[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-746⫷ Vol-747 ⫸Vol-748

Copyright © 2011 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems 2011

Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems

in conjunction with the 2011 International Conference On Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2011)

Palo Alto, CA, USA, February 13, 2011 .

Edited by

Tim Hussein *
Stephan Lukosch **
Heiko Paulheim +
Jürgen Ziegler *
Gaëlle Calvary ++

* University of Duisburg-Essen , Interactive Systems Research Group, Germany
** Delft University of Technology , Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, The Netherlands

+ SAP Research , Darmstadt, Germany
++ University of Grenoble , Laboratoire d'Informatique, France

Table of Contents

    Session 1: Abstract UI Generation

  1. Automated Planning for User Interface Composition
    Yoann Gabillon, Mathieu Petit, Gaëlle Calvary, Humbert Fiorino
  2. Generating High-Level Interaction Models out of Ontologies
    Dominik Ertl, Hermann Kaindl, Edin Arnautovic, Jürgen Falb, Roman Popp
  3. Session 2: Applications

  4. Adaptive Presentation of Itineraries in Navigation Systems by Means of Semantic Models
    Daniel Münter, Tim Hussein
  5. SemSor: Combining Social and Semantic Web to Support the Analysis of Emergency Situations
    Philipp Heim, Dennis Thom, Thomas Ertl
  6. Interactive News Video Recommendation: An Example System
    Frank Hopfgartner
  7. A Context-Aware Proactive Controller for Smart Environments
    Frank Krüger, Gernot Ruscher, Sebastian Bader, Thomas Kirste
  8. Session 3: Creating Opportunities by Using Formal Models

  9. Towards Effective Collaborative Design and Engineering
    Stephan Lukosch, Gwendolyn Kolfschoten
  10. Graphs of Models for Exploring Design Spaces in the Engineering of Human Computer Interaction
    Alexandre Demeure, Dimitri Masson, Gaëlle Calvary
  11. A Formal Ontology on User Interfaces – Yet Another User Interface Description Language?
    Heiko Paulheim, Florian Probst
  12. Selected papers not presented during the Workshop

  13. Towards the User Confidence in Sensor-Rich Interactive Application Environment
    Ilkka Niskanen, Julia Kantorovitch, Vildjiounaite Elena
  14. Controlling Smart Environments using a Brain Computer Interface
    Gernot Ruscher, Frank Krüger, Sebastian Bader, Thomas Kirste
  15. Automated Ontology Evolution as a Basis for Adaptive Interactive Systems
    Elmar P. Wach

Complete proceedings in a single PDF file (~12.2 MB)

05-Jul-2011: submitted by Tim Hussein
05-Jul-2011: published on CEUR-WS.org