[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-672⫷ Vol-673 ⫸Vol-674

Copyright © 2010 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

Reuse and Adaptation of Ontologies and Terminologies 2010

Proceedings of the EKAW 2010 Workshop 6: "Reuse and Adaptation of Ontologies and Terminologies"

The workshop was held with the main conference EKAW 2010

Lisbon, Portugal, October 15, 2010 .

Edited by

Natalia Grabar *
Thierry Hamon **
Marie Dupuch ***

* SPIM , INSERM; HEGP, AP-HP, Paris, France
** LIM&BIO , Univ. Paris13, Paris, France
*** SPIM , INSERM, Paris, France

Program Committee

Table of Contents

  1. Re-use of Terminological and Ontological Resources for the Construction of Domain Ontologies in Medicine: a Description of Two Experimental Approaches
    Ferdinand Dhombres, Jean Charlet, Laurent Mazuel, Marie-Christine Jaulent . INSERM, U872, ICS, Paris, France
  2. Exploitation of Semantic Similarity for Adaptation of Existing Terminologies Within Biomedical Area
    Marie Dupuch, Ludovic Trinquart, Isabelle Colombet, Marie-Christine Jaulent, Natalia Grabar . INSERM, U872, University Paris 6/5 France
  3. Semantic, Terminological and Linguistic Interpretation of XBRL
    Tobias Wunner, Paul Buitelaar, Sean O'Brian . DERI, National University of Ireland, Ireland
  4. Use of Terms and Term-Related Units as Feature Sets for Automatic Text Classification
    Alex C. Fang, Jing Cao . City University of Hong Kong, China
  5. Bootstrapping Information Extraction Mappings by Similarity-based Reuse of Taxonomies
    Martijn Spitters, Remko Bonnema, Mihai Rotaru, Jakub Zavrel . Textkernel BV, The Netherlands

04-Nov-2010: submitted by Natalia Grabar
04-Nov-2010: published on CEUR-WS.org