[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-449

Copyright © 2009 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material from this volume requires written permission by the copyright owners. This volume is published by its editors.

Scripting and Development for the Semantic Web ( SFSW '09 )

Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Scripting and Development for the Semantic Web , co-located with 6th European Semantic Web Conference ( ESWC 2009 )

Heraklion, Greece, May 31, 2009.

Edited by

Sören Auer *
Chris Bizer +
Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes %

* Universität Leipzig , Institut für Informatik, Abt. Betriebliche Informationssysteme, Postfach 100920, 04009 Leipzig, Germany
+ Freie Universität Berlin , Institut für Produktion, Wirtschaftsinformatik und OR, Garystr. 21, 14195 Berlin, Germany
% German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH , Knowledge Management Group, Postfach 2080, D-67608 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Proceedings as Printed

Proceedings of the 5rd International Workshop on Scripting and Development for the Semantic Web
Sören Auer, Chris Bizer, Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes
Proceedings as handed out at the Workshop.

Bibtex files

The proceedings can be cited using the bibtex file.

The proceedings are usually cited as follows:
   Sören Auer, Chris Bizer, Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes - (eds.): 
   Proc. of Scripting and Development for the Semantic Web Workshop at the ESWC, Heraklion, Greece, May 31, 2009, 
   CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, online CEUR-WS.org/Vol-449/.

A paper in CEUR-WS.org should be cited using its online URL, for example

   Pierre-Antoine Champin: Tal4Rdf: lightweight presentation for the Semantic Web.
   Proc. of Scripting and Development for the Semantic Web Workshop at the ESWC, Heraklion, Greece, May 31, 2009, 
   CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, online CEUR-WS.org/Vol-449/Paper1.pdf.

Table of Contents


  1. Tal4Rdf: Lightweight Presentation for the Semantic Web
    Pierre-Antoine Champin
  2. A Pattern for Domain Specific Editing Interfaces Using Embedded RDFa and HTML Manipulation Tools
    Rob Styles, Nadeem Shabir and Jeni Tennison
  3. Experiments with Wikipedia Cross-Language Data Fusion
    Eugenio Tacchini, Andreas Schultz and Christian Bizer
  4. Converging Web and Desktop Data with Konduit
    Laura Dragan, Knud Möller, Siegfried Handschuh, Oszkar Ambrus, and Sebastian Trüg

Short Papers

  1. Ontology-Based Query Expansion Widget for Information Retrieval
    Jouni Tuominen, Tomi Kauppinen, Kim Viljanen, and Eero Hyvönen
  2. Krextor - An Extensible XML->RDF Extraction Framework
    Christoph Lange
  3. RDFa in Drupal: Bringing Cheese to the Web of Data
    Stephane Corlosquet, Richard Cyganiak, Axel Polleres and Stefan Decker
  4. Macros vs. Scripting in VPOET
    Mariano Rico, David Camacho, Oscar Corcho
  5. SKUA - Retrofitting Semantics
    Norman Gray, Tony Linde and Kona Andrews

Challenge Submisions

  1. Ozone Browser: Augmenting the Web with Semantic Overlays
    Gregoire Burel, Amparo E. Cano and Vitaveska Lanfranchi
  2. Linked Data for Building a Map of Researchers
    Olaf Hartig, Hannes Mühleisen, and Johann-Christoph Freytag
  3. RDF Schema Rendering
    Ishai Biran
  4. AJAX Widget for Semantic Query Expansion
    Jouni Tuominen, Tomi Kauppinen, Kim Viljanen, and Eero Hyvönen
  5. Colibrary: Linking Communities of Readers on the Social Semantic Web
    Domenico Gendarmi, Filippo Lanubile
  6. Practical Semantic Works - a Bridge from the Users' Web to the Semantic Web
    Anca Paula Luca
  7. SPARCool: SPARQL made easy
    Alexandre Passant

09-Jun-2009: submitted by Sören Auer
10-Jun-2009: published on CEUR-WS.org