=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3315/paper15 |storemode=property |title=UzbekStemmer: Development of a Rule-Based Stemming Algorithm for Uzbek Language |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3315/paper15.pdf |volume=Vol-3315 |authors=Maksud Sharipov,Ollabergan Yuldasho }} ==UzbekStemmer: Development of a Rule-Based Stemming Algorithm for Uzbek Language== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3315/paper15.pdf
UzbekStemmer: Development of a Rule-Based Stemming
Algorithm for Uzbek Language
Maksud Sharipov 1, Ollabergan Yuldashov 1
    Urgench State University, 14. Kh.Alimdjan str, Urgench City, 220100, Uzbekistan

              In this paper we present a rule-based stemming algorithm for the Uzbek language. Uzbek is an
           agglutinative language, so many words are formed by adding suffixes, and the number of suffixes
           is also large. For this reason, it is difficult to find a stem of words. The methodology is proposed for
           doing the stemming of the Uzbek words with an affix stripping approach whereas not including any
           database of the normal word forms of the Uzbek language. Word affixes are classified into fifteen
           classes and designed as finite state machines (FSMs) for each class according to morphological
           rules. We created fifteen FSMs and linked them together to create the Basic FSM. A lexicon of
           affixes in XML format was created and a stemming application for Uzbek words has been developed
           based on the FSMs.

           Keywords 1
             Uzbek stemmer, stemming, Uzbek language, finite state machines, natural language processing

1. Introduction
    Stemming is defined as the conflation of all variations of specific words to a single form called the
root or stem. Stemming algorithms for some languages have been published and applied in the building
of information retrieval systems, among which for English is the well-known Porter’s algorithm [1,2].
According to the stemming principle, stemming algorithms can be divided into four categories, that are
rule-based (truncating, affix removal) method, dictionary look-up (table lookup) method, statistical
method, and mixed-method [3].
    This article presents [4] the application of the stemming task of verbs in the low-resource highly-
agglutinative Uzbek language, one of the most important aspects of Natural Language Processing
(NLP). The methodology is proposed for doing the stemming of the Uzbek verb words with an affix
stripping approach whereas not including any lexicon. Verb affixes are classified into three classes and
designed as finite state machines (FSMs) for each class according to morphological rules.
    Previous work on stemming algorithms for the Uzbek language [5] were used for normalizing texts.
When developing the algorithm, a hybrid approach was used based on the joint application of an
algorithmic method, a lexicon of linguistic rules, and a database of normal forms of words in the Uzbek
    The article [2] offers an intelligent web application developed for the morphological analysis of
words in the Uzbek language. The web application is based on the concept of generation and stem
analysis of the Uzbek language word forms. A well-known Porter algorithm was chosen as the basis
for our stemming approach.
    Stemming is an important stage of natural language processing. The research in this paper is a
contribution to the development of the stemming tool for the Uzbek language.
    Due to the fact that the Uzbek language belongs to the family of agglutinative languages, words are
formed as a result of a series of suffixes added to the stem word, which makes it difficult to find the

 The International Conference on Agglutinative Language Technologies as a challenge of Natural Language Processing
(ALTNLP), June 6, 2022, Koper, Slovenia
EMAIL: maqsbek72@gmail.com (M.Sharipov); ollaberganyuldashov@gmail.com (O.Yuldashov);
              ©️ 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
              Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
              CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
stem of the word [6]. For instance, a single word “O‘qi/ma/gan/lar/dan/mi/siz?” (Are you from those
who did not read?), which in fact is a question, can be parsed as following:
        o‘qi                               to read
        o‘qi/ma                            don’t read
        o‘qi/ma/gan                        he/she di not read
        o‘qi/ma/gan/lar                    they did not read
        o‘qi/ma/gan/lar/dan                from those who did not read
        o‘qi/ma/gan/lar/dan/mi/siz         are you from those who did not read

2. Finite State Machines(FSM) Generation
    Finite-state technology is very simple and is used a lot for many kinds of tasks in computational
linguistics. This technology may be used in phonology, morphology, syntax, spell-checking,
tokenization, text-to-speech, data mining, and other fields. The two terms finite-state machines and
finite-state automata are synonymous. A finite-state machine is a machine consisting of a set of states
with a set of allowable inputs which change the state as well as a set of outputs [7,8].
    We use FSMs to create the stemming algorithm, which allows us to analyze words from right to left.
There are four stages to create these FSMs [9]:
        ● Creating a left to right FSM;
        ● Labeling the suffixes
        ● Inverting the left to right FSM and obtaining a non
             deterministic finite state automaton (NFA)
        ● Converting NFA to a deterministic finite automaton
             (DFA) and constructing the right to left FSM
    Affixes were divided into 15 classes according to FSM and were stored in XML format.
Table 1
Affix classes
  Class                 Class name                        Type             Affixes       Allomorphs
    1     Particle suffixes                           Inflectional           10              12
    2     Declension suffixes                         Inflectional           21              29
    3     Conjugation suffixes                        Inflectional           34              15
    4     Participle & Gerund suffixes                Inflectional           12              19
    5     Verbal Adverb suffixes                      Inflectional           10              20
    6     Relative verb suffixes                      Inflectional           15              25
    7     Derivational [from verb to noun]            Derivational            8              13
    8     Noun & Adjective suffixes                   Inflectional           11              12
    9     Number suffixes                             Inflectional           11              12
   10     Pronouns suffixes                           Inflectional            2               2
   11     Prefixes                                    Derivational            7               7
   12     Derivational [Verb] suffixes                Derivational           67              73
   13     Derivational [Adjective] suffixes           Derivational          113              137
   14     Derivational [Noun] suffixes                Derivational          106              124
   15     Derivational [Adverb] suffixes              Derivational           27              33
                                                          Total             454              533

    An affix in Uzbek can have multiple allomorphs in order to provide sound harmony (as the
phonological rules) in the word to which it is affixed. For example, the Declension suffix with generic
representation –Ga has three allomorphs: –ga, –ka, –qa. The abbreviations used to show suffixes in a
generic way are shown below:
G: g, k, q        Y: a, y          K: k, g           Q: k, g, g’, q         T: t, d           A: a,o
(): the letter between parentheses can be omitted
    All affixes are stored in the Suffixes.xml file. The structure of the XML file is as follows:

         Here, the  ...  tag is the root tag, ... teg for affixes, there
are fsm_id(for FSM id in Table 1), suff_id(for affixes id in each FSM Suffixes table), group=""
category="" class="" type="" ( for to express the internal division of affixes in Table 2 within word
classes) attributes in .... The   and 
 tags are used for exceptions. The   and 
 tags indicate the state before and after the affixes under consideration in the context of
open word classes. If the allomorph attribute of the  ...  tag is true, all allomorphs
of the affixes are entered as:


2.1. Declension Suffixes
    Declension suffixes are added in Uzbek after open word classes such as noun, adjective, pronoun,
numeral and past participle. First, we learn the sequence of affixes, then we build the FSM from left to
right [6,10,11,12,13].
  In Figure 1, a numerical value is indicated a state. In the following stages, the states will be expressed
with these numbers: 0 – ending state, 1 – initial state. The character “ε” means the empty transitions
between the states. The final state is represented by 2 circles.
    In the next step, the affixes in Figure 1 are numbered. In the next steps, the sequence number in
Table 2 is used instead of the affixes.
    In Figure 2, the right to left NFA is shown, in which the FSM position from left to right in reverse
order is constructed from right to left.
Figure 1: Declension Suffixes left to right FSM           Figure 2: Declension Suffixes right to left NFA

    Let us look at some examples of how the following Declension suffixes are made from left to right
finite automata (Figure 1): qishlog‘ (1) → im (2) → dan (5) → siz (6) → lar (0) (You are from my
village), where the numbers in parentheses indicate the transitions in Figure 1.
    The large number of gaps in the FSM from left to right and the depth of the FSM complicate the
construction of the FSM from right to left.
    Table 3 illustrates the transition from NFA to DFA. In DFA, there is only one way out of each entry
and exit. There will be no empty transaction at DFA.

Table 2
Declension Suffixes
 1. –(i)m        8.       –Ga          15.   –siz
 2. –(i)ng       9.       –da          16.   –lar
 3. –s(i)        10.      –dan         17.   –(n)iki
 4. –(i)miz      11.      –man         18.   –dagi
 5. –(i)ngiz 12.          –san         19.   –day
 6. –ning        13.      –dir         20.   –dek
 7. –ni          14.      –miz         21.   –gina

                                                          Figure 3: Declension Suffixes right to left FSM

   If we define the input state of the DFA as A, it includes the input state of the NFA 0 and the states
1,2,4,5,6,7,8 that can pass through the 0-statement empty transition. Entry in DFA A state includes all
{0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8} initial cases in NFA. We analyze the new states formed as a result of trimming the
suffixes of each state, after the initial case. For example, if the initial state of a word in state A is defined
by the suffixes "1-5"(1 - (i)m, 2 - (i)ng, 3 - (s)i, 4 - (i)miz, 5 - (i)ngiz) in Table 2, it will cut the suffix
defined on the right side of the word and move the word to the next state B.
   When depicting the FSM from right to left, the state contains the final state of the NFA - 1, while
from right to left the state of the FSM is the final state and is represented by 2 circular circles. In this
case, the FSM ends in the state if no other suffix is found after the word that cut the suffix and the
incoming state is the final state.
Table 3
Declension Suffixes NFA to DFA Operation
 A={0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8}                                     “13,19,20” :       T={3} →{1,2,3} →K
  “1-5” :            T={1,7} →B                          “6,17,18” :        T={2} →{1,2} →J
  “6-10,17,18” :     T={2,8} →{1,2,7,8} →C             F={1,2,5,6}
  “11,12,14,15” :    T={5} →{1,2,5} →D                   “1-5” :            T={1} →I
  “13” :             T={3,5,8} →{1,2,3,5,7,8} →E         “9,10,17” :        T={2} →{1,2} →J
  “16” :             T={6} →{1,2,5,6} →F                 “12,13,15” :       T={5} →{1,2,5} →D
  “19,20” :          T={3,8} →{1,2,3,7,8} →G           G={1,2,3,7,8}
  “21” :             T={1,4} →{1,2,4} →H                 “1-5” :            T={1,7} →B
 B={1,7}                                                 “21” :             T={1} →I
  “21” :             T={1} →I                            “6,17,18” :        T={2} →{1,2} →J
 C={1,2,7,8}                                           H={1,2,4}
  “1-5” :            T={1,7} →B                          “1-5” :            T={1} →I
  “21” :             T={1} →I                            “6-10,17,18” :     T={2} →{1,2} →J
 D={1,2,5}                                             J={1,2}
  “1-5” :            T={1} →I                            “1-5” :            T={1} →I
  “9,10,17” :        T={1,2} →J                        K={1,2,3}
 E={1,2,3,5,7,8}                                         “1-5” :            T={1} →I
  “1-5” :            T={1,7} →B                          “6,17,18” :        T={2} →{1,2} →J
  “21” :             T={1} →I

2.2. Noun & Adjective Suffixes
   Figure 4 shows the FSM of the Noun & Adjective suffixes from left to right. This is an integral
continuation of the Declension additions. This FSM has a relatively simple structure.

                                Table 4
                                 Noun & Adjective Suffixes
                                 1. –cha       7.     –(a)loq
                                 2. –xon       8.     –roq
                                 3. –oy        9.     –imtir
                                 4. –choq      10. –ish
                                 5. –chak      11. –lar
                                 6. –jon

                                                                          Figure 5: Noun & Adjective
Figure 4: Noun & Adjective
                                                                          Suffixes right to left FSM
Suffixes left to right FSM

  If we analyze the word “yaxshiroqlaridan” (from things/people which are better). The word initially
passes in Figure 3, through Declension Suffixes FSM from right to left, and in this FSM, 10(dan) suffix
of the word are cut and go from A to C state, then FSM cut the 3((s)i) suffix and it move from C to B
state: “yaxshiroqlaridan”( A– 10 → C ) → “yaxshiroqlari”( C – 3 →B). It stops here because no suffixes
after B state are found and B state is the final state. The resulting “yaxshiroqlar”(things/people which
are better) word is passed to the next Noun&Adjective Suffixes FSM in Figure 5. In this FSM, the suffix
11(lar) is cut and moves from state A to state B, then cut the suffix 8 (roq) and move from B to C state:
“yaxshiroqlar”( A – 11 → B) → “yaxshiroq” ( B – 8 → C) → “yaxshi” (good). The result is the stem of
the word.
 2.3. Derivational [Noun] Suffixes

Figure 6: Derivational [Noun] Suffixes left to right FSM

     Most suffixes in Uzbek belong to the category of nouns[14]. Figure 6 depicts the left to right Noun
Derivational Suffixes. In Uzbek, Derivational suffixes belonging to several different word groups can
be added to the same base. In order to reduce errors in Figure 6, other word group suffixes that are
added to the base before Noun Suffixes are also given without spaces.

Table 5
Derivational [Noun] Suffixes
 1.     –shunos      23. –i               45.    –manchi     67.    –(i)ndi       89.     –(r)uvchan
 2.     –(ma)kor     24. –bon             46.    –gir        68.    –ich          90.     –chang
 3.     –paz         25. –k               47.    –don        69.    –machoq       91.     –gin
 4.     –soz         26. –q               48.    –zor        70.    –movchilik    92.     –mas
 5.     –gar         27. –v               49.    –navis      71.    –mish         93.     –ta
 6.     –do‘z        28. –moq             50.    –xo‘r       72.    –inch         94.     –g‘uch(i)
 7.     –go‘y        29. –a               51.    –ch         73.    –loq          95.     –imli
 8.     –furush      30. –um              52.    –(i)m       74.    –chiq         96.     –imsiz
 9.     –At          31. –im              53.    –imdon      75.    –goh          97.     –tak
 10. –on             32. –ma              54.    –uv         76.    –archilik     98.     –an
 11. –qin            33. –dor             55.    –cha        77.    –ildoq        99.     –vur
 12. –boz            34. –qoq             56.    –iyat       78.    –bin          100.    –inki
 13. –oq             35. –choq            57.    –dosh       79.    –noma         101.    –imtik
 14. –in             36. –dak             58.    –la         80.    –g‘u          102.    –(a)loq
 15. –mand           37. –iq              59.    –o          81.    –viy          103.    –yi
 16. –ak(i)          38. –ik              60.    –vor        82.    –chil         104.    –liK
 17. –(ma)kash 39. –Gi                    61.    –n          83.    –Qir          105.    –chiliK
 18. –iy             40. –doq             62.    –xona       84.    –inchoq       106.    –garchiliK
 19. –parast         41. –xon             63.    –gun        85.    –ag‘on
 20. –li             42. –uq              64.    –qun        86.    –sh
 21. –siz            43. –kov             65.    –g‘in       87.    –chak
 22. –chi            44. –iston           66.    –diq        88.    –(ov)chan
Figure 7: Derivational [Noun] Suffixes right to left FSM

2.4. Main FSM

  Figure 8: Final FSM                               Figure 9: Final FSM Tree

    The main FSM has entry from 2 FSMs: Particle and Derivational [Adv]. If adverb affixes are added
to the stem, inflectional ones are not added. A sequence of connections of FSMs is given in the main
FSM. Each word should be in the entry part of the main FSM. Words are passed from one FSM to
another. There are 3 outputs in the main FSM: Prefixes, Pronouns, and Numbers. There are 9 paths in
the main FSM. The word is passed through all the ways whichever way many affixes are stripped, we
take the word in this way as a stem. Depending on the way in which the stem is found, it is possible to
tell which word classes it belongs to.

3. Conclusion & Future Work
     Currently, the issue of creating an Uzbek stemmer has not been resolved due to insufficient NLP
resources for the Uzbek language. Therefore, it is developed for Uzbek by using the rule-based structure
of the language. In Uzbek sentences, words are usually concatenated with lots of suffixes, that is the
reason an information retrieval system needs a quick performing stemming algorithm. In systems that
work with root detection, it is recommended not to use a dictionary to increase application speed.
Therefore, this study does not use any word databases. The considered method in this study can be the
basis for the development of an Uzbek stemming algorithm and according to the approaches (algorithm)
the python library developed that is easy to install and use in NLP applications. The software and
instructions can be reached from the address [15]. This will be applied to develop a software in
information retrieval system for Uzbek documents.

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