[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-368

Copyright © 2008 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material from this volume requires permission by the copyright owners.

SFSW '08
Scripting for the Semantic Web

Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web

Tenerife / Spain, June 02, 2008.

Edited by

Christian Bizer *
Sören Auer +
Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes #
Tom Heath %

* Freie Universität Berlin , 14195 Berlin, Germany
+ University of Leipzig , 04009 Leipzig, Germany
# DFKI Knowledge Management Lab , 67608 Kaiserslautern, Germany
% Talis Information Ltd , Birmingham B37 7YB, United Kingdom


Table of Contents


  1. XSLT+SPARQL: Scripting the Semantic Web with SPARQL embedded into XSLT stylesheets
    Diego Berrueta, Jose Emilio Labra, Ivan Herman
  2. Publishing and Using Ontologies as Mash-Up Services
    Kim Viljanen, Jouni Tuominen, Eero Hyvönen
  3. Cooking HTTP content negotiation with Vapour
    Diego Berrueta, Sergio Fernández, Iván Frade
  4. The Talia library platform - Rapidly building a digital library on Rails
    Daniel Hahn, Michele Nucci, Michele Barbera
  5. Scripting User Contributed Interlinking
    Michael Hausenblas, Wolfgang Halb, Yves Raimond
  6. World of WebCraft - Mashing up World of Warcraft and the Web
    Knud Möller
  7. Neologism: Easy Vocabulary Publishing
    Cosmin Basca, Stéphane Corlosquet, Richard Cyganiak, Sergio Fernández, Thomas Schandl
  8. Microblogging: A Semantic Web and Distributed Approach
    Alexandre Passant, Tuukka Hastrup, Uldis Bojars, John Breslin
  9. Using JavaScript RDFa Widgets for model/view separation inside read/write websites
    Sebastian Dietzold, Sebastian Hellmann, Martin Peklo
  10. RDF in JSON: A Specification for serialising RDF in JSON
    Keith Alexander
  11. Scripting Challenge Submissions

  12. RDF2FS -- A Unix File System RDF Store
    Michael Sintek, Gunnar Grimnes
  13. A Distributed Semantic Microblogging Platform
    Alexandre Passant, Tuukka Hastrup, Uldis Bojars, John Breslin
  14. SPARQLBot - The Semantic Web Command Line
    Benjamin Nowack
  15. MOAW -- URI's Everywhere
    Laurian Gridinoc, Mathieu d'Aquin
  16. Ruby Semantic Web Pipes
    Daniel Hahn, Michele Barbera


Proceedings as handed out at the Workshop

Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web (SFSW 2008)

Citing the Proceedings

The proceedings are usually cited as follows:

   Christian Bizer, Sören Auer, Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes, Tom Heath (eds.): Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Scripting for  
   the Semantic Web, Tenerife, Spain, June 02, 2008, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, online CEUR-WS.org/Vol-368/.

A paper in CEUR-WS.org should be cited using its online URL, for example

   Diego Berrueta, Jose Emilio Labra, Ivan Herman: XSLT+SPARQL: Scripting the Semantic Web with SPARQL embedded into XSLT
   stylesheets. In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web, Tenerife, Spain, June 02, 2008,  
   CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, online CEUR-WS.org/Vol-368/paper1.pdf

Bibtex Files

The proceedings can also be cited using this bibtex file .

10-Jul-2008: submitted by Christian Bizer
10-Jul-2008: published on CEUR-WS.org