[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-63

© 2002 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

ADL 2002
2002 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics

Proceedings of the KI-2002 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics

Aachen, September 16, 2002.

Edited by

Günther Görz , University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany
Volker Haarslev , Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Carsten Lutz , TU Dresden, Germany
Ralf Möller , University of Applied Sciences in Wedel, Germany

Table of Contents

  1. Daniela Berardi
    Using DLs to reason on UML Class Diagrams
  2. Sebastian Brandt and Anni-Yasmin Turhan
    An Approach for Optimized Approximation
  3. Kerstin Bücher, Günther Görz, and Bernd Ludwig
    Correga Tabs: Incremental Semantic Composition
  4. Michael Eisfeld
    Model Construction for Configuration Design
  5. A. Huber, G. Görz, R. Zimmermann, S. Käs, R. Butscher, F. Bodendorf
    Design and Usage of an Ontology for Supply Chain Monitoring
  6. Chan Le Duc and Nhan Le Thanh
    Approximation from a Description Logic with Disjunction to Another Without Disjunction
  7. Bernd Ludwig, Kerstin Bücher, and Günther Görz
    Correga Tags: Mapping Semantics onto Pragmatics
  8. Ragnhild van der Straeten and Miro Casanova
    The Use of DL in Component Libraries - First Experiences

submitted by Carsten Lutz, October 28, 2002