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