=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3316/phd-paper4 |storemode=property |title=Integration of Citizens into the Development Process of Data-driven Applications in the Context of a Smart City in Order to Achieve High Acceptance and System Success |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3316/phd-paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-3316 |authors=Alisa Lorenz |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icsob/Lorenz22 }} ==Integration of Citizens into the Development Process of Data-driven Applications in the Context of a Smart City in Order to Achieve High Acceptance and System Success== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3316/phd-paper4.pdf
     Integration of citizens into the development process of data-
      driven applications in the context of a smart city in order to
              achieve high acceptance and system success
Alisa Lorenz1
    Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Wiesenstraße 14, 35390 Gießen, Germany

                 With smart cities evolving, they provide opportunities to improve the lives of citizens in urban
                 areas and contribute to a more sustainable future. Focusing on intelligent traffic management,
                 the project VLUID aims to establish a digital platform in a medium-sized German city as well
                 as data-driven applications for intelligent traffic routing to contribute to a more livable city. In
                 this context, my research will focus on the role of citizens as part of a smart city and their
                 acceptance. Building on citizen science approaches in the context of technology acceptance, I
                 try to answer the question how civic engagement can contribute to the selection of applications
                 in order to achieve high acceptance and system success. In this paper, I will show the research
                 model for my dissertation as well as the plan for the next three years of my studies.

                 Keywords 1
                 Smart City, Smart Mobility, Intelligent Traffic Management, Citizen Science, Technology

1. Introduction
Data growth and the evolvement of new technologies have been an accelerator of digitalization for the
past years [1]. Digitalization improves our everyday lives and contributes to economy and society with
data-driven solutions that can be applied to e.g., energy transformation, sustainable mobility, or health
care [2]. At the same time, humanity is facing population growth which especially affects cities: it is
estimated that 70% of humans worldwide will live in cities until the year 2050 and already today cities
generate 80% of greenhouse gases [3]. Further challenges in cities arise through demographic change,
globalization, and climate change, resulting in pollution, public health problems, and mobility
constraints [4]. Consequently, population growth and urbanization multiply each other, leading to
several resulting challenges. They are expected to cause a shortage of living space as well as challenges
for social life and coexistence, affecting cities in particular.
    The concept of smart cities is a strategy that evolved in the last years as a consequence of these
developments to counteract the negative trends in urban areas [3]. Smart cities aim to use the advantages
of digitalization and advanced technology to create public value for citizens, especially in urban areas
[5]. Examples are initiatives for measurement and improvement of air quality which positively affect
livability or smart mobility solutions that make transport more efficient and convenient.
    The German city Wetzlar is currently facing such a transformation process towards a smart
sustainable city with focus on data-driven traffic management and smart mobility. The city is an
important traffic node and economic hub located in central Hesse with a multitude of companies and
focus on heavy industry as well as precision mechanics technology. The federal highway B49 is
especially important for the economy and citizens since it goes through the city center and links Wetzlar
to other big cities and highways. However, the B49 together with another set of important roads will be

ICSOB ‘22: 13th International Conference on Software Business, November 8–11, 2022, Bolzano, Italy
EMAIL: alisa.lorenz@w.thm.de
ORCID: 0000-0002-8547-1391
              © 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
              Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
              CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

partially closed and reconstructed from 2025, causing a challenging traffic situation in and around the
    To mitigate the negative effects of this construction sites that will last for several years, the
“VLUID” 2 project was initiated. In this project an interdisciplinary team is working on the development
of data-driven applications for traffic management with myself being responsible for scientific steering
and research 3. During the project, the project team, will connect several data sources and integrate them
into one digital platform that we call “Wetzlar data space”. The overall goal of VLUID is therefore to
ensure fluid traffic as well as accessibility of destinations in and around Wetzlar in a reasonable
timeframe in the face of the construction sites by considering effects on livability.
    Since VLUID is a public project that is aimed towards improvement of the living environment of
citizens, I want to focus my research on citizen centricity as an important part of smart city strategies.
I will build on existing knowledge on smart cities, smart mobility, and the relation to sustainability to
investigate the role and influence of citizens in the context of digital transformation and the
development of Wetzlar towards a smart city. The data-driven solutions emerging from the project are
a crucial part of the project and build the basis for data collection, transformation, and information
communication towards its users. Therefore, I want to investigate the citizens’ acceptance and adoption
of the applications as well as the success of our systems. I will work at the intersection of the research
fields of smart cities, smart mobility, technology acceptance and system success, sustainability, and
citizen science. There is already extensive research existing in each of these fields whereas I want to
bring them together and apply them to the traffic management context.

2. Literature Review
Smart City
With population growth and increasing urbanization, cities become more and more populated while
space and resources are limited. Countries will face challenges in meeting the needs of their growing
urban populations, including for housing, transportation, energy systems, education and healthcare
which leads to the need for sustainable development [6]. In the last years, smart city initiatives evolved
with the goal to contribute to finding solutions for these challenges and ensuring livability in urban
areas. They aspire to make a positive impact on society and nature by using the opportunities of
technology, software and data while considering sustainability, resilience, governance, and intelligent
management of natural resources to enhance the quality of life [7].
    However, even though the use of technology and digital infrastructure are prerequisites for smart
cities, they merely are the foundation and don’t generate value without usage. The success of a smart
city is defined by the people who use the applications and the value created for them. Without usable
applications with a clear benefit for citizens, cities will not be able to become smart.

Smart Mobility
The concept of smart mobility is one building block of a smart city and aligned with the sustainable
development goals [8]. Benovolo et al. define Smart Mobility as “a set of coordinated actions addressed
at improving the efficiency, the effectiveness and the environmental sustainability in cities” which are
characterized using information and communication technology (ICT) [9]. Since road traffic is
responsible for about 65% of the CO2 emissions and is likely to increase in Wetzlar due to the
construction sites and rerouting, it is important to mitigate the negative effects by using the opportunities
of smart mobility [10].
There are already several digitalization projects for smart cities that target different aspects of mobility
such as smart parking, optimizing traffic routing or predicting traffic lights and might serve as a
blueprint for other cities.

  The VLUID project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport. „VLUID“ is an abbreviation of the German description
„Verkehrslösungen für komplexe Umbauszenarien auf der Grundlage intelligenter Datenauswertung“, meaning „Traffic Management
Solutions for Complex Reconstruction Scenarios Based on Intelligent Data Analysis“.
  In the project, I am representing the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, University of Applied Sciences, where I also conduct my research.

    Generally, smart mobility approaches should always aim for advantages for both administrators and
citizens. While administration focuses on improved traffic management, route planning and data-based
development, citizens benefit from these advances with improved traffic, alternative routes, and cost
efficiency [8]. This relationship is a direct indicator for the relevance of citizens as users for the
solutions and applications developed.

In 2015 the United Nations (UN) formally acknowledged the need for transformative change towards
sustainability by defining 17 goals for sustainable development (SDG) in the agenda 2030. The resulting
resolution defines sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs” by considering environmental concerns, social aspects,
and economic development [11]. The Sustainable Development Goals have universal relevance as they
have been aligned between all nations and thus represent a collective understanding of sustainability.
Many of these goals build an important foundation for the conditions and criteria towards the
transformation to a smart city.
    The application of technology in cities is beneficial, however, making them really “smart” calls for
a balance of technology with the needs of citizens that are reflected by the sustainability factors [12].
Recent research shows that there is high potential for analyzing the contribution of smart cities to
achieve sustainable development [13]. According to Yigitcanlar et al., sustainability is even a condition
for cities to become smart [14]. In conclusion, sustainability is a factor that is directly linked to the
development of smart cities and therefore should be considered in any research regarding this field.

User Acceptance Models
To achieve the goals of the VLUID project, high acceptance and regular usage of our data-driven
applications as well as adoption of behavior based on the recommendations are mandatory. In this
context, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT) offer guidance for analyzing and measuring acceptance and adoption of
information systems by their users.
    The TAM explains perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as the two main influence factors
on the attitude towards the use of a technology and also incorporates social influences, cognitive
instrumental processes and the variable of experience as additional influences that are reflected by
subjective norm, voluntariness, image, job relevance, output quality and result demonstrability [15].
Based on this, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology was developed to explain
user intentions and usage behavior. It points out four key constructs: performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, social influence and enabling conditions [16]. Technology acceptance is therefore
influenced by multiple factors which also influence each other. A recent study analyzed the factors that
particularly influence the intention and use of web applications in smart cities [17]. The authors describe
citizens of smart cities as the source of change and simultaneously the object of all target activities and
suggest increasing involvement of the population in using the applications in everyday life (ibid). Other
authors further call for more people-centric approaches and involvement of citizens in smart city
initiatives, e.g., by empowering citizens and using bottom-up approaches [18]. Summarizing, people
living in cities play the key role in smart city projects since their adoption decides over success or

Information System Success
The theory for information system success that defines value and efficacy of IS activities goes back to
DeLone and McLean who developed it in 1992. They updated their model in 2003 and it is up to today
one of the most cited theories in information systems research [19]. It identifies six critical aspects and
their relationship that influence the success of information systems: system quality, information quality,
use and user satisfaction, individual impact, and organizational impact (ibid). They later enhanced the
model by adding service quality as another dimension and combining the dimensions individual impact
and organizational impact to “net benefits” (ibid). All factors are interdependent which is why they
require special caution and attention when applied to specific research.

Citizen Science
Comprehensible science communication has become more important due to the increasing distance
between scientists and citizens. To improve the trust in science, the efforts of information systems
researchers towards sustainable impact on society should be made transparent and better communicated
[20]. Citizen science approaches can be a medium to do this as they directly include citizens in the
processes of data collection and research, however, they are not yet broadly applied in information
systems research. Weinhardt et al. propose to use these approaches in technology and methodology
such as open innovation, gamification and participatory design and advocate for considering citizen
science as opportunity to engage citizens and attract them in IS research (ibid). Other authors also
recognize the advantages of including citizens who have an interest in the related field. They describe
it as “a movement in IS research towards societally impactful research at the confluence of human
behavior, technology, society, and environmental sustainability” [21].
    Other researchers identified people-centered and data-driven research as an opportunity for smart
city research since smart cities are built for people and not only for profit [22]. They point out that cities
require a longer development and transformation process to become “smart”, in which they have to
align different components and influence factors while respecting diverse human needs (ibid). By
working closely together with the target group for which solutions are built, researchers can learn more
about human behavior in new IS contexts [21].

3. Research Overview
3.1. Research Model
Based on the project scope and literature analyzed in the previous chapter, I identified potential for
further research in the area of smart cities and smart mobility and particularly regarding intelligent
traffic management. Intelligent data- and analytics-based traffic management only evolved in the last
decade together with the concept of smart mobility. Research highly focuses on technology and possible
applications, combining IoT with data processing infrastructure and high performing analytics tools.
    However, as pointed out, all technology only creates value when it is used. Data-based traffic
management approaches base on existing and well-known technology but go a step further by collecting
data from sensors in the city and also from moving vehicles and other personal objects that are able to
send data. Further, the VLUID project aims to influence citizen behavior and direct them to the best
form of transport or route to avoid traffic chaos. The project therefore wants to make a positive impact
and help citizens and the city as a whole. However, citizens themselves might have an aversion against
the intervention in their personal decisions which would stand against the success of the systems and
    Since usage and adoption play a very important role in the project, I want to focus my research on
the influence of citizens on the development process and how their involvement can help to achieve
system success of the data-driven applications. Smart traffic management as part of smart mobility and
smart cities build the application context of my research that is given through the VLUID project.
Building on this research, I want to find out how smart city initiatives can not only ensure high
acceptance but also adoption.
    Using the Technology Acceptance Model, the Theory of Reasoned Action and Information System
Success as grand IS theories, I want to bring them together and find out how smart city initiatives can
not only ensure high acceptance but also adoption by using citizen science approaches.
    I further want to analyze the impact and importance of sustainability for smart traffic management
and citizens as well as the impact that the applications from VLUID will have on it. Positive impacts
on sustainability are not only the expected results from these activities but sustainability plays a key
part in the overall context. Figure 1 summarizes the research fields and shows how they are related to
each other.
    Concluding, I will be working on the intersection of multiple research fields which have been each
explored in detail but less explored when bringing them all together. By applying them to the specific

context of applications for traffic management and the role of citizen involvement, I hope to contribute
to the literature by exploring this specific node further.

                                                                             Smart City
                                                                           Smart Mobility
                                                                      Smart Traffic Management

                                                                        Technology and User
                                                      IS Theory             Acceptance
                                                                           System Success

                                                                           Citizen Science
                                                                         Citizen Involvement

                                                               Figure 1: Research Model

3.2.      Research Questions

The VLUID project is scheduled until September 2024 with an option to extend it by six months. It is
divided into four main phases that are summarized in Figure 2. I will schedule my research mainly
around the first three of these phases and the questions and challenges that arise in each of them.

                     2022                                      2023                                         2024                                     2025

                    -1-                                  -2-                                     -3-                                           -4-
       Specification of Requirements        Prototyping and Rollout of                Testing and Evaluation of                        Transfer of Findings
       and Selection of Applications               applications                             Applications

                                           Figure 2: Main project phases and timeline of VLUID

    Bringing the project scope, the research model, and the described literature together, I developed the
following main research question for my dissertation:
            How can we integrate citizens into the development process of data-driven applications in
         the context of a smart city in order to achieve high acceptance and system success?
    This question stresses the importance of citizens in smart cities and focuses on their involvement in
the development process of data-driven applications. It also goes beyond seeing citizens as targets for
our activities and advocates for their integration and participation in the development process. Further,
it highlights the aspect of system success and defines it with acceptance and adoption of citizens to the
solutions. Based on this high-level research question, I derived three underlying questions that each
contribute to one of the three project phases and that will be further described in the following. All
questions are summarized in Figure 3.

               How can civic engagement and citizen science approaches contribute to the specification and selection of data-
                               driven applications in order to achieve high acceptance and system success?

                                -1-                                       -2-                                                          -3-
                 How can civic engagement and              How can we create awareness and                          To what extent do citizens adopt to
                   citizen science approaches               coverage of our applications to                           the data-driven applications and
                contribute to the specification and                achieve usage?                                    change their behavior? How does
                     selection of data-driven                                                                          that influence their behavior as
                          applications?                                                                                       traffic participants?
                                              Figure 3: Research questions for the dissertation

    The first project phase focuses on requirements and specification of applications. Since VLUID is a
project for the city and the requirements defined by the core project team might differ from the
requirements and expectations of citizens, I want to include citizens in the specification process. Using
citizen science approaches, I want them to collect and define criteria for data-driven applications that
they perceive as necessary and useful. Deviated from the main research question and applied to this
specific context, the sub-question of the first research phase is:

             How can civic engagement and citizen science approaches contribute to the specification
          and selection of data-driven applications?
   With the insights and findings, I would contribute to improving our understanding of participation
as well as potential for future inclusion. I will also show whether involvement in the project changes
the perception of the resulting applications and how citizen’s approaches differ from the core project
   In the second project phase the prototypes of data-driven applications will be developed and rolled
out for testing. To be successful with the rollout, good, comprehensible, and broad communication is
necessary so that citizens become aware of the possibilities provided. Building on the need for science
communication as well as citizen science and technology acceptance, I want to find out the best ways
to make our project and the contribution of our applications visible so that citizens will want to try them.
Again, I want to include citizens from Wetzlar in this process to highlight alternative perspectives and
promote human-centered approaches. The sub-question for research in this context is:
          How can we create awareness and coverage of our applications to achieve usage?
   The contribution of the second research increment will be a set of effective ways to communicate
the existence of applications and the information through the applications, tested through several case
   In the third and last project phase the data-driven applications will be tested and evaluated to rate
their success. This is especially important since it will determine the degree of usage and system success
that is the result of the previous activities. Hence, it is crucial to evaluate whether citizens not only like,
know, understand, and use the applications but also whether usage leads to a change in behavior.
Building on the TAM and UTAUT models as well as IS success, the third sub-question is:
             To what extent do citizens adopt to the data-driven applications and change their behavior?
          How does that influence their behavior as traffic participants?
   The results of this research increment will contribute to finding out whether involvement in the
project from the start and throughout in certain phases increases user acceptance and usage. It will
further show whether and how data-driven traffic management applications can influence citizens
behavior, and which features of the applications contribute to their success.

3.3.    Method and Timeline
As described in the last section, I will orientate my research along the project phases of VLUID.
Summarizing these and combining them with the research phases, the plan for my dissertation is divided
into three main parts with related studies that are displayed in figure 4.

         Timeline                   2022                                     2023                                 2024

          Project      Specification of Requirements         Prototyping and Rollout of               Testing and Evaluation of
          Phases       and Selection of Applications                applications                            Applications

                                 Research Phase A                   Research Phase B                        Research Phase C
         Research               Contribution of civic       Contribution of civic engagement to     Contribution of citizen involvement
                               engagement to selection          communication and reach                  to acceptance and usage

                                          Study A                         Study B                               Study C
          Studies                         Paper A                        Paper B                              Paper C

           Study                      20-30 participants,                                            40-60: 20 newly recruited, 20 from
                                                              20-30 participants, newly recruited
        Participants                   newly recruited                                                     research phase A & B

                                     Figure 4: Project Phases of VLUID and related Studies

    Since the goal of the research is to analyze the impact of human-centric project approaches, all
studies will closely include citizens. The focus will lie on a dialogue an exchange to incorporate new
perspectives. To do this, I want to recruit people who live in and around the city Wetzlar to participate
in different surveys, workshops, and subprojects.
    I plan to 20-30 participants per study. Main aspects of the study will be based on workshops with
citizens. Therefore, I will need smaller groups where it is possible to work with each other and discuss.

Groups of 20-30 people should therefore be divided in smaller workshop groups. To get a diverse
picture and include enough representatives, I would aim for participants who use different forms of
traffic and different routes daily. The definite number of participants to include may change later in the
planning process when a more specific amount is determined.
    For research purposes, clustering and the identification of possible correlations, each study will start
by asking participants to share certain personal information, e.g., on Age, Gender, and Profession. This
will be further developed by incorporating suggestions from literature. The detailed elaboration will be
part of the preparations for research phase A.
    In the following section I will describe each of the research phases A to C further to give an overview
of the planned activities and which methods I expect to use in detail.

Research Phase A
The first research focuses on the contribution of civic engagement to the selection process of our data-
driven applications and contributes to the first research question: How can civic engagement and citizen
science approaches contribute to the specification and selection of data-driven applications? In this
phase I want to combine different research approaches to get a broad picture of how citizen participation
can influence the selection process and system acceptance. In the focus of the study is a workshop that
I want to conduct together with citizens of Wetzlar. They will be invited to develop and share their
relevant criteria for our data-driven applications and rate the existing concept from a previous study
where we evaluated the criteria that are relevant for the members of the project team. The study consists
of four parts which are referred to as A1-A4.
    With study A1 I want to measure the acceptance of the pre-defined criteria that resulted from the
project team. To do this, the workshop will start with a presentation of the general project and also
display the catalogue of criteria. Afterwards, each participant will get a questionnaire that asks for their
agreement with the predefined criteria. I plan to use closed questions and a Likert scale with values
from 1-5 to determine comparable values.
    Study A2 focuses on the workshop and the development of criteria. In the workshop the participants
will be introduced to methods to determine relevant criteria, such as brainstorming. I will then ask them
to define the criteria that they believe would be relevant for our data-driven applications and the impact
of VLUID for the city and citizens. These can differ from the criteria presented in A1. Additionally, I
will ask them to assign a weight to each criterion that they defined. In a final round, all criteria will be
discussed together and again weights assigned from the other participants.
    In study A3 I will ask the participants to answer the questions from study A1 again and determine
whether there are changes in their perception. One hypothesis is that people would accept their own
criteria more than the ones from the project or are more likely to accept the predefined criteria if it
aligns with their own perception.
    I will finish the experiments with study A4 which will evaluate whether the participants found the
workshop valuable, whether they felt involved and whether they think that their contributions matter.
Further, I will ask them how likely it is that they will use data-driven applications that fit their defined
requirements. This will again be done through a questionnaire with closed questions on the same scale
as in A1.

Research Phase B
Research phase B aligns with the prototyping and rollout phase of the VLUID project and focuses on
the contribution of civic engagement for coverage regarding the communication of the project. In this
study I want to find out whether other forms of communication that go beyond official channels from
the city and the project partners would achieve the broad reach that the project requires. Again, I want
to include citizens in the development and the communication process. The study consists of four parts
which are referred to as B1-B4.
    Similar to research phase A, I will start research phase B with a survey before the workshop. In study
B1 I want to find out which sources of information participants use daily. This could be classical media
like newspapers, television but also modern apps like Instagram or just hearing something from
neighbors. In this study it will be especially important to find out which sources of information they
generally use and which of them they use for informing themselves about activities in the city. With the

results I want to identify whether there is potential for new forms of communication and which channels
would make sense.
    In study B2 I want to conduct another workshop that will focus on the development of
communication concepts. This will go beyond classical brainstorming since citizen science calls for
involvement and the generation of data, information, or insights. I want the participants to develop their
own ideas based on communication concepts that they wish for and that they would use. This could be
done in small teams that each focus on different approaches, e.g., in areas related to their community,
hobby, etc. A prerequisite is that at least one person from each team will continue with their proposal
and try to bring them to life with the help of the VLUID project team as a small sub-project. In the best-
case scenario this workshop would produce “champions” as communicators that are close to the city
but also close to the project. By using more approaches in parallel I estimate to also reach more citizens
and develop high reach across the city.
    Study B3 will then evaluate the method used and how the participants felt about their contribution
as well as the method. I want to focus on their involvement and how they perceive their influence and
relevance to the project.
    Lastly, in study B4, I want to evaluate how the proposals and sub-projects evolved after some weeks
or months. I want to check in again with the participants and find out how much their communication
strategy changed, how they further developed it and how much range it gained. This will show whether
additional reach can be developed by integrating citizens. Also, the whole research increment B will
help in understanding how the involvement of citizens changes the outcome of the project.

Research Phase C
The last research phase C will focus on the acceptance, usage and adoption of the applications
developed. This phase will show the degree of success of our applications and participation measures.
I want to find out how the efforts from previous studies evolved and whether the behavior of citizens
changes through using our data-driven applications. In this phase I want to measure differences between
citizens that have been involved in research increment A or B and citizens that have not yet been
involved. Therefore, half of the participants will be newly recruited and the other half contacted from
the pool of previous participants. This last study consists of three parts which are referred to as C1-C3.
    Research increment C will consist of three surveys since this will be an ex-post evaluation of
activities of the past and the results of the VLUID project. Study C1 will focus on citizens who have
not been actively involved in VLUID to answer a set of questions related to the results from the project.
They should especially focus on the knowledge of the applications, the use of the applications, the
benefits of the applications and the resulting behavior from using the applications.
    Study C2 will consist of the same questions as used in study C1, however, the participants will be
citizens who have participated before either in a study of research increment A or B. By asking two
groups who were involved in a different extent, I want to determine whether and how the answers differ
between citizens who were involved and citizens who were not.
    The study closes with C3, where the participants from C2 will asked an additional set of questions.
I want to find out more about the methods used and how participants perceived them. This will try to
determine whether citizen participation in this form had success and whether participants would like to
contribute to other projects and scenarios as well.

4. Outlook
   I will conduct my first studies approximately in fall 2022. After structuring and defining the methods
I want to use in my research, I will further detail my study design and begin recruiting citizens for the
studies. Since research increment C and A are linked together with a longitudinal study, it is of most
importance to find participants that are willing to participate over the course of several years.
   After the theoretical and methodological foundation, I will start conducting the studies, collecting
the results, and analyzing them. I plan to at least submit one scientific paper for each research phase to
stay in close contact with the scientific community and share interims results.
   With my work, I hope to contribute to the hypothesis that involvement of citizens in smart city
projects like VLUID can lead to higher acceptance and adoption of applications. I am looking forward

to working on an innovative project and approach that might provide findings for research on
information systems for a sustainable society.

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