[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-643⫷ Vol-644 ⫸Vol-645

Copyright © 2010 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems

Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems ( ACES-MB 2010 ),
held as part of the 2010 International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems ( MoDELS'10 )

Oslo, Norway, October 4, 2010 .

Edited by

Stefan Van Baelen *
Ileana Ober **
Huascar Espinoza ***
Thomas Weigert ****
Iulian Ober **
Sébastien Gérard *****

* K.U.Leuven - Distrinet , Leuven, Belgium
** University of Toulouse - IRIT , Toulouse, France
*** ESI Tecnalia , Zamudio, Spain
**** Missouri University of Science and Technology , Rolla, MO, USA
***** CEA-LIST/LISE , Saclay, France

Table of Contents

    Invited Talk

  1. Using Metaheuristic Search for the Analysis and Verification of UML Models 9
    Lionel C. Briand

    Modelling Languages and Mappings

  2. Mapping the MARTE UML Profile to AADL 11-20
    Skander Turki, Eric Senn, Dominique Blouin
  3. A Time-Centric Model for Cyber-Physical Applications 21-35
    John C. Eidson, Edward A. Lee, Slobodan Matic, Sanjit A. Seshia, Jia Zou
  4. From Interaction Overview Diagrams to Temporal Logic 37-51
    Luciano Baresi, Angelo Morzenti, Alfredo Motta, Matteo Rossi

    Verification and Validation

  5. Virtual Verification of System Designs against System Requirements 53-67
    Wladimir Schamai, Philipp Helle, Peter Fritzson, Christiaan J.J. Paredis
  6. Approach for Iterative Validation of Automotive Embedded Systems 69-83
    Gereon Weiss, Marc Zeller, Dirk Eilers, Rudi Knorr
  7. Model Maturity Levels for Embedded Systems Development, or: Working with Warnings 85-99
    Martin Grosse-Rhode

    Position Papers

  8. Towards a Systematic Approach for Software Synthesis 101-105
    Hamid Bagheri, Kevin Sullivan
  9. Toward Mega Models for Maintaining Timing Properties of Automotive Systems 107-111
    Stefan Neumann, Andreas Seibel
  10. A Transformation-based Model of Evolutionary Architecting for Embedded System Product Lines 113-117
    Jakob Axelsson
  11. Identifying Features for Ground Vehicles Software Product Lines by Means of Annotated Models 119-123
    Rafael S. Durelli, Daniel B. F. Conrado, Ricardo A. Ramos, Oscar L. Pastor, Valter V. de Camargo, Rosângela A. D. Penteado
  12. Product Line Development using Multiple Domain Specific Languages in Embedded Systems 125-129
    Susumu Tokumoto

The whole proceedings can also be downloaded as a single file ( pdf ).

11-Oct-2010: submitted by Stefan Van Baelen
12-Oct-2010: published on CEUR-WS.org