[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-408

© 2008 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material from this volume requires permission by the copyright owners.

Fourth Latin American Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning 2008

Proceedings of the fourth Latin American Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning 2008 (LANMR'08)
Facultad de Ciencias de la Computación de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Puebla, México, October 22 - 24, 2008

Edited by

Mauricio Osorio *
Ivan Olmos **

* Universidad de las Américas Puebla , México
** Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Pueblay , México



Table of Contents


  1. An Automata-based algorithm for description logics around SRIQ
    Magdalena Ortiz
  2. Generating complex ontology instances from documents
    Roxana Danger, Rafael Berlanga
  3. Structural graph-based representations used for finding hidden patterns
    Ivan Olmos, Jesus A. González
  4. Association rule-based Markov Decision Processes
    Ma.de Guadalupe García-Hernández, José Ruiz-Pinales, Alberto Reyes-Ballesteros, Eva Onaindía,
    J. Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes, Sergio Ledesma, Donato Hernández
  5. P-stable models of strong kernel programs
    José Luis Carballido, Claudia Zepeda
  6. A statistical approach to crosslingual natural language tasks
    David Pinto, Jorge Civera, Alfons Juan, Paolo Rosso, Alberto Barrón-Cedeño
  7. Brief study of the relation between AGM postulates (-7) and (+7) under non-classical logics
    Ruslán Ledesma
  8. Coordinated multi-agent exploration
    Abraham Sánchez L., Alfredo Toriz P.
  9. CTL AgentSpeak(L): a specification language for agent programs
    Alejandro Guerra-Hernández, José Martín Castro-Manzano, Amal El-Fallah-Seghrouchni
  10. Efficient computation of the degree of belief in a propositional theory
    Carlos Guillén, Guillermo De Ita, Aurelio López-López
  11. Conditional preferences in P-RASP
    Stefania Costantini, Andrea Formisano
  12. Semi-negative normal programs based on p-stable semantics
    Claudia Zepeda, José Luis Carballido


  13. Agents's competition for selecting a representative
    Guillermo De Ita, Mireya Tovar, Meliza Contreras
  14. The Pac Logic in the properties of C(w) and C(min)
    J. Arrazola, E. Ariza, V. Borja
  15. Semantic information storage and retrieval in a peer-to-peer corporate memory
    Ana B. Rios-Alvarado, Ricardo Marcelin-Jiménez, R. Carolina Medina-Ramírez
  16. AGM postulates in Answer Sets
    J. C. Acosta Guadarrama

submitted by Ivan Olmos, Claudia Zepeda, 21-Oct-2008
published on CEUR-WS.org, 24-Oct-2008