[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-362

Copyright © 2008 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material from this volume requires permission by the copyright owners.

Proceedings of the Joint SPACE 1 and TIME 2 Workshops 2008

Part of IFIPTM 2008 - Joint iTrust and PST Conferences on Privacy, Trust Management and Security
Trondheim, Norway, June 17, 2008

Edited by
Licia Capra, Ian Wakeman, Noria Foukia, Stephen Marsh

1 SPACE: Sustaining Privacy in Autonomous Collaborative Environments

Noria Foukia University of Otago, New Zealand
Stephen Marsh, NRCC, Canada

2 TIME: Trust in Mobile Environments

Licia Capra, University College London, UK
Ian Wakeman, University of Sussex, UK

Table of Contents


Obligations that Require and Affect Authorizations
Will Winsborough, University of Texas at San Antonio

Technical Session 1: Privacy

Privacy Secure and Privacy-Preserving DRM for Mobile Devices with Web Service Security - An Experience Report
Carsten Kleiner, Lukas Grittner and Daniel Kadenbach

Comprehensive Analysis of Web Privacy and Anonymous Web Browsers: Are Next Generation Services Based on Collaborative Filtering?
Gabor Gulyas, Robert Schulcz, and Sandor Imre

Technical Session 2: Models

Learning to Trust on the Move
Neal Lathia

A Behavioural Model for Client Reputation
Anirban Basu, Ian Wakeman, Dan Chalmers, and Jon Robinson

Towards User Driven Trust Modeling and Management
Zheng Yan and Valtteri Niemi

Technical Session 3: Mobility

Rethinking Network Mobility in Pervasive Markets: Model and Trust
Lu Yan

Validation of the OLSR routing table based on trust reasoning
Asmaa Adnane, Christophe Bidan and Rafael T. de Sousa Jr

25-June-2008: submitted by L. Capra
25-June-2008: published on CEUR-WS.org