[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-48

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ONTO-2001 - Ontologies Workshop

Proceedings of the ONTO-2001 Workshop on Ontologies
Vienna, Austria, September 18, 2001.

Held in conjunction with the Joint German/Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24th German / 9th Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vienna, Austria, 2001.

Edited by

Gerd Stumme *
Alexander Maedche #
Steffen Staab *

* University of Karlsruhe , Institute AIFB, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
# Research Center on Information Technologies, FZI, at the University of Karlsruhe , 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

Table of Contents

Full Papers

  1. Ontology Structures in CoMet
    J. Yli-Koivisto and J. Puustjarvi.
  2. Ontological Engineering for Conceptual Modeling
    R. Raban and B. Garner.
  3. Contributions to the Axiomatic Foundations of Upper-Level Ontologies
    W. Degen and H. Herre
  4. From Domain Ontologies to Object-Oriented Frameworks
    G. Guizzardi and R. de Almeida Falbo and J. Gomcalves Pereira Filho

Short/Position Papers

  1. Ontological Aspects in Representing Mathematical Knowledge for Reasoning and Presentation Purposes
    H. Horacek
  2. Ontologies, Multi-Perspective Modelling and Knowledge Auditing
    J. Kingston
  3. The Ontology of Commonsense Knowledge
    W.S. Saba
  4. EOS: Making the Epistemic Impact of Ontologies in Knowledge Processing Explicit
    W. Wohner

Application Papers

  1. An Ontology for WWW Summarization in Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT): An Interim Report
    B. Endres-Niggemeyer and B. Hertenstein and C. Villiger and C. Ziegert
  2. Building Shared Ontologies for Terminology Integration
    G. Schuster and H. Stuckenschmidt

submitted by A. Maedche, August, 27, 2001.